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J Great Lakes Res ; 48(4): 1104-1120, 2022 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37961050


Revitalization of natural capital amenities at the Great Lakes waterfront can result from sediment remediation, habitat restoration, climate resilience projects, brownfield reuse, economic redevelopment and other efforts. Practical indicators are needed to assess the socioeconomic and cultural benefits of these investments. We compiled U.S. census-tract scale data for five Great Lakes communities: Duluth/Superior, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Cleveland. We downloaded data from the US Census Bureau, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and non-governmental organizations. We compiled a final set of 19 objective human well-being (HWB) metrics and 26 metrics representing attributes of natural and seminatural amenities (natural capital). We rated the reliability of metrics according to their consistency of correlations with metric of the other type (HWB vs. natural capital) at the census-tract scale, how often they were correlated in the expected direction, strength of correlations, and other attributes. Among the highest rated HWB indicators were measures of mean health, mental health, home ownership, home value, life success, and educational attainment. Highest rated natural capital metrics included tree cover and impervious surface metrics, walkability, density of recreational amenities, and shoreline type. Two sociodemographic covariates, household income and population density, had a strong influence on the associations between HWB and natural capital and must be included in any assessment of change in HWB benefits in the waterfront setting. Our findings are a starting point for applying objective HWB and natural capital indicators in a waterfront revitalization context.

J Great Lakes Res ; 46(5): 1469-1478, 2020 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33424103


Underwater video is increasingly used to study aspects of the Great Lakes benthos including the abundance of round goby and dreissenid mussels. The introduction of these two species have resulted in major ecological shifts in the Great Lakes, but the species and their impacts have heretofore been underassessed due to limitations of monitoring methods. Underwater video (UVID) can "sample" hard bottom sites where grab samplers cannot. Efficient use of UVID data requires affordable and accurate classification and analysis tools. Deep Lake Explorer (DLE) is a web application developed to support crowdsourced classification of UVID collected in the Great Lakes. Volunteers (i.e., the crowd) used DLE to classify 199 videos collected in the Niagara River, Lake Huron, and Lake Ontario for the following attributes: round goby, Dreissena, and aquatic vegetation presence, and dominant substrate type. We compared DLE classification results to expert classification of the same videos to evaluate accuracy. Depending on the attribute, DLE had 77% (hard substrate) to 90% (vegetation presence) agreement with expert classification of videos. Detection rates, or the number of videos with an attribute detected by both volunteers and an expert divided by the number where only the expert detected the attribute, ranged from 62% (hard substrate) to 95% (soft substrate) depending on the attribute. Many factors affected accuracy, including video quality in the application, video processing, abundance of species of interest, volunteer experience, and task complexity. Crowdsourcing tools like DLE can increase timeliness and decrease costs but may come with tradeoffs in accuracy and completeness.

J Great Lakes Res ; 45(5): 851-863, 2019 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33235405


Cleanup of Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs) restores environmental benefits to waterfront communities and is an essential condition for revitalization. We define waterfront revitalization as policies or actions in terrestrial waterfront or adjacent aquatic areas that promote improvements in human socioeconomic well-being while protecting or improving the natural capital (the stocks of natural assets, biodiversity) that underlies all environmental, social, and economic benefits. Except for economic measures such as development investments, visitation rates, or commercial activity, evidence of waterfront revitalization in the Great Lakes is mostly anecdotal. We offer a perspective on waterfront revitalization that links indicators and metrics of sustainable revitalization to community goals and human beneficiaries. We compiled environmental, social, economic, and governance indicators and metrics of revitalization, many of which are based on or inspired by Great Lakes AOC case studies and community reutilization or sustainability plans. We highlight the role of indicators in avoiding unintended consequences of revitalization including environmental degradation and social inequity. Revitalization indicators can be used in planning for comparing alternative designs, and to track restoration progress. The relevancy of specific indicators and metrics will always depend on the local context.

J Great Lakes Res ; 45(5): 901-911, 2019 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38269032


We conducted a probabilistic water quality assessment of two Great Lakes connecting channels, the St. Marys River, and the Lake Huron-Lake Erie Corridor (HEC) in 2014-2015. We compared the condition of the channels to each other and to the up- and down-river Great Lakes with data from an assessment of the Great Lakes nearshore conducted in 2015. We assessed the condition of each channel as good, fair, or poor by applying the most protective water quality thresholds for the down-channel lake. Condition in the St. Marys River rated mostly fair for total phosphorus (TP) and mostly good for chlorophyll a, and area-weighted mean concentrations were intermediate to nearshore Lake Superior and Lake Huron. A large proportion of the area of the St. Marys River was in poor condition for water clarity based on Secchi depth; while nearshore Lakes Superior and Huron were mostly in good condition for water clarity. Area-weighted mean concentrations of TP and chlorophyll a in the HEC were more like nearshore Lake Huron than Lake Erie. For those indicators, most of the area of the HEC was rated good. The HEC appears more degraded when Lake Huron thresholds are applied rather than Lake Erie thresholds. Appropriate thresholds for the connecting channels should align with assessment objectives and be at least as protective as thresholds for the down-channel lake. Future iterations of this assessment will allow evaluation of water quality trends in the connecting channels.

Ecol Indic ; 93: 1005-1019, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30598638


Lakes provide recreational benefits related to water quality. Using data from the 2007 and 2012 United States National Lake Assessments (N=2067 lake visits), we developed indicators for three benefits: swimming, general recreational value, and aesthetic appeal. For two combined ecoregions ("Mountains" and "Plains") we related objective measures of water clarity, including Secchi depth, turbidity, and water-column chlorophyll-a concentration to subjective visual assessments of recreational benefit quality. There were significant associations between water clarity measures and visual assessments from which we derived water-clarity based thresholds between benefit quality classes (exceptional, high, low, marginal) for each benefit type. More variation in Secchi depth and turbidity was explained by benefit quality than was variation in chlorophyll-a. Threshold values were different between combined ecoregions. Compared to lakes in the Mountains ecoregion, recreational users of Plains lakes have lower expectations for water clarity. Thresholds were generally in accord with water clarity thresholds and guidance derived from published regional studies. Including indicators of the quality of benefits humans receive from lakes in assessments of lake conditions can increase public participation in decision-making and reveal changes in benefit quality over time.

J Great Lakes Res ; 44(2): 340-351, 2018 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29910532


Relative valuation of potentially affected ecosystem benefits can increase the legitimacy and social acceptance of ecosystem restoration projects. As an alternative or supplement to traditional methods of deriving beneficiary preference, we downloaded from social media and classified ≈21,000 photographs taken in two Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOC), the St. Louis River and the Milwaukee Estuary. Our motivating presumption was that the act of taking a photograph constitutes some measure of the photographer's individual preference for, or choice of, the depicted subject matter among myriad possible subject matter. Overall, 17% of photos downloaded from the photo-sharing sites Flickr, Instagram, and Panoramio depicted an ecosystem benefit of the AOC. Percent of photographs depicting a benefit and the photographs' subject matter varied between AOCs and among photo-sharing sites. Photos shared on Instagram were less user-gender biased than other photo-sharing sites and depicted active recreation (e.g., trail use) more frequently than passive recreation (e.g., landscape viewing). Local users shared more photos depicting a benefit than non-local users. The spatial distribution of photograph locations varied between photos depicting and not depicting a benefit, and identified areas within AOCs from which few photographs were shared. As a source of beneficiary preference information, we think Instagram has some advantages over the other photo-sharing sites. When combined with other information, spatially-explicit relative valuation derived from aggregate social preference can be translated into information and knowledge useful for Great Lakes restoration decision making.

J Great Lakes Res ; 43(1): 108-120, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30713363


We compiled macroinvertebrate data collected from 1995 to 2014 from the St. Louis River Area of Concern (AOC) of Lake Superior. Our objective was to define depth-adjusted cutoff values for benthos condition classes to provide an analytical tool for quantifying progress toward achieving removal targets for the degraded benthos beneficial use impairment. We used quantile regression to model the limiting effect of depth on selected benthos metrics, including taxa richness, percent non-oligochaete individuals, combined percent Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Odonata individuals, and density of ephemerid mayfly nymphs (Hexagenia). We created a scaled trimetric index from the first three metrics. Metric values above the 75th percentile quantile regression model prediction were defined as being in relatively excellent condition in the context of the degraded beneficial use impairment for that depth. We set the cutoff between good and fair condition as the 50th percentile model prediction, and we set the cutoff between fair and poor condition as the 25th percentile model prediction. We examined sampler type, geographic zone, and substrate type for confounding effects. Based on these analyses we combined data across sampler types and created separate models for each of three geographic zone. We used the resulting condition-class cutoff values to determine the relative benthic condition for three adjacent habitat restoration project areas. The depth-limited pattern of ephemerid abundance we observed in the St. Louis River AOC also occurred elsewhere in the Great Lakes. We provide tabulated model predictions for application of our depth-adjusted condition class cutoff values to new sample data.

Fishes ; 3(1): 1-6, 2018 Jan 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29683143


Neogobius melanostomus, the round goby, was recorded by underwater video feeding on crushed dreissenid mussels at a depth of 12 m in Georgian Bay of Lake Huron, a Laurentian Great Lake. In the video, gobies used rotational or twist feeding to tear away particles from crushed mussels. At least 43 examples of this feeding maneuver occur in the video. Up to 120 gobies m-2 were visible at a time in the video. Mean standard length of gobies appearing in the video was 37 mm. Mean standard length of fish exhibiting twist feeding was larger, 48 mm. Mean size of intact mussels in visible clusters was about 10×20 mm, a size which exceeds the gape width of the largest gobies observed in the video. Neogobius melanostomus is known to use twisting to wrest small attached mussels from the substrates which can be crushed by their pharyngeal teeth. I surmise that the behavior observed in the video is an opportunistic manifestation of this inherent behavioral adaptation to overcome gap limitation and exploit a temporary windfall of food.

PLoS One ; 9(5): e98046, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24871329


We analyzed angling catch records for 341,959 muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) from North America to test for a cyclic lunar influence on the catch. Using periodic regression, we showed that the number caught was strongly related to the 29-day lunar cycle, and the effect was consistent across most fisheries. More muskellunge were caught around the full and new moon than at other times. At night, more muskellunge were caught around the full moon than the new moon. The predicted maximum relative effect was ≈5% overall. Anglers fishing exclusively on the peak lunar day would, on average, catch 5% more muskellunge than anglers fishing on random days. On some lakes and at night, the maximum relative effect was higher. We obtained angler effort data for Wisconsin, Mille Lacs (MN), and Lake Vermilion (MN). For Lake Vermilion there was a significant effect of the lunar cycle on angler effort. We could therefore not conclude that the lunar effect on catch was due to an effect on fish behavior alone. Several factors affected the amount of variation explained by the lunar cycle. The lunar effect was stronger for larger muskellunge (>102 cm) than for smaller fish, stronger in midsummer than in June or October, and stronger for fish caught at high latitudes (>48°N) than for fish caught further south. There was no difference in the lunar effect between expert and novice muskellunge anglers. We argue that this variation is evidence that the effect of the lunar cycle on catch is mediated by biological factors and is not due solely to angler effort and reflects lunar synchronization in feeding. This effect has been attributed to variation among moon phases in lunar illumination, but our results do not support that hypothesis for angler-caught muskellunge.

Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Esocidae/fisiologia , Pesqueiros/métodos , Lagos , Lua , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Minnesota , Análise de Regressão , Estações do Ano , Wisconsin
Environ Monit Assess ; 103(1-3): 5-20, 2005 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15861984


The science and practice of assessing the status and trends of ecological conditions in great rivers have not kept pace with perturbation wrought on these systems. Participants at a symposium sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Council of State Governments concluded that useful and efficient assessments of great river ecosystems require thoughtful alignment of sampling designs, spatial and temporal scales, indicators, management needs, and ecosystem characteristics. Site-specific physical, chemical, and biological data long accumulated by monitoring programs have value but fail to provide the integrated system-wide perspective required for adaptive management and the Clean Water Act. Use of existing data may be limited by methodological incompatibilities, access difficulties, and the exclusive applicability of data to specific habitats or sites. The transition from site-specific to system-wide assessments benefits from research being done by USEPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) and other programs that use probability surveys and biological indicators. Indicators of various taxa (in particular fish, algae, and benthic invertebrates) have been successfully developed for great rivers. However, optimizing the information these ecological indicators convey to managers and the public is the subject of ongoing research.

Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental , Rios , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Estados Unidos , United States Environmental Protection Agency
Environ Monit Assess ; 103(1-3): 21-40, 2005 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15861985


Most Great River ecosystems (GREs) are extensively modified and are not receiving adequate protection to prevent further habitat degradation and loss of biotic integrity. In the United States, ecological monitoring and assessment of GREs has lagged behind streams and estuaries, and the management of GREs is hampered by the lack of unbiased data at appropriate spatial scales. Properties of GREs that make them challenging to monitor and assess include difficult sample logistics and high habitat diversity. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) has developed a comprehensive, regional-scale, survey-based monitoring approach to assessment of streams and estuaries, but has not yet conducted research on applying these tools to GRE monitoring. In this paper we present an overview of an EMAP research project on the Upper Missouri River (UMR). We summarize the assessment objectives for the study, the design for selecting sample locations, the indicators measured at these sites and the tools used to analyze data. We present an example of the type of statements that can be made with EMAP monitoring data. With modification, the set of methodologies developed by EMAP may be well suited for assessment of GREs in general.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Rios , Meio Ambiente , Monitoramento Ambiental/normas , Montana , North Dakota , População , South Dakota