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Front Vet Sci ; 8: 741530, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35097039


Determining the prognosis of poisoning by plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids is usually challenging. This study aimed to identify important prognostic parameters that can determine the severity of spontaneous poisoning by Crotalaria spectabilis in horses. Blood samples from 42 horses spontaneously poisoned by oats contaminated with C. spectabilis seeds were evaluated. Complete blood counts (CBC) and serum biochemical tests [urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, total and direct bilirubin concentrations, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT), and creatine kinase (CK) activities] were performed. Horses were followed up for 12 months to determine the long-term survival rate; after 12 months, they were divided into two groups: survivors (n = 30) and non-survivors (n = 12). Horses spontaneously poisoned with C. spectabilis had higher levels of urea, globulin, bilirubin (total, direct, and indirect), AST, GGT, and CK than the reference values. Non-survivor horses showed significantly higher (p < 0.05) values of hemoglobin, GGT, and direct bilirubin than the survivor horses. Horses with serum GGT activity higher than 95 U/l had 14.0 times the risk of death compared to animals showing activities equal to or lower than this value, whereas horses with serum direct bilirubin concentration higher than 0.6 mg/dl (10.26 µmol/L) had 5.78 times the risk of death compared to the others. In summary, serum GGT activity and direct bilirubin concentration may be useful prognostic indicators for assessing the severity of C. spectabilis-poisoned horses.

Ciênc. rural ; 41(2): 285-290, fev. 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-578649


Foram avaliados os efeitos de soluções eletrolíticas isotônicas administradas via sonda nasogástrica de pequeno calibre e fluxo contínuo sobre o hematócrito, proteína total, albumina, sódio, potássio, cloreto, magnésio total, uréia, creatinina, glicose e lactato de bovinos desidratados experimentalmente. Seis bovinos adultos, mestiços, dois machos e quatro fêmeas foram avaliados. A hidratação enteral foi administrada na dose de 15mL kg-1 h-1 durante 12 horas. Os animais foram separados em dois tratamentos num delineamento experimental crossover e submetidos a cada um dos seguintes tratamentos: SEGlic: NaCl 4g, KCl 1g, NaHCO3 4g, dextrose 5g em 1.000mL de água; SEProp: NaCl 8g, KCl 0,5g, CaCl2 0,5g, propilenoglicol 15mL em 1.000mL de água. Após a administração das soluções eletrolíticas, ocorreu expansão da volemia, em ambos os tratamentos, ocasionando diminuição do hematócrito e proteína total. A SEGli ocasionou o aparecimento de hipernatremia e aumento do lactato plasmático. Por sua vez, a SEProp aumentou a taxa de glicose plasmática, enquanto os demais parâmetros avaliados permaneceram na faixa de referência.

This study evaluated the effects of isotonic electrolyte solutions administered via small-bore nasogastric intubation on a continuous flow rate on the hematocrit, total protein, albumin, sodium, potassium, chloride, total magnesium, urea, creatinine, glucose and lactate in cattle experimentally dehydrated. Six crossbred adult cattle, two males and four females were used for the study. Enteral fluid therapy was performed by using 15mL kg-1 h-1 for 12 hours. The animals were divided in two treatments in a "crossover" experimental design and subjected to the following treatments: SEGlic: 4g NaCl, 1g KCl, 4g NaHCO3, 5g dextrose in 1.000mL of water; SEProp: 8g NaCl, 0.5g KCl, 0.5g CaCl2, 15mL propylene glycol in 1.000mL of water. Both treatments demonstrated expansion of blood volume, reduction of hematocrit and total protein. In the SEGlic treatment, hypernatremia and increase of lactate were observed. On the other hand, the SEProp treatment caused an increase in the level of plasma glucose, while the other parameters remained within the reference values.