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Trop Anim Health Prod ; 53(5): 479, 2021 Sep 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34559323


This study was undertaken to determine whether equations for prediction of dry matter intake (DMI) by meat sheep are valid for animals raised solely on tropical pastures and to propose a new equation to predict the DMI of sheep raised on tropical pastures. The DMI prediction from published equations was evaluated by regressing the predicted and observed values, using the F test, for the identity of the parameters (ß0 = 0 and ß1 = 1) of the regression of predicted on observed data. If the null hypothesis is not rejected, the tested equation accurately estimates DMI. The proposed equation was evaluated in the same way as the published equations. The animal performance and pasture structure and chemical composition data used originated from an experiment conducted with 32 Santa Inês sheep raised on tropical pastures. In the analysis of model adequacy, the null hypothesis was rejected (P < 0.001) and the equations generated predictions that differ (ß0 = 0 and ß1 = 1) from the DMI observed under practical feeding conditions for grazing sheep. The proposed equation, DMI (%LW) = 7.16545 (± 0.76522) - 0.21799 (± 0.01812) * LW + 0.00273 (± 0.00034) * LW2-0.00688 (± 0.00299) * GT + 0.000007 (± 0.000002) * GT2 + 0.00271 (± 0.00108) * GHA, where LW is live weight (kg), GT is grazing time (min/day), and GHA is green herbage allowance (kg DM/100 kg LW), should be used to more accurately predict DMI by grazing sheep.

Ingestão de Alimentos , Carne , Ração Animal/análise , Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Ovinos
Animals (Basel) ; 14(11)2024 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38891614


Automated activity monitoring (AAM) systems are critical in the dairy industry for detecting estrus and optimizing the timing of artificial insemination (AI), thus enhancing pregnancy success rates in cows. This study developed a predictive model to improve pregnancy success by integrating AAM data with cow-specific and environmental factors. Utilizing data from 1,054 cows, this study compared the pregnancy outcomes between two AI timings-8 or 10 h post-AAM alarm. Variables such as age, parity, body condition, locomotion, and vaginal discharge scores, peripartum diseases, the breeding program, the bull used for AI, milk production at the time of AI, and environmental conditions (season, relative humidity, and temperature-humidity index) were considered alongside the AAM data on rumination, activity, and estrus intensity. Six predictive models were assessed to determine their efficacy in predicting pregnancy success: logistic regression, Bagged AdaBoost algorithm, linear discriminant, random forest, support vector machine, and Bagged Classification Tree. Integrating the on-farm data with AAM significantly enhanced the pregnancy prediction accuracy at AI compared to using AAM data alone. The random forest models showed a superior performance, with the highest Kappa statistic and lowest false positive rates. The linear discriminant and logistic regression models demonstrated the best accuracy, minimal false negatives, and the highest area under the curve. These findings suggest that combining on-farm and AAM data can significantly improve reproductive management in the dairy industry.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(21)2023 Nov 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37958157


This investigation aimed to assess the physiological parameters and quality of milk and fresh cheeses produced by cows that were housed in paddocks, either with or without shade, and supplemented with a phytogenic additive. Sixteen crossbred cows were allocated in a 4 × 4 Latin square design, dividing them into paddocks with or without shade, and providing or not providing a phytogenic additive in their feed. This resulted in a total of four treatment groups and sixteen experimental plots, each containing four animals, over four periods of 21 days. Various parameters were examined, including haematology, rectal and skin temperature, respiratory rate, milk yield and composition, serum parameters, and cheese yield and quality. It is worth noting that the temperature and humidity, as measured by a black globe thermometer, did not display significant variations between the different environments and exhibited minimal fluctuations throughout the day. Additionally, the supplementation of the phytogenic additive led to a reduction in haematocrit levels (p = 0.011). Furthermore, the analysis showed that whey obtained from cheese production had a higher fat content when cows were without access to shade (p = 0.005). Notably, there was an interaction between factors in relation to the total dry extract content, which was lower when cows had access to shade and received the additive (p = 0.010). In summary, the provision of a phytogenic additive and the presence or absence of shade did not bring about significant changes in milk production and quality or in the yield and quality of fresh cheese.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(8)2021 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34438786


The aim of this study was to predict carcass traits of Santa Inês lambs finished in tropical pastures by using biometric measurements. Data originated from two experiments involving 56 lambs (32 in experiment I and 24 in experiment II). In both experiments, the sheep were finished in that were finished in pastures of Panicum maximum and Brachiaria brizantha, experiment I being conducted in the rainy season and experiment II in the dry season. The following biometric measurements were recorded before slaughter: body length (BL), withers height (WH), rump height (RH), thorax width (TW), rump width (RW), chest width (CW), heart girth (HG), thigh circumference (TC), rump circumference (RC) and leg length (LL), in addition to live weight at slaughter (SW). After slaughter, hot carcass weight (HCW), cold carcass weight (CCW) and the weights of primal cuts (shoulder, neck, loin, leg and rib) were recorded. In the equations generated to predict SW, HCW and CCW, R2 ranged from 0.58 to 0.91 and the measurements of WH, TC, CW, HG and RW were the most relevant. In the equations developed to predict the weight of primal cuts, in turn, R2 ranged from 0.26 to 0.99. In these models, SW, BL, CW, TC, LL and HG explained most of the variation in the weight of primal cuts. Biometric measurements can be used to accurately and precisely predict HCW, CCW and the weight of primal cuts from the carcass of Santa Inês sheep finished in tropical pastures, since the equations presented R2 and correlation coefficient and agreement above 0.8.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(1): 203-211, jan./feb. 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049242


Although belonging to the same species, different Brachiaria brizantha varieties used for pasture vary significantly in their morphological structure. Therefore, this study starts from the central hypothesis that the defoliation dynamics during the period of occupation by animals in pastures formed by Brachiaria brizantha under rotational stocking varies among cultivars during the year. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with three treatments and three repetitions, with the cultivars consisting of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés, BRS Paiaguás, and Ecótipo B4. The defoliation patterns during the grazing periods were estimated using the marked tiller technique. Despite alterations in the tiller and forage mass components in the wet and dry seasons, no variations were observed in the tiller defoliation dynamics and the respective structural components. In the wet season, the area grazed only once was greater for BRS Paiaguás compared to the other two cultivars, but the other areas representing the grazing horizons were equally exploited among the grass varieties during the year. Therefore, based on the defoliation dynamics of pastures in Brazil's tropical climate, it is possible to suggest that pastures formed by grasses with different structures and growth habits can be submitted to similar management strategies without impairing the forage canopy exploitation by the animals.

Apesar de pertencerem à mesma espécie, existem diversas variedades disponíveis no mercado de pastos de Brachiaria brizantha, os quais variam significativamente na estrutura. Assim, este trabalho partiu da hipótese central que a dinâmica de desfolhação durante o período de ocupação dos animais em pastos de Brachiaria brizantha, sob lotação rotativa, varia entre cultivares ao longo do ano. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com três tratamentos e três repetições constituídos pelas Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés, BRS Paiaguás e o ecótipo B4. Os padrões de desfolhação, durante o rebaixamento dos pastos, foram estimados utilizando a técnica de perfilhos marcados. Apesar de alterações nos componentes do perfilho e massa de forragem, na época das águas e secas, não foi observado variações na dinâmica de desfolhação de perfilho e seus respectivos componentes estruturais. No período das águas a área pastejada apenas uma vez, foi maior na BRS Paiaguás quando comparado aos demais pastos, porém as demais áreas que equivalem aos horizontes de pastejo foram igualmente exploradas entre as gramíneas durante o ano. Portanto, baseado na dinâmica de desfolhação em pastos de clima tropical, é possível sugerir que pastos formados com gramíneas com diferentes estruturas e hábitos de crescimento podem ser submetidos a semelhantes estratégias de manejo sem prejudicar o processo de exploração do dossel forrageiro pelo animal.

Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 21(3): 135-136, jul-set. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-986966


O entendimento da dinâmica da desfolhação é essencial na análise da resposta da vegetação e da resposta animal em diferentes sistemas de produção e deve ser parte fundamental nos estudos sobre o manejo do pastejo. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar o padrão de desfolhação em pastos de Brachiaria brizantha, com estruturas distintas, sob lotação intermitente. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental pertencente à Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária ­ Gado de Corte, Campo Grande ­ MS. Os tratamentos foram pastos de Brachiaria brizantha ecótipo B4, BRS Paiaguás e cv. Xaraés. O período experimental foi dividido em épocas do ano (águas e secas). As avaliações da frequência e severidade de desfolhação de perfilhos individuais foram realizadas antes da entrada dos animais nos piquetes e durante todo o período de rebaixamento. Não foi verificado efeito da época do ano na frequência de severidade desfolhação lâmina foliar e perfilho estendido. Na época seca, ocorreu aumento na severidade de desfolhação por categoria de folha. A desfolhação de perfilhos individuais acompanhou o ajuste na densidade de lotação, apresentando poucas variações entre os pastos estudados. À medida que avançava o período de ocupação, o animal explorava os extratos inferiores do dossel forrageiro em proporções diferentes. As variações nas características estruturais do dossel forrageiro implicaram em poucas diferenças na dinâmica de desfolhação nos pastos de B. brizantha. O ajuste na densidade de lotação apresentou pouca influência na remoção de lâminas foliares entre os pastos de B. brizantha. À medida que avança a idade das lâminas foliares, reduz a desfolhação.(AU)

Comprender la dinámica de la defoliación es esencial en el análisis de la respuesta de la vegetación y de la respuesta animal en diferentes sistemas de producción y debe ser una parte fundamental en los estudios sobre el manejo del pastoreo. De esta forma, el objetivo ha sido evaluar el estándar de defoliación en los pastizales de Brachiaria brizantha, con estructuras distintas, bajo siembra intermitente. El experimento se llevó a cabo en el área experimental perteneciente a la Empresa Brasileña de Investigación Agropecuaria ­ Ganado de Corte, Campo Grande - MS. Los tratamientos fueron Brachiaria brizantha ecotipo B4, BRS Paiaguás y cv. Xaraés. El período experimental se dividió en épocas del año (lluvioso y seco). Las evaluaciones de la frecuencia y la gravedad de la defoliación de los macollos individuales se realizaron antes de la entrada de los animales en los corrales durante todo el período de descenso. No se observó ningún efecto de la época del año en la frecuencia de la defoliación de la lámina foliar y macollo extendido. En la estación seca hubo un aumento en la severidad de defoliación por categoría foliar. La defoliación de los macollos individuales siguió el ajuste en la densidad de siembra, presentando pocas variaciones entre los pastos estudiados. A medida que avanzaba el período de ocupación, el animal exploraba los extractos inferiores del dosel forrajero en diferentes proporciones. Las variaciones en las características estructurales del forrajero implicaron pocas diferencias en la dinámica de defoliación en los pastos de B. brizantha. El ajuste en la densidad de población mostró poca influencia en la remoción de láminas foliares entre los pastos de B. brizantha. A medida que avanza la edad de las láminas foliares, reduce la defoliación.(AU)

Understanding the dynamics of defoliation is essential in the analysis of vegetation and animal response in different production systems and should be a fundamental part of the studies on grazing management. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the defoliation pattern in Brachiariabrizantha pastures, with distinct structures, under intermittent grazing. The experiment was carried out in the area belonging to the Brazilian Agricultural and Livestock Research Corporation (Embrapa) ­ Beef Cattle, Campo Grande - MS. The treatments used Brachiariabrizantha ecotypes B4, BRS Paiaguás and cv. Xaraés. The experimental period was divided according to the seasons (rainy and dry). The frequency and severity of defoliation of individual tillers were evaluated prior to the entry of the animals into the paddocks and throughout the grazing period. No seasonal effect was observed on the frequency of leaf blight defoliation and extended tiller disease. In the dry season, an increase in leaf defoliation severity by leaf category could be observed. The defoliation of individual tillers followed the adjustment in the grazing density, presenting little variation among the pastures studied. As the period of occupation progressed, the animal explored the lower extracts of the forage canopy in different proportions. The variations in the structural characteristics of the forage canopy implied in few differences in the dynamics of defoliation in the B. brizantha pastures. The adjustment in grazing density showed little influence in the removal of leaf blades among the B. brizantha pastures. As the age of leaf blades advanced, defoliation was reduced.(AU)

Animais , Morbidade , Brachiaria/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecótipo