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Small ; 18(14): e2106093, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35191181


Understanding phase transitions of ultrathin metal silicides is crucial for the development of nanoscale silicon devices. Here, the phase transition of ultrathin (3.6 nm) Ni silicides on Si(100) substrates is investigated using an in situ synthesis and characterization approach, supplemented with ex situ transmission electron microscopy and nano-beam electron diffraction. First, an ultrathin epitaxial layer and ordered structures at the interface are observed upon room-temperature deposition. At 290 °C, this structure is followed by formation of an orthorhombic δ-Ni2 Si phase exhibiting long-range order and extending to the whole film thickness. An unprecedented direct transition from this δ-Ni2 Si phase to the final NiSi2- x phase is observed at 290 °C, skipping the intermediate monosilicide phase. Additionally, the NiSi2- x phase is found epitaxial on the substrate. This transition process substantially differs from observations for thicker films. Furthermore, considering previous studies, the long-range ordered orthorhombic δ-Ni2 Si phase is suggested to occur regardless of the initial Ni thickness. The thickness of this ordered δ-Ni2 Si layer is, however, limited due to the competition of different orientations of the δ-Ni2 Si crystal. Whether the formed δ-Ni2 Si layer consumes all deposited nickel is expected to determine whether the monosilicide phase appears before the transition to the final NiSi2- x phase.

Conserv Biol ; 36(4): e13898, 2022 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35122326


The Judas technique is often used in control or eradication of particular vertebrate pests. The technique exploits the tendency of individuals to form social groups. A radio collar is affixed to an individual and its subsequent monitoring facilitates the detection of other conspecifics. Efficacy of this technique would be improved if managers could estimate the probability that a Judas individual would detect conspecifics. To calculate this probability, we estimated association rates of Judas individuals with other Judas individuals, given the length of time the Judas has been deployed. We developed a simple model of space-use for individual Judas animals and constrained detection probabilities to those specific areas. We then combined estimates for individual Judas animals to infer the probability that a wild individual could be detected in an area of interest via Judas surveillance. We illustrated the method by using data from a feral goat eradication program on Isla Santiago, Galápagos, and a feral pig eradication program on Santa Cruz Island, California. Association probabilities declined as the proximity between individual areas of use of a Judas pair decreased. Unconditional probabilities of detection within individual areas of use averaged 0.09 per month for feral pigs and 0.11 per month for feral goats. Probabilities that eradication had been achieved, given no detections of wild conspecifics, and an uninformative prior probability of eradication were 0.79 (90% CI 0.22-0.99) for feral goats and 0.87 (90% CI 0.44-1.0) for feral pigs. We envisage several additions to the analyses used that could improve estimates of Judas detection probability. Analyses such as these can help managers increase the efficacy of eradication efforts, leading to more effective effects to restore native biodiversity.

La técnica de Judas se usa con frecuencia en el control de ciertas plagas de vertebrados. La técnica se aprovecha de la tendencia a formar grupos sociales que tienen los individuos. Un radio-collar es colocado en uno de los individuos y el monitoreo subsecuente facilita la detección de otros miembros de la misma especie. La eficacia de esta técnica mejoraría si los gestores pudieran estimar la probabilidad que tiene un Judas de detectar a miembros de su especie. Para calcular esta probabilidad, estimamos las tasas de asociación de los Judas con otros Judas, dado el tiempo que el Judas ha sido enviado. Desarrollamos un modelo simple del uso del espacio para animales Judas individuales y limitamos las probabilidades de detección a esas áreas específicas. Después combinamos los estimados de un animal Judas individual para inferir la probabilidad de que un individuo silvestre pudiera ser detectado en un área de interés mediante la vigilancia Judas. Ilustramos el método con los datos de un programa de erradicación de cabras ferales en Isla Santiago, las Galápagos, y uno de cerdos ferales en la Isla de Santa Cruz, California. Las probabilidades de asociación declinaron conforme disminuyó la proximidad entre las áreas individuales de uso de un par de Judas. Las probabilidades incondicionales de detección dentro de las áreas individuales de uso promediaron 0.09 por mes para los cerdos ferales y 0.11 por mes para las cabras ferales. Las probabilidades de que se había logrado la erradicación, dada la ausencia de detecciones de miembros de la misma especie y una mal informada probabilidad previa de erradicación, fueron de 0.79 (90% CI 0.22 - 0.99) para las cabras ferales y 0.87 (90% CI 0.44 - 1.0) para los cerdos ferales. Contemplamos varias adiciones al análisis que usamos que podrían mejorar los estimados de la probabilidad de detección de Judas. Análisis como este pueden ayudar a los gestores a incrementar la efectividad de los esfuerzos de erradicación, lo que resulta en efectos más efectivos para restaurar la biodiversidad nativa.

Animais Selvagens , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Probabilidade , Vertebrados
ACS Appl Electron Mater ; 5(5): 2624-2637, 2023 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37250468


In recent times the chiral semimetal cobalt monosilicide (CoSi) has emerged as a prototypical, nearly ideal topological conductor hosting giant, topologically protected Fermi arcs. Exotic topological quantum properties have already been identified in CoSi bulk single crystals. However, CoSi is also known for being prone to intrinsic disorder and inhomogeneities, which, despite topological protection, risk jeopardizing its topological transport features. Alternatively, topology may be stabilized by disorder, suggesting the tantalizing possibility of an amorphous variant of a topological metal, yet to be discovered. In this respect, understanding how microstructure and stoichiometry affect magnetotransport properties is of pivotal importance, particularly in case of low-dimensional CoSi thin films and devices. Here we comprehensively investigate the magnetotransport and magnetic properties of ≈25 nm Co1-xSix thin films grown on a MgO substrate with controlled film microstructure (amorphous vs textured) and chemical composition (0.40 < x < 0.60). The resistivity of Co1-xSix thin films is nearly insensitive to the film microstructure and displays a progressive evolution from metallic-like (dρxx/dT > 0) to semiconducting-like (dρxx/dT < 0) regimes of conduction upon increasing the silicon content. A variety of anomalies in the magnetotransport properties, comprising for instance signatures consistent with quantum localization and electron-electron interactions, anomalous Hall and Kondo effects, and the occurrence of magnetic exchange interactions, are attributable to the prominent influence of intrinsic structural and chemical disorder. Our systematic survey brings to attention the complexity and the challenges involved in the prospective exploitation of the topological chiral semimetal CoSi in nanoscale thin films and devices.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 10249, 2020 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32581281


Epitaxial ultrathin films are of utmost importance for state-of-the-art nanoelectronic devices, such as MOSFET transistors and non-volatile memories. At the same time, as the film thickness is reduced to a few nanometers, characterization of the materials is becoming challenging for commonly used methods. In this report, we demonstrate an approach for in-situ characterization of phase transitions of ultrathin nickel silicides using 3D medium-energy ion scattering. The technique provides simultaneously depth-resolved composition and real-space crystallography of the silicide films using a single sample and with a non-invasive probe. We show, for 10 nm Ni films on Si, that their composition follows a normal transition sequence, such as Ni-Ni2Si-NiSi. However, the transition process is significantly different for samples with initial Ni thickness of 3 nm. Depth-resolved crystallography shows that the Ni films transform from an as-deposited disordered layer to an epitaxial silicide layer at the temperature of ~290 °C, significantly lower than previously reported. The high depth resolution of the technique permits us to determine the composition of the ultrathin films to be 38% Ni and 62% Si.

PLoS One ; 6(5): e18835, 2011 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21589656


Invasive alien mammals are the major driver of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation on islands. Over the past three decades, invasive mammal eradication from islands has become one of society's most powerful tools for preventing extinction of insular endemics and restoring insular ecosystems. As practitioners tackle larger islands for restoration, three factors will heavily influence success and outcomes: the degree of local support, the ability to mitigate for non-target impacts, and the ability to eradicate non-native species more cost-effectively. Investments in removing invasive species, however, must be weighed against the risk of reintroduction. One way to reduce reintroduction risks is to eradicate the target invasive species from an entire archipelago, and thus eliminate readily available sources. We illustrate the costs and benefits of this approach with the efforts to remove invasive goats from the Galápagos Islands. Project Isabela, the world's largest island restoration effort to date, removed >140,000 goats from >500,000 ha for a cost of US$10.5 million. Leveraging the capacity built during Project Isabela, and given that goat reintroductions have been common over the past decade, we implemented an archipelago-wide goat eradication strategy. Feral goats remain on three islands in the archipelago, and removal efforts are underway. Efforts on the Galápagos Islands demonstrate that for some species, island size is no longer the limiting factor with respect to eradication. Rather, bureaucratic processes, financing, political will, and stakeholder approval appear to be the new challenges. Eradication efforts have delivered a suite of biodiversity benefits that are in the process of revealing themselves. The costs of rectifying intentional reintroductions are high in terms of financial and human resources. Reducing the archipelago-wide goat density to low levels is a technical approach to reducing reintroduction risk in the short-term, and is being complemented with a longer-term social approach focused on education and governance.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/economia , Controle de Custos , Ecossistema , Animais , Biodiversidade , Equador , Cabras