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J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 127(5): e2021JA030121, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865128


We investigate the impact of conjugate photoelectrons (CPEs) on the topside (∼600 km altitude) ionosphere at low and midlatitudes using measurements of the ion temperature, density, and composition from the first Republic of China satellite during a period of the high to moderate solar activity (March 1999 to June 2004). Elevated ion temperatures and densities are observed in the dark Northern American-Atlantic sector during the December solstice and in the Australian sector during the June solstice. The oxygen ion fraction and density are also elevated at these locations. These observations indicate that photoelectrons from the conjugate hemisphere heat the local ionospheric plasma. The morphology of the ion temperature in the winter hemisphere is well represented by the solar zenith angle in the sunlit conjugate hemisphere. The CPE hypothesis for the observed ionospheric heating is confirmed by coincident nighttime enhancements of the far ultraviolet airglow measured by the Global Ultraviolet Imager onboard the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics satellite.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 127(8): e2022JA030429, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36247325


This study provides first storm time observations of the westward-propagating medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), particularly, associated with characteristic subauroral storm time features, storm-enhanced density (SED), subauroral polarization stream (SAPS), and enhanced thermospheric westward winds over the continental US. In the four recent (2017-2019) geomagnetic storm cases examined in this study (i.e., 2018-08-25/26, 2017-09-07/08, 2017-05-27/28, and 2016-02-02/03 with minimum SYM-H index -206, -146, -142, and -58 nT, respectively), MSTIDs were observed from dusk-to-midnight local times predominately during the intervals of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz stably southward. Multiple wavefronts of the TIDs were elongated NW-SE, 2°-3° longitude apart, and southwestward propagated at a range of zonal phase speeds between 100 and 300 m/s. These TIDs initiated in the northeastern US and intensified or developed in the central US with either the coincident SED structure (especially the SED basis region) or concurrent small electron density patches adjacent to the SED. Observations also indicate coincident intense storm time electric fields associated with the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling electrodynamics at subauroral latitudes (such as SAPS) as well as enhanced thermospheric westward winds. We speculate that these electric fields trigger plasma instability (with large growth rates) and MSTIDs. These electrified MSTIDs propagated westward along with the background westward ion flow which resulted from the disturbance westward wind dynamo and/or SAPS.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 125(9): e2020JA028343, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32999808


Electron density irregularities on the dayside in the low-latitude F region are understood as remnants (or fossils) of nighttime plasma bubbles. We provide observational evidence of the connection of daytime irregularities to nighttime bubbles and the transport of the daytime irregularities by the vertical motion of the background ionosphere. The distributions of irregularities are derived using the measurements of the ion density by the first Republic of China satellite from March 1999 to June 2004. The seasonal and longitudinal distributions of daytime and nighttime irregularities in low latitudes show a close similarity. The high occurrence rate of daytime irregularities at the longitudes where strong irregularities occur frequently at night provides strong evidence of the association of daytime irregularities with nighttime bubbles. Nighttime irregularities are concentrated in the equatorial region, whereas daytime irregularities spread over broader latitudes. The seasonal and longitudinal variation of the latitudinal spread of daytime irregularities is consistent with the morphologies of plasma density and vertical plasma velocity. The zonal wave number 4 pattern, which corresponds to that in plasma density, is identified in the distribution of daytime irregularities. These observations lead to the conclusion that the morphology of daytime irregularities in the low-latitude F region is dominated by the morphology of bubbles at night and the ionospheric fountain process on the dayside.