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J Phys Ther Sci ; 27(12): 3723-7, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26834339


[Purpose] To investigate the predictive value of maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) in a ventilator weaning protocol and to evaluate the differences between clinical and surgical patients in the intensive care unit. [Subjects and Methods] Patients aged ≥15 years who underwent orotracheal intubation for mechanical ventilation and who met the criteria of the weaning protocol were included in the study. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated for the analysis of each index. [Results] Logistic regression analysis was also performed. MIP showed greater sensitivity and specificity [area under the curve (AUC): 0.95 vs. 0.89] and likelihood ratios (LR) (positive(+): 20.85 vs. 9.45; negative(-): 0.07 vs. 0.17) than RSBI in the overall sample (OS) as well as in clinical patients (CP) (AUC: 0.99 vs. 0.90; LR+: 24.66 vs. 7.22; LR-: 0.01 vs. 0.15) and surgical patients (SP) (AUC: 0.99 vs. 0.87; LR+: 9.33 vs. 5.86; LR-: 0.07 vs. 0.14). The logistic regression analysis revealed that both parameters were significantly associated with the weaning success. The MIP showed greater accuracy than the RSBI (OS: 0.93 vs. 0.85; CP: 0.98 vs. 0.87; SP: 0.93 vs. 0.87). [Conclusion] Both parameters are good predictors of successful ventilator weaning.

Fisioter. mov ; 26(2): 271-279, abr.-jun. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-679280


INTRODUÇÃO: A Fisioterapia vem atuando com o objetivo de reduzir falhas no desmame da ventilação mecânica (VM) que podem repercutir em desfechos desfavoráveis para o paciente. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da fisioterapia no desmame da VM. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e controlado com pacientes adultos. A formação dos grupos estudados foi resultado de dois períodos ocorridos em uma UTI; em determinado período, a unidade contou com a presença de um profissional de Fisioterapia, em outro, não teve a presença desse profissional por razões administrativas. Registraram-se os resultados do desmame por meio de coleta diária de informações. Foram estudados 50 pacientes, 31 fizeram fisioterapia (grupo fisioterapia, GF) e 19 não fizeram (grupo controle, GC). O GF realizou dois atendimentos diários (quarenta minutos cada), composto das técnicas: compressão do tórax, hiperinsuflação manual, aspiração traqueal e de vias aéreas, movimentação e condução do desmame. O GC recebeu tratamento médico usual. RESULTADOS: Observou-se no GF e GC, respectivamente: sucesso no desmame - 71% (22) e 21% (4) (p = 0,001); tempo de VM - 152 ± 142 e 414 ± 344 horas (p = 0,04); tempo de desmame: 13 ± 48 e 140 ± 122 horas (p < 0,0001); tempo de internação na UTI - 338 ± 192 e 781 ± 621 horas (p = 0,007); tempo de internação hospitalar - 710 ± 628 e 1108 ± 720 horas (p = 0,058); mortalidade: 35% (11) e 47% (9) (p = 0,41). CONCLUSÃO: A fisioterapia esteve associada ao aumento do sucesso no desmame, à redução do tempo de desmame, tempo de VM e de internação na UTI. Não houve diferença no tempo de internação hospitalar e na mortalidade.

INTRODUCTION: Physiotherapy is acting with the aim of reducing failures in weaning from mechanical ventilation (MV), which may impact on unfavorable outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of physiotherapy in weaning from MV. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This transversal and controlled study included adult patients. During the duration of the study, for administrative reasons, the ICU has gone through a period without physiotherapy. Daily information was collected from medical records on the outcome of weaning from MV. We studied 50 patients, 31 aided by physiotherapy (physiotherapy group, PG) and 19 without physiotherapy (control group, CG). The PG underwent two sessions daily (forty minutes each). The techniques applied were: chest compression, manual hyperinflation, tracheal and upper airways suctioning, movement and conduct of monitoring and weaning. RESULTS: The results of weaning in PG and CG are respectively: successful weaning: 71% (22) and 21% (4) (p = 0.001), duration of MV: 152 ± 142 and 414 ± 344 hours (p = 0.04), duration of weaning: 13 ± 48 and 140 ± 122 hours (p < 0.0001), length of ICU: 338 ± 192 and 781 ± 621 hours (p = 0.007), length of hospital: 710 ± 628 and 1108 ±720 hours (p = 0.058), mortality 35% (11) and 47% (9) (p = 0.41). CONCLUSION: The physiotherapy in the ICU was associated with increase of the success rate, reducing weaning time, duration of MV, length of stay in ICU. There were no differences in length of hospital stay and mortality.

Humanos , Adulto , Especialidade de Fisioterapia , Respiração Artificial , Desmame do Respirador