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Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(4): 043530, 2021 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34243399


X-ray ray tracing is used to develop ion-temperature corrections for the analysis of the X-ray Imaging Crystal Spectrometer (XICS) used at Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) and perform verification on the analysis methods. The XICS is a powerful diagnostic able to measure ion-temperature, electron-temperature, plasma flow, and impurity charge state densities. While these systems are relatively simple in design, accurate characterization of the instrumental response and validation of analysis techniques are difficult to perform experimentally due to the requirement of extended x-ray sources. For this reason, a ray tracing model has been developed that allows characterization of the spectrometer and verification of the analysis methods while fully considering the real geometry of the XICS system and W7-X plasma. Through the use of ray tracing, several important corrections have been found that must be accounted for in order to accurately reconstruct the ion-temperature profiles. The sources of these corrections are described along with their effect on the analyzed profiles. The implemented corrections stem from three effects: (1) effect of sub-pixel intensity distribution during de-curving and spatial binning, (2) effect of sub-pixel intensity distribution during forward model evaluation and generation of residuals, and (3) effect of defocus and spherical aberrations on the instrumental response. Possible improvements to the forward model and analysis procedures are explored, along with a discussion of trade-offs in terms of computational complexity. Finally, the accuracy of the tomographic inversion technique in stellarator geometry is investigated, providing for the first time a verification exercise for inversion accuracy in stellarator geometry and a complete XICS analysis tool-chain.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(9): 093904, 2021 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34598494


A novel high-resolution x-ray spectrometer for point-like emission sources has been developed using a crystal shape having both a variable major and a variable minor radius of curvature. This variable-radii sinusoidal spiral spectrometer (VR-Spiral) allows three common spectrometer design goals to be achieved simultaneously: 1. reduction of aberrations and improved spectral (energy) resolution, 2. reduction of source size broadening, and 3. use of large crystals to improve total throughput. The VR-Spiral concept and its application to practical spectrometer design are described in detail. This concept is then used to design a spectrometer for an extreme extended x-ray absorption fine structure experiment at the National Ignition Facility looking at the Pb L3 absorption edge at 13.0352 keV. The expected performance of this VR-Spiral spectrometer, both in terms of energy resolution and spatial resolution, is evaluated through the use of a newly developed raytracing tool, xicsrt. Finally, the expected performance of the VR-Spiral concept is compared to that of spectrometers based on conventional toroidal and variable-radii toroidal crystal geometries showing a greatly improved energy resolution.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10F107, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399931


An in situ wavelength calibration system for the X-ray Imaging Crystal Spectrometer (XICS) on W7-X has been developed to provide routine calibration between plasma shots. XICS is able to determine plasma flow profiles by measuring the Doppler shift of x-ray line emission from highly charged impurity species. A novel design is described that uses an x-ray tube with a cadmium anode placed in front of the diffracting spherically bent crystal. This arrangement provides calibration lines over the full detector extent for both the Ar16+ and Ar17+/Fe24+ spectrometer channels. This calibration system can provide a relative wavelength accuracy of 3 × 10-7 Å across the full spatial extent of the detector, which corresponds to 50 m/s in the W7-X system. An absolute wavelength calibration of 1 × 10-5 Å is expected, corresponding to 1 km/s, based on the current known accuracy of the calibration wavelength and the achievable measurement of the absolute positioning of the hardware. This calibration system can be used to independently calibrate XICS systems on both stellarators and tokamaks, without the need for special plasma conditions often used for calibration, such as locked modes on tokamaks. Experimental and simulated results are shown along with expected results, and the complete design of the calibration hardware that is to be installed in the W7-X XICS system.

Hum Perf Extrem Environ ; 5(2): 11-32, 2001 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12184342


Spaceflight operations, including the International Space Station (ISS) and a mission to Mars, depend on international cooperation. Accordingly, safety, performance, and mission success rely on how well crews and operational personnel with different cultural backgrounds operate together. This paper outlines 10 areas related to spaceflight that are influenced by the national culture and backgrounds of personnel: (a) Communication, (b) Cognition and Decision Making, (c) Technology Interfacing, (d) Interpersonal Interactions, (e) Work, Management, and Leadership Style, (f) Personal Hygiene and Clothing, (g) Food Preparation and Meals, (h) Religion and Holidays, (i) Recreation, and (j) Habitat Aesthetics. Research findings and recommendations are presented, as well as a multicultural training approach to reduce potential challenges for long-duration spaceflight.

Astronautas/psicologia , Características Culturais , Relações Interpessoais , Voo Espacial , Ausência de Peso , Astronautas/educação , Comunicação , Cultura , Tomada de Decisões , Dieta , Processos Grupais , Humanos , Higiene , Cooperação Internacional , Liderança , Religião , Isolamento Social , Astronave