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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(22): 12502-12514, 2020 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32452507


The photocatalytic oxidation of water with molecular or polymeric N-heterocyclic chromophores is a topic of high current interest in the context of artificial photosynthesis, that is, the conversion of solar energy to clean fuels. Hydrogen-bonded clusters of N-heterocycles with water molecules in a molecular beam are simple model systems for which the basic mechanisms of photochemical water oxidation can be studied under well-defined conditions. In this work, we explored the photoinduced H-atom transfer reaction in pyrimidine-water clusters yielding pyrimidinyl and hydroxyl radicals with laser spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and trajectory-based ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The oxidation of water by photoexcited pyrimidine is unequivocally confirmed by the detection of the pyrimidinyl radical. The dynamics simulations provide information on the time scales and branching ratios of the reaction. While relaxation to local minima of the S1 potential-energy surface is the dominant reaction channel, the H-atom transfer reaction occurs on ultrafast time scales (faster than about 100 fs) with a branching ratio of a few percent.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(20): 3984-3992, 2020 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32242664


The excited state relaxation pathways of isoxazole and oxazole upon excitation with UV-light were investigated by nonadiabatic ab initio dynamics simulations and time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Excitation of the bright ππ*-state of isoxazole predominantly leads to ring-opening dynamics. Both the initially excited ππ*-state and the dissociative πσ*-state offer a combined barrier-free reaction pathway, such that ring-opening, defined as a distance of more than 2 Å between two neighboring atoms, occurs within 45 fs. For oxazole, in contrast, the excited state dynamics is about twice as slow (85 fs) and the quantum yield for ring-opening is lower. This is caused by a small barrier between the ππ*-state and the πσ*-state along the reaction path, which suppresses direct ring-opening. Theoretical findings are consistent with the measured time-resolved photoelectron spectra, confirming the timescales and the quantum yields for the ring-opening channel. The results indicate that a combination of time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and excited state dynamics simulations can explain the dominant reaction pathways for this class of molecules. As a general rule, we suggest that the antibonding σ*-orbital located between the oxygen atom and a neighboring atom of a five-membered heterocyclic system provides a driving force for ring-opening reactions, which is modified by the presence and position of additional nitrogen atoms.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(19): 3698-3710, 2020 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32315528


Recently, a derivative of the heptazine (tris-triazine) molecule, trianisole-heptazine (TAHz), was synthesized and was shown to catalyze the oxidation of water to hydroxyl radicals under 365 nm LED light in a homogeneous reaction (E. J. Rabe et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 6257-6261). The possibility of water photo-oxidation with a precisely defined molecular catalyst in neat solvents opens new perspectives for clarifying the fundamental reaction mechanisms involved in water oxidation photocatalysis. In the present work, the effects of chemical substituents on the three CH positions of Hz on the photocatalytic reactivity were explored with wave function-based ab initio electronic-structure calculations for hydrogen-bonded complexes of Hz and three selected Hz derivatives (TAHz, trichloro-Hz, and tricyano-Hz) with a water molecule. While anisole is an electron-donating substituent, Cl is a weakly electron-withdrawing substituent and CN is a strongly electron-withdrawing substituent. It is shown that the barrier for the photoinduced abstraction of an H atom from the water molecule is raised (lowered) by electron-donating (electron-withdrawing) substituents. The highly mobile and reactive hydroxyl radicals generated by water oxidation can recombine with the reduced chromophore radicals to yield photohydrates. The effect of substituents on the thermodynamics of the photohydration reaction was computed. Among the four chromophores studied, TAHz stands out on account of the metastability of its photohydrate, which suggests self-healing of the photocatalyst after oxidation of TAHzH radicals by OH radicals. In addition, the effect of substituents on the H atom photodetachment reaction from the reduced chromophores, which closes the catalytic cycle, has been investigated. The energy of the repulsive 2πσ* state, which drives the photodetachment reaction is lowered (raised) by electron-donating (electron withdrawing) substituents. All four chromophores exhibit inverted S1/T1 gaps. This feature eliminates long-lived triplet states and thus avoids the activation of molecular oxygen to highly reactive singlet oxygen.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(26): 14238-14249, 2019 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30543228


The mechanisms of photoinduced reactions of adenine with water molecules in hydrogen-bonded adenine-water complexes were investigated with ab initio wave-function-based electronic-structure calculations. Two excited-state electron/proton transfer reaction mechanisms have been characterized: H-atom abstraction from water by photoexcited adenine as well as H-atom transfer from photoexcited adenine or the (adenine+H) radical to water. In the water-to-adenine H-atom transfer reaction, an electron from one of the p orbitals of the water molecule fills the hole in the n (π) orbital of the nπ* (ππ*) excited state of adenine, resulting in a charge-separated electronic state. The electronic charge separation is neutralized by the transfer of a proton from the water molecule to adenine, resulting in the (adenine+H)OH biradical in the electronic ground state. In the adenine-to-water H-atom transfer reaction, πσ* states localized at the acidic sites of adenine provide the mechanism for the photoejection of an electron from adenine, which is followed by proton transfer to the hydrogen-bonded water molecule, resulting in the (adenine-H)H3O biradical. The energy profiles of the photoreactions have been computed as relaxed scans with the ADC(2) electronic-structure method. These reactions, which involve the reactivity of adenine with hydrogen-bonded water molecules, compete with the well-established intrinsic excited-state deactivation mechanisms of adenine via ring-puckering or ring-opening conical intersections. By providing additional decay channels, the electron/proton exchange reactions with water can account for the observed significantly shortened excited-state lifetime of adenine in aqueous environments. These findings indicate that adenine possibly was not only a photostabilizer at the beginning of life, but also a primordial photocatalyst for water splitting.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(17): 3678-3684, 2019 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30958000


The reduction of carbon dioxide to fuels or chemical feedstocks with solar energy is one of the grand goals of current chemistry. In recent years, electrochemical, photoelectrochemical, and photochemical experiments provided hints of an unexpected catalytic role of the pyridine molecule in the reduction of carbon dioxide to formic acid or methanol. In particular, it has been suggested that the 1-pyridinyl radical (PyH) may be able to reduce carbon dioxide to the hydroxy-formyl radical. However, extensive theoretical studies of the thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction called this interpretation of the experimental observations into question. Using ab initio computational methods, we investigated the photochemistry of the hydrogen-bonded PyH···CO2 complex. Our results reveal that carbon dioxide can be reduced to the hydroxy-formyl radical by a proton-coupled electron-transfer (PCET) reaction in excited states of the PyH···CO2 complex. In contrast to the ground-state PCET reaction, which exhibits a substantial barrier, the excited-state PCET reaction is barrierless but requires the passage through two conical intersections. Our results provide a tentative explanation of the catalytic role of the PyH radical in the reduction of CO2 with the qualification that the absorption of a photon by PyH is necessary.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(38): 8099-8108, 2019 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31466450


According to Hund's rule, the lowest triplet state (T1) is lower in energy than the lowest excited singlet state (S1) in closed-shell molecules. The exchange integral lowers the energy of the triplet state and raises the energy of the singlet state of the same orbital character, leading to a positive singlet-triplet energy gap (ΔST). Exceptions are known for biradicals and charge-transfer excited states of large molecules in which the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) are spatially separated, resulting in a small exchange integral. In the present work, we discovered with ADC(2), CC2, EOM-CCSD, and CASPT2 calculations that heptazine (1,3,4,6,7,9,9b-heptaazaphenalene or tri-s-triazine) exhibits an inverted S1/T1 energy gap (ΔST ≈ -0.25 eV). This appears to be the first example of a stable closed-shell organic molecule exhibiting S1/T1 inversion at its equilibrium geometry. The origins of this phenomenon are the nearly pure HOMO-LUMO excitation character of the S1 and T1 states and the lack of spatial overlap of HOMO and LUMO due to a unique structure of these orbitals of heptazine. The S1/T1 inversion is found to be extremely robust, being affected neither by substitution of heptazine nor by oligomerization of heptazine units. Using time-resolved photoluminescence and transient absorption spectroscopy, we investigated the excited-state dynamics of 2,5,8-tris(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,3,4,6,7,9,9b-heptaazaphenalene (TAHz), a chemically stable heptazine derivative, in the presence of external heavy atom sources as well as triplet-quenching oxygen. These spectroscopic data are consistent with TAHz singlet excited state decay in the absence of a low-energy triplet loss channel. The absence of intersystem crossing and an exceptionally low radiative rate result in unusually long S1 lifetimes (of the order of hundreds of nanoseconds in nonaqueous solvents). These features of the heptazine chromophore have profound implications for organic optoelectronics as well as for water-splitting photocatalysis with heptazine-based polymers (e.g., graphitic carbon nitride) which have yet to be systematically explored and exploited.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(21): 14420-14430, 2018 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29781032


Polymeric carbon-nitride materials consisting of triazine or heptazine units have recently attracted vast interest as photocatalysts for water splitting with visible light. Adopting the hydrogen-bonded triazine-water complex as a model system, we explored the photochemical reaction mechanisms involved in the water splitting reaction in this system, using wavefunction-based ab initio electronic-structure methods. It is shown that photoexcited triazine can abstract a hydrogen atom from the water molecule by the sequential transfer of an electron and a proton from water to triazine, resulting in the triazinyl-hydroxyl biradical in the electronic ground state. It is furthermore shown that the excess hydrogen atom of the triazinyl radical can be photodetached by a second photon, which regenerates the triazine molecule. The hydrogen-bonded water molecule is thus decomposed into hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals in a biphotonic photochemical reaction. These results shed light on the molecular mechanisms of the water-oxidation reaction catalyzed by triazine-based organic polymers.

Inorg Chem ; 56(16): 9754-9764, 2017 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28796505


Herein, we present a fundamental study of isostructural 2-methoxyethylamino-bis(phenolate)-lanthanide complexes [(ONOO)RM(X)(THF)] (M = Lu, Y; R = tBu, CMe2Ph, X = CH2TMS, collidine; THF = tetrahydrofuran; TMS = trimethylsilyl) for rare-earth metal-mediated group-transfer polymerization (GTP). This analysis includes the differentiation of electron-donating and nondonating vinyl monomers and two metal centers with regard to the ionic radius (yttrium and lutetium). In addition, highly nucleophilic alkyl initiators are compared with electron-donating heteroaromatic initiators. Our examinations include the impact of these parameters on the activity, initiator efficiency, and tacticity of the obtained polymers. Density functional theory calculations and proposed catalyst structure determinations via X-ray analysis support these investigations. This facilitates the selection of the best metal and initiator combination to address efficient and stereospecific polymerization of a broad range of Michael monomers. [(ONOO)tBuLu(X)(THF)] shows the highest activity of 2220 h-1 (normalized turnover frequency) for the polymerization of 2-vinylpyridine due to the higher Lewis-acidity of lutetium. Through C(sp3)-H bond activation, catalysts with higher initiator efficiency in N,N'-dimethylacrylamide (DMAA) and diethylvinylphosphonate polymerization were synthesized. Remarkably, [(ONOO)tBuY(collidine)(THF)] was capable of stereospecifically polymerizing DMAA to highly isotactic poly(DMAA) (Pm = 0.94). Overall, the kinetics studies reveal a living-type GTP mechanism for all of the tested catalysts, enabling precise molecular-weight predeterminations with narrow molecular weight distributions (D ≤ 1.06).

J Phys Chem A ; 121(25): 4754-4764, 2017 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28592110


Impressive progress has recently been achieved in photocatalytic hydrogen evolution with polymeric carbon nitride materials consisting of heptazine building blocks. However, the fundamental mechanistic principles of the catalytic cycle are as yet poorly understood. Here, we provide first-principles computational evidence that water splitting with heptazine-based materials can be understood as a molecular excited-state reaction taking place in hydrogen-bonded heptazine-water complexes. The oxidation of water occurs homolytically via an electron/proton transfer from water to heptazine, resulting in ground-state heptazinyl and OH radicals. It is shown that the excess hydrogen atom of the heptazinyl radical can be photodetached by a second photon, which regenerates the heptazine molecule. Alternatively to the photodetachment reaction, two heptazinyl radicals can recombine in a dark reaction to form H2, thereby regenerating two heptazine molecules. The proposed molecular photochemical reaction scheme within hydrogen-bonded chromophore-water complexes is complementary to the traditional paradigm of photocatalytic water splitting, which assumes the separation of electrons and holes over substantial time scales and distances.

J Chem Phys ; 146(12): 124304, 2017 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388140


The H-atom photodissociationreaction from the pyridinyl radical (C5H5NH) via the low-lying πσ* excited electronic state is investigated by nonadiabatic time-dependent quantum wave-packet dynamics calculations. A model comprising three electronic states and three nuclear coordinates has been constructed using ab initio multi-configurational self-consistent-field and multi-reference perturbation theory methods. Two conical intersections among the three lowest electronic states have been characterized in the framework of the linear vibronic-coupling model. Time-dependent wave-packet simulations have been performed using the multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree method. The population dynamics of the diabatic and adiabatic electronic states and the time-dependent dissociation behavior are analyzed for various vibrational initial conditions. The results provide detailed mechanistic insight into the photoinduced H-atom dissociation process from a hypervalent aromatic radical and show that an efficient dissociationreaction through two conical intersections is possible.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(48): 32183-93, 2015 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26488227


The splitting of water into H˙ and OH˙ radicals by sensitisation of a redox-active chromophore with sunlight may eventually become a viable way of producing unlimited, clean and sustainable energy. In this work, we explore the possibility of photo-oxidation of water via sensitisation of benzoquinone with ultraviolet (UV) light in the hydrogen-bonded complex of benzoquinone with a single water molecule. Using state-of-the-art quantum chemical calculations, the mechanisms of electron/proton transfer reactions between photoexcited benzoquinone and water are characterised. In the benzoquinone-H2O complex, photoexcitation of the chromophore leads to the population of locally excited ππ* and nπ* singlet states, which are coupled to hitherto unknown charge-transfer states. In the latter, an electron is transferred from the oxygen atom of the water molecule to the lowest π* orbital of benzoquinone. These charge-separated states drive the transfer of a proton from the water molecule to the carbonyl acceptor site, yielding the semiquinone-OH˙ biradical. Upon absorption of a second UV photon, the semiquinone radical may undergo O-H bond fission, which generates an H˙ radical and restores the benzoquinone photocatalyst. Our computational results shed light on long-standing questions regarding the nature of the photoreactive electronic states in the aqueous photochemistry of benzoquinone.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(12): 7681-7689, 2020 Dec 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33231447


The greatest restriction to the theoretical study of the dynamics of photoinduced processes is computationally expensive electronic structure calculations. Machine learning algorithms have the potential to reduce the number of these computations significantly. Here, PySurf is introduced as an innovative code framework, which is specifically designed for rapid prototyping and development tasks for data science applications in computational chemistry. It comes with powerful Plugin and Workflow engines, which allows intuitive customization for individual tasks. Data is automatically stored through the database framework, which enables additional interpolation of properties in previously evaluated regions of the conformational space. To illustrate the potential of the framework, a code for nonadiabatic surface hopping simulations based on the Landau-Zener algorithm is presented here. Deriving gradients from the interpolated potential energy surfaces allows for full-dimensional nonadiabatic surface hopping simulations using only adiabatic energies (energy only). Simulations of a pyrazine model and ab initio-based calculations of the SO2 molecule show that energy-only calculations with PySurf are able to correctly predict the nonadiabatic dynamics of these prototype systems. The results reveal the degree of sophistication, which can be achieved by the database accelerated energy-only surface hopping simulations being competitive to commonly used semiclassical approaches.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 9(16): 4695-4699, 2018 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30067374


Carbon nitride materials are of great interest for photocatalytic water splitting. Herein, we report results from first-principles simulations of the specific electron- and proton-transfer processes that are involved in the photochemical oxidation of liquid water with heptazine-based molecular photocatalysts. The heptazine chromophore and the solvent molecules have been described strictly at the same level of electronic structure theory. We demonstrate the critical role of solvent molecules for the absorption properties of the chromophore and the overall photocatalytic cycle. A simple model is developed to describe the photochemical water oxidation mechanism. Our results reveal that heptazine possesses energy levels that are suitable for the water oxidation reaction. We suggest design principles for molecular photocatalysts which can be used as descriptors in future experimental and computational screening studies.