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Phytopathology ; 111(9): 1500-1508, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33487022


Using the correct name for phytopathogenic fungi and oomycetes is essential for communicating knowledge about species and their biology, control, and quarantine as well as for trade and research purposes. However, many plant pathogenic fungi are pleomorphic, meaning they produce different asexual (anamorph) and sexual (teleomorph) morphs in their life cycles. Therefore, more than one name has been applied to different morphs of the same species, which has confused users. The onset of DNA technologies makes it possible to connect different morphs of the same species, resulting in a move to a more natural classification system for fungi in which a single name for a genus and species can now be used. This move to a single nomenclature, coupled with the advent of molecular systematics and the introduction of polythetic taxonomic approaches, has been the main driving force for a reclassification of fungi, including pathogens. Nonetheless, finding the correct name for species remains challenging. In this article we outline a series of steps or considerations to greatly simplify this process and provide links to various online databases and resources to aid in determining the correct name. Additionally, a list of accurate names is provided for the most common genera and species of phytopathogenic fungi.[Formula: see text] Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Fungos , Doenças das Plantas
IMA Fungus ; 7(1): 1-7, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27433437


In advancing to one scientific name for each fungus species, a number of name changes are required especially for plant-associated fungi. These include species names that are not in the correct genus. For example, the generic name Elsinoë is used for fungi causing scab diseases but a number of these species were described in the asexually typified genus Sphaceloma and must be placed in Elsinoë. In other cases species names were determined to be unrelated to the type species of the genus in which they are currently placed and are placed in a more appropriate genus. For each new name the history, rationale and importance of the name is discussed. The following new combinations are made: Acanthohelicospora aurea, A. scopula, Bifusella ahmadii, Botryobasidium capitatum, B. rubiginosum, Colletotrichum magnum, Crandallia acuminata, C. antarctica, Elsinoë arachadis, E. freyliniae, E. necator, E. perseae, E. poinsettiae, E. punicae, Entyloma gibbum, Harknessia farinosa, Passalora alocasiae, Protoventuria veronicae, Pseudocercosporella ranunculi, Psiloglonium stygium, Ramularia pseudomaculiformis, Seimatosporium tostum, Thielaviopsis radicicola combs. nov., and Venturia effusa.

IMA Fungus ; 7(2): 289-308, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27990336


With the change to one scientific name for fungal species, numerous papers have been published with recommendations for use or protection of competing generic names in major groups of ascomycetes. Although genera in each group of fungi were carefully considered, some competing generic names were overlooked. This paper makes recommendations for additional competing genera not considered in previous papers. Chairs of relevant Working Groups of the ICTF were consulted in the development of these recommendations. A number of generic names need protection, specifically Amarenographium over Amarenomyces, Amniculicola over Anguillospora, Balansia over Ephelis, Claviceps over Sphacelia, Drepanopeziza over Gloeosporidiella and Gloeosporium, Golovinomyces over Euoidium, Holwaya over Crinium, Hypocrella over Aschersonia, Labridella over Griphosphaerioma, Metacapnodium over Antennularia, and Neonectria over Cylindrocarpon and Heliscus. The following new combinations are made: Amniculicola longissima, Atichia maunauluana, Diaporthe columnaris, D. liquidambaris, D. longiparaphysata, D. palmicola, D. tersa, Elsinoë bucidae, E.caricae, E. choisyae, E. paeoniae, E. psidii, E. zorniae, Eupelte shoemakeri, Godronia myrtilli, G. raduloides, Sarcinella mirabilis, S. pulchra, Schizothyrium jamaicense, and Trichothallus niger. Finally, one new species name, Diaporthe azadirachte, is introduced to validate an earlier name, and the conservation of Discula with a new type, D. destructiva, is recommended.