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J Electrocardiol ; 70: 70-74, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34929607


INTRODUCTION: Signal-averaged electrocardiography is a non-invasive, computerized technique that amplifies, filters, and averages cardiac electrical signals reducing contaminating noise to obtain a high-resolution record. The most widely used signal averaging (SA) method involves a bipolar X, Y, and Z orthogonal lead system. Information is limited regarding its application in the standard resting 12-lead ECG. A novel system combining a high-resolution 12-lead ECG (HR-ECG) registered by SA with advanced analysis tools is presented. HISTORY: Original programming of a commercially available signal-averaged HR-ECG device was modified, introducing more exhaustive electrocardiographic assessment instruments. DESCRIPTION: Using SA techniques and placing surface electrodes in the standard 12-lead ECG positions, a HR-ECG is acquired within a bandwidth of 0.25 to 262 Hz at a rate of 1000 samples per second. It is advisable to average at least 200 cycles, taking three to five minutes to record. The package includes different optional high-frequency filters, manual calipers, zoom/superimposing/amplification functions. CLINICAL ROLE: The main strength lies in obtaining a low noise HR-ECG with zooming capabilities without definition loss. Other potential advantages are the greater ease in performing high precision analysis and comparing different ECG leads simultaneously. CURRENT PROBLEMS: The primary limitation is the inability to document intermittent or dynamic electrocardiographic disorders because of averaging similar electrical cardiac cycles. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS: Adding artificial intelligence and further refinements in the averaging process could lead to software upgrades. CONCLUSION: Integrating HR-ECG, obtained through SA techniques, with novel advanced analysis tools can enhance the ability to detect electrocardiographic disorders of permanent expression expeditiously.

Inteligência Artificial , Eletrocardiografia , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrodos , Humanos , Software
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 9961, 2022 06 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35705598


Alteration of muscle activation sequence is a key mechanism in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Successful cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), which has become standard therapy in these patients, is limited by the lack of precise dyssynchrony quantification. We implemented a computational pipeline that allows assessment of ventricular dyssynchrony by vectorcardiogram reconstruction from the patient's electrocardiogram. We defined a ventricular dyssynchrony index as the distance between the voltage and speed time integrals of an individual observation and the linear fit of these variables obtained from a healthy population. The pipeline was tested in a 1914-patient population. The dyssynchrony index showed minimum values in heathy controls and maximum values in patients with left bundle branch block (LBBB) or with a pacemaker (PM). We established a critical dyssynchrony index value that discriminates electrical dyssynchronous patterns (LBBB and PM) from ventricular synchrony. In 10 patients with PM or CRT devices, dyssynchrony indexes above the critical value were associated with high time to peak strain standard deviation, an echocardiographic measure of mechanical dyssynchrony. Our index proves to be a promising tool to evaluate ventricular activation dyssynchrony, potentially enhancing the selection of candidates for CRT, device configuration during implantation, and post-implant optimization.

Terapia de Ressincronização Cardíaca , Insuficiência Cardíaca , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda , Arritmias Cardíacas , Bloqueio de Ramo/diagnóstico , Bloqueio de Ramo/terapia , Insuficiência Cardíaca/diagnóstico por imagem , Insuficiência Cardíaca/terapia , Ventrículos do Coração/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Vetorcardiografia
Sleep Sci ; 11(1): 49-53, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29796202


INTRODUCTION: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) has been associated with an elevated risk of cardiac arrhythmia. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the selected treatment for moderate to severe OSA and could improve arrhythmias in the long term. However, the acute effect of CPAP has not been studied in detail. METHODS: We conducted a prospective study with 25 patients with moderate to severe OSA diagnosed by home respiratory polygraphy (RP) and arrhythmia and/or pauses in 24-hour Holter ECG. We analyzed inflammatory parameters and the rate of arrhythmias/pauses after 7 days of auto-adjusting CPAP. RESULTS: 92.5% of the patients were men with a mean age of 61.7±1.9 years. Body mass index (BMI) was 59.5±2.2 kg/m2, with a mean apnea hypopnea index (AHI) of 37.7±3.8 events/hour (ev/h), and a residual AHI (AHIr) of 5.3±0.53 ev/h. After short treatment with CPAP we observed a tendency to improvement in both the severity and number of ventricular extrasystoles (VE) (1595.0±850.3 vs. 926.4±434.5 respectively), pauses and the inflammatory parameters (CRP 3.9±3.1 vs. 1.7±1.2, glycemia 131.4±11.6 vs. 121.9±9.8, HOMA 24.4±3.1 vs. 21.7±2.8, insulin 7.6±1.4 vs. 7.2±1.2 (p>0.5). CONCLUSION: We didn't find significant changes in pauses, VE and inflammatory parameters with CPAP short therapy in CPAP naive patients recently diagnosed with OSA.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 80(1): 47-52, ene. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-639701


Introducción Los grandes cambios producidos en las dos últimas décadas en las reglas laborales en salud, los estilos de trabajo, la organización sanitaria, el uso y la importancia de la tecnología y en la consideración social acerca del profesional médico tienen causas complejas y multifactoriales; las mismas presentan elementos comunes como el empeoramiento de la remuneración que perciben los médicos, la disminución absoluta y relativa de los honorarios profesionales y la percepción del médico respecto de su propia profesión y marcan una realidad que exige reconsiderar el lugar del médico en sus nuevos escenarios de trabajo. Objetivos Definimos como "problemática médica" a toda vivencia o situación problemática que experimenta el médico durante el ejercicio de su actividad. Sobre el tema existen abundantes datos y opiniones en los últimos años referidos a la insalubre situación laboral del médico y a la propia percepción negativa sobre su tarea. El objetivo de presente trabajo fue explorar si la problemática médica era tratada en el Congreso Argentino de Cardiología. Material y métodos Estudio observacional, descriptivo, sobre la existencia de temas libres y mesas sobre problemática médica en los últimos tres Congresos Argentinos de Cardiología y su ubicación temática. Algunas de las palabras clave fueron: realidad laboral, trabajo médico, burn out, bioética, ética, condiciones de trabajo y otras. Resultados Hubo en total 2254 temas libres en los tres años, de los cuales 8 (0,35%) trataron sobre elementos de problemática médica. Los temas libres se ubicaron en las categorías "miscelánea", psicosociales, educación médica o salud pública. Hubo 13 mesas, organizadas por el Comité de Bioética, el Área de Investigación de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, CONAREC y la Fundación Cardiológica Argentina. Conclusiones En el período estudiado hubo una proporción muy escasa de mesas y temas libres dirigidos a la problemática médica, estos últimos sin un marco conceptual preestablecido adecuado. Así, la problemática médica no es considerada un objeto de estudio relevante. Es conveniente la discusión e investigación para la búsqueda de planteos y soluciones a múltiples niveles, o no podrá hacerse un diagnóstico y tratamiento del tema, con las eventuales y enormes implicaciones futuras potenciales.

Background The big changes produced during the last two decades have produced a reality that requires physicians to reconsider the role they play in their new working scenario. These changes include regulations in health care working, work styles, health organization, use and importance of technology and how the physician is socially considered. The causes are complex and multifactorial, yet they share common elements as worse payment to physicians, an absolute and relative reduction in professional fees and physicians' perception about their own profession. Objectives A "medical problem" is defined as any problematic experience or situation felt by a physician during his/her practice. In the last years, there are plenty of information and several opinions about this matter, in reference to the working conditions of physicians and to their negative self-perception about medical practice. The goal of the present study was to explore if the Argentine Congress of Cardiology dealt with the medical problem. Material and Methods Observational and descriptive study about open-topic sessions and roundtable sessions dealing with the medical problem -and under which field the medical problem was considered- during the past/latest three Argentine Congresses of Cardiology. The following key words were used: working reality, medical practice, burnout, bioethics, ethics and working conditions, among others. Results Of 2254 open topics presented in the three years, 8 (0.35%) dealt with the medical problem. The open topics were considered under "miscellany", psychosocial, medical education or public health fields. Thirteen roundtable sessions were identified and organized by the Committee on Bioethics, the Research Area of the Argentine Society of Cardiology, the CONAREC and the Argentine Cardiology Foundation. Conclusions We found very few roundtable sessions and opened-topic sessions -and without an adequate preestablished conceptual framework- focused on the medical problem. Thus, the medical problem is not considered an important topic of study. Discussion and investigation are convenient to search for arguments and solutions at multiple levels, otherwise it will not be possible to make a diagnosis and treatment of the topic, with the eventual and important future implications.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 79(2): 117-124, mar.-abr. 2011. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634248


Introducción La electrofisiología cardíaca ha tenido en los últimos años un desarrollo muy importante dentro del aspecto terapéutico de las arritmias cardíacas gracias a la implementación de procedimientos invasivos como la ablación con catéter de sustratos, focos y circuitos arritmogénicos a través de la aplicación de corriente de radiofrecuencia. El Consejo de Electrofisiología de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología decidió realizar un registro de este procedimiento con la participación libre y anónima de los principales laboratorios de electrofisiología de nuestro país. Objetivos Conocer el número de procedimientos de ablación con catéter, datos epidemiológicos de los pacientes, indicaciones más frecuentes, resultados y complicaciones a través de la información suministrada por los centros participantes en el período estudiado. Material y métodos Se realizó un registro prospectivo y consecutivo de los procedimientos informados desde noviembre de 2007 hasta marzo de 2009 (16 meses). Para ese fin se elaboró una ficha de informe de caso para ser completada on line a través del portal de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología. La información se enviaba a través de Internet con claves y nombre de usuario opcionales para garantizar la reserva y el anonimato de los datos de los pacientes y de los centros participantes. También se habilitó la posibilidad de envío de informes por correo postal o electrónico. Resultados Los datos provienen de 30 centros, que comunicaron la realización de 762 procedimientos de ablación con catéter, en promedio 47 procedimientos por mes. De 762 pacientes tratados, se aplicó corriente de radiofrecuencia en el 98,7% (752/762) de los casos y pulsos de crioablación en el 1,3% (10/762). El 84% de los procedimientos fueron realizados por operadores con 50 o más procedimientos por año y el 67,6% (515/762) fueron efectuados por operadores con hasta 100 casos por año. El procedimiento se consideró exitoso en el 93,4% (709/762) de los pacientes, con una incidencia de complicaciones del 3% (23/762). La edad promedio de los pacientes tratados fue de 42 años (5-94), el 56,3% de sexo masculino. El 76% de la población no presentaba cardiopatía estructural; se refirieron síntomas de arritmias en el 83,7% de los casos. La indicación de tratamiento fue: primaria por síntomas, tratamiento farmacológico refractario o riesgo arrítmico elevado en 712 pacientes (93,5%), por recurrencia en 20 casos (2,6%) y por ablación no exitosa previa en 30 casos (3,9%). Los sustratos o circuitos arritmogénicos tratados fueron: taquicardia intranodal en el 30% (237/786), fibrilación auricular en el 3,6% (28/786), aleteo auricular en el 21,5% (171/786), taquicardia auricular en el 4,3% (34/786), taquicardia auricular macrorreentrante en el 0,8% (7/786), vía anómala manifiesta en el 24% (186/786), vía anómala oculta en el 8,6% (68/786), taquicardia ventricular idiopática en el 2,5% (20/786), taquicardia ventricular isquémica en el 0,9% (7/786), taquicardia ventricular asociada con otras cardiopatías en el 0,9% (7/786), ablación del nodo AV en el 1,9% (15/786) y extrasístole ventricular en el 0,9% (7/786). Las complicaciones fueron: BAV completo (n = 2), derrame pericárdico (n = 2), hematoma en el sitio de punción (n = 4), atrapamiento del catéter, BAV de primer grado, BRI traumático, disección de la aorta, intolerancia al procedimiento, neuropatía crural, seudoaneurisma femoral y trombosis venosa profunda. Conclusiones Este primer registro realizado en nuestro país sobre ablación con catéter brinda información importante y útil acerca de este procedimiento y muestra una tasa de éxito inmediato adecuada (93,4%) y similar a lo comunicado en otros registros internacionales, con una tasa baja de morbilidad o de complicaciones no graves (3%), por lo que esta acción médica puede considerarse segura y eficaz.

Background Cardiac electrophysiology has undergone significant advances in the therapeutic strategies of cardiac arrhythmias due to the implementation of invasive procedures as radiofrequency catheter ablation of arrhythmogenic substrates, foci and circuits. The Electrophysiology Council of the Argentine Society of Cardiology decided to create a registry of this procedure with free and anonymous participation of the main electrophysiology laboratories in our country. Objectives To recognize the number of catheter ablation procedures, epidemiological data of patients, indications, outcomes and complications based on the information provided by the participant centers during the studied period. Material and Methods We performed a prospective and consecutive registry of the procedures reported from November 2007 to March 2009 (16 months). A case report form was available at the SAC's website in order to be completed on line. The information was transmitted through the Internet using optional users' names and passwords to ensure the security and privacy of patients and participant centers. The information could also be submitted via mail or e-mail. Results A total of 30 centers provided information about 762 catheter ablation procedures (average: 47 procedures per month). Radiofrequency was used in 98.7% of patients (752/752) and cryothermia in 1.3% (10/162). Eighty four percent of procedures were made by operators who perform = 50 procedures per year and 67.6% (515/762) by operators with up to 100 cases per year. The procedure was successful in 93.4% (709/762) of patients, and 3% had complications (23/762). Mean age was 42 years (5-94) and 56.3% were men. Most patients (76%) had no structural heart disease; 83.7% presented symptoms. Catheter ablation was indicated as primary therapy due to: symptoms, refractory medical treatment or high arrhythmic risk in 712 patients (93.5%); the procedure was performed due to recurrences in 20 cases (2.6%) and to failed ablation in 30 (3.9%). The arrhythmogenic substrates or circuits treated were: atrioventricular nodal tachycardia (30%; 237/786); atrial fibrillation (3.6%; 28/786); atrial flutter (21.5%; 171/786); atrial tachycardia (4.3%; 34/786); macroreentrant atrial tachycardia (0.8%; 7/786); manifest accessory pathway (24%; 186/786); concealed accessory pathway (8.6%; 68/786); idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (2.5%; 20/786); ischemic ventricular tachycardia (0.9%; 7/786); ventricular tachycardia associated with other heart diseases (0.9%; 7/786); AV node ablation (1.9%; 15/786) and ventricular premature beats (0.9%; 7/786). The complications were: complete AV block (n=2), pericardial effusion (n=2), hematoma at the puncture site (n=4), catheter entrapment, first degree AV block, traumatic LBB; aortic dissection, intolerance to the procedure, crural neuropathy, femoral artery pseudoaneurysm and deep venous thrombosis. Conclusions This first registry of catheter ablation in our country provides important and useful information about this procedure and shows an adequate immediate success rate (93.4%), similar to those reported by international registries, with low incidence of morbidity or non severe complications (3%). This procedure can be considered safe and efficient.

Prensa méd. argent ; 73(17): 758-61, 7 nov. 1986. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-46284


La internación en nuestro servicio de un paciente con dermatomiositis y el hallazgo de una neoplasia concomitante, de localización poco frecuente, motivó la revisión de la literatura al respecto y la posterior comunicación de este caso

Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Humanos , Masculino , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/complicações , Dermatomiosite/classificação , Dermatomiosite/complicações , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/diagnóstico