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Int J Equity Health ; 23(1): 85, 2024 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38689319


BACKGROUND: In Colombia, health care for people with trans life experiences is characterised by countless barriers to health services and care. Commonly, trans people have experienced stigma and discrimination among health professionals, a lack of services and professionals specialized to guarantee affirmative processes from non-hegemonic gender perspectives, and there exists a marked pathologization and medicalization of services. Therefore, it is necessary to provide affirmative health services to improve health and well-being from the recognition of their needs and experiences. The article describes life narratives about health care for the gender transitions of trans women in Colombia. METHODS: A qualitative narrative study was conducted with 139 trans women in seven cities in Colombia. In-depth interviews and discussion groups were conducted between June 2019 and March 2020. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and the Atlas Ti cloud program. National and international ethical guidelines were followed in the development of the research. RESULTS: This research provided an overview of the health experiences of Colombian trans women. They reported their experiences of pathologizing approaches to transgender healthcare, stigma, discrimination, and barriers to accessing preventive, specialized, and regular healthcare services. For this reason, they opted for self-medicated gender transition processes and self-management of health care. An important aspect to consider within healthcare is that not all women want binary gender transition processes. CONCLUSION: Participants felt that in Colombia there is a lack of affirmative health care for transgender women and that there are many limitations to care related to the gender transition processes. This exposes them to more situations that violate their rights and influences their lack of confidence and their search for professional health care. In Colombia, it is important to develop strategies for education, information, and communication, as well as a handbook for health workers on specialized healthcare for trans women.

Pesquisa Qualitativa , Estigma Social , Pessoas Transgênero , Humanos , Colômbia , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoas Transgênero/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Masculino , Entrevistas como Assunto , Narração
Saúde Soc ; 32(4): e220112es, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530424


Resumen El bienestar de las mujeres trans se ha visto afectado por el estigma, la discriminación, las altas brechas en salud, la falta de oportunidades laborales y educativas, además de la ausencia de apoyo social. Los profesionales de la salud juegan un papel importante dentro del bienestar y la salud de las mujeres trans, por tanto, en este estudio se planteó como objetivo reconocer el significado que tienen los profesionales de la salud sobre el bienestar en mujeres trans. Esta es una investigación cualitativa, diseño narrativo, en la cual participaron ocho profesionales de la salud (medicina, psicología y auxiliar de enfermería) con experiencia en atención a la comunidad, con quienes se realizó una entrevista en profundidad. Estos profesionales reconocen que el bienestar de las mujeres trans se ve afectado por múltiples factores socioculturales, económicos, relacionados con la salud mental, la discriminación a las que siguen expuestas, la transfobia internalizada y el poco apoyo familiar y social. Se requieren acciones concretas desde las entidades de salud, de educación superior y gubernamentales, que favorezcan procesos afirmativos de las mujeres trans, y la promoción en los procesos de atención en salud de la sensibilidad y compromiso con el desarrollo humano de estas mujeres a partir de la protección de sus derechos.

Abstract The well-being of trans women has been affected by stigma and discrimination, and great gaps in health, employment and educational opportunities and the absence of social support. The role of health professionals plays an important role in the well-being and health of trans women, therefore, the objective is to recognize the meaning that health professionals have on the well-being of trans women. Method: Qualitative research, narrative design. Eight health professionals (medicine, psychology, and nursing assistant) with experience in community care participated in an in-depth interview. In conclusion, the health professionals recognize that the well-being of trans women is affected by multiple sociocultural and economic factors related to mental health, discrimination to which they are still exposed, internalized transphobia, and the lack of family and social support. Concrete actions are required from health, higher education, and governmental entities capable of favoring affirmative processes for trans women and promoting in healthcare processes the sensitivity and commitment to their human development based on the protection of their rights.

Pessoas Transgênero
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 246-260, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430598


Resumen Los derechos humanos de la población trans son vulnerados como consecuencia del heterocispatriarcado y las representaciones sociales generadas, promovidas y reforzadas por este sistema hegemónico. El objetivo de este artículo es describir las representaciones sociales que tienen los estudiantes de un posgrado en psicología de una universidad privada de Cali sobre las personas trans, así como las necesidades y retos que perciben en su quehacer profesional con esta población. Este es un estudio cualitativo, fenomenológico-interpretativo, en el que participaron voluntariamente 45 estudiantes de la asignatura de Salud Sexual y Salud Reproductiva. Los datos se recogieron por redes semánticas naturales y grupos de discusión y fueron procesados desde la teoría de análisis temático. La investigación se ajusta a principios de beneficencia, no maleficencia y autonomía. De igual forma, se fundamenta en conocimiento acumulado bajo estricto rigor metodológico. Se clasificó como una investigación con riesgo mínimo. Las representaciones sociales de algunos participantes sobre las personas trans están asociadas a aspectos estigmatizantes y excluyentes, que pueden transformarse positivamente en la interacción con la comunidad en cuestión. Se concluye que las representaciones sociales tienen un rol fundamental en la calidad de la atención en salud. Es importante capacitar a los estudiantes de la salud y las ciencias sociales en temas de sexualidad, interacciones humanas, autocuidado, respeto por el otro y por sí mismo, además de habilidades para la toma de decisiones, comunicación asertiva, pensamiento crítico y resolución de conflictos desde un enfoque transafirmativo, de género y de derechos.

Abstract The human rights of the trans population are violated because of heterocispatriarchy and the social representations generated, promoted, and reinforced by this hegemonic system. The objective of this article is to describe the social representations that students of a graduate program in psychology at a private university in Cali have about trans persons, as well as the needs and challenges they perceive in their professional work with this population. This is a qualitative, phenomenological-interpretative study, in which 45 students of the Sexual Health and Reproductive Health course voluntarily participated. The data were collected by natural semantic networks and discussion groups and were processed from the thematic analysis theory. The research conforms to the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, and autonomy. Likewise, it is based on accumulated knowledge under strict methodological rigor. It was classified as research with minimal risk. The social representations of some participants about trans persons are associated with stigmatizing and excluding aspects, which can be positively transformed in the interaction with the community in question. It is concluded that social representations play a fundamental role in the quality of health care. It is important to train health and social science students in sexuality, human interactions, self-care, respect for others and for oneself, as well as decision-making skills, assertive communication, critical thinking, and conflict resolution from a transaffirmative, gender and rights-based approach.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 63-80, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430587


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar las características de artículos científicos publicados durante el último quindenio respecto a la atención en salud a personas trans en América Latina y el Caribe. Se desarrolló una revisión sistematizada de artículos publicados en cuatro bases de datos, entre los años 2005 y 2020, en la que se encontraron 20 estudios que fueron objeto de análisis. En su mayoría, estos dan cuenta de las percepciones que tienen las comunidades trans y, en menor frecuencia, las experiencias de los profesionales de la salud sobre la atención en salud. Los resultados permiten identificar barreras que influyen en los procesos de atención y los desafíos para mejorarla. Sobresale la formación deficiente e insuficiente en los profesionales sobre identidades trans y los enfoques diferenciales y afirmativos del género, y la necesidad de fortalecer los abordajes integrales entre las comunidades académicas, de la salud y la generación de políticas públicas transformativas.

Abstract Health care is important for the transitions of people with trans life experiences and to strengthen the processes of health and disease. Health professionals are educating and accompanying agents; however, the literature frequently reports that there are barriers perceived by professionals regarding their competencies to accompany such processes, in addition to others related to social representations regarding trans identities, the limited scientific evidence regarding the processes of gender reaffirmation and representing the communities themselves according to their historical and sociocultural characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of scientific articles published during 15 years regarding health care for trans persons in Latin America and the Caribbean. A systematized review of articles published in four databases between 2005 and 2020 was carried out. 20 studies were analyzed in the research. Most of them report the perceptions of trans communities and, less frequently, the experiences of health professionals on health care. The results allow the identification of barriers that influence the processes of care and the challenges to improve it. The deficient and insufficient training of professionals on trans identities and differential and affirmative gender approaches stand out, as well as the need to strengthen comprehensive approaches among the academic and health communities and the generation of trans affirmative public policies. On the other hand, the results evidence a construction of science with respect to gender that is cisnormative and invisibilizes gender diversities. In addition, many of the studies establish vertical relationships between participants, including researchers, which generates research dynamics in which trans communities are considered more as informants and less as expert peers, community researchers or participants in a collaborative and co-creative research process. These findings support the need and renew the urgency to generate processes of knowledge construction with and for trans communities that allow nurturing educational, social, public policy and health spaces that represent their needs for gender transitions, in case the person considers so, and that welcome in an integral and humanized way the processes of health and disease. Research on health and health care in trans communities both in Colombia and in the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean does not show the implementation of health policies focused on the community and that respond to their health needs. Health professionals, around the world, should accompany from care actions focused on the processes of self-identification and self-determination of gender. Being recognized and made visible based on gender identities and expressions has a positive impact on the mental health of trans people and their well-being. In professional practice, it is important and essential to overcome the barriers of social inequality, promoting a critical social vision and understanding of the reality of this population. It is necessary to expand research from gender diversities and separate from the LGBTIQ+ umbrella given the complex social, cultural, biological, and psychological diversities faced by each community. As for health professionals, it is necessary to deepen the measurement and understanding of attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, skills and gaps identified by all staff, from doctors and nurses to institution managers. This in order to articulate and triangulate information and develop intervention programs aimed at comprehensive and accessible care, especially for their reports about the little information on sexual and gender diversity received during their professional training process and organizational culture. Finally, each country should develop clinical guidelines based on local, national, and international evidence that responds to the psychological and sociocultural needs and experiences of trans communities that include the process of gender transitions from hormone therapy, affirmative surgeries and other non-binary processes of gender expressions, family, psychosocial support, and community accompaniment.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 53jul.-dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536574


Introducción/Objetivo: Establecer el nivel de adherencia de un grupo de mujeres trans colombianas a las medidas de prevención ante el SARS-CoV-2. Método: Diseño transversal correlacional descriptivo de una sola etapa. Se administró un cuestionario en línea anónimo a 100 mujeres trans de Colombia. Los resultados fueron obtenidos utilizando métodos estadísticos tanto frecuentistas como bayesianos (a priori- a posteriori). Resultados: Cerca de las tres cuartas partes de las mujeres participantes reportaron un alto nivel de adherencia a las conductas preventivas. Los factores asociados fueron sentirse capaz de implementar las acciones de prevención y creer en la eficacia de ellas, para evitar contagiar a otros, los conflictos con otras personas y problemas legales. Conclusiones: La autoeficacia y los comportamientos gobernados por reglas están relacionados con la adherencia a las medidas de prevención. Abordar la adherencia en tiempos de COVID-19 implica incorporar de manera integral la magnitud de las inequidades e injusticias sociales y las respuestas en salud ante una situación que afecta a la humanidad de manera diversa y diferenciada.

Introduction/Objective: To establish the level of adherence of a group of Colombian trans women to SARS-CoV-2 prevention measures. Method: Single-stage descriptive correlational cross-sectional design. An anonymous online questionnaire was administered to 100 Colombian trans women. The results were obtained using both frequentist and bayesian (a priori-a posteriori) statistical methods. Results: About three-quarters of the participating women reported a high level of adherence to preventive behaviors. Associated factors were feeling able to implement the preventive actions and believing in their effectiveness, to avoid infecting others, conflicts with others, and avoiding legal problems. Conclusions: Self-efficacy and rule-governed behaviors are related to adherence to prevention measures. Addressing adherence in times of COVID-19 implies comprehensively incorporating the magnitude of social inequities and injustices and the health responses to a situation that affects humanity in a diverse and differentiated manner.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(1): 158-168, Jan.-June 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098008


Abstract The objectives of this research were: (a) to relate sexual risk, knowledge, and attitudes towards HIV testing in Colombian university students; and (b) to describe the perceived barriers in those who had not been tested, analyzing the differences according to sex. A cross-sectional study was carried out, in which 1057 Colombian university students participated. The instruments applied were the Cuestionario Confidencial Vida Sexual Activa (CCVSA, for its Spanish acronym), the tests Barreras Hacia la Prueba del VIH, Escala de Actitudes hacia el VIH-Sida and an ad hoc questionnaire on knowledge about the test. The students who were tested (n = 214) reported a lower age of sexual initiation (p < .01), a higher number of sexual partners (p = .01), and a lower use of condoms in the first (p = .02) and last (p = .04) sexual intercourse. They also reported more knowledge about HIV testing (p < .001). The main barriers were associated with low risk perception of the disease (29.8 %), trust in sexual partners (29.2 %), and lack of offer of the test (25.2 %). In conclusion, being tested for HIV is related to exposure to risky sexual behaviors and to knowledge about the test, but not to attitudes towards it. The identification of the associated psychosocial factors could contribute to the design of interventions aimed at the prevention and timely treatment of the disease.

Resumen Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron: (a) relacionar el riesgo sexual, los conocimientos y las actitudes hacia la prueba del VIH con su realización en estudiantes universitarios colombianos; y (b) describir las barreras percibidas en aquellos que no se la habían realizado, identificando las diferencias según el sexo. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en el que participaron 1057 estudiantes colombianos, y en el que se utilizó el Cuestionario Confidencial sobre Vida Sexual Activa (CCVSA), el test Barreras Hacia la Prueba del VIH, la Escala de Actitudes hacia el VIH-Sida y un cuestionario ad hoc de conocimientos sobre la prueba. Los estudiantes que se realizaron la prueba (n = 214) reportaron una edad inferior de iniciación sexual (p < .01), un número superior de parejas sexuales (p = .01) y un menor uso de condón en la primera (p = .02) y la última (p = .04) relación sexual, así como mayores conocimientos sobre la prueba del VIH (p < .001). Las principales barreras estuvieron relacionadas con la baja percepción del riesgo de la enfermedad (29.8 %), la confianza en las parejas sexuales (29.2 %) y la falta de ofrecimiento de la prueba (25.2 %). En conclusión, la realización de la prueba está relacionada con la exposición a conductas sexuales de riesgo y con los conocimientos, mas no con las actitudes hacia la prueba. La identificación de los factores psicosociales vinculados podría contribuir al diseño de intervenciones orientadas a la prevención y al tratamiento oportuno de la enfermedad.

Saúde Soc ; 28(2): 227-238, abr.-jun. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014575


Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue comprender las representaciones sociales asociadas al VIH y al Sida en un grupo de adolescentes y jóvenes universitarios colombianos. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cualitativo de diseño fenomenológico interpretativo en el que participaron 18 estudiantes universitarios. Las técnicas de recolección empleadas fueron las redes semánticas naturales (RSN) y los grupos de discusión. Las narrativas evidenciaron que existe desconocimiento sobre aspectos generales del VIH y del Sida. También dieron cuenta de la creencia de que el riesgo de contraer VIH recae únicamente en grupos etiquetados en riesgo. Se identificaron, además, actitudes que denotan estigma hacia personas con la enfermedad. Los pares, los padres, la familia y el internet se reportaron como los principales agentes de socialización sobre la enfermedad. En conclusión, se destaca la necesidad de empoderar a los diferentes agentes de socialización y de fortalecer los procesos educativos desde el reconocimiento de los derechos humanos de todas las personas. Se requiere, por tanto, un trabajo articulado, integral y transversal de los diferentes agentes, no solo para la deconstrucción de las creencias y actitudes negativas hacia la enfermedad, sino para la construcción de una sexualidad responsable y saludable que esté centrada en el autocuidado.

Abstract This research aimed to understand the social representations associated with HIV and AIDS in a group of adolescents and university students from Colombia. For this, a qualitative study of phenomenological interpretative design was carried out with 18 university students. The collection techniques used were natural semantic networks (NSN) and discussion groups. The narratives showed that there is lack of knowledge about general aspects of HIV and AIDS. They also reported a belief that the risk of contracting HIV relapses only into at-risk groups. In addition, attitudes that denote stigma towards people with the disease were identified. Partners, parents, family and internet were reported as the main agents of socialization about the disease. In conclusion, the need to empower the different socialization agents and to strengthen educational processes from the recognition of the human rights of all people is highlighted. Therefore, it is required an articulated, integral and transversal work of the different agents, not only for the deconstruction of the negative beliefs and attitudes towards the disease, but for the construction of a responsible and healthy sexuality that is centered in the self-care.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudantes , Universidades , Educação em Saúde , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida , HIV , Pesquisa Qualitativa
rev. psicogente ; 21(39): 127-139, ene.-jun. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963581


Resumen Objetivo: Reconocer los significados colectivos y subjetivos que un grupo de personas con VIH tiene respecto a vivir con la enfermedad. Método: Cualitativo explicativo con diseño narrativo. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de tres grupos de discusión conformados por 16 personas con VIH, hombres y mujeres entre los 22 y los 49 años de edad, que viven en la ciudad de Cali. Resultados: Los significados de los participantes giran en torno al vivir el VIH, en relación con el estigma sentido, el estigma real, el estigma percibido y el autoestigma. La experiencia del es tigma se relaciona directamente con la percepción que los participantes tienen de sí mismos y la construcción de su autoimagen y autoconcepto se transforma dependiendo de la forma en que se asume la enfermedad; finalmente, las estrategias de afrontamiento que se utilizan se basan en el cuidado de la imagen, en evitar el malestar emocional y sentirse apoyados por alguna persona cercana a ellos. Conclusión: Los hallazgos de la presente investigación permiten evidenciar que el VIH es producto de diversas situaciones en cadena, en donde las representaciones sociales construidas alrededor de la enfermedad constituyen un factor central en el afrontamiento y en la forma de vivirlo colectivamente, realizar una intervención desde temáticas como la memoria colectiva, la identidad colectiva y la reconstrucción de la identidad podría permitir resignificar y potencializar la imagen que las personas con VIH tienen de sí mismas y del grupo social al que pertenecen.

Abstract Objective: This paper aims to recognize what a group of people with HIV have regarding living with this disease and based on collective and subjective meanings. Method: The data collected corresponds to three discussion groups of 16 people with HIV, men and women from Cali, between 22 and 49 years sampled, through a Qualitative explanatory and following a narrative design. Results: As a result, everything related to collective meanings of the participants revolve around living with this disease (HIV), as follows: Felt stigma, real stigma, perceived stigma and self-stigma; in addition, the experience of stigma is directly related to the participants perception of themselves and the construction of their self-image and self-concept, transformed depending on how do these individuals assume the disease; finally, coping strategies used are based on caring for the image, avoiding emotional distress and feeling supported by someone close to them. Con clusion: This research findings make possible to show that HIV is the result of various situations associated, where social representations built around the disease are a central factor in coping with and how to live with it collectively. Themes such as collective memory, collective identity and the reconstruction of identity could make possible to reframe and enhance the image that people with HIV have of themselves and the social group to which they belong to as well.

Hacia promoc. salud ; 23(1): 13-25, ene.-jun. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-892546


Resumen Objetivo: Caracterizar los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas de profesionales de la salud que reflejan estigma y discriminación frente a la tuberculosis (TB) en municipios prioritarios de la Costa Pacífica colombiana. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo descriptivo con 13 profesionales de la salud, vinculados a los programas de TB de 4 municipios prioritarios en la Costa Pacífica nariñense de Colombia. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales. Resultados: Los profesionales de la salud tienen adecuados conocimientos sobre la enfermedad y el tratamiento, pero sus creencias sobre las causas de la enfermedad y algunas actitudes frente a las personas con TB reflejan estigma. Sus prácticas fueron poco discriminatorias hacia los pacientes y sus familias, incluso tienen prácticas de riesgo para su salud como no usar las medidas de bioseguridad para evitar hacer sentir discriminados a los pacientes. La mayoría de los profesionales reportaron ser discriminados por su labor, la cual implica un contacto diario y un alto riesgo de infección, proviniendo estas actitudes por parte de sus familiares y de otros profesionales del sector salud. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio señalan focos importantes de atención en las acciones de prevención del estigma y la discriminación frente a las personas con TB, que no han sido visibilizados por estudios cuantitativos en el país.

Abstract Objective: To characterize the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health professionals that reflect stigma and discrimination facing tuberculosis (TB) in critical municipalities of the Colombian Pacific Coast. Materials and Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was conducted with 13 health professionals, linked to TB programs in 4 critical municipalities in the Colombian Pacific Coast in the Department of Nariño. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted. Results: Health professionals have adequate knowledge about the disease and its treatment, but their beliefs about some TB causes and some attitudes towards patients with the disease reflect stigma. Their practices were not very discriminatory towards TB patients and their families, and they even have risk practices for their health such as not using biosecurity measures in order to avoid making patients feel discriminated. The majority of the professionals reported being discriminated against for their work which implies daily contact with patients and high risk of infection, attitudes that arise from their relatives and other professionals in the health sector. Conclusions: The results of this study point out important attention focus to be attended in the actions of prevention of stigma and discrimination against people with TB which have not been reported by quantitative studies in the country.

Resumo Objetivo: Caracterizar os conhecimentos, as atitudes e as práticas de profissionais da saúde que reflitam estigma e discriminação frente à tuberculose (TB) em municípios prioritários do Litoral Pacífico colombiano. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou se um estudo qualitativo descritivo com 13 profissionais da saúde, vinculados aos programas de TB de 4 municípios prioritários no Litoral Pacífico nariñense "Nariño cidade da Colômbia". Realisou se entrevistas em profundidade e grupos focais. Resultados: Os profissionais da saúde têm adequados conhecimentos sobre a doença e o tratamento, mas suas crenças sobre as causas da doença e algumas atitudes frente às pessoas com TB reflitam estigma. Suas práticas foram pouco discriminatórias para os pacientes e suas famílias, incluso tem práticas de risco para sua saúde como não usar as medidas de biossegurança para evitar fazer sentir discriminados os pacientes. A maioria dos profissionais reportou ser discriminada por seu labor, a qual implica um contato diário e um alto risco de infecção, provindo estas atitudes por parte de seus familiares e de outros profissionais do sector saúde. Conclusões: Os resultados de este estudo apontam focos importantes de atenção nas ações de prevenção do estigma e a discriminação frente ás pessoas com TB, que não tem sido visibilizados por estudos quantitativos no país.

Humanos , Tuberculose , Estigma Social , Discriminação Social , Serviços de Saúde
Salutem Scientia Spiritus (En línea) ; 1(2): 44-48, Diciembre 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-994912


Este artículo revisa y analiza reflexivamente la enseñanza de la salud pública como escenario de promoción de la salud, la cual se desarrolla en el marco de una de las asignaturas del pregrado de la carrera de medicina en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali. Discute la relevancia de una aproximación que priorice la salud sexual y salud reproductiva con enfoque diferencial, de género, de equidad y de derechos y describe la generación de estrategias educativas en zonas marginadas de la ciudad. El objetivo es presentar como con actividades académicas de educación para la salud así estructuradas, se aporta tanto a los territorios de acción de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, como a la formación integral de los futuros médicos con las improntas de un sentido crítico y humanístico.

This article reviews and thoughtfully analyzed the teaching of public health as the setting for health promotion, which takes place in the context of one undergraduate medical course at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali. Discusses the relevance of an approach that prioritizes sexual and re-productive health with differential perspective, gender equity and rights and describes the generation of educational strategies in marginalized areas of the city. The objective is to present the academic activities of health education structured, and the achievements fot the territories of action of the Faculty of Health Sciences, as well as to the integral formation of future physicians with the imprints of a critical and humanistic sense.

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 37(4): 472-481, oct.-dic. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-615767


Objetivos Establecer la prevalencia de prácticas sexuales de riesgo en Colombia y su relación con características sociodemográficas en población adulta. Métodos Estudio de fuente secundaria basada en los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2007. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 29 760 personas entre 18 y 69 años, seleccionada con un muestreo probabilístico, por conglomerados, estratificado y polietápico. Resultados Se encontró una alta prevalencia de prácticas sexuales de riesgo en la población colombiana, en cuanto al número de parejas sexuales, uso de preservativo en las relaciones sexuales y consumo de bebidas alcohólicas o drogas durante estas, principalmente en hombres, en solteros, en rango de edad entre 18 y 24 años, y en personas sin afiliación a seguridad social. Conclusiones El estudio señala como grupo de mayor riesgo a los hombres jóvenes y resalta la importancia de tener en cuenta en los programas de promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva aspectos como la influencia de determinantes culturales que privilegian el "machismo" y la promiscuidad, así como la baja percepción de riesgo hacia las ITS/VIH en parejas estables.

Objectives To estimate the prevalence of risky sexual behaviors in Colombia and their relation to sociodemographic characteristics in the adult population. Methods Secondary data source study using the 2007 National Health Survey. The sample was comprised of 29 760 persons aged 18 to 69 years and selected with probabilistic, stratified, multiphasic and by conglomerate sampling. Results Data showed a high prevalence of risky sexual behavior in the Colombian population, in terms of number of sexual partners, use of condoms and consumption of alcohol or drugs during the sexual intercourse, mainly in men, singles, in the 18-24 age group, and in subjects without social insurance. Conclusions The study revealed that the young men was the most risky group and highlighted the importance of taking cultural determinants such as male chauvinism and promiscuity and the low risk perception for STD/HIV in stable couples into account by the sexual and reproductive promotion programs.

Pensam. psicol ; 6(13): 153-172, jul.-dic. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-545593


La intimidación ha sido definida como el uso intencional de la fuerza no ocasional, sino mantenida en el tiempo; con el objetivo de generar impacto negativo en la víctima, desde una posición de poder, y por tanto, de desigualdad entre los participantes, tolerado entre el grupo de pares. Como una primera aproximación a la identificación de las prevalencias en el departamento del Valle del Cauca se realizó un primer corte a un estudio de tipo transversal que estima una población de 2.000 escolares de5º a 10º grados. El primer corte corresponde a una población de 366 escolares, el 32,2% de gradonoveno; con un promedio de 13 años [DE±1,82]; en la distribución el 51,4% eran mujeres. Las prevalencias reportan intimidación verbal, 90,1%; social, 86,2%; física, 71,3%, e intimidación porcoacción, 29,6%. Estos primeros hallazgos hacen evidente la necesidad de implementar estrategias deintervención para fortalecer las capacidades de afrontamiento frente a las ofensas, burlas y críticas quelos intimidadores ejercer, complementadas con estrategias direccionadas a no permitir ni fomentar el uso de la violencia, generando a la vez conductas prosociales protectoras.

Bullying has been defined as the intentional use of force, not occasionally, but maintained over aperiod of time, with the objective of generating a negative impact on the victim from a powerful position, and therefore unevenness between participants tolerated among a group of peers. As an initial approximation to establishing prevalence in the Valle del Cauca Department, a first cut wasperformed from a cross-sectional study with an estimated population of 2000 schoolchildren from grades 5 to 10. The first cut corresponded to a population of 366 schoolchildren, 32,2% from 9thgrade with an average age of 13. [ED±1,82], in the distribution, 51.4 % were female. The reportedprevalence is of verbal bullying 90.1%, Social bullying 86.2 %, Physical bullying 71.3 %, and intimidation by coercion 29.6 %. These early findings make clear the need to implement interventionstrategies to strengthen coping capacities against offences, ridicule, and criticism that bullies exert, but complemented by strategies guided at not allowing or encouraging the use of violence, generating both protective and prosocial behavior.

A intimidação foi definida como o uso intencional da força, não ocasional mas mantida no tempo, com o objetivo de gerar impacto negativo na vítima, desde uma posição de poder e portanto, dedesigualdade entre os participantes, tolerado entre o grupo de pares. Como uma primeira aproximação à identificação das prevalências no departamento do Valle del Cauca, se realizou um primeiro corte a um estudo de tipo transversal que estima uma população de 2000 escolares de 5º a 10º grau. O primeiro corte corresponde a uma população de 366 escolares, o 32,2% de grau nono; com uma médiade 13 anos (DS±1,82), na distribuição 51,4% eram mulheres. As prevalências reportam, intimidação verbal 90,1%; intimidação social, 86,2%; intimidação física, 71,3% e intimidação por coação, 29,6%. Estes primeiros achados fazem evidente a necessidade de implementar estratégias de intervenção parafortalecer as capacidades de enfrentamento frente às ofensas, burlas e críticas que os intimidadoresexercer, mas complementar com estratégias dirigidas a não permitir nem fomentar o uso da violência,gerando ao mesmo tempo condutas pró-sociais protetoras.

Humanos , Instituições Acadêmicas
Pensam. psicol ; 5(12): 175-190, ene.-jun. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-546192


Este artículo describe y determina el grado de adherencia al tratamiento en niños y niñas con VIH/SIDA teniendo en cuenta los comportamientos y las variables asociadas a ésta. La muestra estuvoconformada por 1 niño y 5 niñas, diagnosticados con VIH, y su respectivo cuidador primario, quienesrespondieron a la entrevista semiestructurada de evaluación de adherencia para niños y niñas con VIH/SIDA ad hoc y a la entrevista semiestructurada de evaluación de adherencia para niños y niñas conVIH/SIDA versión cuidador primario ad hoc, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran la presenciade conductas de adherencia en los participantes del estudio, evidenciando la influencia de una seriede variables determinantes para este comportamiento. Cinco de los participantes cumplieron más de l95 por ciento de adherencia, mientras que uno se ubicó por debajo de este porcentaje. Como aspectos centralesse destacan la influencia de los estados emocionales en la toma del medicamento y la importancia delrol del cuidador primario en la adherencia...

The article discusses and determines the degree of adherence to HIV/AIDS treatment in childrenwhile considering the behaviors and the variables associated with the disease. The study was adjustedfor 1 male and 5 female children diagnosed with HIV and their primary caregivers. A semi-structuredinterview evaluating treatment adherence for children with HIV/AIDS ad hoc was conducted with the6 children. The primary caregivers underwent a modified version of the semi-structured interviewevaluating children’s HIV/AIDS treatment adherence ad hoc. The results show the presence ofadherence conducts in the study’s participants, evidenced by a series of variables determined forthese behavioral conducts. Five of the participants were 95 percent adherent to treatment, while oneparticipant was determined to be under this percentage level. The study revealed two main findingswhich influenced children’s adherence to HIV/AIDS treatment; the children’s emotional state and theimportance of their primary caregivers’ role...

Este artigo descreve e determina o grau de aderência ao tratamento em meninos e meninas com HIV/AIDS levando em conta os comportamentos e os fatores associados a esta. A mostra esteve conformadapor 1 menino e 5 meninas diagnosticadas com HIV e seu respectivo cuidador primário, que responderamà Entrevista Semi-estructurada de avaliação de aderência para crianças e meninas com HIV/AIDS adhoc e à Entrevista Semiestructurada de avaliação de aderência para crianças e meninas com HIV/AIDSversão cuidador primário ad hoc, respectivamente. Os resultados mostram a presença de condutas deaderência nos participantes do estudo, evidenciando a influência de uma série de factores determinantespara este comportamento. Cinco dos participantes cumpriram mais de 95 por cento de aderência, enquantoum ficou embaixo desta porcentagem. Como aspectos centrais se destacam a influência dos estadosemocionais na tomada do medicamento e o a importância do rol do cuidador primário na aderência...

Criança , HIV , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis , Criança
Invest. educ. enferm ; 26(2): 218-225, sept. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-518272


Objetivo: describir las características del líder en humanización en salud a partir de la aplicación de la entrevista en profundidad sobre liderazgo en humanización en salud y el cuestionario de evaluación de habilidades de liderazgo para la humanización en salud. Metodología: estudio descriptivo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 13 líderes del Movimiento Nacional de Humanización en Salude de Antioquia, Valle, Cundinamarca y Atlántico, quienes fueron entrevistados en las ciudades de Bogotá y Cali, respecto a sus actitudes, habilidades, conocimientos, motivaciones y experiencias, en diciembre de 2005. Resultados: los líderes se caracterizan por sus habilidades para la comunicación y la resolución de conflictos y por asumir la humanización en salud como parte de su proyecto de vida, buscando generar bienestar a los otros en los diversos contextos en los que se desenvuelven. Conclusiones: la humanización en salud requiere líderes que se caractericen por generar cambios en los comportamientos y actitudes de las personas, promoviendo el bienestar integral a partir del trato humanizado.

This cross-sectional and detailed study consists of the first empirical approach to study humanization of health contexts through quantitative and qualitative methods. Its purpose is to describe the characteristics of the humanization carried by leaders in health contexts. This is shown through the humanization of health leadership interview, and the questionnaire of abilities for humanization of health leadership. The sample population consisted of 13 persons who were leaders of the Humanization of Health National Movement from Antioquia, Valle, Cundinamarca, and Atlántico. They were interviewed in the cities of Bogotá and Cali about their attitudes, abilities, knowledge, motivations, and experiences on December of 2005. Results show that leaders have abilities to communicate and solve problems, and take on humanization of health as part of their life project, trying to bring welfare to others in different contexts in which they take part. Conclusions: humanization in the health definitely requires leaders who are characterized by generating changes in behaviour and attitudes of people, promoting the overall well-being, from treatment humanized.

Humanos , Administração Hospitalar , Educação em Enfermagem , Humanização da Assistência , Liderança , Motivação
Rev. gerenc. políticas salud ; 10(20): 69-80, jun. 2011. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-617841


Estudio que tuvo como objetivo analizar la presencia de diagnóstico de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) según auto-reporte en población adulta colombiana. Se realizó un análisis de fuente secundaria con datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud-2007, autorizado por el Ministerio de la Protección Social. La muestra fue de 29.760 personas entre 18 y 69 años. A nivel nacional, se encontró diagnóstico de ITS por auto-reporte de 0,6%; los más altos porcentajes se presentaron en las regiones Pacífica y Atlántica, y el más bajo en Bogotá. Los hallazgos muestran que la oportunidad de riesgo de ITS es mayor en las mujeres (OR= 1,7), en población de 18 a 24 años (OR= 11,9) y en población afiliada al régimen subsidiado (OR= 2,1). Determinaciones sociales vinculadas con la posición socioeconómica, la pobreza, el acceso a los servicios de salud y los roles de género deben considerarse al analizar las ITS en Colombia...

The aim of this study was to analyze the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) according to self-reporting by a sample of Colombian adult population. A secondary source analysis was carried out using data of the National Health Survey-2007. The sample consisted of 29,760 persons between ages 18 and 69. At national level, a self-reported diagnosis of STD of 0.6% was found; the highest percentages occurred in the Pacific and Atlantic regions, and the lowest in Bogotá. Findings showed that women (OR=1.7), adults in the 18 – 24 age range (OR=11.9), and population affiliated to the subsidized regime (OR=2.1) were more likely to report STD diagnosis. Social determinants linked to the socio-economic position, poverty, access to health services and the roles of gender must be taken into consideration when analyzing STDs in Colombia...

Estudo que teve como objetivo a análise da presencia de diagnóstico de infecções de transmissão sexual (ITS) segundo auto-reportação em população adulta colombiana. Realizou-se análise de fonte secundária com dados do Inquérito Nacional de Saúde–2007, autorizado pelo Ministério da Proteção Social. A amostra foi de 29.760 pessoas entre 18 até 69 anos. No nível nacional, encontrou-se diagnóstico de ITS por auto-reportação de 0,6%. As porcentagens mais altas apareceram nas regiões Pacífica e Atlântica e a mais baixa em Bogotá. Os achados amostram que a oportunidade de risco é maior nas mulheres (OR = 1,7), em população de 18 até 24 anos (OR =11,9) e em população afiliada ao regime subsidiado (OR = 2,1). Determinações sociais vinculadas com a posição social socioeconômica, pobreza, ao acesso a serviços de saúde e aos papeis de gênero devem se considerar ao analisar as ITS na Colômbia...

Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Saúde Reprodutiva , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis , Colômbia , Coleta de Dados