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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(28): e2202044119, 2022 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35867742


Liquid polymorphism is an intriguing phenomenon that has been found in a few single-component systems, the most famous being water. By supercooling liquid Te to more than 130 K below its melting point and performing simultaneous small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering measurements, we observe clear maxima in its thermodynamic response functions around 615 K, suggesting the possible existence of liquid polymorphism. A close look at the underlying structural evolution shows the development of intermediate-range order upon cooling, most strongly around the thermodynamic maxima, which we attribute to bond-orientational ordering. The striking similarities between our results and those of water, despite the lack of hydrogen-bonding and tetrahedrality in Te, indicate that water-like anomalies may be a general phenomenon among liquid systems with competing bond- and density-ordering.

Opt Lett ; 46(15): 3548-3551, 2021 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34329221


Varifocal optics have a variety of applications in imaging systems. Metasurfaces offer control of the phase, transmission, and polarization of light using subwavelength engineered structures. However, conventional metasurface designs lack dynamic wavefront shaping which limits their application. In this work, we design and fabricate 3D doublet metalenses with a tunable focal length. The phase control of light is obtained through the mutual rotation of the singlet structures. Inspired by Moiré lenses, the proposed structure consists of two all-dielectric metasurfaces. The singlets have reverse-phase profiles resulting in the cancellation of the phase shift in the nominal position. In this design, we show that the mutual rotation of the elements produces different wavefronts with quadratic radial dependence. Thus, an input plane wave is converted to spherical wavefronts whose focal length depends on the rotation. We use a combination of a nanopillar and a phase plate as the unit cell structure working at a wavelength of 1500 nm. Our design holds promise for a range of applications such as zoom lenses, microscopy, and augmented reality.

Opt Lett ; 46(2): 214-217, 2021 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33449000


This work presents the design and fabrication of polymeric, structural optical filters that simultaneously focus light. These filters represent a novel, to the best of our knowledge, design at the boundary between diffractive optics and metasurfaces that may provide significant advantages for both digital and hyperspectral imaging. Filters for visible and near-infrared wavelengths were designed using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. Prototype filters were fabricated using two-photon lithography, a form of nanoscale 3D printing, and have geometries suitable to replication by molding. The experimentally measured spectral transmission and focused spot size of each filter show excellent agreement with simulation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(11): 117201, 2021 Mar 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33798337


Artificial spin ices (ASI) have been widely investigated as magnetic metamaterials with exotic properties governed by their geometries. In parallel, interest in x-ray photon orbital angular momentum (OAM) has been rapidly growing. Here we show that a square ASI with a patterned topological defect, a double edge dislocation, imparts OAM to scattered x rays. Unlike single dislocations, a double dislocation does not introduce magnetic frustration, and the ASI equilibrates to its antiferromagnetic (AFM) ground state. The topological charge of the defect differs with respect to the structural and magnetic order; thus, x-ray diffraction from the ASI produces photons with even and odd OAM quantum numbers at the structural and AFM Bragg conditions, respectively. The magnetic transitions of the ASI allow the AFM OAM beams to be switched on and off by modest variations of temperature and applied magnetic field. These results demonstrate ASIs can serve as metasurfaces for reconfigurable x-ray optics that could enable selective probes of electronic and magnetic properties.

Nanotechnology ; 32(15): 155302, 2021 Apr 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33406512


Focused electron beam induced deposition of pure materials from aqueous solutions has been of interest in recent years. However, controlling the liquid film in partial vacuum is challenging. Here we modify the substrate to increase control over the liquid layer in order to conduct a parametric study of copper deposition in an environmental scanning electron microscope. We identified the transition from electron to mass-transport limited deposition as well as two additional regimes characterized by aggregated and high-aspect ratio deposits. We observe a high deposition efficiency of 1-10 copper atoms per primary electron that is consistent with a radiation chemical model of the deposition process.

Nanotechnology ; 32(9): 095302, 2021 Feb 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33197908


Shot-to-shot, or pixel-to-pixel, dose variation during electron-beam lithography is a significant practical and fundamental problem. Dose variations associated with charging, electron source instability, optical system drift, and ultimately shot noise in the e-beam itself conspire to critical dimension variability, line width/edge roughness, and limited throughput. It would be an important improvement to e-beam based patterning technology if real-time feedback control of electron-dose were provided so that pattern quality and throughput would be improved beyond the shot noise limit. In this paper, we demonstrate control of e-beam dose based on the measurement of electron arrival at the sample where patterns are written, rather than from the source or another point in the electron optical column. Our results serve as the first steps towards real-time dose control and eventually overcoming the shot noise.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(25): 256001, 2020 Dec 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33416384


Molecular-scale dynamics in sub- to supercritical water is studied with inelastic x-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations. The obtained longitudinal current correlation spectra can be decomposed into two main components: a low-frequency (LF), gaslike component and a high-frequency (HF) component arising from the O-O stretching mode between hydrogen-bonded molecules, reminiscent of the longitudinal acoustic mode in ambient water. With increasing temperature, the hydrogen-bond network diminishes and the spectral weight shifts from HF to LF, leading to a transition from liquid- to gaslike dynamics with rapid changes around the Widom line.

Nanotechnology ; 31(42): 425301, 2020 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32580183


Nickel nanostructures have found widespread application as both functional components, e.g. in magnetic systems, and as part of the lithographic pattern transfer process as etch masks, EUV mask absorbers, and imprint templates. Electron-beam induced etching of nickel is highly desirable for the repair and editing of masks and templates with high resolution and without substrate damage. However, there are no known gas-phase reactants that produce volatile nickel products under e-beam irradiation. Here we report the successful local etching of nickel by a focused electron beam in an environmental scanning electron microscope using a liquid reactant, aqueous sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid did not spontaneously etch nickel under ESEM conditions, but nickel was etched in areas exposed to the electron beam. Etching parameters such as dose, refresh time, and addition of a surfactant were investigated. The extent of the etch increases with dose before terminating at sub-micron feature sizes. The etch resolution improves with the addition of surfactant. This approach enables local nickel patterning with complete film removal but without damaging underlying layers. With further refinement, the process may enable nickel absorber repair and editing and remove a significant obstacle to the use of nickel in EUV lithography.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(19): 197202, 2019 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31765174


Collective dynamics often play an important role in determining the stability of ground states for both naturally occurring materials and metamaterials. We studied the temperature dependent dynamics of antiferromagnetically ordered superdomains in a square artificial spin lattice using soft x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. We observed an exponential slowing down of superdomain wall motion below the antiferromagnetic onset temperature, similar to the behavior of typical bulk antiferromagnets. Using a continuous time random walk model we show that these superdomain walls undergo low-temperature ballistic and high-temperature diffusive motions.

Nanotechnology ; 30(30): 305301, 2019 Jul 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30959491


Variable-pressure electron-beam lithography (VP-EBL) employs an ambient gas at subatmospheric pressure to reduce charging of insulating films and substrates during electron exposure. In this work, VP-EBL proves to be an efficient method for patterning a widely used, but challenging to process, fluoropolymer, Teflon AF. However, rather than solely mitigating charging, the ambient gas is found to alter the radiation chemistry of the exposure process. Specifically, irradiating Teflon AF under water vapor increases the dissolution rate of the exposed regions in non-fluorinated solvents and enables complete patterning in a positive tone process. When compared to conventional e-beam resists, the contrast (≈4), clearing dose (<700 µC cm-2), and resolution (≈40 nm half-pitch) of Teflon AF are adequate. However, these figures of merit are quite remarkable when the process is considered as a means for directly patterning a functional material with extremely low surface energy, dielectric constant, and refractive index. Intriguingly, VP-EBL of Teflon AF under water vapor also exhibits non-reciprocity, through dose-rate dependence, and exhibits anomalous proximity effects. Thus, the influence of the ambient gas on radiation chemistry must be considered for VP-EBL, and some of the resulting effects may offer significant benefits for patterning both functional and lithographic materials.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(51): 14645-14650, 2016 12 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27930313


The existence of charge-density-wave (CDW) correlations in cuprate superconductors has now been established. However, the nature of the CDW ground state has remained uncertain because disorder and the presence of superconductivity typically limit the CDW correlation lengths to only a dozen unit cells or less. Here we explore the field-induced 3D CDW correlations in extremely pure detwinned crystals of YBa2Cu3O2 (YBCO) ortho-II and ortho-VIII at magnetic fields in excess of the resistive upper critical field ([Formula: see text]) where superconductivity is heavily suppressed. We observe that the 3D CDW is unidirectional and possesses a long in-plane correlation length as well as significant correlations between neighboring CuO2 planes. It is significant that we observe only a single sharply defined transition at a critical field proportional to [Formula: see text], given that the field range used in this investigation overlaps with other high-field experiments including quantum oscillation measurements. The correlation volume is at least two to three orders of magnitude larger than that of the zero-field CDW. This is by far the largest CDW correlation volume observed in any cuprate crystal and so is presumably representative of the high-field ground state of an "ideal" disorder-free cuprate.

J Insect Sci ; 19(1)2019 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30715435


We studied prey theft in two cicada killer aggregations: Ruby, Arizona (Sphecius convallis Patton) and Easton, Pennsylvania (Sphecius speciosus Drury). Many prey (Tibicen parallelus Davis [Hemiptera: Cicadidae]) were stolen from S. convallis by kingbirds and Greater Roadrunners at Ruby. Seventy percent of kingbird attacks on provisioning wasps were successful. Using sand-filled trap nests baited with a cicada, we tested the hypothesis that conspecific females might kleptoparasitize by laying an egg on the cicada and closing the nest cell. At Ruby, 45% were so appropriated, and at Easton, 52%. Easton data showed that the longer a nest cell was left open, the higher the rate of kleptoparasitism. Hence, intraspecific kleptoparasitism likely occurs at high rates in both populations. Not needing to dig a burrow, or to hunt, capture, and carry a paralyzed cicada favors intraspecific kleptoparasitism in cicada killers. Low cicada availability and intense avian kleptoparasitism of cicada killers may intensify selection pressure for this behavior at the Arizona site. Pirating cicadas may be the only viable reproductive outlet for females that are small or in environments with few prey. We suggest that provisioned nest cell kleptoparasitism may have evolved in cicada killers as an alternative strategy to standard provisioning, given the dual uncertainties of adult body size and prey availability.

Aves/fisiologia , Cadeia Alimentar , Comportamento Predatório , Vespas/fisiologia , Animais , Arizona , Hemípteros , Pennsylvania , Especificidade da Espécie
Nature ; 488(7413): 603-8, 2012 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22932384


Light-matter interactions are ubiquitous, and underpin a wide range of basic research fields and applied technologies. Although optical interactions have been intensively studied, their microscopic details are often poorly understood and have so far not been directly measurable. X-ray and optical wave mixing was proposed nearly half a century ago as an atomic-scale probe of optical interactions but has not yet been observed owing to a lack of sufficiently intense X-ray sources. Here we use an X-ray laser to demonstrate X-ray and optical sum-frequency generation. The underlying nonlinearity is a reciprocal-space probe of the optically induced charges and associated microscopic fields that arise in an illuminated material. To within the experimental errors, the measured efficiency is consistent with first-principles calculations of microscopic optical polarization in diamond. The ability to probe optical interactions on the atomic scale offers new opportunities in both basic and applied areas of science.

Nanotechnology ; 28(12): 125301, 2017 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28220760


Electron-beam induced deposition of high-purity copper nanostructures is desirable for nanoscale rapid prototyping, interconnection of chemically synthesized structures, and integrated circuit editing. However, metalorganic, gas-phase precursors for copper introduce high levels of carbon contamination. Here we demonstrate electron beam induced deposition of high-purity copper nanostructures from aqueous solutions of copper sulfate. The addition of sulfuric acid eliminates oxygen contamination from the deposit and produces a deposit with ∼95 at% copper. The addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Triton X-100, or polyethylene glycole (PEG) improves pattern resolution and controls deposit morphology but leads to slightly reduced purity. High resolution nested lines with a 100 nm pitch are obtained from CuSO4-H2SO4-SDS-H2O. Higher aspect ratios (∼1:1) with reduced line edge roughness and unintended deposition are obtained from CuSO4-H2SO4-PEG-H2O. Evidence for radiation-chemical deposition mechanisms was observed, including deposition efficiency as high as 1.4 primary electrons/Cu atom.

Langmuir ; 32(32): 8034-41, 2016 08 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27463892


The effect of functional group density on protein adsorption is systematically studied to support ongoing efforts in molecular imprinting of surfaces and bulk materials. In these applications, functional commodity chemicals are molded to complement the shape and chemistry of the target molecule. Here, we study the relationship between bovine serum albumin adsorption and ligand density for carboxylate, alcohol, and alkyl terminal groups. Control surfaces consisting of densely packed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are contrasted with low-density SAMs formed through thiol-yne chemistry. Direct comparison consistently yielded greater protein adsorption on low-density SAMs than conventional pure component SAMs of the same functional group. Critically, the carboxylate and alcohol low-density SAMS are more hydrophobic than their analogous dense SAMs. Mixed functional group, dense SAMs were formed with alkyl diluents to match the hydrophobicity of the low-density SAMs. Once hydrophobicity is matched, the dense carboxylate and alcohol SAMs have higher adsorption than the low-density SAMs. We conclude (1) surface charge and hydrophobicity trends dominate over surface density contributions; (2) when hydrophobicity is matched, greater adsorption occurs on dense hydrophilic groups than on lower density hydrophilic groups; (3) when hydrophobicity is matched, greater adsorption occurs on lower density hydrophobic groups than on higher density hydrophobic groups.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(11): 115001, 2015 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26406836


We present the first highly resolved measurements of the plasmon spectrum in an ultrafast heated solid. Multi-keV x-ray photons from the Linac Coherent Light Source have been focused to one micrometer diameter focal spots producing solid density aluminum plasmas with a known electron density of n_{e}=1.8×10^{23} cm^{-3}. Detailed balance is observed through the intensity ratio of up- and down-shifted plasmons in x-ray forward scattering spectra measuring the electron temperature. The plasmon damping is treated by electron-ion collision models beyond the Born approximation to determine the electrical conductivity of warm dense aluminum.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(25): 255501, 2015 Jun 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26197134


Structural rearrangements within single molecules occur on ultrafast time scales. Many aspects of molecular dynamics, such as the energy flow through excited states, have been studied using spectroscopic techniques, yet the goal to watch molecules evolve their geometrical structure in real time remains challenging. By mapping nuclear motions using femtosecond x-ray pulses, we have created real-space representations of the evolving dynamics during a well-known chemical reaction and show a series of time-sorted structural snapshots produced by ultrafast time-resolved hard x-ray scattering. A computational analysis optimally matches the series of scattering patterns produced by the x rays to a multitude of potential reaction paths. In so doing, we have made a critical step toward the goal of viewing chemical reactions on femtosecond time scales, opening a new direction in studies of ultrafast chemical reactions in the gas phase.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(5): 054801, 2015 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25699448


The Linac Coherent Light Source has added a self-seeding capability to the soft x-ray range using a grating monochromator system. We report the demonstration of soft x-ray self-seeding with a measured resolving power of 2000-5000, wavelength stability of 10(-4), and an increase in peak brightness by a factor of 2-5 across the photon energy range of 500-1000 eV. By avoiding the need for a monochromator at the experimental station, the self-seeded beam can deliver as much as 50-fold higher brightness to users.

Nanotechnology ; 26(49): 495301, 2015 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26567988


We show here that copper can be locally etched by an electron-beam induced reaction in a liquid. Aqueous sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is utilized as the etchant and all experiments are conducted in an environmental scanning electron microscope. The extent of etch increases with liquid thickness and dose, and etch resolution improves with H2SO4 concentration. This approach shows the feasibility of liquid phase etching for material selectivity and has the potential for circuit editing.