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Phys Rev Lett ; 129(13): 130501, 2022 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36206427


We present a method for achieving high fidelity state preparation and measurement (SPAM) using trapped ion hyperfine qubits with nuclear spins higher than I=1/2. The ground states of these higher nuclear spin isotopes do not afford a simple frequency-selective state preparation scheme. We circumvent this limitation by stroboscopically driving strong and weak transitions, blending fast optical pumping using dipole transitions, and narrow microwave or optical quadrupole transitions. We demonstrate this method with the I=3/2 isotope ^{137}Ba^{+} to achieve a SPAM infidelity of (9.0±1.3)×10^{-5} (-40.5±0.6 dB), facilitating the use of a wider range of ion isotopes with favorable wavelengths and masses for quantum computation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(13): 130401, 2021 Sep 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34623847


The scope of analog simulation in atomic, molecular, and optical systems has expanded greatly over the past decades. Recently, the idea of synthetic dimensions-in which transport occurs in a space spanned by internal or motional states coupled by field-driven transitions-has played a key role in this expansion. While approaches based on synthetic dimensions have led to rapid advances in single-particle Hamiltonian engineering, strong interaction effects have been conspicuously absent from most synthetic dimensions platforms. Here, in a lattice of coupled atomic momentum states, we show that atomic interactions result in large and qualitative changes to dynamics in the synthetic dimension. We explore how the interplay of nonlinear interactions and coherent tunneling enriches the dynamics of a one-band tight-binding model giving rise to macroscopic self-trapping and phase-driven Josephson dynamics with a nonsinusoidal current-phase relationship, which can be viewed as stemming from a nonlinear band structure arising from interactions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(4): 040603, 2021 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33576679


Using synthetic lattices of laser-coupled atomic momentum modes, we experimentally realize a recently proposed family of nearest-neighbor tight-binding models having quasiperiodic site energy modulation that host an exact mobility edge protected by a duality symmetry. These one-dimensional tight-binding models can be viewed as a generalization of the well-known Aubry-André model, with an energy-dependent self-duality condition that constitutes an analytical mobility edge relation. By adiabatically preparing low and high energy eigenstates of this model system and performing microscopic measurements of their participation ratio, we track the evolution of the mobility edge as the energy-dependent density of states is modified by the model's tuning parameter. Our results show strong deviations from single-particle predictions, consistent with attractive interactions causing both enhanced localization of the lowest energy state due to self-trapping and inhibited localization of high energy states due to screening. This study paves the way for quantitative studies of interaction effects on self-duality induced mobility edges.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(4): 040407, 2018 Jan 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29437415


We study the influence of atomic interactions on quantum simulations in momentum-space lattices (MSLs), where driven transitions between discrete momentum states mimic transport between sites of a synthetic lattice. Low-energy atomic collisions, which are short ranged in real space, relate to nearly infinite-ranged interactions in momentum space. However, the added exchange energy between atoms in distinguishable momentum states leads to an effectively attractive, finite-ranged interaction between atoms in momentum space. In this Letter, we observe the onset of self-trapping driven by such interactions in a momentum-space double well, paving the way for more complex many-body studies in tailored MSLs. We consider the types of phenomena that may result from these interactions, including the formation of chiral solitons in zigzag flux lattices.

Science ; 362(6417): 929-933, 2018 11 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30309909


Topology and disorder have a rich combined influence on quantum transport. To probe their interplay, we synthesized one-dimensional chiral symmetric wires with controllable disorder via spectroscopic Hamiltonian engineering, based on the laser-driven coupling of discrete momentum states of ultracold atoms. Measuring the bulk evolution of a topological indicator after a sudden quench, we observed the topological Anderson insulator phase, in which added disorder drives the band structure of a wire from topologically trivial to nontrivial. In addition, we observed the robustness of topologically nontrivial wires to weak disorder and measured the transition to a trivial phase in the presence of strong disorder. Atomic interactions in this quantum simulation platform may enable realizations of strongly interacting topological fluids.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 325, 2017 08 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28835606


Ultracold atoms in optical lattices offer a unique platform for investigating disorder-driven phenomena. While static disordered site potentials have been explored in a number of experiments, a more general, dynamical control over site-energy and off-diagonal tunnelling disorder has been lacking. The use of atomic quantum states as synthetic dimensions has introduced the spectroscopic, site-resolved control necessary to engineer more tailored realisations of disorder. Here, we present explorations of dynamical and tunneling disorder in an atomic system by controlling laser-driven dynamics of atomic population in a momentum-space lattice. By applying static tunnelling phase disorder to a one-dimensional lattice, we observe ballistic quantum spreading. When the applied disorder fluctuates on time scales comparable to intersite tunnelling, we instead observe diffusive atomic transport, signalling a crossover from quantum to classical expansion dynamics. We compare these observations to the case of static site-energy disorder, where we directly observe quantum localisation.Cold atom quantum simulation has had challenges in realising the tailored, dynamic types of disorder relevant to real materials. Here, the authors use synthetic momentum-space lattices to engineer spatially and dynamically controlled disorder to observe ballistic, diffusive, and arrested atomic transport.

Sci Adv ; 3(4): e1602685, 2017 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28439552


The prospect of studying topological matter with the precision and control of atomic physics has driven the development of many techniques for engineering artificial magnetic fields and spin-orbit interactions. Recently, the idea of introducing nontrivial topology through the use of internal (or external) atomic states as effective "synthetic dimensions" has garnered attraction for its versatility and possible immunity from heating. We engineer tunable gauge fields through the local control of tunneling phases in an effective two-dimensional manifold of discrete atomic momentum states. We demonstrate the ability to create homogeneous gauge fields of arbitrary value, directly imaging the site-resolved dynamics of induced chiral currents. Furthermore, we engineer the first inhomogeneous artificial gauge fields for cold atoms, observing the magnetic reflection of atoms incident upon a step-like variation of an artificial vector potential. These results open new possibilities for the study of topological phases and localization phenomena in atomic gases.

Nat Commun ; 7: 13986, 2016 12 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28008924


The Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, which captures the most striking transport properties of the conductive organic polymer trans-polyacetylene, provides perhaps the most basic model system supporting topological excitations. The alternating bond pattern of polyacetylene chains is captured by the bipartite sublattice structure of the SSH model, emblematic of one-dimensional chiral symmetric topological insulators. This structure supports two distinct nontrivial topological phases, which, when interfaced with one another or with a topologically trivial phase, give rise to topologically protected, dispersionless boundary states. Here, using 87Rb atoms in a momentum-space lattice, we realize fully tunable condensed matter Hamiltonians, allowing us to probe the dynamics and equilibrium properties of the SSH model. We report on the experimental quantum simulation of this model and observation of the localized topological soliton state through quench dynamics, phase-sensitive injection, and adiabatic preparation.