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Phys Rev Lett ; 115(21): 212001, 2015 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26636846


We report the first lattice QCD calculation of the complex kaon decay amplitude A_{0} with physical kinematics, using a 32³×64 lattice volume and a single lattice spacing a, with 1/a=1.3784(68) GeV. We find Re(A_{0})=4.66(1.00)(1.26)×10(-7) GeV and Im(A_{0})=-1.90(1.23)(1.08)×10(-11) GeV, where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. The first value is in approximate agreement with the experimental result: Re(A_{0})=3.3201(18)×10(-7) GeV, while the second can be used to compute the direct CP-violating ratio Re(ϵ^{'}/ϵ)=1.38(5.15)(4.59)×10^{-4}, which is 2.1σ below the experimental value 16.6(2.3)×10(-4). The real part of A_{0} is CP conserving and serves as a test of our method while the result for Re(ϵ^{'}/ϵ) provides a new test of the standard model theory of CP violation, one which can be made more accurate with increasing computer capability.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(11): 112003, 2014 Sep 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25259970


We report on the first complete calculation of the K_{L}-K_{S} mass difference, ΔM_{K}, using lattice QCD. The calculation is performed on a 2+1 flavor, domain wall fermion ensemble with a 330 MeV pion mass and a 575 MeV kaon mass. We use a quenched charm quark with a 949 MeV mass to implement Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani cancellation. For these heavier-than-physical particle masses, we obtain ΔM_{K}=3.19(41)(96)×10^{-12} MeV, quite similar to the experimental value. Here the first error is statistical, and the second is an estimate of the systematic discretization error. An interesting aspect of this calculation is the importance of the disconnected diagrams, a dramatic failure of the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka rule.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(15): 152001, 2013 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25167252


There has been much speculation as to the origin of the ΔI=1/2 rule (ReA0/ReA2≃22.5). We find that the two dominant contributions to the ΔI=3/2, K→ππ correlation functions have opposite signs, leading to a significant cancelation. This partial cancelation occurs in our computation of ReA2 with physical quark masses and kinematics (where we reproduce the experimental value of A2) and also for heavier pions at threshold. For ReA0, although we do not have results at physical kinematics, we do have results for pions at zero momentum with mπ≃420 MeV [ReA0/ReA2=9.1(2.1)] and mπ≃330 MeV [ReA0/ReA2=12.0(1.7)]. The contributions which partially cancel in ReA2 are also the largest ones in ReA0, but now they have the same sign and so enhance this amplitude. The emerging explanation of the ΔI=1/2 rule is a combination of the perturbative running to scales of O(2 GeV), a relative suppression of ReA2 through the cancelation of the two dominant contributions, and the corresponding enhancement of ReA0. QCD and electroweak penguin operators make only very small contributions at such scales.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(14): 141601, 2012 Apr 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22540784


We report on the first realistic ab initio calculation of a hadronic weak decay, that of the amplitude A(2) for a kaon to decay into two π mesons with isospin 2. We find ReA(2)=(1.436±0.063(stat)±0.258(syst))10(-8) GeV in good agreement with the experimental result and for the hitherto unknown imaginary part we find ImA(2)=-(6.83±0.51(stat)±1.30(syst))10(-13) GeV. Moreover combining our result for ImA(2) with experimental values of ReA(2), ReA(0), and ε'/ε, we obtain the following value for the unknown ratio ImA(0)/ReA(0) within the standard model: ImA(0)/ReA(0)=-1.63(19)(stat)(20(syst)×10(-4). One consequence of these results is that the contribution from ImA(2) to the direct CP violation parameter ε' (the so-called Electroweak Penguin contribution) is Re(ε'/ε)(EWP)=-(6.52±0.49(stat)±1.24(syst))×10(-4). We explain why this calculation of A(2) represents a major milestone for lattice QCD and discuss the exciting prospects for a full quantitative understanding of CP violation in kaon decays.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(24): 241601, 2010 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21231518


The large mass of the ninth pseudoscalar meson, the η', is believed to arise from the combined effects of the axial anomaly and the gauge field topology present in QCD. We report a realistic, 2+1-flavor, lattice QCD calculation of the η and η' masses and mixing which confirms this picture. The physical eigenstates show small octet-singlet mixing with a mixing angle of θ=-14.1(2.8)°. Extrapolation to the physical light quark mass gives, with statistical errors only, mη=573(6) MeV and mη'=947(142) MeV, consistent with the experimental values of 548 and 958 MeV.

Science ; 239(4846): 1393-400, 1988 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17769735


During the past 10 years, particle physicists have increasingly employed numerical simulation to answer fundamental theoretical questions about the properties of quarks and gluons. The enormous computer resources required by quantum chromodynamic calculations have inspired the design and construction of very powerful, highly parallel, dedicated computers optimized for this work. This article gives a brief description of the numerical structure and current status of these large-scale lattice gauge theory calculations, with emphasis on the computational demands they make. The architecture, present state, and potential of these special-purpose supercomputers is described. It is argued that a numerical solution of low energy quantum chromodynamics may well be achieved by these machines.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(3): 032001, 2008 Jan 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18232967


We present the first results for neutral-kaon mixing using (2+1)-flavors of domain-wall fermions. A new approach is used to extrapolate to the physical up and down quark masses from our numerical studies with pion masses in the range 240-420 MeV; only SU(2)_{L}xSU(2)_{R} chiral symmetry is assumed and the kaon is not assumed to be light. Our main result is B_{K};{MS[over ]}(2 GeV)=0.524(10)(28) where the first error is statistical and the second incorporates estimates for all systematic errors.