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PeerJ ; 11: e16689, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38144198


Background: During a study on the outdoor floating leaf blade production of Nymphoides peltata (S.G. Gmel.) O. Kuntze (Fringed Water Lily), initial leaf blade decomposition was studied by simultaneously measuring infected, damaged and lost area of floating leaf blades. Methods: Data on initial decomposition over time were collected for all leaves during one growth season in four plots: two in outdoor mesocosms and two in an oxbow lake. Each leaf was tagged uniquely upon appearance in a plot. The vegetation in the mesocosms differed with respect to plant species, one contained a monoculture of N. peltata and the other N. peltata associated with Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br. and G. maxima (Hartm.) Holmb. The lake plots were situated within a monospecific N. peltata stand, differing in depth and position within the stand. Leaf length, visually estimated percentages of damaged area for each damage type, and decay of the tagged leaves were recorded bi-weekly. When the leaf blades sunk under the water surface or disappeared completely, they were no longer followed. Under water the leaves decayed and were consumed by snails completely, so contributing to the detritus food chain. Results: The observed causes of damage on floating leaves were consumption and/or damage by waterbirds (Fulica atra), pond snails, caterpillars (Elophila nymphaeata, Cataclysta lemnata), chironomid larvae (Cricotopus trifasciatus), infection by a phytopathogenic fungus (Septoria villarsiae), senescence by autolysis, and microbial decay. Successional changes in causes of leaf decomposition and impacts of different causes are discussed.

Magnoliopsida , Folhas de Planta , Plantas , Poaceae , Água
PeerJ ; 10: e13976, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36068866


Background: Nymphaeid macrophytes, rooting in the sediment of water bodies and characterized by floating leaves, play an important role in wetland ecosystems. The present research deals with the effects of limited space, limited nutrient availability, water temperature and an unexpected inundation on the production, turnover and plasticity of floating leaves of the globally widespread species Nymphoides peltata (Fringed waterlily). Methods: The effects of these environmental conditions were studied in two plots in outdoor concrete tanks (CT1, CT2, mesocosms simulating occurrence in small ponds) and in two plots in the floodplain oxbow lake Bemmelse Strang (BS1, BS2). Plot CT1 was situated in a stand coexisting with helophytes, plot CT2 in a monospecific stand, plot BS1 in the center and plot BS2 at the open water border of a monospecific stand. All floating leaf blades within the plots were marked at appearance at the water surface and subsequently length, width and damage of each leaf and maximum and minimum water temperatures were measured bi-weekly. Area and biomass of leaf blades were calculated based on leaf length and width and were used to calculate turnover rates and production. Results: The growth period started in May and ended mid-October with continuous production of floating leaves during nearly the whole vegetation period. In the tanks the water level was very stable, but the lake underwent an inundation by river water, causing a sudden loss of existing leaves. Considering environmental conditions and based on the assumed ranking from low to high nutrient availability, the ranking of the plots was CT1, CT2, BS1, BS2. This order was found for maximum leaf life span and maximum leaf length, and the reverse order was found for number of leaves, new leaves per day and duration of the vegetation period. Turnover rates appeared to be relatively similar for plots CT1, CT2 and BS1, but for the deeper border plot BS2 lower ratios were found. These results indicate that increased enclosure with expected nutrient limitation causes (1) the production of high numbers of small leaves with larger totals for leaf area and biomass, (2) a shift towards increased sexual reproduction by the production of more flowering stem leaves.

Ecossistema , Magnoliopsida , Plantas , Folhas de Planta , Biomassa , Água/farmacologia
PeerJ ; 7: e7158, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31275754


The initial decomposition of large floating-leaved macrophytes, such as waterlilies, can be studied by following changes in leaf damage and area loss of leaf blades tagged in their natural environment. This approach was taken in the present study to examine the initial decomposition patterns of floating leaf blades of Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm., Nymphaea alba L. and Nymphaea candida C. Presl at three freshwater sites differing in nutrient status, alkalinity and pH. Floating leaf blades of the three plant species were tagged and numbered within established replicate plots and the leaf length, percentages and types of damage and decay of all tagged leaves were recorded weekly during the growing season. Microbial decay, infection by phytopathogenic fungi (Colletotrichum nymphaeae) and oomycetes (Pythium sp.), consumption by pond snails, and mechanical factors were the most important causes of leaf damage. Several types of succession comprising different causes of damage were distinguished during the season. For example, young floating leaves are affected by more or less specialized invertebrate species consuming leaf tissue, followed by non-specialized invertebrate species feeding on the damaged floating leaves. In the two investigated hardwater lakes the seasonal patterns of initial decomposition differed between Nymphaea and Nuphar.

PeerJ ; 5: e3212, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28462025


Floating leaf blades of waterlilies fulfill several functions in wetland ecosystems by production, decomposition and turnover as well as exchange processes. Production and turnover rates of floating leaf blades of three waterlily species, Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm., Nymphaea alba L. and Nymphaea candida Presl, were studied in three freshwater bodies, differing in trophic status, pH and alkalinity. Length and percentages of leaf loss of marked leaf blades were measured weekly during the growing season. Area and biomass were calculated based on leaf length and were used to calculate the turnover rate of floating leaf blades. Seasonal changes in floating leaf production showed that values decreased in the order: Nymphaea alba, Nuphar lutea, Nymphaea candida. The highest production was reached for Nuphar lutea and Nymphaea alba in alkaline, eutrophic water bodies. The production per leaf was relatively high for both species in the acid water body. Nymphaea candida showed a very short vegetation period and low turnover rates. The ratio Total potential leaf biomass/Maximum potential leaf biomass (P/Bmax) of the three species ranged from 1.35-2.25. The ratio Vegetation period (Period with floating leaves)/Mean leaf life span ranged from 2.94-4.63, the ratio Growth period (Period with appearance of new floating leaves)/Vegetation period from 0.53-0.73. The clear differences between Nymphaea candida versus Nuphar lutea and Nymphaea alba, may be due to adaptations of Nymphaea candida to an Euro-Siberic climate with short-lasting summer conditions.