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J Chem Phys ; 158(9): 094303, 2023 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36889957


Information about molecular collisions is encoded in the shapes of collision-perturbed molecular resonances. This connection between molecular interactions and line shapes is most clearly seen in simple systems, such as the molecular hydrogen perturbed by a noble gas atom. We study the H2-Ar system by means of highly accurate absorption spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. On the one hand, we use the cavity-ring-down-spectroscopy technique to record the shapes of the S(1) 3-0 line of molecular hydrogen perturbed by argon. On the other hand, we simulate the shapes of this line using ab initio quantum-scattering calculations performed on our accurate H2-Ar potential energy surface (PES). In order to validate the PES and the methodology of quantum-scattering calculations separately from the model of velocity-changing collisions, we measured the spectra in experimental conditions in which the influence of the latter is relatively minor. In these conditions, our theoretical collision-perturbed line shapes reproduce the raw experimental spectra at the percent level. However, the collisional shift, δ0, differs from the experimental value by 20%. Compared to other line-shape parameters, collisional shift displays much higher sensitivity to various technical aspects of the computational methodology. We identify the contributors to this large error and find the inaccuracies of the PES to be the dominant factor. With regard to the quantum scattering methodology, we demonstrate that treating the centrifugal distortion in a simple, approximate manner is sufficient to obtain the percent-level accuracy of collisional spectra.

J Chem Phys ; 122(9): 094307, 2005 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15836128


A detailed analysis of the He-NH((3)Sigma(-)) van der Waals complex is presented. We discuss ab initio calculations of the potential energy surface and fitting procedures with relevance to cold collisions, and we present accurate calculations of bound energy levels of the triatomic complex as well as collisional properties of NH molecules in a buffer gas of (3)He. The influence of the external magnetic field used to trap the NH molecules and the effect of the atom-molecule interaction potential on the collisionally induced Zeeman relaxation are explored. It is shown that minute variations of the interaction potential due to different fitting procedures may alter the Zeeman relaxation rate at ultralow temperatures by as much as 50%.