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J Am Water Resour Assoc ; 54: 346-371, 2018 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34887654


We reviewed the scientific literature on non-floodplain wetlands (NFWs), freshwater wetlands typically located distal to riparian and floodplain systems, to determine hydrological, physical, and chemical functioning and stream and river network connectivity. We assayed the literature for source, sink, lag, and transformation functions, as well as factors affecting connectivity. We determined NFWs are important landscape components, hydrologically, physically, and chemically affecting downstream aquatic systems. NFWs are hydrologic and chemical sources for other waters, hydrologically connecting across long distances and contributing compounds such as methylated mercury and dissolved organic matter. NFWs reduced flood peaks and maintained baseflows in stream and river networks through hydrologic lag and sink functions, and sequestered or assimilated substantial nutrient inputs through chemical sink and transformative functions. Landscape-scale connectivity of NFWs affects water and material fluxes to downstream river networks, substantially modifying the characteristics and function of downstream waters. Many factors determine the effects of NFW hydrological, physical, and chemical functions on downstream systems, and additional research quantifying these factors and impacts is warranted. We conclude NFWs are hydrologically, chemically, and physically interconnected with stream and river networks though this connectivity varies in frequency, duration, magnitude, and timing.

J Am Water Resour Assoc ; 54(2): 372-399, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31296983


Freshwater ecosystems are linked at various spatial and temporal scales by movements of biota adapted to life in water. We review the literature on movements of aquatic organisms that connect different types of freshwater habitats, focusing on linkages from streams and wetlands to downstream waters. Here, streams, wetlands, rivers, lakes, ponds, and other freshwater habitats are viewed as dynamic freshwater ecosystem mosaics (FEMs) that collectively provide the resources needed to sustain aquatic life. Based on existing evidence, it is clear that biotic linkages throughout FEMs have important consequences for biological integrity and biodiversity. All aquatic organisms move within and among FEM components, but differ in the mode, frequency, distance, and timing of their movements. These movements allow biota to recolonize habitats, avoid inbreeding, escape stressors, locate mates, and acquire resources. Cumulatively, these individual movements connect populations within and among FEMs and contribute to local and regional diversity, resilience to disturbance, and persistence of aquatic species in the face of environmental change. Thus, the biological connections established by movement of biota among streams, wetlands, and downstream waters are critical to the ecological integrity of these systems. Future research will help advance our understanding of the movements that link FEMs and their cumulative effects on downstream waters.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 11(5): 551, 2019 Mar 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33408881


Classifying and mapping natural systems such as wetlands using remote sensing frequently relies on data derived from regions of interest (ROIs), often acquired during field campaigns. ROIs tend to be heterogeneous in complex systems with a variety of land cover classes. However, traditional supervised image classification is predicated on pure single-class observations to train a classifier. This ultimately encourages end-users to create single-class ROIs, nudging ROIs away from field-based points or gerrymandering the ROI, which may produce ROIs unrepresentative of the landscape and potentially insert error into the classification. In this study, we explored WorldView-2 images and 228 field-based data points to define ROIs of varying heterogeneity levels in terms of class membership to classify and map 22 discrete classes in a large and complex wetland system. The goal was to include rather than avoid ROI heterogeneity and assess its impact on classification accuracy. Parametric and nonparametric classifiers were tested with ROI heterogeneity that varied from 7% to 100%. Heterogeneity was governed by ROI area, which we increased from the field-sampling frame of ~100 m2 nearly 19-fold to ~2124 m2. In general, overall accuracy (OA) tended downwards with increasing heterogeneity but stayed relatively high until extreme heterogeneity levels were reached. Moreover, the differences in OA were not statistically significant across several small-to-large heterogeneity levels. Per-class user's and producer's accuracies behaved similarly. Our findings suggest that ROI heterogeneity did not harm classification accuracy unless heterogeneity became extreme, and thus there are substantial practical advantages to accommodating heterogeneous ROIs in image classification. Rather than attempting to avoid ROI heterogeneity by gerrymandering, classification in wetland environments, as well as analyses of other complex environments, should embrace ROI heterogeneity.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 10(4): 580, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30147945


Efforts are increasingly being made to classify the world's wetland resources, an important ecosystem and habitat that is diminishing in abundance. There are multiple remote sensing classification methods, including a suite of nonparametric classifiers such as decision-tree (DT), rule-based (RB), and random forest (RF). High-resolution satellite imagery can provide more specificity to the classified end product, and ancillary data layers such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and hydrogeomorphic layers such as distance-to-a-stream can be coupled to improve overall accuracy (OA) in wetland studies. In this paper, we contrast three nonparametric machine-learning algorithms (DT, RB, and RF) using a large field-based dataset (n = 228) from the Selenga River Delta of Lake Baikal, Russia. We also explore the use of ancillary data layers selected to improve OA, with a goal of providing end users with a recommended classifier to use and the most parsimonious suite of input parameters for classifying wetland-dominated landscapes. Though all classifiers appeared suitable, the RF classification outperformed both the DT and RB methods, achieving OA >81%. Including a texture metric (homogeneity) substantially improved the classification OA. However, including vegetation/soil/water metrics (based on WorldView-2 band combinations), hydrogeomorphic data layers, and elevation data layers to increase the descriptive content of the input parameters surprisingly did not markedly improve the OA. We conclude that, in most cases, RF should be the classifier of choice. The potential exception to this recommendation is under the circumstance where the end user requires narrative rules to best manage his or her resource. Though not useful in this study, continuously increasing satellite imagery resolution and band availability suggests the inclusion of ancillary contextual data layers such as soil metrics or elevation data, the granularity of which may define its utility in subsequent wetland classifications.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 10(1): 46, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29707381


Wetland ecosystems straddle both terrestrial and aquatic habitats, performing many ecological functions directly and indirectly benefitting humans. However, global wetland losses are substantial. Satellite remote sensing and classification informs wise wetland management and monitoring. Both pixel- and object-based classification approaches using parametric and non-parametric algorithms may be effectively used in describing wetland structure and habitat, but which approach should one select? We conducted both pixel- and object-based image analyses (OBIA) using parametric (Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique, ISODATA, and maximum likelihood, ML) and non-parametric (random forest, RF) approaches in the Barguzin Valley, a large wetland (~500 km2) in the Lake Baikal, Russia, drainage basin. Four Quickbird multispectral bands plus various spatial and spectral metrics (e.g., texture, Non-Differentiated Vegetation Index, slope, aspect, etc.) were analyzed using field-based regions of interest sampled to characterize an initial 18 ISODATA-based classes. Parsimoniously using a three-layer stack (Quickbird band 3, water ratio index (WRI), and mean texture) in the analyses resulted in the highest accuracy, 87.9% with pixel-based RF, followed by OBIA RF (segmentation scale 5, 84.6% overall accuracy), followed by pixel-based ML (83.9% overall accuracy). Increasing the predictors from three to five by adding Quickbird bands 2 and 4 decreased the pixel-based overall accuracy while increasing the OBIA RF accuracy to 90.4%. However, McNemar's chi-square test confirmed no statistically significant difference in overall accuracy among the classifiers (pixel-based ML, RF, or object-based RF) for either the three- or five-layer analyses. Although potentially useful in some circumstances, the OBIA approach requires substantial resources and user input (such as segmentation scale selection-which was found to substantially affect overall accuracy). Hence, we conclude that pixel-based RF approaches are likely satisfactory for classifying wetland-dominated landscapes.