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Geophys Res Lett ; 49(7): e2021GL097697, 2022 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865657


The transition of evapotranspiration between energy- and water-limitation regimes also denotes a nonlinear change in surface water and energy coupling strength. The regime transitions are primarily dominated by available moisture in the soil, although other micro-meteorological factors also play a role. Remotely sensed soil moisture is frequently used for detecting evapotranspiration regime transitions during inter storm dry downs. However, its sampling depth does not include the entire soil profile, over which water uptake is dominated by plant root distribution. We use flux tower, surface (θ s ; observations at 5 cm), and vertically integrated in situ soil moisture ( θ v ; 0-50 cm) observations to address the question: Can surface soil moisture robustly identify evapotranspiration regime transitions? Results demonstrate that θ s and θ v are hydraulically linked and have synchronized evapotranspiration regime transitions. As such, θ s and θ v capture comparable statistics of evapotranspiration regime prevalence, which supports the utility of remote-sensing θ s for large-scale land-atmosphere exchange analysis.

Remote Sens Environ ; 2392020 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32095027


Efficient water use assessment and irrigation management is critical for the sustainability of irrigated agriculture, especially under changing climate conditions. Due to the impracticality of maintaining ground instrumentation over wide geographic areas, remote sensing and numerical model-based fine-scale mapping of soil water conditions have been applied for water resource applications at a range of spatial scales. Here, we present a prototype framework for integrating high-resolution thermal infrared (TIR) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing data into a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer (SVAT) model with the aim of providing improved estimates of surface- and root-zone soil moisture that can support optimized irrigation management strategies. Specifically, remotely-sensed estimates of water stress (from TIR) and surface soil moisture retrievals (from SAR) are assimilated into a 30-m resolution SVAT model over a vineyard site in the Central Valley of California, U.S. The efficacy of our data assimilation algorithm is investigated via both the synthetic and real data experiments. Results demonstrate that a particle filtering approach is superior to an ensemble Kalman filter for handling the nonlinear relationship between model states and observations. In addition, biophysical conditions such as leaf area index are shown to impact the relationship between observations and states and must therefore be represented accurately in the assimilation model. Overall, both surface and root-zone soil moisture predicted via the SVAT model are enhanced through the assimilation of thermal and radar-based retrievals, suggesting the potential for improving irrigation management at the agricultural sub-field scale using a data assimilation strategy.

Geophys Res Lett ; 45(2): 758-765, 2018 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32848287


Knowledge of the temporal error structure for remotely sensed surface soil moisture retrievals can improve our ability to exploit them for hydrologic and climate studies. This study employs a triple collocation analysis to investigate both the total variance and temporal auto-correlation of errors in Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) products generated from two separate soil moisture retrieval algorithms, the vertically-polarized brightness temperature based Single Channel Algorithm (SCA-V, the current baseline SMAP algorithm) and the Dual Channel Algorithm (DCA). A key assumption made in SCA-V is that real-time vegetation opacity can be accurately captured using only a climatology for vegetation opacity. Results demonstrate that, while SCA-V generally outperforms DCA, SCA-V can produce larger total errors when this assumption is significantly violated by inter-annual variability in vegetation health and biomass. Furthermore, larger auto-correlated errors in SCA-V retrievals are found in areas with relatively large vegetation opacity deviations from climatological expectations. This implies that a significant portion of the auto-correlated error in SCA-V is attributable to the violation of its vegetation opacity climatology assumption and suggests that utilizing a real (as opposed to climatological) vegetation opacity time series in the SCA-V algorithm would reduce the magnitude of auto-correlated soil moisture retrieval errors.

Remote Sens Environ ; 214: 1-13, 2018 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32601510


Global-scale surface soil moisture products are currently available from multiple remote sensing platforms. Footprint-scale assessments of these products are generally restricted to limited number of densely-instrumented validation sites. However, by taking active and passive soil moisture products together with a third independent soil moisture estimates via land surface modeling, triple collocation (TC) can be applied to estimate the correlation metric of satellite soil moisture products (versus an unknown ground truth) over a quasi-global domain. Here, an assessment of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) surface soil moisture retrievals via TC is presented. Considering the potential violation of TC error assumptions, the impact of active-passive and satellite-model error cross correlations on the TC-derived inter-comparison results is examined at in situ sites using quadruple collocation analysis. In addition, confidence intervals for the TC-estimated correlation metric are constructed from moving-block bootstrap sampling designed to preserve the temporal persistence of the original (unevenly-sampled) soil moisture time-series. This study is the first to apply TC to obtain a robust global-scale cross-assessment of SMAP, SMOS and ASCAT soil moisture retrieval accuracy in terms of anomaly temporal correlation. Our results confirm the overall advantage of SMAP (with a global average anomaly correlation of 0.76) over SMOS (0.66) and ASCAT (0.63) that has been established in several recent regional, ground-based studies. SMAP is also the best-performing product over the majority of applicable land pixels (52%), although SMOS and ASCAT each shows advantage in distinct geographic regions.

Remote Sens Environ ; 205: 85-99, 2018 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33100408


An accurate temporal and spatial characterization of errors is required for the efficient processing, evaluation, and assimilation of remotely-sensed surface soil moisture retrievals. However, empirical evidence exists that passive microwave soil moisture retrievals are prone to periodic artifacts which may complicate their application in data assimilation systems (which commonly treat observational errors as being temporally white). In this paper, the link between such temporally-periodic errors and spatial land surface heterogeneity is examined. Both the synthetic experiment and site-specified cases reveal that, when combined with strong spatial heterogeneity, temporal periodicity in satellite sampling patterns (associated with exact repeat intervals of the polar-orbiting satellites) can lead to spurious high frequency spectral peaks in soil moisture retrievals. In addition, the global distribution of the most prominent and consistent 8-day spectral peak in the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System soil moisture retrievals is revealed via a peak detection method. Three spatial heterogeneity indicators - based on microwave brightness temperature, land cover types, and long-term averaged vegetation index - are proposed to characterize the degree to which the variability of land surface is capable of inducing periodic error into satellite-based soil moisture retrievals. Regions demonstrating 8-day periodic errors are generally consistent with those exhibiting relatively higher heterogeneity indicators. This implies a causal relationship between spatial land surface heterogeneity and temporal periodic error in remotely-sensed surface soil moisture retrievals.

Remote Sens Environ ; 204: 931-941, 2018 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32943797


Launched in January 2015, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory was designed to provide frequent global mapping of high-resolution soil moisture and freeze-thaw state every two to three days using a radar and a radiometer operating at L-band frequencies. Despite a hardware mishap that rendered the radar inoperable shortly after launch, the radiometer continues to operate nominally, returning more than two years of science data that have helped to improve existing hydrological applications and foster new ones. Beginning in late 2016 the SMAP project launched a suite of new data products with the objective of recovering some high-resolution observation capability loss resulting from the radar malfunction. Among these new data products are the SMAP Enhanced Passive Soil Moisture Product that was released in December 2016, followed by the SMAP/Sentinel-1 Active-Passive Soil Moisture Product in April 2017. This article covers the development and assessment of the SMAP Level 2 Enhanced Passive Soil Moisture Product (L2_SM_P_E). The product distinguishes itself from the current SMAP Level 2 Passive Soil Moisture Product (L2_SM_P) in that the soil moisture retrieval is posted on a 9 km grid instead of a 36 km grid. This is made possible by first applying the Backus-Gilbert optimal interpolation technique to the antenna temperature (TA) data in the original SMAP Level 1B Brightness Temperature Product to take advantage of the overlapped radiometer footprints on orbit. The resulting interpolated TA data then go through various correction/calibration procedures to become the SMAP Level 1C Enhanced Brightness Temperature Product (LiC_TB_E). The LiC_TB_E product, posted on a 9 km grid, is then used as the primary input to the current operational SMAP baseline soil moisture retrieval algorithm to produce L2_SM_P_E as the final output. Images of the new product reveal enhanced visual features that are not apparent in the standard product. Based on in situ data from core validation sites and sparse networks representing different seasons and biomes all over the world, comparisons between L2_SM_P_E and in situ data were performed for the duration of April 1, 2015 - October 30, 2016. It was found that the performance of the enhanced 9 km L2_SM_P_E is equivalent to that of the standard 36 km L2_SM_P, attaining a retrieval uncertainty below 0.040 m3/m3 unbiased root-mean-square error (ubRMSE) and a correlation coefficient above 0.800. This assessment also affirmed that the Single Channel Algorithm using the V-polarized TB channel (SCA-V) delivered the best retrieval performance among the various algorithms implemented for L2_SM_P_E, a result similar to a previous assessment for L2_SM_P.

Water Resour Res ; 54(9): 6374-6392, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30573928


Data assimilation is the application of Bayes' theorem to condition the states of a dynamical systems model on observations. Any real-world application of Bayes' theorem is approximate, and therefore we cannot expect that data assimilation will preserve all of the information available from models and observations. We outline a framework for measuring information in models, observations, and evaluation data in a way that allows us to quantify information loss during (necessarily imperfect) data assimilation. This facilitates quantitative analysis of tradeoffs between improving (usually expensive) remote sensing observing systems vs. improving data assimilation design and implementation. We demonstrate this methodology on a previously published application of the Ensemble Kalman Filter used to assimilate remote sensing soil moisture retrievals from AMSR-E into the Noah land surface model.

Water Resour Res ; 54(10): 8196-8215, 2018 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32020956


As a key variable in the climate system, soil moisture (SM) plays a central role in the earth's terrestrial water, energy, and biogeochemical cycles through its coupling with surface latent heat flux (LH). Despite the need to accurately represent SM/LH coupling in earth system models, we currently lack quantitative, observation-based, and unbiased estimates of its strength. Here, we utilize the triple collocation (TC) approach introduced in Crow et al. (2015) to SM and LH products obtained from multiple satellite remote sensing platforms and land surface models (LSMs) to obtain unbiased global maps of SM/LH coupling strength. Results demonstrate that, relative to coupling strength estimates acquired directly from remote sensing-based datasets, the application of TC generally enhances estimates of warm-season SM/LH coupling, especially in the western United States, the Sahel, Central Asia, and Australia. However, relative to triple collocation estimates, LSMs (still) over-predict SM/LH coupling strength along transitional climate regimes between wet and dry climates, such as the central Great Plains of North America, India, and coastal Australia. Specific climate zones with biased relations in LSMs are identified to geographically focus the re-examination of LSM parameterizations. TC-based coupling strength estimates are robust to our choice of LSM contributing SM and LH products to the TC analysis. Given their robustness, TC-based coupling strength estimates can serve as an objective benchmark for investigating model predicted SM/LH coupling.

Water Resour Res ; 54(7): 4228-4244, 2018 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30319160


Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Level-2 soil moisture retrievals collected during 2015-2017 are used in isolation to estimate 10-day warm-season precipitation and streamflow totals within 145 medium-sized (2,000-10,000 km2) unregulated watersheds in the conterminous United States. The precipitation estimation algorithm, derived from a well documented approach, includes a locally-calibrated loss function component that significantly improves its performance. For the basin-scale water budget analysis, the precipitation and streamflow algorithms are calibrated with two years of SMAP retrievals in conjunction with observed precipitation and streamflow data and are then applied to SMAP retrievals alone during a third year. While estimation accuracy (as measured by the square of the correlation coefficient, r2, between estimates and observations) varies by basin, the average r2 for the basins is 0.53 for precipitation and 0.22 for streamflow. For the subset of 22 basins that calibrate particularly well, the r2 increases to 0.63 for precipitation and to 0.51 for streamflow. The magnitudes of the estimated variables are also accurate, with sample pairs generally clustered about the 1:1 line. The chief limitation to the estimation involves large biases induced during periods of high rainfall; the accuracy of the estimates (in terms of r2 and RMSE) increases significantly when periods of higher rainfall are not considered. The potential for transferability is also demonstrated by calibrating the streamflow estimation equation in one basin and then applying the equation in another. Overall, the study demonstrates that SMAP retrievals contain, all by themselves, information that can be used to estimate large-scale water budgets.

Water Resour Res ; 52(9): 7213-7225, 2016 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29983456


An established methodology for estimating precipitation amounts from satellite-based soil moisture retrievals is applied to L-band products from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) and Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite missions and to a C-band product from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) mission. The precipitation estimates so obtained are evaluated against in situ (gauge-based) precipitation observations from across the globe. The precipitation estimation skill achieved using the L-band SMAP and SMOS datasets is higher than that obtained with the C-band product, as might be expected given that L-band is sensitive to a thicker layer of soil and thereby provides more information on the response of soil moisture to precipitation. The square of the correlation coefficient between the SMAP-based precipitation estimates and the observations (for aggregations to ~100 km and 5 days) is on average about 0.6 in areas of high rain gauge density. Satellite missions specifically designed to monitor soil moisture thus do provide significant information on precipitation variability, information that could contribute to efforts in global precipitation estimation.

J Hydrol (Amst) ; 541(Pt A): 434-456, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30377386


An operational streamflow forecasting testbed was implemented during the Intense Observing Period (IOP) of the Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx-IOP) in May-June 2014 to characterize flood predictability in complex terrain. Specifically, hydrological forecasts were issued daily for 12 headwater catchments in the Southern Appalachians using the Duke Coupled surface-groundwater Hydrology Model (DCHM) forced by hourly atmospheric fields and QPFs (Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts) produced by the NASA-Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (NU-WRF) model. Previous day hindcasts forced by radar-based QPEs (Quantitative Precipitation Estimates) were used to provide initial conditions for present day forecasts. This manuscript first describes the operational testbed framework and workflow during the IPHEx-IOP including a synthesis of results. Second, various data assimilation approaches are explored a posteriori (post-IOP) to improve operational (flash) flood forecasting. Although all flood events during the IOP were predicted by the IPHEx operational testbed with lead times of up to 6 hours, significant errors of over- and, or under-prediction were identified that could be traced back to the QPFs and subgrid-scale variability of radar QPEs. To improve operational flood prediction, three data-merging strategies were pursued post-IOP: 1) the spatial patterns of QPFs were improved through assimilation of satellite-based microwave radiances into NU-WRF; 2) QPEs were improved by merging raingauge observations with ground-based radar observations using bias-correction methods to produce streamflow hindcasts and associated uncertainty envelope capturing the streamflow observations, and 3) river discharge observations were assimilated into the DCHM to improve streamflow forecasts using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), the fixed-lag Ensemble Kalman Smoother (EnKS), and the Asynchronous EnKF (i.e. AEnKF) methods. Both flood hindcasts and forecasts were significantly improved by assimilating discharge observations into the DCHM. Specifically, Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency (NSE) values as high as 0.98, 0.71 and 0.99 at 15-min time-scales were attained for three headwater catchments in the inner mountain region demonstrating that the assimilation of discharge observations at the basin's outlet can reduce the errors and uncertainties in soil moisture at very small scales. Success in operational flood forecasting at lead times of 6, 9, 12 and 15hrs was also achieved through discharge assimilation with NSEs of 0.87, 0.78, 0.72 and 0.51, respectively. Analysis of experiments using various data assimilation system configurations indicates that the optimal assimilation time window depends both on basin properties and storm-specific space-time-structure of rainfall, and therefore adaptive, context-aware, configurations of the data assimilation system are recommended to address the challenges of flood prediction in headwater basins.

Heliyon ; 10(10): e30923, 2024 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38778950


Remotely sensed products are often used in watershed modeling as additional constraints to improve model predictions and reduce model uncertainty. Remotely sensed products also enabled the spatial evaluation of model simulations due to their spatial and temporal coverage. However, their usability is not extensively explored in various regions. This study evaluates the effectiveness of incorporating remotely sensed evapotranspiration (RS-ET) and leaf area index (RS-LAI) products to enhance watershed modeling predictions. The objectives include reducing parameter uncertainty at the watershed scale and refining the model's capability to predict the spatial distribution of ET and LAI at sub-watershed scale. Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, a systematic calibration procedure was applied. Initially, solely streamflow data was employed as a constraint, gradually incorporating RS-ET and RS-LAI thereafter. The results showed that while 14 parameter sets exhibit satisfactory performance for streamflow and RS-ET, this number diminishes to six with the inclusion of RS-LAI as an additional constraint. Furthermore, among these six sets, only three effectively captured the spatial patterns of ET and LAI at the sub-watershed level. Our findings showed that leveraging multiple remotely sensed products has the potential to diminish parameter uncertainty and increase the credibility of intra-watershed process simulations. These results contributed to broadening the applicability of remotely sensed products in watershed modeling, enhancing their usefulness in this field.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 3545, 2023 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37322084


Because runoff production is more efficient over wetter soils, and because soil moisture has an intrinsic memory, soil moisture information can potentially contribute to the accuracy of streamflow predictions at seasonal leads. In this work, we use surface (0-5 cm) soil moisture retrievals obtained with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite instrument in conjunction with streamflow measurements taken within 236 intermediate-scale (2000-10,000 km2) unregulated river basins in the conterminous United States to show that late-fall satellite-based surface soil moisture estimates are indeed strongly connected to subsequent springtime streamflow. We thus show that the satellite-based soil moisture retrievals, all by themselves, have the potential to produce skillful seasonal streamflow predictions several months in advance. In poorly instrumented regions, they could perform better than reanalysis soil moisture products in this regard.

Rios , Solo , Estados Unidos , Estações do Ano
iScience ; 26(1): 105853, 2023 Jan 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619984


The soil moisture active/passive (SMAP) mission represents a significant advance in measuring soil moisture from satellites. However, its large spatial-temporal data gaps limit the use of its values in near-real-time (NRT) applications. Considering this, the study uses NRT operational metadata (precipitation and skin temperature), together with some surface parameterization information, to feed into a random forest model to retrieve the missing values of the SMAP L3 soil moisture product. This practice was tested in filling the missing points for both SMAP descending (6:00 AM) and ascending orbits (6:00 PM) in a crop-dominated area from 2015 to 2019. The trained models with optimized hyper-parameters show the goodness of fit (R2 ≥ 0.86), and their resulting gap-filled estimates were compared against a range of competing products with in situ and triple collocation validation. This gap-filling scheme driven by low-latency data sources is first attempted to enhance NRT spatiotemporal support for SMAP L3 soil moisture.

Int J Retina Vitreous ; 9(1): 9, 2023 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36732855


BACKGROUND: Cone contrast threshold testing (CCT) provides quantitative measurements of color and contrast function to reveal changes in vision quality that are not standard endpoints in clinical trials. We utilize CCT to measure visual function in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), epiretinal membrane (ERM), and retinal vein occlusion (RVO). METHODS: Retrospective data was gathered from 237 patients of the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute. Subjects included 17 patients with MS, 45 patients with AMD, 41 patients with ERM, 11 patients with RVO, and 123 healthy controls. Patients underwent the primary measurement outcome, CCT testing, as well as Sloan visual acuity test and spectral domain optical coherence tomography during normal care. RESULTS: Color and contrast deficits were present in MS patients regardless of history of optic neuritis. AMD with intermediate or worse disease demonstrated reduced CCT scores. All 3 stages of ERM demonstrated cone contrast deficits. Despite restoration of visual acuity, RVO-affected eyes demonstrated poorer CCT performance than unaffected fellow eyes. CONCLUSIONS: CCT demonstrates color and contrast deficits for multiple retinal diseases with differing pathophysiology. Further prospective studies of CCT in other disease states and with larger samples sizes is warranted.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 336, 2022 01 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35039501


Earth system models (ESMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) experiment exhibit a well-known summertime warm bias in mid-latitude land regions - most notably in the central contiguous United States (CUS). The dominant source of this bias is still under debate. Using validated datasets and both coupled and off-line modeling, we find that the CUS summertime warm bias is driven by the incorrect partitioning of evapotranspiration (ET) into its canopy transpiration and soil evaporation components. Specifically, CMIP6 ESMs do not effectively use available rootzone soil moisture for summertime transpiration and instead rely excessively on shallow soil and canopy-intercepted water storage to supply ET. As such, expected summertime precipitation deficits in CUS induce a negative ET bias into CMIP6 ESMs and a corresponding positive temperature bias via local land-atmosphere coupling. This tendency potentially biases CMIP6 projections of regional water stress and summertime air temperature variability under elevated CO2 conditions.

Sci Total Environ ; 849: 157535, 2022 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35872188


The increased frequency and severity of drought has heightened concerns over the risk of hydraulic vegetative stress and the premature mortality of ecosystems globally. Unfortunately, most land surface models (LSMs) continue to underestimate ecosystem resilience to drought - which degrades the credibility of model-predicted ecohydrological responses to climate change. This study investigates the response of vegetation gross productivity to water-stress conditions using microwave-based vegetation optical depth (VOD) and soil moisture retrievals. Based on the estimated isohydric/anisohydric spectrum, we find that vegetation at isohydric state exhibits a larger decrease in gross primary productivity and higher water use efficiency than anisohydric vegetation due to their more rigorous stomatal control and higher tolerance of carbon starvation risk. In addition, the introduction of microwave soil moisture improves the accuracy of isohydricity/anisohydricity estimates compared to those obtained using microwave VOD alone (i.e., increases their Spearman rank correlation versus the benchmark of Global Biodiversity Information Facility dataset from 0.12 to 0.63). Results of this study provide clear justification for the use of microwave-based soil moisture retrievals to enhance stomatal conductance parameterization within LSMs.

Secas , Ecossistema , Carbono , Micro-Ondas , Solo , Água/fisiologia
Front Big Data ; 3: 10, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33693385


From an agricultural perspective, drought refers to an unusual deficiency of plant available water in the root-zone of the soil profile. This paper focuses on evaluating the benefit of assimilating soil moisture retrievals from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission into the USDA-FAS Palmer model for agricultural drought monitoring. This will be done by examining the standardized soil moisture anomaly index. The skill of the SMAP-enhanced Palmer model is assessed over three agricultural regions that have experienced major drought since the launch of SMAP in early 2015: (1) the 2015 drought in California (CA), USA, (2) the 2017 drought in South Africa, and (3) the 2018 mid-winter drought in Australia. During these three events, the SMAP-enhanced Palmer soil moisture estimates (PM+SMAP) are compared against the Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) rainfall dataset and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products. Results demonstrate the benefit of assimilating SMAP and confirm its potential for improving U.S. Department of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service root-zone soil moisture information generated using the Palmer model. In particular, PM+SMAP soil moisture estimates are shown to enhance the spatial variability of Palmer model root-zone soil moisture estimates and adjust the Palmer model drought response to improve its consistency with ancillary CHIRPS precipitation and NDVI information.

Hydrol Earth Syst Sci ; 22(2): 1351-1369, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30449998


A newly developed microwave (MW) land surface temperature (LST) product is used to substitute thermal infrared (TIR) based LST in the Atmosphere Land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) modelling framework for estimating ET from space. ALEXI implements a two-source energy balance (TSEB) land surface scheme in a time-differential approach, designed to minimize sensitivity to absolute biases in input records of LST through the analysis of the rate of temperature change in the morning. Thermal infrared (TIR) retrievals of the diurnal LST curve, traditionally from geostationary platforms, are hindered by cloud cover, reducing model coverage on any given day. This study tests the utility of diurnal temperature information retrieved from a constellation of satellites with microwave radiometers that together provide 6-8 observations of Ka-band brightness temperature per location per day. This represents the first ever attempt at a global implementation of ALEXI with MW-based LST and is intended as the first step towards providing all-weather capability to the ALEXI framework. The analysis is based on 9-year long, global records of ALEXI ET generated using both MW and TIR based diurnal LST information as input. In this study, the MW-LST sampling is restricted to the same clear sky days as in the IR-based implementation to be able to analyse the impact of changing the LST dataset separately from the impact of sampling all-sky conditions. The results show that long-term bulk ET estimates from both LST sources agree well, with a spatial correlation of 92% for total ET in the Europe/Africa domain and agreement in seasonal (3-month) totals of 83-97 % depending on the time of year. Most importantly, the ALEXI-MW also matches ALEXI-IR very closely in terms of 3-month inter-annual anomalies, demonstrating its ability to capture the development and extent of drought conditions. Weekly ET output from the two parallel ALEXI implementations is further compared to a common ground measured reference provided by the FLUXNET consortium. Overall, the two model implementations generate similar performance metrics (correlation and RMSE) for all but the most challenging sites in terms of spatial heterogeneity and level of aridity. It is concluded that a constellation of MW satellites can effectively be used to provide LST for estimating ET through ALEXI, which is an important step towards all-sky satellite-based retrieval of ET using an energy balance framework.

IEEE J Sel Top Appl Earth Obs Remote Sens ; 11(12): 4578-4590, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32577149


The accurate estimation of grid-scale fluxes of water, energy, and carbon requires consideration of sub-grid spatial variability in root-zone soil moisture (RZSM). The NASA Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) mission represents the first systematic attempt to repeatedly map high-resolution RZSM fields using airborne remote sensing across a range of biomes. Here we compare 3-arc-sec (~100-m) spatial resolution AirMOSS RZSM retrievals from P-band radar acquisitions over 9 separate North American study sites with analogous RZSM estimates generated by the Flux-Penn State Hydrology Model (Flux-PIHM). The two products demonstrate comparable levels of accuracy when evaluated against ground-based soil moisture products and a significant level of temporal cross-correlation. However, relative to the AirMOSS RZSM retrievals, Flux-PIHM RZSM estimates generally demonstrate much lower levels of spatial and temporal variability, and the spatial patterns captured by both products are poorly correlated. Nevertheless, based on a discussion of likely error sources affecting both products, it is argued that the spatial analysis of AirMOSS and Flux-PIHM RZSM fields provide meaningful upper and lower bounds on the potential range of RZSM spatial variability encountered across a range of natural biomes.