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Int J Biomater ; 2012: 582685, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23197982


Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) hydrogel plugs were implanted in artificial osteochondral defects on the trochlear groove of rat knees. After 0, 3, 6, 12, and 24 weeks of followup, samples containing the implants were mechanically evaluated by creep indentation test, chemically, and histologically by optical microscopy. The mechanical test pointed towards an increase of the implant creep modulus and the chemical analysis exhibited an increasing concentration of calcium and phosphorus within the implants over time. Optical microscopy showed no foreign body reaction and revealed formation, differentiation, and maintenance of new tissue at the defect/implant interface. The absence of implant wear indicated that the natural articular lubrication process was not disturbed by the implant. The performance of the irradiated and acetalized PVA was considered satisfactory for the proposed application.

J Pediatr (Rio J) ; 76(5): 333-8, 2000.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14647641


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the profile of the preceptors and the attributes they consider important for the exercise of that activity, in two medical residency programs in Pediatrics in Rio de Janeiro METHODS: Through a questionnaire answered by each of the preceptors in two medical residency programs in Pediatrics in Rio de Janeiro, one of them connected to a university and the other one not, information was obtained on gender, age, time since graduation, how long they have been acting as preceptors, graduation titles, specific teaching training, and the listing of up to five attributes believed to be necessary to a good preceptor. The results were consolidated and discussed in the text. RESULTS: Of the 90 participants, 70% were woman, 74% were between 30 and 49 years old, 87% graduated between 10 and 29 years ago. Half of them said they did not have any specific teaching training and the other half had attended courses on Medical Pedagogy and Special Didactics during their respective graduate studies. The attribute categories most frequently mentioned were the exercise of tutorship, Ethics and Humanism, mastery of the subject area, capacity of permanent education, and didactic abilities. CONCLUSION: The preceptors pointed to the challenge of exercising preceptorship based on a medical practice where professional responsibilities, human relationship, organizational skills, evaluation techniques, and mastery of the subject area make the main guiding axes of the practice itself. To these axes they added the ethical and humanistic aspects and their permanent education capacities. They feel, however, the need for a didactic qualification in order to accomplish their duties.

Rev. paul. med ; 97(7/9): 125-9, 1981.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-3294


Os autores analisam as repercussoes, do ponto de vista hematologico para o recem-nascido, de drogas usadas pela gestante, destacando hemorragia, doenca hemolitica neonatal, plaquetopenia e metemoglobinemia. Comentam que o valor terapeutico das drogas deve ser avaliado com base nos possiveis efeitos adversos para o feto e para o recem-nato

Feto , Troca Materno-Fetal , Doenças do Recém-Nascido