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Nature ; 445(7123): 61-4, 2007 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17203056


The surface of Saturn's haze-shrouded moon Titan has long been proposed to have oceans or lakes, on the basis of the stability of liquid methane at the surface. Initial visible and radar imaging failed to find any evidence of an ocean, although abundant evidence was found that flowing liquids have existed on the surface. Here we provide definitive evidence for the presence of lakes on the surface of Titan, obtained during the Cassini Radar flyby of Titan on 22 July 2006 (T16). The radar imaging polewards of 70 degrees north shows more than 75 circular to irregular radar-dark patches, in a region where liquid methane and ethane are expected to be abundant and stable on the surface. The radar-dark patches are interpreted as lakes on the basis of their very low radar reflectivity and morphological similarities to lakes, including associated channels and location in topographic depressions. Some of the lakes do not completely fill the depressions in which they lie, and apparently dry depressions are present. We interpret this to indicate that lakes are present in a number of states, including partly dry and liquid-filled. These northern-hemisphere lakes constitute the strongest evidence yet that a condensable-liquid hydrological cycle is active in Titan's surface and atmosphere, in which the lakes are filled through rainfall and/or intersection with the subsurface 'liquid methane' table.

Nature ; 441(7094): 709-13, 2006 Jun 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16760968


Cassini's Titan Radar Mapper imaged the surface of Saturn's moon Titan on its February 2005 fly-by (denoted T3), collecting high-resolution synthetic-aperture radar and larger-scale radiometry and scatterometry data. These data provide the first definitive identification of impact craters on the surface of Titan, networks of fluvial channels and surficial dark streaks that may be longitudinal dunes. Here we describe this great diversity of landforms. We conclude that much of the surface thus far imaged by radar of the haze-shrouded Titan is very young, with persistent geologic activity.

Science ; 209(4461): 1073-82, 1980 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17841450


Synoptic, large-area radar images of the earth's land and ocean surface, obtained from the Seasat orbiting spacecraft, show the potential for geologic mapping and for monitoring of ocean surface patterns. Structural and topographic features such as lineaments, anticlines, folds and domes, drainage patterns, stratification, and roughness units can be mapped. Ocean surface waves, internal waves, current boundaries, and large-scale eddies have been observed in numerous images taken by the Seasat imaging radar. This article gives an illustrated overview of these applications.

Science ; 198(4317): 609-10, 1977 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17819661


Surface imagery of ocean waves under Hurricane Gloria (September 1976) has been obtained with an airborne synthetic-aperture imaging radar. Observations were obtained over most of the area within a radius of 150 kilometers around the center of the eye. These direct observations made it possible to derive the wave patterns in the region around a hurricane eye.

Science ; 232(4757): 1511-6, 1986 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17773499


The Shuttle Imaging Radar-B experiment consisted of a large number of scientific investigations in the earth sciences. Nine oceanographic experiments were conducted to study the generation and propagation of surface waves, the dynamics of internal waves, oil slick detection, and the properties of southern polar ice. Stereo imaging from space allowed three-dimensional viewing of surface features. Geologic experiments were conducted to study subsurface penetration, structural mapping, and lithologic classification. Imaging radar angular scatterometry was used in the vegetation cover, forest type, and urban areas classification experiments. This article provides an overview of the scientific results, some of which are also presented in this issue.

Science ; 252(5003): 270-5, 1991 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17769274


Initial Magellan observations reveal a planet with high dielectric constant materials exposed preferentially in elevated regions with high slopes, ejecta deposits extending up to 1000 kilometers to the west of several impact craters, windblown deposits and features in areas where there are both obstacles and a source of particulate material, and evidence for slow, steady degradation by atmosphere-surface interactions and mass movements.

Science ; 252(5003): 265-70, 1991 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17769273


Magellan probes Venus' surface by 12.6-cm-wavelength vertical and oblique radar scattering and measures microwave thermal emission. Emissivity and root-meansquare slope maps between 330 degrees and 30 degrees E and 90 degrees N and 80 degrees S are dissimilar, although some local features are exceptions. Inferred surface emissivities typically are approximately 0.85, but vary from approximately 0.35 at Maxwell to approximately 0.95 northeast of Gula Mons and other locations. Lowest emissivities appear in topographically high areas; this relation suggests that a phase change or differences in chemical weathering occur at about 6055-kilometer radius. Initial results indicate that there are significant variations in the surface scattering function.

Science ; 218(4576): 1004-20, 1982 Dec 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17790589


The shuttle imaging radar (SIR-A) carried on the space shuttle Columbia in November 1981 penetrated the extremely dry Selima Sand Sheet, dunes, and drift sand of the eastern Sahara, revealing previously unknown buried valleys, geologic structures, and possible Stone Age occupation sites. Radar responses from bedrock and gravel surfaces beneath windblown sand several centimeters to possibly meters thick delineate sand- and alluvium-filled valleys, some nearly as wide as the Nile Valley and perhaps as old as middle Tertiary. The now-vanished major river systems that carved these large valleys probably accomplished most of the erosional stripping of this extraordinarily flat, hyperarid region. Underfit and incised dry wadis, many superimposed on the large valleys, represent erosion by intermittent running water, probably during Quaternary pluvials. Stone Age artifacts associated with soils in the alluvium suggest that areas near the wadis may have been sites of early human occupation. The presence of old drainage networks beneath the sand sheet provides a geologic explanation for the locations of many playas and present-day oases which have been centers of episodic human habitation. Radar penetration of dry sand and soils varies with the wavelength of the incident signals (24 centimeters for the SIR-A system), incidence angle, and the electrical properties of the materials, which are largely determined by moisture content. The calculated depth of radar penetration of dry sand and granules, based on laboratory measurements of the electrical properties of samples from the Selima Sand Sheet, is at least 5 meters. Recent (September 1982) field studies in Egypt verified SIR-A signal penetration depths of at least 1 meter in the Selima Sand Sheet and in drift sand and 2 or more meters in sand dunes.

Science ; 252(5003): 276-88, 1991 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17769275


Magellan images confirm that volcanism is widespread and has been fimdamentally important in the formation and evolution of the crust of Venus. High-resolution imaging data reveal evidence for intrusion (dike formation and cryptodomes) and extrusion (a wide range of lava flows). Also observed are thousands of small shield volcanoes, larger edifices up to several hundred kilometers in diameter, massive outpourings of lavas, and local pyroclastic deposits. Although most features are consistent with basaltic compositions, a number of large pancake-like domes are morphologically similar to rhyolite-dacite domes on Earth. Flows and sinuous channels with lengths of many hundreds of kilometers suggest that extremely high effusion rates or very fluid magmas (perhaps komatiites) may be present. Volcanism is evident in various tectonic settings (coronae, linear extensional and compressional zones, mountain belts, upland rises, highland plateaus, and tesserae). Volcanic resurfacing rates appear to be low (less than 2 Km(3)/yr) but the significance of dike formation and intrusions, and the mode of crustal formation and loss remain to be established.

Science ; 218(4576): 996-1003, 1982 Dec 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17790588


The shuttle imaging radar (SIR-A) acquired images of a variety of the earth's geologic areas covering about 10 million square kilometers. Structural and geomorphic features such as faults, folds, outcrops, and dunes are clearly visible in both tropical and arid regions. The combination of SIR-A and Seasat images provides additional information about the surface physical properties: topography and roughness. Ocean features were also observed, including large internal waves in the Andaman Sea.

Science ; 312(5774): 724-7, 2006 May 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16675695


The most recent Cassini RADAR images of Titan show widespread regions (up to 1500 kilometers by 200 kilometers) of near-parallel radar-dark linear features that appear to be seas of longitudinal dunes similar to those seen in the Namib desert on Earth. The Ku-band (2.17-centimeter wavelength) images show approximately 100-meter ridges consistent with duneforms and reveal flow interactions with underlying hills. The distribution and orientation of the dunes support a model of fluctuating surface winds of approximately 0.5 meter per second resulting from the combination of an eastward flow with a variable tidal wind. The existence of dunes also requires geological processes that create sand-sized (100- to 300-micrometer) particulates and a lack of persistent equatorial surface liquids to act as sand traps.

Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Saturno , Sedimentos Geológicos , Hidrocarbonetos/química , Metano/química , Tamanho da Partícula , Radar , Astronave , Vento
Science ; 308(5724): 970-4, 2005 May 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15890871


The Cassini Titan Radar Mapper imaged about 1% of Titan's surface at a resolution of approximately 0.5 kilometer, and larger areas of the globe in lower resolution modes. The images reveal a complex surface, with areas of low relief and a variety of geologic features suggestive of dome-like volcanic constructs, flows, and sinuous channels. The surface appears to be young, with few impact craters. Scattering and dielectric properties are consistent with porous ice or organics. Dark patches in the radar images show high brightness temperatures and high emissivity and are consistent with frozen hydrocarbons.

Saturno , Astronave , Atmosfera , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Hidrocarbonetos , Gelo , Compostos Orgânicos , Radar , Temperatura , Erupções Vulcânicas
Appl Opt ; 13(6): 1372-5, 1974 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20126199


The power distribution as a function of propagation distance in a network of coupled optical waveguides is determined for several interesting cases. An electrically controllable coupler is proposed and analyzed in detail. High efficiency coupling and decoupling between two optical guides can be accomplished with the use of an electrooptically generated dynamic channel, of finite length, located in between the two guides.

Nature ; 415(6875): 987-91, 2002 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11875557


Ground-based observations have shown that Jupiter is a two-component source of microwave radio emission: thermal atmospheric emission and synchrotron emission from energetic electrons spiralling in Jupiter's magnetic field. Later in situ measurements confirmed the existence of Jupiter's high-energy electron-radiation belts, with evidence for electrons at energies up to 20[?]MeV. Although most radiation belt models predict electrons at higher energies, adiabatic diffusion theory can account only for energies up to around 20[?]MeV. Unambiguous evidence for more energetic electrons is lacking. Here we report observations of 13.8[?]GHz synchrotron emission that confirm the presence of electrons with energies up to 50[?]MeV; the data were collected during the Cassini fly-by of Jupiter. These energetic electrons may be repeatedly accelerated through an interaction with plasma waves, which can transfer energy into the electrons. Preliminary comparison of our data with model results suggests that electrons with energies of less than 20[?]MeV are more numerous than previously believed.

Appl Opt ; 14(1): 14-5, 1975 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20134819