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Technol Soc ; 67: 101796, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36313277


Touchless Technology is facilitating the move to Zero User Interface(UI) propelled by the COVID-19 pandemic which has accelerated the use of this technology due to hygiene requirements. Zero UI can be defined as a controlled interface that enables user interaction with technology through voice, gestures, hand interaction, eye tracking, and biometrics such as facial recognition and contactless fingerprints. Smart devices, IoT sensors, smart appliances, smart TVs, smart assistants and consumer robotics are predominant examples of devices in which Zero UI is becoming increasingly adopted. These control interfaces include natural interaction modes such as voice or gestures. Touchscreens and shared devices such as kiosks, self-service counters and interactive displays are present in our everyday lives. Each of these interactions however is a concern for consumers in a post-COVID-19 world where hygiene is of utmost importance. The one-stop solution to hygienic interactions includes touchless technology such as voice control, remote mobile screen take over, biometric, and gesture control as Zero User interfaces. With the breakthroughs in image recognition and natural language processing, powered by advanced computer vision and machine learning, "Zero UI" is becoming a new normal. This paper is focusing on the progress of the touchless interaction technology during the COVID-19 pandemic, which actually accelerated development in this concept and moved it from being a luxury to a life necessity.

Int Cybersecur Law Rev ; 3(1): 131-137, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37521506


Touchless technology often called Zero User Interface (UI) has begun to permeate every aspect of our lives as its use became necessary for hygiene measures in public places. The evolution of touchless technology replacing touchscreen interaction started as a luxury concept to give a fancier look to digital interactions, but now it has gained real value as a health-oriented interaction method. Switching to a touchless interface reduces common touchpoints, which help to safeguard against the spread of pathogens. Although the evolution of touchless technology is not new, its use massively increased due to its inherent hygienic nature during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this investment in a new form of digital interaction has several privacy and security issues that need attention, in order to allow for safe human-machine interaction to cope with security breaches and cyber-attacks to protect our credentials. This paper outlines the potential security and privacy issues concerning Zero UI adoption in various technologies that need to be considered if one wishes to adopt responsible technology practices with this technology.