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Bioinformatics ; 2024 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38788221


MOTIVATION: In recent years, the focus of bioinformatics research has moved from individual sequences to collections of sequences. Given the fundamental role of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) in string processing, a number of dedicated tools have been developed for computing the BWT of string collections. While the focus has been on improving efficiency, both in space and time, the exact definition of the BWT employed has not been at the center of attention. As we show in this paper, the different tools in use often compute non-equivalent BWT variants: the resulting transforms can differ from each other significantly, including the number r of runs, a central parameter of the BWT. Moreover, with many tools, the transform depends on the input order of the collection. In other words, on the same dataset, the same tool may output different transforms if the dataset is given in a different order. RESULTS: We studied 18 dedicated tools for computing the BWT of string collections and were able to identify 6 different BWT variants computed by these tools. We review the differences between these BWT variants, both from a theoretical and from a practical point of view, comparing them on 8 real-life biological datasets with different characteristics. We find that the differences can be extensive, depending on the datasets, and are largest on collections of many similar short sequences. The parameter r, the number of runs of the BWT, also shows notable variation between the different BWT variants; on our datasets, it varied by a multiplicative factor of up to 4.2. AVAILABILITY: Source code and scripts to replicate the results and download the data used in the article are available at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Proc Data Compress Conf ; 2022: 93-102, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38812828


Generating pangenomic datasets is becoming increasingly common but there are still few tools able to handle them and even fewer accessible to non-specialists. Building compressed suffix trees (CSTs) for pangenomic datasets is still a major challenge but could be enormously beneficial to the community. In this paper, we present a method, which we refer to as RePFP-CST, for building CSTs in a manner that is scalable. To accomplish this, we show how to build a CST directly from VCF files without decompressing them, and to prune from the prefix-free parse (PFP) phrase boundaries whose removal reduces the total size of the dictionary and the parse. We show that these improvements reduce the time and space required for the construction of the CST, and the memory footprint of the finished CST, enabling us to build a CST for a terabyte of DNA for the first time in the literature.

Int Symp String Process Inf Retr ; 12944: 3-12, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38742018


The extended Burrows Wheeler Transform (eBWT) was introduced by Mantaci et al. [TCS 2007] to extend the definition of the BWT to a collection of strings. In our prior work [SPIRE 2021], we give a linear-time algorithm for the eBWT that preserves the fundamental property of the original definition (i.e., the independence from the input order). The algorithm combines a modification of the Suffix Array Induced Sorting (SAIS) algorithm [IEEE Trans Comput 2011] with Prefix Free Parsing [AMB 2019; JCB 2020]. In this paper, we show how this construction algorithm leads to r-indexing the eBWT, i.e., run-length encoded eBWT and SA samples of Gagie et al. [SODA 2018] can be constructed efficiently from the components of the PFP. Moreover, we show that finding maximal exact matches (MEMs) between a query string and the r-index of the eBWT can be efficiently supported.

Int Symp String Process Inf Retr ; 12944: 129-142, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38742019


Given an input string, the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) can be seen as a reversible permutation of it that allows efficient compression and fast substring queries. Due to these properties, it has been widely applied in the analysis of genomic sequence data, enabling important tasks such as read alignment. Mantaci et al. [TCS2007] extended the notion of the BWT to a collection of strings by defining the extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform (eBWT). This definition requires no modification of the input collection, and has the property that the output is independent of the order of the strings in the collection. However, over the years, the term eBWT has been used more generally to describe any BWT of a collection of strings. The fundamental property of the original definition (i.e., the independence from the input order) is frequently disregarded. In this paper, we propose a simple linear-time algorithm for the construction of the original eBWT, which does not require the preprocessing of Bannai et al. [CPM 2021]. As a byproduct, we obtain the first linear-time algorithm for computing the BWT of a single string that uses neither an end-of-string symbol nor Lyndon rotations. We also combine our new eBWT construction with a variation of prefix-free parsing (PFP) [WABI 2019] to allow for construction of the eBWT on large collections of genomic sequences. We implement this combined algorithm (pfpebwt) and evaluate it on a collection of human chromosomes 19 from the 1,000 Genomes Project, on a collection of Salmonella genomes from GenomeTrakr, and on a collection of SARS-CoV2 genomes from EBI's COVID-19 data portal. We demonstrate that pfpebwt is the fastest method for all collections, with a maximum speedup of 7.6x on the second best method. The peak memory is at most 2x larger than the second best method. Comparing with methods that are also, as our algorithm, able to report suffix array samples, we obtain a 57.1x improvement in peak memory. The source code is publicly available at