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J Chem Phys ; 154(7): 074102, 2021 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33607885


Machine-learning models have emerged as a very effective strategy to sidestep time-consuming electronic-structure calculations, enabling accurate simulations of greater size, time scale, and complexity. Given the interpolative nature of these models, the reliability of predictions depends on the position in phase space, and it is crucial to obtain an estimate of the error that derives from the finite number of reference structures included during model training. When using a machine-learning potential to sample a finite-temperature ensemble, the uncertainty on individual configurations translates into an error on thermodynamic averages and leads to a loss of accuracy when the simulation enters a previously unexplored region. Here, we discuss how uncertainty quantification can be used, together with a baseline energy model, or a more robust but less accurate interatomic potential, to obtain more resilient simulations and to support active-learning strategies. Furthermore, we introduce an on-the-fly reweighing scheme that makes it possible to estimate the uncertainty in thermodynamic averages extracted from long trajectories. We present examples covering different types of structural and thermodynamic properties and systems as diverse as water and liquid gallium.

J Chem Phys ; 148(24): 241730, 2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29960368


Machine learning of atomic-scale properties is revolutionizing molecular modeling, making it possible to evaluate inter-atomic potentials with first-principles accuracy, at a fraction of the costs. The accuracy, speed, and reliability of machine learning potentials, however, depend strongly on the way atomic configurations are represented, i.e., the choice of descriptors used as input for the machine learning method. The raw Cartesian coordinates are typically transformed in "fingerprints," or "symmetry functions," that are designed to encode, in addition to the structure, important properties of the potential energy surface like its invariances with respect to rotation, translation, and permutation of like atoms. Here we discuss automatic protocols to select a number of fingerprints out of a large pool of candidates, based on the correlations that are intrinsic to the training data. This procedure can greatly simplify the construction of neural network potentials that strike the best balance between accuracy and computational efficiency and has the potential to accelerate by orders of magnitude the evaluation of Gaussian approximation potentials based on the smooth overlap of atomic positions kernel. We present applications to the construction of neural network potentials for water and for an Al-Mg-Si alloy and to the prediction of the formation energies of small organic molecules using Gaussian process regression.

J Chem Phys ; 148(24): 241725, 2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29960316


The accurate representation of multidimensional potential energy surfaces is a necessary requirement for realistic computer simulations of molecular systems. The continued increase in computer power accompanied by advances in correlated electronic structure methods nowadays enables routine calculations of accurate interaction energies for small systems, which can then be used as references for the development of analytical potential energy functions (PEFs) rigorously derived from many-body (MB) expansions. Building on the accuracy of the MB-pol many-body PEF, we investigate here the performance of permutationally invariant polynomials (PIPs), neural networks, and Gaussian approximation potentials (GAPs) in representing water two-body and three-body interaction energies, denoting the resulting potentials PIP-MB-pol, Behler-Parrinello neural network-MB-pol, and GAP-MB-pol, respectively. Our analysis shows that all three analytical representations exhibit similar levels of accuracy in reproducing both two-body and three-body reference data as well as interaction energies of small water clusters obtained from calculations carried out at the coupled cluster level of theory, the current gold standard for chemical accuracy. These results demonstrate the synergy between interatomic potentials formulated in terms of a many-body expansion, such as MB-pol, that are physically sound and transferable, and machine-learning techniques that provide a flexible framework to approximate the short-range interaction energy terms.

Adv Mater ; 32(38): e2001030, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32762011


The nature of the liquid-solid interface determines the characteristics of a variety of physical phenomena, including catalysis, electrochemistry, lubrication, and crystal growth. Most of the established models for crystal growth are based on macroscopic thermodynamics, neglecting the atomistic nature of the liquid-solid interface. Here, experimental observations and molecular dynamics simulations are employed to identify the 3D nature of an atomic-scale ordering of liquid Ga in contact with solid GaAs in a nanowire growth configuration. An interplay between the liquid ordering and the formation of a new bilayer is revealed, which, contrary to the established theories, suggests that the preference for a certain polarity and polytypism is influenced by the atomic structure of the interface. The conclusions of this work open new avenues for the understanding of crystal growth, as well as other processes and systems involving a liquid-solid interface.