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Foods ; 13(17)2024 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39272449


Dehydrated integral forage palm cladode flour (FPF) presents a promising nutritional and functional approach to enriching fettuccine-type pasta. This study investigated the use of microwave-dehydrated FPF (at 810 W) as a partial wheat flour substitute (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% w/w) in fresh and dry fettuccine-type pasta. The thermomechanical properties of flour blends and the technological and sensory attributes of the resulting pasta were evaluated. FPF displayed a high protein (15.80%), mineral (15.13%), dietary fiber (67.35%), and total soluble phenolic compound (251 mg EAG·100 g-1) content. While water absorption (~58%) and dough stability remained consistent across formulations, a decrease in maximum torque during heating was observed (p < 0.05). Fettuccine-type pasta containing 10% FPF exhibited an acceptable optimal cooking time, solid loss, weight gain, and textural properties for both fresh and dry pasta. Sensory evaluation revealed acceptability above 63% for pasta with 10% FPF, with a slight preference for the fresh version. Fresh pasta flavored with garlic and extra virgin olive oil (garlic and oil pasta) achieved a sensory acceptance rate of 79.67%. These findings demonstrate the potential of FPF for fettuccine-type pasta production, contributing desirable technological characteristics and achieving acceptable sensory profiles.

Foods ; 12(20)2023 Oct 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37893683


Due to the increasing interest in sorghum for human nutrition, recent literature reviews highlight its nutrient and bioactive contents, potential health benefits and its 'gluten-free' feature. Moreover, a current view of research advances on sorghum-based food products is needed to help both food scientists and industry identify current trends and forward-looking approaches. Studies on homemade processing are still scarce. Thus, this review aimed to provide the latest information regarding the use of sorghum to develop ready-to-eat products or food ingredients based on studies published in the last decade (2012-2022), which then guided discussions on recent advances and prospects. The articles were identified by searching the Elsevier Scopus database. Sorghum has great potential as a functional and sustainable food that can be used in daily meals as a substitute for common cereals like wheat, rice and corn. The studies in the review show that it is possible to process sorghum in a wide variety of ways to obtain ready-to-eat products and ingredients for food products and preparations, such as popping, lamination, extrusion and wet cooking. The studies also show promising approaches to use sorghum in acceptable and nutrient-dense bakery and pasta products, highlighting their gluten-free versions. However, more efforts to make these novel food products available to consumers should be made.

Foods ; 11(6)2022 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35327270


The study aimed to define the ideal proportions of pseudocereal flours (PF) in sensory-accepted gluten-free bread (GFB) formulations. The characteristics of GFB developed with PF (amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa) were verified through a mixture design and response surface methodology. Three simplex-centroid designs were studied to analyze the effects of each PF and their interactions with potato starch (PS), and rice flour (RF) on GFB's physical and sensory characteristics, each design producing three single, three binary and six ternary GFB formulations. Results showed that using PF alone resulted in unacceptable GFB. However, the interactions between PF and RF improved the loaf specific volume and the crumb softness and also enhanced appearance, color, odor, texture, flavor, and overall liking. Moreover, the composite formulations prepared with 50% PF and 50% RF (flour basis) presented physical properties and acceptability scores like those of white GFB, prepared with 100% RF or a 50% RF + 50% PS blend (flour basis). Maximum proportions of PF to obtain well-accepted GFB (scores ≥7 for all evaluated attributes on a 10-cm hybrid hedonic scale) were defined at 60% for amaranth flour (AF), 85% for buckwheat flour (BF), and 82% for quinoa flour (QF) in blends with RF.

Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 40(3): 352-360, set. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-881853


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sensory acceptance and glycemic response of fresh tagliarini pasta made with passion fruit peel flour. METHODOLOGY: passion fruit peels were dried in the temperatures of 45 °C, 50 °C, and 55 °C, in triplicate. After triturated in a blender the lighter flour was submitted to chemical composition and microbial analyzes. Two recipes were then processed; one containing 25% and another with 35% of passion fruit peel flour. The other ingredients were: white wheat flour, egg, olive oil and water. After homogenization the mixes were worked in a cylinder and cut to obtain the tagliarini form. After cooking them, both tagliarini pastas passed through a sensory test with 130 untrained volunteers. The best formulation was selected for a glycemic response test, in which 20 volunteers received the equivalent of 50 g of carbohydrate; blood glucose levels were measured in the premeal and postprandial periods. RESULTS: The chemical composition analysis showed that fiber was the main flour component, and moisture content and microbiological quality were in compliance with the current legislation. The most accepted formulation (25%) was applied in a glycemic response test. The baseline blood glucose in the experimental group was 93.1 ± 5.31 mg/dL, while the control group was 90.55 ± 8.95 mg/dL. Thirty minutes after consuming the blood glucose, the average in the experimental group was 97.0 ± 9.8 mg/dL and remained constant until 2 hours following the pasta consumption. These values were significantly lower than the average blood glucose measured in the control group after 30 and 60 minutes. This group presented an increase in 19.8 ± 10.1 mg/dL and in 17.8 ± 14.5 mg/dL, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that passion fruit peel flour can be used in pasta in order to nutritionally fortify the product and help in the glycemic control

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a aceitação sensorial e resposta glicêmica de massa fresca tipo talharim formulada com farinha da casca do maracujá. METODOLOGIA: Cascas de maracujá foram desidratadas nas temperaturas de 45 °C, 50 °C e 55 °C, em triplicata, após trituração em liquidificador; a farinha de coloração mais clara foi submetida às análises de determinação da composição centesimal e microbiológica. Duas formulações de massas foram processadas por meio da mistura dos ingredientes: farinha de trigo sem fermento, ovo, farinha de maracujá nas proporções de 25% ou 35%, azeite e água. Depois da homogeneização, a mistura foi passada em cilindro para extrusão e, em seguida, cortada para obter a forma do talharim. Depois da cocção, as duas massas tipo talharim foram submetidas a teste sensorial com 130 provadores não treinados. A formulação de melhor aceitação foi selecionada para pesquisa da resposta glicêmica, na qual 20 voluntários receberam uma porção com o equivalente a 50 g de carboidrato; a glicemia foi aferida nos períodos pré-prandial e pós-prandial. RESULTADOS: As análises de composição química mostraram as fibras como principal componente, com umidade e qualidade microbiológica adequados à legislação vigente. A formulação de melhor aceitação (25%) foi aplicada para o teste glicêmico. A glicemia basal do grupo experimental foi 93,1 ± 5,31 mg/dL, e a do grupo controle 90,55 ± 8,95 mg/dL. Trinta minutos após a ingestão, a média do grupo experimental foi de 97,0 ± 9,8 mg/dL, mantendo-se constante até 2 horas depois. Esses valores foram mais baixos do que as médias aferidas no grupo controle após 30 e 60 minutos, sendo que esse grupo apresentou um incremento glicêmico de 19,8 ± 10,16 mg/dL e de 17,8 ± 14,49 mg/dL, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados encontrados sugerem que farinha da casca do maracujá pode ser aplicada em massas alimentícias para auxiliar no controle glicêmico

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Índice Glicêmico , Passiflora/metabolismo , Passiflora/fisiologia , Massas Alimentícias