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Curr Psychol ; 42(2): 1652-1664, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33716473


Ultra-short scales are increasingly popular in surveys. Congeneric model fit of a three-item scale cannot be tested with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) without additional assumptions because the number of degrees of freedom is equal to zero. A more rigorous tau-equivalent model, assuming equality of factor loadings can be tested instead. The objective of this study was to demonstrate this approach with an example of the psychometric study of the Polish version of the Three-Item Loneliness Scale (TILS), and to discuss the arising problems and possible solutions. There seems to be a high need for such analysis because currently, some properties of CFA make it an approach still predominant over Item Response Theory (IRT) models in the quality of life research. A sample of 3510 students completed TILS together with the questionnaires measuring a variety of indicators of well-being. The results provided evidence for a good fit of a tau-equivalent model. Furthermore, multi-group CFAs provided support for strict measurement invariance of this model. To the Authors' knowledge, it is the first practical application of a tau-equivalent model to testing the factorial validity of an ultra-short scale and probably the first empirical case of tau-equivalent measurement invariance in psychological literature in general. TILS showed good criterion validity and satisfactory reliability. Unidimensionality of three-item scales can be examined with a tau-equivalent model that has some favorable psychometric properties. However, it might be exceedingly restrictive in certain practical cases. When developing a new short scale, it is recommended to maintain at least four items.

Health Psychol Rep ; 12(1): 39-52, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38425885


BACKGROUND: This article explores parental responsiveness - the ability of a parent to react to a child's needs adequately, promptly, and with tenderness and synchrony. Parental responsiveness can be measured using observational and self-report scales. The purpose of this study was to explore whether individual differences in empathy and attachment in mothers and fathers and their satisfaction with their relationship are predictors of parental responsiveness toward infants. Moreover, self-report and observational measures of parental responsiveness were compared. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: A total of 110 triads (mother, father, and child aged 6-10 months) took part in the free play procedure and parents' behaviors towards their children were assessed using the Ainsworth Sensitivity Scale. Moreover, they filled out a set of questionnaires measuring parental self-reported responsiveness, empathy, experiences in close relationships and romantic relationship satisfaction. RESULTS: Higher empathic concern was connected with higher responsiveness and this was seen in both individual and partner measures. At the individual level, measures of responsiveness (self-report and observational) were not congruent and probably depended on other variables. In couples, there were positive correlations in three aspects of their family functioning: observed and self-reported parental responsiveness as well as relationship satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed differences between self-reported and observational measures of parental responsiveness, indicating that their results may not always be congruent and could depend on other variables.

Health Psychol Rep ; 12(3): 247-259, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234026


BACKGROUND: Problematic overstudying is a compulsive and pathological overinvolvement in studying leading to harm and considerable functional impairments. It is conceptualized as "study addiction," a precursor to work addiction. It has been investigated within the addictive behaviours framework in general populations of students for over a decade. A previous study analysed the problem among young musicians as a particularly vulnerable group. It found some important differences in potential personality risk factors among music academy students compared to general populations of students and showed an important role of social anxiety. The current study aimed to validate these findings in a separate larger sample and extend them by investigating the role of music performance anxiety (MPA). PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: The study was conducted among 213 students of music academies. Valid and reliable measures of study addiction, MPA, Big Five personality and well-being were used. RESULTS: The results showed that MPA played a similar role as social anxiety in terms of being a predictor, mediator, and moderator of the main replicated effects supporting the hypothesised mechanisms regulating study addiction. However, extraversion was not associated with study addiction in multiple hierarchical regression analysis, but conscientiousness and neuroticism were. Study addiction was associated with indicators of decreased well-being, above and beyond MPA, and personality. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that MPA plays an analogous role to social anxiety and that the role of Big Five personality in study addiction among young musicians requires further investigation due to inconsistent findings.