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J Fish Biol ; 104(3): 713-722, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37987173


Billfish rostra potentially have several functions; however, their role in feeding is unequivocal in some species. Recent work linked morphological variation in rostral micro-teeth to differences in feeding behavior in two billfish species, the striped marlin (Kajikia audax) and the sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus). Here, we present the rostral micro-tooth morphology for a third billfish species, the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), for which the use of the rostrum in feeding behavior is still undocumented from systematic observations in the wild. We measured the micro-teeth on rostrum tips of blue marlin, striped marlin, and sailfish using a micro-computed tomography approach and compared the tooth morphology among the three species. This was done after an analysis of video-recorded hunting behavior of striped marlin and sailfish revealed that both species strike prey predominantly with the first third of the rostrum, which provided the justification to focus our analysis on the rostrum tips. In blue marlin, intact micro-teeth were longer compared to striped marlin but not to sailfish. Blue marlin had a higher fraction of broken teeth than both striped marlin and sailfish, and broken teeth were distributed more evenly on the rostrum. Micro-tooth regrowth was equally low in both marlin species but higher in sailfish. Based on the differences and similarities in the micro-tooth morphology between the billfish species, we discuss potential feeding-related rostrum use in blue marlin. We put forward the hypothesis that blue marlin might use their rostra in high-speed dashes as observed in striped marlin, rather than in the high-precision rostral strikes described for sailfish, possibly focusing on larger prey organisms.

Perciformes , Animais , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento Alimentar
J Fish Biol ; 101(1): 13-25, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35446438


Abundances of large sharks are reported to have declined worldwide, and in response various levels of fisheries management and conservation efforts have been established. For example, marine-protected areas have been suggested as a means to protect large expanses of ocean from fishing and other industrial activities (e.g., habitat destruction), and in 2011 The Commonwealth of The Bahamas established The Bahamas Shark Sanctuary. Nonetheless, assessing the effectiveness of conservation efforts is challenging because consistent long-term data sets of shark abundances are often lacking, especially throughout the Caribbean and The Bahamas. In this study, the authors investigated the catch rates and demographics of tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier caught in a fishery-independent survey near Bimini, The Bahamas, from 1984 to 2019 to assess relative abundance trends following the banning of longline fishing in 1993 and the subsequent establishment of the shark sanctuary. To contextualize the relative abundance trends near Bimini, the authors compared this to the relative abundance of tiger sharks in a fishery-dependent survey from the Southeastern USA (SE USA), conducted from 1994 to 2019. The data of this study suggest that local abundance of tiger sharks has been stable near Bimini since the 1980s, including after the ban of longline fishing and the implementation of the shark sanctuary. In comparison, the abundance near the SE USA has slowly increased in the past decade, following potential declines in the decade preceding the USA Shark Management Plan. The results of this study provide some optimism that current conservation efforts in The Bahamas have been effective to maintain local tiger shark abundance within the protected area. In addition, current fisheries management in the SE USA is allowing this species to recover within those waters.

Tubarões , Animais , Bahamas , Ecossistema , Pesqueiros , Tubarões/fisiologia , Sudeste dos Estados Unidos , Estados Unidos
J Fish Biol ; 100(5): 1205-1213, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35194781


Recent comparative studies of billfishes (Istiophoridae and Xiphiidae) have provided evidence of differences in the form and function of the rostra (bill) among species. Here, we report the discovery of a new structure, lacuna rostralis, on the rostra of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus, which is absent on the rostra of swordfish Xiphias gladius, striped marlin Kajikia audax and blue marlin Makaira nigricans. The lacunae rostralis are small cavities that contain teeth. They were found on the ventral rostrum surface of all I. platypterus specimens examined and dorsally in half of them. Ventrally, the lacunae rostralis were most prominent in the mid-section of the rostrum. Dorsally, they occurred closer to the tip. The density of lacunae rostralis increased towards the rostrum tip but, because they are smaller in size, the percentage of rostrum coverage decreased. The teeth located within the lacunae rostralis were found to be different in size, location and orientation from the previously identified micro-teeth of billfish. We propose two potential functions of the lacunae rostralis that both relate to the use of the bill in feeding: mechanoreception of prey before tapping it with the bill and more efficient prey handling via the creation of suction, or physical grip.

Perciformes , Animais , Peixes
J Anim Ecol ; 90(1): 260-272, 2021 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32720305


Consistent individual differences in behaviour (i.e. personality) can be explained in an evolutionary context if they are favoured by life history trade-offs as conceptualized in the pace-of-life syndrome (POLS) hypothesis. Theory predicts that faster-growing individuals suffer higher mortality and that this trade-off is mediated through exploration/risk-taking personality, but empirical support for this remains limited and ambiguous. Equivocal support to the POLS hypothesis suggests that the link between life history and personality may only emerge under certain circumstances. Understanding personality-driven trade-offs would be facilitated by long-term studies in wild populations experiencing different ecological conditions. Here, we tested whether personality measured in semi-captivity was associated with a growth-mortality trade-off via risk-taking in the wild in two subpopulations of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris known to differ in their predator abundance. We expected stronger personality-driven trade-offs in the predator-rich environment as compared to the predator-poor environment. Sharks were captured yearly from 1995 onwards allowing us to obtain long-term data on growth and apparent survival in each subpopulation. We then used a novel open-field assay to test sharks for exploration personality yearly from 2012 to 2017. A subset of the tested sharks was monitored in the field using telemetry to document risk-taking behaviours. We tested (a) if fast explorers in captivity took more risks and grew faster in the wild and (b) if natural selection acted against more explorative, faster-growing sharks. In the subpopulation with fewer predators, more explorative sharks in captivity took more risks in the wild and grew faster. In turn, larger, fast-growing sharks had lower apparent survival. In the predator-rich subpopulation, despite finding selection on fast growth, we found no link between exploration personality and the growth-mortality trade-off. Our study demonstrates that the association between personality and life history is favoured in some ecological contexts but not in others. We identify predator and resource abundance as two main potential drivers of the personality-mediated trade-off and emphasize that future work on the POLS hypothesis would benefit from an approach integrating behaviour and life history across ecological conditions.

Evolução Biológica , Personalidade , Animais
MethodsX ; 10: 102222, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37251651


Acoustic telemetry is a popular and cost-efficient method for tracking the movements of animals in the aquatic ecosystem. But data acquired via acoustic telemetry often contains spurious detections that must be identified and excluded by researchers to ensure valid results. Such data management is difficult as the amount of data collected often surpasses the capabilities of simple spreadsheet applications. ATfiltR is an open-source package programmed in R that allows users to integrate all telemetry data collected into a single file, to conditionally attribute animal data and location data to detections and to filter spurious detections based on customizable rules. Such tool will likely be useful to new researchers in acoustic telemetry and enhance results reproducibility.•ATfiltR compiles telemetry files and identifies and stores all data that was collected outside of your study period (e.g. when your receivers were on land for servicing) elsewhere.•As spurious detections are unlikely to appear sequentially in the data, ATfiltR finds all detections that occurred only once (per receiver or in the whole array) within a user-designated time period and stores them elsewhere.•ATfiltR identifies detections that are impossible given the animals' swimming speeds and the receivers detection range and stores them elsewhere.