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Cureus ; 16(4): e59007, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38800245


COVID-associated rhino-orbito-cerebral Mucormycosis (CA-ROCM), henceforth referred to as Covid-Associated Mucormycosis (CAM), is a serious and fatal condition unless treated promptly and completely. The main treatment of the CAM is complete surgical debridement and administration of systemic antifungals. The first line antifungal recommended for CAM is Amphotericin-B. Since Amphotericin-B has systemic side effects mainly on the renal system, a timely decision to start and end Amphotericin-B therapy is very essential. Besides the Computed Tomography (CT) scan, serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels are a good indicator of CAM-associated inflammation levels in the patient's body. By monitoring the CRP levels, we can titrate amphotericin treatment to cause minimal harm to the kidneys. Our study was done to analyze the kinetics of C-reactive protein in patients of CAM admitted in a tertiary-care hospital and compare it with the CRP levels in COVID-associated non-Mucormycosis Sinusitis patients. Aim and objective To study the kinetics of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels among patients undergoing in-patient care for COVID-associated rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis and compare with serum CRP levels in COVID-19 patients suffering from sinusitis without rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis.  Materials and methods This was a retrospective cohort study. The source of data was post-COVID sinusitis patients who were admitted during 2nd wave of COVID-19 in India in our hospital whose medical records were accessed by the Medical Records Department. The subjects were recruited into the two study groups namely the Mucormycosis group and the non-Mucormycosis group based on the histopathological report of the nasal biopsy specimen. The medical records of each member of the two groups were studied for the levels of serum C-reactive protein measured at the time of admission and every 5(+1) days thereafter till the time of discharge. The kinetics of serum C-reactive protein levels, which is a marker of inflammation is studied in each of the two groups and compared using statistical methods. Results There was a significant difference between Mucormycosis and Non-Mucormycosis groups in CRP-level kinetics. However, there was no significant trend of decrease or increase over time in Mucormycosis as well as non-Mucormycosis cases. Conclusion CRP is an important biomarker in assessing the septic response to COVID-associated rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis. Detection of raised CRP levels helps in prompt early initiation of anti-fungal treatment. Also, monitoring the levels of serum CRP will guide in deciding the time to stop the antifungals at an appropriate time. CRP monitoring is commonly available and affordable. Hence, we recommend CRP monitoring of in-patients of CAM.

Cureus ; 15(7): e42674, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37649953


Background Mucormycosis is a consequence of the angioinvasive disease caused by filamentous fungi that belong to the order Mucorales, particularly Mucor, Rhizopus, and Rhizomucor. Rhizopus oryzae is the most prevalent form. The invading hyphae lead to damage of blood vessels leading to thrombosis and consequent tissue necrosis. The incidence of this disease entity witnessed a significant rise during the second wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Timely diagnosis and prompt treatment are crucial to diminish both the mortality and morbidity associated with this disease. Imaging plays a pivotal role in diagnosing the ailment, evaluating its extent, identifying complications such as thrombosis, and facilitating surgical planning. It demonstrates exceptional sensitivity in detecting the disease at its early stages, often before symptoms manifest. Due to the angioinvasive nature of Mucor, early detection assumes utmost importance as it necessitates intensive antifungal therapy and the removal of devitalized tissue through debridement. Methodology We conducted a retrospective cohort study to analyze computed tomography (CT) imaging findings in patients with COVID-associated rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) confirmed by histopathological examination. We compared these findings with CT findings of the nose and paranasal sinuses in patients without mucor following COVID-19 sinusitis (non-ROCM). Results All 16 cases in the non-ROCM group were in stage 1 disease. In contrast, in the ROCM group, three patients had stage 1 disease, five patients had stage 2 disease, and 10 patients had stage 3 disease (p = 0.0001). The pterygopalatine fossa was significantly affected in 10 of 18 ROCM patients and in none of the non-ROCM patients. Conclusions Imaging plays a crucial role in the early detection of mucormycosis. It assists treating physicians in initiating prompt and aggressive treatment, thereby improving the prognosis of this frequently fatal disease.

Ann Afr Med ; 22(1): 117-123, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36695233


Background: Many factors have been proposed to be associated with the severity of disease and mortality in COVID-19. Vitamin D had recently been reviewed as one of these factors. Aim and Objectives: To evaluate the association between Vitamin D and the disease severity and mortality in COVID-19. Materials and Methods: After approval from Institutional Ethics Committee, this prospective cohort study was carried out in selected tertiary care teaching medical institutes of Central India. Participants were COVID-19 patients of the age group of 18 years and above admitted during the study period. They were categorized into four groups as asymptomatic (Group A), mild (Group B), moderate (Group C), and severe (Group D) based on clinical symptoms, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and chest imaging. Serum level of Vitamin 25(OH) D was measured using chemiluminescent immunoassay. The outcome of the disease was classified as recovery and death during hospitalization. The association of sociodemographic and medical characteristics with treatment outcome was studied using an appropriate statistical test. A full logistic regression model was built for the assessment of the relationship between treatment outcomes with Vitamin D level. Further, one receiver operating characteristic curve was developed to examine the prognostic significance of Vitamin D levels in COVID-19 patients. Results: Out of 748 enrolled patients, 44 (5.88%), had severe disease (Group D). A total of 721 cases (96.39%) recovered and were discharged, whereas 27 (3.61%) died during hospitalization. Mean Vitamin D level was found to be significantly different in discharged patients compared to those who were deceased. Increasing age-adjusted odds ratio (AOR) (95% confidence interval [CI]=1.07 [1.02-1.12]), known hypertension AOR (95%CI) = 3.38 (1.13-10.08), and diabetes mellitus AOR (95%CI) =28.5 (6.04-134.13) were found to be significant predictors of death among COVID-19 patients. Increasing Vitamin D level was found to be protective against COVID-19-related death (AOR (95% CI = 0.87 [0.80-0.94]). Conclusion: Vitamin D was significantly associated with the disease severity and mortality in COVID-19.

Résumé Contexte: Il a été proposé que de nombreux facteurs soient associés à la gravité de la maladie et de la mortalité dans le Covid - 19. La vitamine D avait récemment été examinée comme l'un de ces facteurs. Objectif et objectifs: évaluer l'association entre la vitamine D et la gravité de la maladie et la mortalité dans le Covid-19. Matériel et méthodes: Après l'approbation du comité d'éthique institutionnel, cette étude de cohorte prospective a été réalisée dans des instituts médicaux d'enseignement des soins tertiaires de l'Inde centrale. Les participants étaient des patients Covid-19 du groupe d'âge de 18 ans et plus admis au cours de la période d'étude. Ils ont été classés en quatre groupes comme asymptomatiques (groupe A), légers (groupe B), modérés (groupe C) et sévères (groupe D) sur la base des symptômes cliniques, de la fréquence respiratoire, de la saturation en oxygène et de l'imagerie thoracique. Niveau sérique de la vitamine 25 (OH) DWAS mesuré en utilisant l'immunodosage chimioluminescent. L'issue de la maladie a été classée comme récupération et décès pendant l'hospitalisation. L'association des caractéristiques sociodémographiques et médicales avec les résultats du traitement a été étudiée à l'aide d'un test statistique approprié. Un modèle de régression logistique complet a été construit pour l'évaluation de la relation entre les résultats du traitement au niveau de la vitamine D. De plus, une courbe caractéristique de fonctionnement du récepteur a été développée pour examiner la signification pronostique des niveaux de vitamine D chez les patients COVID-19. Résultats: Sur 748 patients inscrits, 44 (5,88%), avaient une maladie grave (groupe D). Un total de 721 cas (96,39%) ont récupéré et ont été libérés, tandis que 27 (3,61%) sont décédés pendant l'hospitalisation. Le niveau moyen de la vitamine D s'est révélé significativement différent chez les patients libérés par rapport à ceux qui ont été décédés. Augmentation du rapport de cotes ajusté à l'âge (AOR) (intervalle de confiance à 95% [IC] = 1,07 [1,02­1,12]), hypertension connue AOR (IC à 95%) = 3,38 (1,13­10,08) et diabète mellite aor (IC 95% ) = 28,5 (6,04­134.13) se sont révélés être des prédicteurs significatifs de la mort chez les patients COVID-19. L'augmentation du niveau de vitamine D s'est avérée protectrice contre la mort liée au Covid - 19 (AOR (IC à 95% = 0,87 [0,80­0,94]). Conclusion: La vitamine D était significativement associée à la gravité de la maladie et à la mortalité dans le Covid - 19. Mots clés: Covid - 19, tempête de cytokines, mortalité, gravité, vitamine D.

COVID-19 , Vitamina D , Humanos , Adolescente , Estudos Prospectivos , Vitaminas/uso terapêutico , Índice de Gravidade de Doença
Cureus ; 14(2): e22186, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35308685


Background and objectives People with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have had a wide range of symptoms reported such as fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, a new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea. The severity of disease, mortality, symptoms of COVID-19 showed significant variation in different parts of the world. The purpose of this study was to describe epidemiological characteristics and symptoms of confirmed COVID-19 patients and to identify factors associated with the severity of the disease. Methods This is a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted on hospitalized COVID-19 patients from May 2020 to July 2020. We obtained data on the demographic characteristics, symptoms, and infection severity for 150 patients by pre-tested semi-structured interview. Information was recorded in a Microsoft Excel sheet and exported to SPSS Statistics (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.) for analysis. Results The median age of the patients was 31.5 years, where 42% of the patients were female; 52.7% of patients were symptomatic while 47.3% of patients were asymptomatic. Common symptoms at the time of admission were fever (40.5%), sore throat (36.7%), cough (32.9%), rhinitis (19.0%), and body ache (13.9%). At least one comorbidity was reported in 20.0% of the patients, with the most common comorbidity being hypertension (14.7%). History of contact with known confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the last 14 days was present in 94% of patients. The presence of any coexisting illness was significantly higher among patients with severe disease than among those with non-severe disease (80% vs. 17.9%, p=0.012). Conclusions High proportions of COVID-19 patients were asymptomatic in our study. Fever and cough were the most common symptoms. The presence of any coexisting illness was significantly higher among patients with severe disease than among those with a non-severe disease.

Cureus ; 14(1): e21541, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35223314


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world population across the globe. India has the second largest number of cases and the third largest number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the world. There have been close to 4.4 lakh deaths due to COVID-19 in India alone. The second wave in India has led to devastating consequences, particularly among the young population. The initial clinical symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to all types of viral pneumonia, with varying degrees of severity. The cases' clinical manifestations include fever, nonproductive cough, dyspnea, myalgia, and fatigue. This study was undertaken with the purpose of identifying the relationship between the symptoms and duration in COVID-19-affected patients. The common presenting symptoms were fever (44.5%), sore throat (38.7%), and cough (36.12%). Most of the cases presented with a combination of fever with cough (35%) and fever with sore throat (33%). The duration of symptoms varied from one to 17 days with a mean of 5.75 days. Despite vaccination being started, the risk of the imminent third wave in the country is existential. Mutations in the coronavirus pose a threat to the vulnerable population. It is important to identify the combination of symptoms most predictive of COVID-19 to help guide recommendations for self-isolation, testing, and preventing further spread of the disease. Further studies using these models can yield better results in surveillance and containing this infectious disease.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 74(Suppl 2): 3304-3312, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35999950


Surge in the number of mucormycosis cases following second wave of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) infection posed several diagnostic and prognostic challenges. This study was aimed to describe clinical, diagnostic features and survival outcomes among patients of mucormycosis in post COVID-19 context. Retrospective chart review. This study included 44 COVID-19 positive screened cases who presented with clinical features suggestive of mucormycosis. Demography, clinical profile, diagnostic findings, and the treatment outcome are studied. Medical and surgical outcomes are summarised as frequencies and percentages. The reliability of microbiological, and radiological findings against the pathological findings was analyzed using Kappa statistics (k). Based on constellation of microbiological, pathological and radiological findings 28 cases (63%) confirmed with mucormycosis infection. The mean (SD) age was 54.9 (12.9) years and two-third were males. The majority (90%) of cases presented with the feature of facial swelling, headache nasal blockade. Inpatient care for treatment of COVID-19 was recorded in 33 (75%). Diabetes mellitus was the commonest comorbidity in 27 (61.4%), 38 (86.4%) cases were treated by steroids and 30 (68.2%) were given oxygen therapy. There is a strong agreement (k = 0.83) between pathological and microbiological investigations. In thirty-eight cases (86.3%) remission was achieved when assessed after 8 weeks. Of the 44 cases, four patients died. The results of the current study suggest that the disease residues and/or recurrences in critical areas are frequent in mucormycosis. However, using the strategy of screening at risk patients, diagnosing, treating them with combination of antifungals, surgical debridement, and timely follow up may help in improving outcomes as compared to pre COVID-19 era.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 10(5)2022 May 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35628049


The primary goal of this study was to assess the prevalence of oral involvement and, secondarily, the likely variables in patients with confirmed COVID-19 accompanied by mucormycosis infection. The study design was a cross-sectional descriptive sort that was performed at a tertiary centre. The non-probability convenience sampling approach was used to determine the sample size. Between May 2021 and July 2021, all patients who presented to our tertiary care centre with suspected mucormycosis were considered for the investigation. The research only included individuals with proven mucormycosis after COVID-19. The features of the patients, the frequency of intraoral signs/symptoms, and the possible variables were all noted. Of the 333 COVID-19-infected patients, 47 (14%) were diagnosed with confirmed mucormycosis. The mean (SD) age of the patients was 59.7 (11.9) years. Of the 47 patients with confirmed mucormycosis, 34% showed sudden tooth mobility, 34% expressed toothache, 8.5% reported palatal eschar, 34% presented with jaw pain, 8.5% had tongue discoloration, and 17% had temporomandibular pain. About 53% of the patients were known cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus, 89% of patients had a history of hospitalization due to COVID-19 infection, 89.3% underwent oxygen support therapy, and 89.3% were administered intravenous steroids during hospitalization due to COVID-19 infection. About 14% of the suspected cases attending the mucormycosis out-patient department (OPD) had been confirmed with definite mucormycosis. Oral involvement was seen in 45% of cases of CAM (COVID-associated mucormycosis). The most frequent oral symptoms presented in CAM were sudden tooth mobility and toothache. Diabetes and steroids were the likely contributing factors associated with CAM.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 73(3): 304-309, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33078124


The World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned on specific respiratory symptoms for suspecting an individual of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Meanwhile, many suspects are reporting dysfunctions of smell and taste. This study aimed to investigate the percentage of positive COVID-19 who had associated loss of sensation as detected by psychophysical testing. Eight hundred and thirty two suspects were enrolled. At the time of sampling for testing COVID-19 status, olfactory dysfunction (OD) and gustatory dysfunction (GD) tested using odorants like coffee and camphor and solutions of sweet and salty solvants, respectively. The strength of the association between test results of these sensory losses and COVID-19 positivity was assessed by calculating sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. The responses in positive and negative individuals presented as age-adjusted odds ratio with 95% CI. Seventy six (9.1%) [95% CI: 7.4%-11.3%] of 832 suspects were tested positive for COVID-19. Paediatric cases of age between 2 and 10 years could not reply appropriately, hence OD in 134 and GD in 118 could not be tested. Anosmia or hyposmia was present in 62 (81.6%) and ageusia in 64 (84.2%) of the total 76 confirmed cases. The OD and GD dysfunctions were significantly higher among confirmed COVID-19 cases compared to negative subjects [Adj OR (95% CI): Smell 3.22 (1.77-5.88); taste 3.05 (1.61-5.76), p < 0.001]. In this study, testing of smell and taste dysfunctions had higher sensitivity in identifying recent-onset loss of sensations in COVID-19 cases. Hence, it may be used as a simple and cost-effective screening test.