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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(17): e2217031120, 2023 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37071685


Quantum chaos has become a cornerstone of physics through its many applications. One trademark of quantum chaotic systems is the spread of local quantum information, which physicists call scrambling. In this work, we introduce a mathematical definition of scrambling and a resource theory to measure it. We also describe two applications of this theory. First, we use our resource theory to provide a bound on magic, a potential source of quantum computational advantage, which can be efficiently measured in experiment. Second, we also show that scrambling resources bound the success of Yoshida's black hole decoding protocol.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(36)2021 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34479998


Quantum error correction is an essential tool for reliably performing tasks for processing quantum information on a large scale. However, integration into quantum circuits to achieve these tasks is problematic when one realizes that nontransverse operations, which are essential for universal quantum computation, lead to the spread of errors. Quantum gate teleportation has been proposed as an elegant solution for this. Here, one replaces these fragile, nontransverse inline gates with the generation of specific, highly entangled offline resource states that can be teleported into the circuit to implement the nontransverse gate. As the first important step, we create a maximally entangled state between a physical and an error-correctable logical qubit and use it as a teleportation resource. We then demonstrate the teleportation of quantum information encoded on the physical qubit into the error-corrected logical qubit with fidelities up to 0.786. Our scheme can be designed to be fully fault tolerant so that it can be used in future large-scale quantum technologies.

Entropy (Basel) ; 26(1)2024 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38248192


To estimate the degree of quantum entanglement of random pure states, it is crucial to understand the statistical behavior of entanglement indicators such as the von Neumann entropy, quantum purity, and entanglement capacity. These entanglement metrics are functions of the spectrum of density matrices, and their statistical behavior over different generic state ensembles have been intensively studied in the literature. As an alternative metric, in this work, we study the sum of the square root spectrum of density matrices, which is relevant to negativity and fidelity in quantum information processing. In particular, we derive the finite-size mean and variance formulas of the sum of the square root spectrum over the Bures-Hall ensemble, extending known results obtained recently over the Hilbert-Schmidt ensemble.

Entropy (Basel) ; 26(8)2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39202152


Quantum private comparison (QPC) represents a cryptographic approach that enables two parties to determine whether their confidential data are equivalent, without disclosing the actual values. Most existing QPC protocols utilizing single photons or Bell states are considered highly feasible, but they suffer from inefficiency. To address this issue, we present a novel QPC protocol that capitalizes on the entanglement property of Bell states and local operations to meet the requirements of efficiency. In the proposed protocol, two participants with private inputs perform local operations on shared Bell states received from a semi-honest third party (STP). Afterward, the modified qubits are returned to the STP, who can then determine the equality of the private inputs and relay the results to the participants. A simulation on the IBM Quantum Cloud Platform confirmed the feasibility of our protocol, and a security analysis further demonstrated that the STP and both participants were unable to learn anything about the individual private inputs. In comparison to other QPC protocols, our proposed solution offers superior performance in terms of efficiency.

Rep Prog Phys ; 86(11)2023 Sep 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37722374


We review the mathematical speed limits on quantum information processing in many-body systems. After the proof of the Lieb-Robinson Theorem in 1972, the past two decades have seen substantial developments in its application to other questions, such as the simulatability of quantum systems on classical or quantum computers, the generation of entanglement, and even the properties of ground states of gapped systems. Moreover, Lieb-Robinson bounds have been extended in non-trivial ways, to demonstrate speed limits in systems with power-law interactions or interacting bosons, and even to prove notions of locality that arise in cartoon models for quantum gravity with all-to-all interactions. We overview the progress which has occurred, highlight the most promising results and techniques, and discuss some central outstanding questions which remain open. To help bring newcomers to the field up to speed, we provide self-contained proofs of the field's most essential results.

Rep Prog Phys ; 86(11)2023 Sep 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37699388


We review methods that allow one to detect and characterize quantum correlations in many-body systems, with a special focus on approaches which are scalable. Namely, those applicable to systems with many degrees of freedom, without requiring a number of measurements or computational resources to analyze the data that scale exponentially with the system size. We begin with introducing the concepts of quantum entanglement, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering, and Bell nonlocality in the bipartite scenario, to then present their multipartite generalization. We review recent progress on characterizing these quantum correlations from partial information on the system state, such as through data-driven methods or witnesses based on low-order moments of collective observables. We then review state-of-the-art experiments that demonstrate the preparation, manipulation and detection of highly-entangled many-body systems. For each platform (e.g. atoms, ions, photons, superconducting circuits) we illustrate the available toolbox for state preparation and measurement, emphasizing the challenges that each system poses. To conclude, we present a list of timely open problems in the field.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(20): 10715-10720, 2020 05 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32354991


Quantum Fourier analysis is a subject that combines an algebraic Fourier transform (pictorial in the case of subfactor theory) with analytic estimates. This provides interesting tools to investigate phenomena such as quantum symmetry. We establish bounds on the quantum Fourier transform F, as a map between suitably defined [Formula: see text] spaces, leading to an uncertainty principle for relative entropy. We cite several applications of quantum Fourier analysis in subfactor theory, in category theory, and in quantum information. We suggest a topological inequality, and we outline several open problems.

Int J Mol Sci ; 24(13)2023 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37446061


Fenna-Mathews-Olson complexes participate in the photosynthetic process of Sulfur Green Bacteria. These biological subsystems exhibit quantum features which possibly are responsible for their high efficiency; the latter may comprise multipartite entanglement and the apparent tunnelling of the initial quantum state. At first, to study these aspects, a multidisciplinary approach including experimental biology, spectroscopy, physics, and math modelling is required. Then, a global computer modelling analysis is achieved in the computational biology domain. The current work implements the Hierarchical Equations of Motion to numerically solve the open quantum system problem regarding this complex. The time-evolved states obtained with this method are then analysed under several measures of entanglement, some of them already proposed in the literature. However, for the first time, the maximum overlap with respect to the closest separable state is employed. This authentic multipartite entanglement measure provides information on the correlations, not only based on the system bipartitions as in the usual analysis. Our study has led us to note a different view of FMO multipartite entanglement as tiny contributions to the global entanglement suggested by other more basic measurements. Additionally, in another related trend, the initial state, considered as a Förster Resonance Energy Transfer, is tracked using a novel approach, considering how it could be followed under the fidelity measure on all possible permutations of the FMO subsystems through its dynamical evolution by observing the tunnelling in the most probable locations. Both analyses demanded significant computational work, making for a clear example of the complexity required in computational biology.

Proteínas de Bactérias , Chlorobi , Proteínas de Bactérias/química , Complexos de Proteínas Captadores de Luz/metabolismo , Transferência Ressonante de Energia de Fluorescência , Simulação por Computador , Teoria Quântica
Molecules ; 28(17)2023 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37687247


Cluster molecular magnets prove their potential for applications in quantum technologies, encouraging studies of quantum entanglement in spin systems. In the paper we discuss quantum entanglement properties of pentamer cluster composed of spins S=1/2 forming a tetrahedron with additional spin in its center, with geometry reproducing the smallest nonplanar graph. We model the system with isotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian including external magnetic field and use exact diagonalization approach to explore the ground-state phase diagram and thermodynamic properties within canonical ensemble formalism. We focus the interest on two-spin entanglement quantified by Wootters concurrence. For ground state, we find two states with total cluster spin equal to 3/2 exhibiting entanglement, occurring preferably for antiferromagnetic interactions. For finite temperatures, we predict the presence of magnetic-field-induced entanglement as well as temperature-induced entanglement.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(9)2023 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37761643


In this study, the security implications of utilizing the concept of entanglement in time in the quantum representation of a blockchain data structure are investigated. The analysis reveals that the fundamental idea underlying this representation relies on an uncertain interpretation of experimental results. A different perspective is provided by adopting the Copenhagen interpretation, which explains the observed correlations in the experiment without invoking the concept of entanglement in time. According to this interpretation, the qubits responsible for these correlations are not entangled, posing a challenge to the security foundation of the data structure. The study incorporates theoretical analysis, numerical simulations, and experiments using real quantum hardware. By employing a dedicated circuit for detecting genuine entanglement, the existence of entanglement in the process of generating a quantum blockchain is conclusively excluded.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(8)2023 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37628169


Since two quantum states that are local unitary (LU) equivalent have the same amount of entanglement, it is meaningful to find a practical method to determine the LU equivalence of given quantum states. In this paper, we present a valid process to find the unitary tensor product decomposition for an arbitrary unitary matrix. Then, by using this process, the conditions for determining the local unitary equivalence of quantum states are obtained. A numerical verification is carried out, which shows the practicability of our protocol. We also present a property of LU invariants by using the universality of quantum gates which can be used to construct the complete set of LU invariants.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(8)2023 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37628217


The existence of universal quantum computers has been theoretically well established. However, building up a real quantum computer system not only relies on the theory of universality, but also needs methods to satisfy requirements on other features, such as programmability, modularity, scalability, etc. To this end, here we study the recently proposed model of quantum von Neumann architecture by putting it in a practical and broader setting, namely, the hierarchical design of a computer system. We analyze the structures of quantum CPU and quantum control units and draw their connections with computational advantages. We also point out that a recent demonstration of our model would require less than 20 qubits.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(9)2023 Sep 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37761607


The quantum entanglement entropy of the electrons in a one-dimensional hydrogen molecule is quantified locally using an appropriate partitioning of the two-dimensional configuration space. Both the global and the local entanglement entropy exhibit a monotonic increase when increasing the inter-nuclear distance, while the local entropy remains peaked in the middle between the nuclei with its width decreasing. Our findings show that at the inter-nuclear distance where a stable hydrogen molecule is formed, the quantum entropy shows no peculiarity thus indicating that the entropy and the energy measures display different sensitivity with respect to the interaction between the two identical electrons involved. One possible explanation is that the calculation of the quantum entropy does not account explicitly for the distance between the nuclei, which contrasts to the total energy calculation where the energy minimum depends decisively on that distance. The numerically exact and the time-dependent quantum Monte Carlo calculations show close results.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(1)2023 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36673294


Quantum routers will provide for important functionality in emerging quantum networks, and the deployment of quantum routing in real networks will initially be realized on low-complexity (few-qubit) noisy quantum devices. A true working quantum router will represent a new application for quantum entanglement-the coherent superposition of multiple communication paths traversed by the same quantum signal. Most end-user benefits of this application are yet to be discovered, but a few important use-cases are now known. In this work, we investigate the deployment of quantum routing on low-complexity superconducting quantum devices. In such devices, we verify the quantum nature of the routing process as well as the preservation of the routed quantum signal. We also implement quantum random access memory, a key application of quantum routing, on these same devices. Our experiments then embed a five-qubit quantum error-correcting code within the router, outlining the pathway for error-corrected quantum routing. We detail the importance of the qubit-coupling map for a superconducting quantum device that hopes to act as a quantum router, and experimentally verify that optimizing the number of controlled-X gates decreases hardware errors that impact routing performance. Our results indicate that near-term realization of quantum routing using noisy superconducting quantum devices within real-world quantum networks is possible.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(3)2023 Mar 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36981343


Based on the classical dynamical entropy, the channel coding theorem is investigated. Attempts to extend the dynamical entropy to quantum systems have been made by several researchers In 1999, Kossakowski, Ohya and I introduced the quantum dynamical entropy (KOW entropy) for completely positive maps containing an automorphism describing the time evolution. Its formulation used transition expectations and lifting in the sense of Accardi and Ohya and was studied as a measure of the complexity of quantum mechanical systems. This KOW entropy allowed the extension of generalized AF (Alicki and Fannes) entropy and generalized AOW (Accardi, Ohya and Watanabe) entropy. In addition, the S-Mixing entropy and S-mixing mutual-entropy were formulated by Ohya in 1985. Compound states are an important tool for formulating mutual entropy, and the complexity was constructed by the generalized AOW entropy. In this paper, the complexity associated with the entangled compound states in the C* dynamical system based on the generalized AOW entropy based on the KOW entropy is investigated to lay the foundation for the proof of the theorem of channel coding for quantum systems. We show that the fundamental inequalities of the mutual entropy are satisfied when the initial state is transmitted over the channel changes with time.

Entropy (Basel) ; 26(1)2023 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38275490


The violation of a Leggett-Garg inequality confirms the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and the combined premises (called macro-realism) of macroscopic realism (MR) and noninvasive measurability (NIM). Arguments can be given that the incompatibility arises because MR fails for systems in a superposition of macroscopically distinct states-or else, that NIM fails. In this paper, we consider a strong negation of macro-realism, involving superpositions of coherent states, where the NIM premise is replaced by Bell's locality premise. We follow recent work and propose the validity of a subset of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) and Leggett-Garg premises, referred to as weak macroscopic realism (wMR). In finding consistency with wMR, we identify that the Leggett-Garg inequalities are violated because of failure of both MR and NIM, but also that both are valid in a weaker (less restrictive) sense. Weak MR is distinguished from deterministic macroscopic realism (dMR) by recognizing that a measurement involves a reversible unitary interaction that establishes the measurement setting. Weak MR posits that a predetermined value for the outcome of a measurement can be attributed to the system after the interaction, when the measurement setting is experimentally specified. An extended definition of wMR considers the "element of reality" defined by EPR for system A, where one can predict with certainty the outcome of a measurement on A by performing a measurement on system B. Weak MR posits that this element of reality exists once the unitary interaction determining the measurement setting at B has occurred. We demonstrate compatibility of systems violating Leggett-Garg inequalities with wMR but point out that dMR has been shown to be falsifiable. Other tests of wMR are proposed, the predictions of wMR agreeing with quantum mechanics. Finally, we compare wMR with macro-realism models discussed elsewhere. An argument in favour of wMR is presented: wMR resolves a potential contradiction pointed out by Leggett and Garg between failure of macro-realism and assumptions intrinsic to quantum measurement theory.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(12)2023 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38136452


The future quantum internet will leverage existing communication infrastructures, including deployed optical fibre networks, to enable novel applications that outperform current information technology. In this scenario, we perform a feasibility study of quantum communications over an industrial 224 km submarine optical fibre link deployed between Southport in the United Kingdom (UK) and Portrane in the Republic of Ireland (IE). With a characterisation of phase drift, polarisation stability and the arrival time of entangled photons, we demonstrate the suitability of the link to enable international UK-IE quantum communications for the first time.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(14): 6689-6694, 2019 04 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30898887


Given a quantum many-body system with few-body interactions, how rapidly can quantum information be hidden during time evolution? The fast-scrambling conjecture is that the time to thoroughly mix information among N degrees of freedom grows at least logarithmically in N. We derive this inequality for generic quantum systems at infinite temperature, bounding the scrambling time by a finite decay time of local quantum correlations at late times. Using Lieb-Robinson bounds, generalized Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, and random unitary circuits, we propose that a logarithmic scrambling time can be achieved in most quantum systems with sparse connectivity. These models also elucidate how quantum chaos is not universally related to scrambling: We construct random few-body circuits with infinite Lyapunov exponent but logarithmic scrambling time. We discuss analogies between quantum models on graphs and quantum black holes and suggest methods to experimentally study scrambling with as many as 100 sparsely connected quantum degrees of freedom.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(10): 4147-4155, 2019 Mar 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30770451


We present an approach to describe state-of-the-art photonic quantum experiments using graph theory. There, the quantum states are given by the coherent superpositions of perfect matchings. The crucial observation is that introducing complex weights in graphs naturally leads to quantum interference. This viewpoint immediately leads to many interesting results, some of which we present here. First, we identify an experimental unexplored multiphoton interference phenomenon. Second, we find that computing the results of such experiments is #P-hard, which means it is a classically intractable problem dealing with the computation of a matrix function Permanent and its generalization Hafnian. Third, we explain how a recent no-go result applies generally to linear optical quantum experiments, thus revealing important insights into quantum state generation with current photonic technology. Fourth, we show how to describe quantum protocols such as entanglement swapping in a graphical way. The uncovered bridge between quantum experiments and graph theory offers another perspective on a widely used technology and immediately raises many follow-up questions.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(14): 6684-6688, 2019 04 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30872476


Quantum entanglement is one of the most extraordinary effects in quantum physics, with many applications in the emerging field of quantum information science. In particular, it provides the foundation for quantum key distribution (QKD), which promises a conceptual leap in information security. Entanglement-based QKD holds great promise for future applications owing to the possibility of device-independent security and the potential of establishing global-scale quantum repeater networks. While other approaches to QKD have already reached the level of maturity required for operation in absence of typical laboratory infrastructure, comparable field demonstrations of entanglement-based QKD have not been performed so far. Here, we report on the successful distribution of polarization-entangled photon pairs between Malta and Sicily over 96 km of submarine optical telecommunications fiber. We observe around 257 photon pairs per second, with a polarization visibility above 90%. Our results show that QKD based on polarization entanglement is now indeed viable in long-distance fiber links. This field demonstration marks the longest-distance distribution of entanglement in a deployed telecommunications network and demonstrates an international submarine quantum communication channel. This opens up myriad possibilities for future experiments and technological applications using existing infrastructure.

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