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Conserv Biol ; 37(5): e14090, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37246556


To understand the scope and scale of the loss of biodiversity, tools are required that can be applied in a standardized manner to all species globally, spanning realms from land to the open ocean. We used data from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List to provide a synthesis of the conservation status and extinction risk of cetaceans. One in 4 cetacean species (26% of 92 species) was threatened with extinction (i.e., critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable) and 11% were near threatened. Ten percent of cetacean species were data deficient, and we predicted that 2-3 of these species may also be threatened. The proportion of threatened cetaceans has increased: 15% in 1991, 19% in 2008, and 26% in 2021. The assessed conservation status of 20% of species has worsened from 2008 to 2021, and only 3 moved into categories of lesser threat. Cetacean species with small geographic ranges were more likely to be listed as threatened than those with large ranges, and those that occur in freshwater (100% of species) and coastal (60% of species) habitats were under the greatest threat. Analysis of odontocete species distributions revealed a global hotspot of threatened small cetaceans in Southeast Asia, in an area encompassing the Coral Triangle and extending through nearshore waters of the Bay of Bengal, northern Australia, and Papua New Guinea and into the coastal waters of China. Improved management of fisheries to limit overfishing and reduce bycatch is urgently needed to avoid extinctions or further declines, especially in coastal areas of Asia, Africa, and South America.

Estado en la lista roja y riesgo de extinción de las ballenas, delfines y marsopas del mundo Resumen Para comprender el alcance y la escala de la pérdida de biodiversidad, se necesitan herramientas que puedan aplicarse de forma estandarizada a todas las especies a nivel mundial y que abarquen todos los ámbitos desde la tierra hasta el océano. Utilizamos datos de la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza para proporcionar una síntesis del estado de conservación y el riesgo de extinción de los cetáceos. Una de cada 4 especies de cetáceos (26% de 92 especies) se encuentra amenazada (es decir, en peligro crítico, en peligro o vulnerable) y el 11% de las especies está clasificado como casi amenazada. El 10% de las especies de cetáceos carecía de datos, por lo que predijimos que 2-3 de estas especies también podrían estar amenazadas. La proporción de cetáceos amenazados ha aumentado: 15% en 1991, 19% en 2008 y 26% en 2021. El estado de conservación evaluado del 20% de las especies ha empeorado de 2008 a 2021, pues sólo 3 pasaron a categorías de menor amenaza. Las especies de cetáceos con áreas de distribución geográficas pequeñas tenían más probabilidades de ser catalogadas como amenazadas que aquellas con áreas de distribución extensas, y aquellas que ocurren en hábitats de agua dulce (100% de las especies) y costeros (60% de las especies) eran las que se encontraban bajo mayor amenaza. La superposición de los mapas de distribución de las especies reveló la existencia de puntos calientes de pequeños cetáceos amenazados en el sudeste asiático y en una zona que abarca el Triángulo de Coral y se extiende por las aguas cercanas a la costa de la Bahía de Bengala, el norte de Australia, Papúa Nueva Guinea y las aguas costeras de China. Urge mejorar la gestión de las pesquerías para limitar la sobrepesca y reducir la captura accesoria con el fin de evitar extinciones o mayores descensos, especialmente en las zonas costeras de Asia, África y Sudamérica.

Golfinhos , Toninhas , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Extinção Biológica , Baleias , Pesqueiros , Biodiversidade , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
Adv Mar Biol ; 72: 119-41, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26555624


Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) are obligate shallow-water dolphins that occur exclusively in the near-shore waters of the Indian Ocean, from South Africa to the Bay of Bengal. They have a narrow habitat preference, restricted distribution and do not appear very abundant across any part of their range. There is no estimate of total species abundance; all populations that have been quantitatively evaluated have been small in size, usually fewer than 200 individuals. Fishing, dredging, land reclamation, construction blasting, port and harbour construction, pollution, boat traffic and other coastal development activities all occur, or are concentrated within, humpback dolphin habitat and threaten their survival. Although data are far from sufficient to make a rigorous quantitative assessment of population trends for this species, the scale of threats is large enough over a significant enough portion of the range to suspect or infer a decline of at least 50% over three generations, which qualifies it for listing on the IUCN Red List as Endangered. The issue primarily responsible is incidental mortality in fisheries, but the loss and degradation of habitat is likely a contributing factor. None of the threats have been adequately addressed in any part of the species' range, even though threat levels are increasing virtually everywhere.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Golfinhos/classificação , Golfinhos/fisiologia , Internacionalidade/legislação & jurisprudência , Distribuição Animal , Animais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
PLoS One ; 9(7): e101657, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25029270


Habitat fragmentation of freshwater ecosystems is increasing rapidly, however the understanding of extinction debt and species decline in riverine habitat fragments lags behind that in other ecosystems. The mighty rivers that drain the Himalaya - the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Indus, Mekong and Yangtze - are amongst the world's most biodiverse freshwater ecosystems. Many hundreds of dams have been constructed, are under construction, or are planned on these rivers and large hydrological changes and losses of biodiversity have occurred and are expected to continue. This study examines the causes of range decline of the Indus dolphin, which inhabits one of the world's most modified rivers, to demonstrate how we may expect other vertebrate populations to respond as planned dams and water developments come into operation. The historical range of the Indus dolphin has been fragmented into 17 river sections by diversion dams; dolphin sighting and interview surveys show that river dolphins have been extirpated from ten river sections, they persist in 6, and are of unknown status in one section. Seven potential factors influencing the temporal and spatial pattern of decline were considered in three regression model sets. Low dry-season river discharge, due to water abstraction at irrigation barrages, was the principal factor that explained the dolphin's range decline, influencing 1) the spatial pattern of persistence, 2) the temporal pattern of subpopulation extirpation, and 3) the speed of extirpation after habitat fragmentation. Dolphins were more likely to persist in the core of the former range because water diversions are concentrated near the range periphery. Habitat fragmentation and degradation of the habitat were inextricably intertwined and in combination caused the catastrophic decline of the Indus dolphin.

Golfinhos , Ecossistema , Extinção Biológica , Água Doce , Comportamento de Retorno ao Território Vital , Animais , Análise Espaço-Temporal