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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 15971, 2021 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34354177


Interaction of circularly polarized laser pulses with spherical nano-droplets generates nanometer-size magnets with lifetime on the order of hundreds of femtoseconds. Such magnetic dipoles are close enough in a cluster target and magnetic interaction takes place. We investigate such system of several magnetic dipoles and describe their rotation in the framework of Lagrangian formalism. The semi-analytical results are compared to particle-in-cell simulations, which confirm the theoretically obtained terrahertz frequency of the dipole oscillation.

Phys Rev E ; 102(5-1): 053205, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33327060


Betatron radiation generated by relativistic electrons during their wiggling motion in an ion channel is a well-studied source of x-ray photons. Due to the highly collimated emission such compact laser-driven sources have attracted significant attention in various laser or plasma-based applications, but the spectral intensity is still too low. The high repetition rate is also demanded, thus the pulse energy is strongly limited. Here, based on theory and computer simulations, we present a different method to enhance the radiation power by increasing the number of betatron oscillations along the acceleration path of electrons. A stronger wiggling of electrons is achieved by using clusterized gas targets, which allows one to achieve three orders of magnitude higher x-ray yield than in optimized uniform gas target with similar average electron density.

Phys Rev E ; 102(2-1): 023212, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32942449


Deeply modulated ion spectra from contaminants present on the target surface were measured at the interaction of ultraintense (2-5)×10^{20}W/cm^{2} and high-contrast laser pulses (≲10^{-10}) with thin (∼µm) and ultrathin (∼nm) targets. This phenomenon, observed over a wide range of laser and target parameters, suggests that it is a generic feature of multispecies ion acceleration at high laser pulse contrast. The modulation is ascribed to the acceleration of various ion species at the rear of the target with steplike density profiles which provide well-separated ion species in the accelerated beam. The observed coincidence of the velocity of the modulated region in the ion spectra with the maximum velocity of another ion with a lower mass-to-charge ratio is consistent with this model. The impact of heavy ions on light ions leads to a spectral "bunching" of light ions. Two-dimensional modeling has shown that high laser contrast prevents backside plasma expansion, which provides a well separated ion species with a steplike density profile that allows for the additional acceleration of "light" ions by the slower moving "heavy"-ion front. Spectral modulations can be controlled by tuning the ratio of heavy to light ions in future experiments with ultrathin rear coatings.

Phys Rev E ; 99(1-1): 013202, 2019 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30780376


The subatomic experimental exploration of physical processes on extremely short time scales has become possible by the generation of high-quality electron bunches and x-ray pulses with subfemtosecond durations. Increasing the photon energy from the x-ray to gamma-ray regime makes probing of extremely small space-time domains accessible. Here, a mechanism for generating attosecond gamma photon and positron bunches with small divergence using laser intensities below 10^{23}W/cm^{2} is proposed. In contrast with previous works, in our scheme a single laser pulse is sufficient instead of two counterpropagating pulses. Numerical simulations are used to formulate the conditions for confined radiation and to characterize the generated photon and positron bunches.

Phys Rev E ; 93(1): 013207, 2016 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26871183


The generation of high-intensity attopulses has been investigated in cylindrical geometry by using a three-dimensional particle-in-cell plasma simulation code. Due to the rotation-symmetric target, a circularly polarized laser pulse is considered, propagating on the axis of a hollow conelike target. The large incidence angle and constant ponderomotive pressure lead to nanobunching of relativistic electrons responsible for the laser-driven synchrotron emission. A numerical method is developed to find the source and direction of the coherent radiation that ensures the existence of attopulses. The intensity modulation in the harmonic spectrum is well described by the model of coherent synchrotron emission extended to the regime of higher order γ spikes. The spatial distribution of the higher harmonics resembles a spiral shape which gets focused into a small volume behind the target.

Sci Rep ; 6: 36139, 2016 10 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27796327


This paper proposes a novel and effective method for generating GigaGauss level, solenoidal quasi-static magnetic fields in under-dense plasma using screw-shaped high intensity laser pulses. This method produces large solenoidal fields that move with the driving laser pulse and are collinear with the accelerated electrons. This is in contrast with already known techniques which rely on interactions with over-dense or solid targets and generates radial or toroidal magnetic field localized at the stationary target. The solenoidal field is quasi-stationary in the reference frame of the laser pulse and can be used for guiding electron beams. It can also provide synchrotron radiation beam emittance cooling for laser-plasma accelerated electron and positron beams, opening up novel opportunities for designs of the light sources, free electron lasers, and high energy colliders based on laser plasma acceleration.