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Nature ; 578(7795): 386-391, 2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32042171


Attosecond pulses are central to the investigation of valence- and core-electron dynamics on their natural timescales1-3. The reproducible generation and characterization of attosecond waveforms has been demonstrated so far only through the process of high-order harmonic generation4-7. Several methods for shaping attosecond waveforms have been proposed, including the use of metallic filters8,9, multilayer mirrors10 and manipulation of the driving field11. However, none of these approaches allows the flexible manipulation of the temporal characteristics of the attosecond waveforms, and they suffer from the low conversion efficiency of the high-order harmonic generation process. Free-electron lasers, by contrast, deliver femtosecond, extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray pulses with energies ranging from tens of microjoules to a few millijoules12,13. Recent experiments have shown that they can generate subfemtosecond spikes, but with temporal characteristics that change shot-to-shot14-16. Here we report reproducible generation of high-energy (microjoule level) attosecond waveforms using a seeded free-electron laser17. We demonstrate amplitude and phase manipulation of the harmonic components of an attosecond pulse train in combination with an approach for its temporal reconstruction. The results presented here open the way to performing attosecond time-resolved experiments with free-electron lasers.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 31(Pt 5): 1058-1066, 2024 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150680


Advances in physics have been significantly driven by state-of-the-art technology, and in photonics and X-ray science this calls for the ability to manipulate the characteristics of optical beams. Orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams hold substantial promise in various domains such as ultra-high-capacity optical communication, rotating body detection, optical tweezers, laser processing, super-resolution imaging etc. Hence, the advancement of OAM beam-generation technology and the enhancement of its technical proficiency and characterization capabilities are of paramount importance. These endeavours will not only facilitate the use of OAM beams in the aforementioned sectors but also extend the scope of applications in diverse fields related to OAM beams. At the FERMI Free-Electron Laser (Trieste, Italy), OAM beams are generated either by tailoring the emission process on the undulator side or, in most cases, by coupling a spiral zone plate (SZP) in tandem with the refocusing Kirkpatrick-Baez active optic system (KAOS). To provide a robust and reproducible workflow to users, a Hartmann wavefront sensor (WFS) is used for both optics tuning and beam characterization. KAOS is capable of delivering both tightly focused and broad spots, with independent control over vertical and horizontal magnification. This study explores a novel non-conventional `near collimation' operational mode aimed at generating beams with OAM that employs the use of a lithographically manufactured SZP to achieve this goal. The article evaluates the mirror's performance through Hartmann wavefront sensing, offers a discussion of data analysis methodologies, and provides a quantitative analysis of these results with ptychographic reconstructions.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(11): 2015-2024, 2024 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469750


High-Harmonic Generation (HHG) spectra of randomly aligned bromoform (CHBr3) molecules have been experimentally measured and theoretically simulated at various laser pulse intensities. From the experiments, we obtained a significant number of harmonics that goes beyond the cutoff limit predicted by the three-step model (3SM) with ionization from HOMO. To interpret the experiment, we resorted to real-time time-dependent configuration interaction with single excitations. We found that electronic bound states provide an appreciable contribution to the harmonics. More in detail, we analyzed the electron dynamics by decomposing the HHG signal in terms of single molecular-orbital contributions, to explain the appearance of harmonics around 20-30 eV beyond the expected cutoff due to HOMO. HHG spectra can be therefore explained by considering the contribution at high energy of HOMO-6 and HOMO-9, thus indicating a complex multiple-orbital strong-field dynamics. However, even though the presence of the bromoform cation should be not enough to produce such a signal, we could not exclude a priori that the origin of harmonics in the H29-H45 to be due to the cation, which has more energetic ionization channels.

J Chem Phys ; 160(10)2024 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469909


Wave packet interferometry with vacuum ultraviolet light has been used to probe a complex region of the electronic spectrum of molecular nitrogen, N2. Wave packets of Rydberg and valence states were excited by using double pulses of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), free-electron-laser (FEL) light. These wave packets were composed of contributions from multiple electronic states with a moderate principal quantum number (n ∼ 4-9) and a range of vibrational and rotational quantum numbers. The phase relationship of the two FEL pulses varied in time, but as demonstrated previously, a shot-by-shot analysis allows the spectra to be sorted according to the phase between the two pulses. The wave packets were probed by angle-resolved photoionization using an infrared pulse with a variable delay after the pair of excitation pulses. The photoelectron branching fractions and angular distributions display oscillations that depend on both the time delays and the relative phases of the VUV pulses. The combination of frequency, time delay, and phase selection provides significant control over the ionization process and ultimately improves the ability to analyze and assign complex molecular spectra.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(4): 045001, 2023 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37566861


We demonstrate the generation of extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) free-electron laser (FEL) pulses with time-dependent polarization. To achieve polarization modulation on a femtosecond timescale, we combine two mutually delayed counterrotating circularly polarized subpulses from two cross-polarized undulators. The polarization profile of the pulses is probed by angle-resolved photoemission and above-threshold ionization of helium; the results agree with solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The stability limit of the scheme is mainly set by electron-beam energy fluctuations, however, at a level that will not compromise experiments in the XUV. Our results demonstrate the potential to improve the resolution and element selectivity of methods based on polarization shaping and may lead to the development of new coherent control schemes for probing and manipulating core electrons in matter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(7): 077401, 2022 Feb 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35244431


We report on the experimental evidence of magnetic helicoidal dichroism, observed in the interaction of an extreme ultraviolet vortex beam carrying orbital angular momentum with a magnetic vortex. Numerical simulations based on classical electromagnetic theory show that this dichroism is based on the interference of light modes with different orbital angular momenta, which are populated after the interaction between light and the magnetic topology. This observation gives insight into the interplay between orbital angular momentum and magnetism and sets the framework for the development of new analytical tools to investigate ultrafast magnetization dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(15): 157205, 2022 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35499884


Triggering and switching magnetic moments is of key importance for applications ranging from spintronics to quantum information. A noninvasive ultrafast control at the nanoscale is, however, an open challenge. Here, we propose a novel laser-based scheme for generating atomic-scale charge current loops within femtoseconds. The associated orbital magnetic moments remain ferromagnetically aligned after the laser pulses have ceased and are localized within an area that is tunable via laser parameters and can be chosen to be well below the diffraction limit of the driving laser field. The scheme relies on tuning the phase, polarization, and intensities of two copropagating Gaussian and vortex laser pulses, allowing us to control the spatial extent, direction, and strength of the atomic-scale charge current loops induced in the irradiated sample upon photon absorption. In the experiment we used He atoms driven by an ultraviolet and infrared vortex-beam laser pulses to generate current-carrying Rydberg states and test for the generated magnetic moments via dichroic effects in photoemission. Ab initio quantum dynamic simulations and analysis confirm the proposed scenario and provide a quantitative estimate of the generated local moments.

Nano Lett ; 21(4): 1729-1734, 2021 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33570965


Expanding the activity of wide bandgap semiconductors from the UV into the visible range has become a central goal for their application in green solar photocatalysis. The hybrid plasmonic/semiconductor system, based on silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) embedded in a film of CeO2, is an example of a functional material developed with this aim. In this work, we take advantage of the chemical sensitivity of free electron laser (FEL) time-resolved soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (TRXAS) to investigate the electron transfer process from the Ag NPs to the CeO2 film generated by the NPs plasmonic resonance photoexcitation. Ultrafast changes (<200 fs) of the Ce N4,5 absorption edge allowed us to conclude that the excited Ag NPs transfer electrons to the Ce atoms of the CeO2 film through a highly efficient electron-based mechanism. These results demonstrate the potential of FEL-based TRXAS measurements for the characterization of energy transfer in novel hybrid plasmonic/semiconductor materials.

Opt Express ; 29(22): 36086-36099, 2021 Oct 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34809028


Performing experiments at free-electron lasers (FELs) requires an exhaustive knowledge of the pulse temporal and spectral profile, as well as the focal spot shape and size. Operating FELs in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray (SXR) spectral regions calls for designing ad-hoc optical layouts to transport and characterize the EUV/SXR beam, as well as tailoring its spatial dimensions at the focal plane down to sizes in the few micrometers range. At the FERMI FEL (Trieste, Italy) this task is carried out by the Photon Analysis Delivery and Reduction System (PADReS). In particular, to meet the different experimental requests on the focal spot shape and size, a proper tuning of the optical systems is required, and this should be monitored by means of dedicated techniques. Here, we present and compare two reconstruction methods for spot characterization: single-shot imprints captured via ablation on a poly(methyl methacrylate) sample (PMMA) and pulse profiles retrieved by means of a Hartmann wavefront sensor (WFS). By recording complementary datasets at and nearby the focal plane, we exploit the tomography of the pulse profile along the beam propagation axis, as well as a qualitative and quantitative comparison between these two reconstruction methods.

J Chem Phys ; 154(14): 144305, 2021 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33858156


We have used the FERMI free-electron laser to perform time-resolved photoelectron imaging experiments on a complex group of resonances near 15.38 eV in the absorption spectrum of molecular nitrogen, N2, under jet-cooled conditions. The new data complement and extend the earlier work of Fushitani et al. [Opt. Express 27, 19702-19711 (2019)], who recorded time-resolved photoelectron spectra for this same group of resonances. Time-dependent oscillations are observed in both the photoelectron yields and the photoelectron angular distributions, providing insight into the interactions among the resonant intermediate states. In addition, for most states, we observe an exponential decay of the photoelectron yield that depends on the ionic final state. This observation can be rationalized by the different lifetimes for the intermediate states contributing to a particular ionization channel. Although there are nine resonances within the group, we show that by detecting individual photoelectron final states and their angular dependence, we can identify and differentiate quantum pathways within this complex system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(21): 213904, 2019 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31809175


Intense, mutually coherent beams of multiharmonic extreme ultraviolet light can now be created using seeded free-electron lasers, and the phase difference between harmonics can be tuned with attosecond accuracy. However, the absolute value of the phase is generally not determined. We present a method for determining precisely the absolute phase relationship of a fundamental wavelength and its second harmonic, as well as the amplitude ratio. Only a few easily calculated theoretical parameters are required in addition to the experimental data.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(7): 1295-1302, 2019 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30668129


The initial deactivation pathways of gaseous 2-nitrophenol excited at 268 nm were investigated by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (TRPES) with femtosecond-VUV light, produced by a monochromatized high harmonic generation source. TRPES allowed us to obtain new, valuable experimental information about the ultrafast excited-state dynamics of 2-nitrophenol in the gas phase. In accord with recent ab initio on-the-fly nonadiabatic molecular dynamic simulations, our results validate the occurrence of an ultrafast intersystem crossing leading to an intermediate state that decays on a subpicosecond time scale with a branched mechanisms. Two decay pathways are experimentally observed. One probably involves proton transfer, leading to the most stable triplet aci-form of 2-nitrophenol; the second pathway may involve OH rotation. We propose that following intersystem crossing, an ultrafast fragmentation channel leading to OH or HONO loss could also be operative.

Opt Express ; 25(24): 30686-30695, 2017 Nov 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29221096


High resolution metrology of beam profiles is presently a major challenge at X-ray free electron lasers. We demonstrate a characterization method based on beam imprints in poly (methyl methacrylate). By immersing the imprints formed at 47.8 eV into organic solvents, the regions exposed to the beam are removed similar to resist development in grayscale lithography. This allows for extending the sensitivity of the method by more than an order of magnitude compared to the established analysis of imprints created solely by ablation. Applying the Beer-Lambert law for absorption, the intensity distribution in a micron-sized focus can be reconstructed from one single shot with a high dynamic range, exceeding 103. The procedure described here allows for beam characterization at free electron lasers revealing even faint beam tails, which are not accessible when using ablation imprint methods. We demonstrate the greatly extended dynamic range on developed imprints taken in focus of conventional Fresnel zone plates and spiral zone plates producing beams with a topological charge.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(2): 024801, 2016 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26824544


In a coherent control experiment, light pulses are used to guide the real-time evolution of a quantum system. This requires the coherence and the control of the pulses' electric-field carrier waves. In this work, we use frequency-domain interferometry to demonstrate the mutual coherence of time-delayed pulses generated by an extreme ultraviolet seeded free-electron laser. Furthermore, we use the driving seed laser to lock and precisely control the relative phase between the two free-electron laser pulses. This new capability opens the way to a multitude of coherent control experiments, which will take advantage of the high intensity, short wavelength, and short duration of the pulses generated by seeded free-electron lasers.

Opt Express ; 23(14): 17665-74, 2015 Jul 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26191828


We present a setup for complete characterization of femtosecond pulses generated by seeded free-electron lasers (FELs) in the extreme-ultraviolet spectral region. Two delayed and spectrally shifted replicas are produced and used for spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction (SPIDER). We show that it can be achieved by a simple arrangement of the seed laser. Temporal shape and phase obtained in FEL simulations are well retrieved by SPIDER reconstructions, allowing to foresee the implementation of this diagnostics tool on existing and future sources. This will be a significant step towards an experimental investigation and control of FEL spectral phase.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(11): 114801, 2015 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26406834


We demonstrate the ability to control and shape the spectrotemporal content of extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) pulses produced by a seeded free-electron laser (FEL). The control over the spectrotemporal properties of XUV light was achieved by precisely manipulating the linear frequency chirp of the seed laser. Our results agree with existing theory, which allows us to retrieve the temporal properties (amplitude and phase) of the FEL pulse from measurements of the spectra as a function of the FEL operating parameters. Furthermore, we show the first direct evidence of the full temporal coherence of FEL light and generate Fourier limited pulses by fine-tuning the FEL temporal phase. The possibility of tailoring the spectrotemporal content of intense short-wavelength pulses represents the first step towards efficient nonlinear optics in the XUV to x-ray spectral region and will enable precise manipulation of core-electron excitations using the methods of coherent quantum control.

ACS Nano ; 18(27): 17815-17825, 2024 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38938181


Despite its broad potential applications, substitution of carbon by transition metal atoms in graphene has so far been explored only to a limited extent. We report the realization of substitutional Mn doping of graphene to a record high atomic concentration of 0.5%, which was achieved using ultralow-energy ion implantation. By correlating the experimental data with the results of ab initio Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics calculations, we infer that direct substitution is the dominant mechanism of impurity incorporation. Thermal annealing in ultrahigh vacuum provides efficient removal of surface contaminants and additional implantation-induced disorder, resulting in Mn-doped graphene that, aside from the substitutional Mn impurities, is essentially as clean and defect-free as the as-grown layer. We further show that the Dirac character of graphene is preserved upon substitutional Mn doping, even in this high concentration regime, making this system ideal for studying the interaction between Dirac conduction electrons and localized magnetic moments. More generally, these results show that ultralow energy ion implantation can be used for controlled functionalization of graphene with substitutional transition-metal atoms, of relevance for a wide range of applications, from magnetism and spintronics to single-atom catalysis.

Opt Express ; 21(19): 22728-41, 2013 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24104160


We present the experimental demonstration of a method for generating two spectrally and temporally separated pulses by an externally seeded, single-pass free-electron laser operating in the extreme-ultraviolet spectral range. Our results, collected on the FERMI@Elettra facility and confirmed by numerical simulations, demonstrate the possibility of controlling both the spectral and temporal features of the generated pulses. A free-electron laser operated in this mode becomes a suitable light source for jitter-free, two-colour pump-probe experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(6): 064801, 2013 Feb 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23432255


We demonstrate the possibility of running a single-pass free electron laser (FEL) in a dynamical regime, which can be exploited to perform two-color pump-probe experiments in the vacuum ultraviolet or x-ray domain, using the free-electron laser emission both as a pump and as a probe. The studied regime is induced by triggering the free-electron laser process with a powerful laser pulse, carrying a significant and adjustable frequency chirp. As a result, the output FEL radiation is split in two pulses, separated in time (as previously observed by different authors), and having different central wavelengths. We show that both the spectral and temporal distances between FEL pulses can be independently controlled. We also provide a theoretical description of this phenomenon, which is found in good agreement with experiments performed on the FERMI@Elettra free-electron laser.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 1412, 2022 Mar 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35301298


Non-collinear spin textures in ferromagnetic ultrathin films are attracting a renewed interest fueled by possible fine engineering of several magnetic interactions, notably the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. This allows for the stabilization of complex chiral spin textures such as chiral magnetic domain walls (DWs), spin spirals, and magnetic skyrmions among others. We report here on the behavior of chiral DWs at ultrashort timescale after optical pumping in perpendicularly magnetized asymmetric multilayers. The magnetization dynamics is probed using time-resolved circular dichroism in x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (CD-XRMS). We observe a picosecond transient reduction of the CD-XRMS, which is attributed to the spin current-induced coherent and incoherent torques within the continuously varying spin texture of the DWs. We argue that a specific demagnetization of the inner structure of the DW induces a flow of spins from the interior of the neighboring magnetic domains. We identify this time-varying change of the DW texture shortly after the laser pulse as a distortion of the homochiral Néel shape toward a transient mixed Bloch-Néel-Bloch texture along a direction transverse to the DW.