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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(47): 31463-71, 2015 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25960416


Because of issues with accuracy and transferability of existing orbital-free (OF) density functionals, OF functional development remains an active research area. However, due to numerical difficulties, all-electron self-consistent assessment of OF functionals is limited. Using an all-electron radial OFDFT code, we evaluate the performance of a parametrized OF functional for a wide range in parameter space. Specifically, we combine the parametrized Thomas-Fermi-Weizsäcker kinetic model (λ and γ for the fractions of Weizsäcker and Thomas-Fermi functionals, respectively) with a local density approximation (LDA) for the exchange-correlation functional. In order to obtain the converged results for λ values other than λ = 1, we use the potential scaling introduced in previous work. Because we work within a wide region in parameter space, this strategy provides an effective route towards better understanding of the parameter interplay that allows us to achieve good agreement with the Kohn-Sham (KS) model. Here, our interest lies in total energy, Euler equation eigenvalue, and electronic densities when the parameters are varied between 0.2 and 1.5. We observe that a one-to-one relation between λ and γ defines a region in parameter space that allows the atomic energies to be approximated with a very small average error (less than 3% percent for all the atoms studied) with respect to the KS reference energies. For each atom, the reference KS HOMO eigenvalue can also be reproduced with a similar error, but the one-to-one correspondence between λ and γ belongs to a different region of the same parameter space. Contrary to both properties, the atomic density behaves more smoothly and the error in reproducing the KS reference densities appears more insensitive to variation of the parameters (with mostly an average integrated difference of 0.15-0.20 |e| per electron). These results pave the way towards testing of parameter transferability and further systematic improvement of OF density functionals.

J Chem Phys ; 141(13): 134309, 2014 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25296808


We consider the analytical representation of the potential energy surfaces of relevance for the intermolecular dynamics of weakly bound complexes of chiral molecules. In this paper we study the H2O2-Ng (Ng=He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) systems providing the radial and the angular dependence of the potential energy surface on the relative position of the Ng atom. We accomplish this by introducing an analytical representation which is able to fit the ab initio energies of these complexes in a wide range of geometries. Our analysis sheds light on the role that the enantiomeric forms and the symmetry of the H2O2 molecule play on the resulting barriers and equilibrium geometries. The proposed theoretical framework is useful to study the dynamics of the H2O2 molecule, or other systems involving O-O and S-S bonds, interacting by non-covalent forces with atoms or molecules and to understand how the relative orientation of the O-H bonds changes along collisional events that may lead to a hydrogen bond formation or even to selectivity in chemical reactions.