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Soft Matter ; 13(14): 2571-2582, 2017 Apr 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28239715


We investigate the ordering properties of vertically-vibrated monolayers of granular cylinders in a circular container at high packing fraction. In line with previous works by other groups, we identify liquid-crystalline ordering behaviour similar to that of two-dimensional hard rectangular particles subject to thermal equilibrium fluctuations. However, due to dissipation, there is a much stronger tendency for particles to cluster into parallel arrangements in the granular system. These clusters behave as a polydisperse mixture of long life-time 'superparticles', and some aspects of the system behaviour can be understood by applying mean-field theories for equilibrium hard rectangles, based on two-body correlations, to these 'superparticles'. Many other features of the granular system are different: (i) for small particle length-to-breadth ratio κ, we identify tetratic ordering at moderate packing fractions and smectic fluctuations at higher packing fractions, with no sharp transition between the two states. Both types of ordering can be explained in terms of clustering. (ii) For large κ, strong clustering precludes the stabilisation of a uniaxial nematic state, and the system exhibits a mixture of randomly-oriented clusters which, as packing fraction is increased, develops into states with smectic fluctuations, again through a diffuse transition. (iii) Vorticity excitations of the velocity field compete with smectic ordering, causing dynamic fluctuations and the absence of steady states at high densities; the tetratic state, by contrast, is very stiff against vorticity, and long-standing steady states, spatially and orientationally homogeneous except for four symmetrical defects located close to the wall, can be observed.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(29): 13247-54, 2011 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21701729


We use density-functional theory, of the fundamental-measure type, to study the relative stability of the biaxial nematic phase, with respect to non-uniform phases such as smectic and columnar, in fluids made of hard board-like particles with sizes σ(1) > σ(2) > σ(3). A restricted-orientation (Zwanzig) approximation is adopted. Varying the ratio κ(1) = σ(1)/σ(2) while keeping κ(2) = σ(2)/σ(3), we predict phase diagrams for various values of κ(2) which include all the uniform phases: isotropic, uniaxial rod- and plate-like nematics, and biaxial nematic. In addition, spinodal instabilities of the uniform phases with respect to fluctuations of the smectic, columnar and plastic-solid types are obtained. In agreement with recent experiments, we find that the biaxial nematic phase begins to be stable for κ(2)≳ 2.5. Also, as predicted by previous theories and simulations on biaxial hard particles, we obtain a region of biaxiality centred at κ(1)≈κ(2) which widens as κ(2) increases. For κ(2)≳ 5 the region κ(2)≈κ(1) of the packing-fraction vs. κ(1) phase diagrams exhibits interesting topologies which change qualitatively with κ(2). We have found that an increasing biaxial shape anisotropy favours the formation of the biaxial nematic phase. Our study is the first to apply FMT theory to biaxial particles and, therefore, it goes beyond the second-order virial approximation. Our prediction that the phase diagram must be asymmetric in the neighbourhood of κ(1)≈κ(2) is a genuine result of the present approach, which is not accounted for by previous studies based on second-order theories.

J Chem Phys ; 134(12): 124904, 2011 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21456700


We theoretically discuss, using density-functional theory, the phase stability of nematic and smectic ordering in a suspension of platelets of the same thickness but with a high polydispersity in diameter, and study the influence of polydispersity on this stability. The platelets are assumed to interact like hard objects, but additional soft attractive and repulsive interactions, meant to represent the effect of depletion interactions due to the addition of nonabsorbing polymer, or of screened Coulomb interactions between charged platelets in an aqueous solvent, respectively, are also considered. The aspect (diameter-to-thickness) ratio is taken to be very high, in order to model solutions of mineral platelets recently explored experimentally. In this regime a high degree of orientational ordering occurs; therefore, the model platelets can be taken as completely parallel and are amenable to analysis via a fundamental-measure theory. Our focus is on the nematic versus smectic phase interplay, since a high degree of polydispersity in diameter suppresses the formation of the columnar phase. When interactions are purely hard, the theory predicts a continuous nematic-to-smectic transition, regardless of the degree of diameter polydispersity. However, polydispersity enhances the stability of the smectic phase against the nematic phase. Predictions for the case where an additional soft interaction is added are obtained using mean-field perturbation theory. In the case of the one-component fluid, the transition remains continuous for repulsive forces, and the smectic phase becomes more stable as the range of the interaction is decreased. The opposite behavior with respect to the range is observed for attractive forces, and in fact the transition becomes of first order below a tricritical point. Also, for attractive interactions, nematic demixing appears, with an associated critical point. When platelet polydispersity is introduced the tricritical temperature shifts to very high values.

Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 32(1): 89-101, 2010 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20521078


The effect of confinement on the phase behaviour and structure of fluids made of biaxial hard particles (cuboids) is examined theoretically by means of Onsager second-order virial theory in the limit where the long particle axes are frozen in a mutually parallel configuration. Confinement is induced by two parallel planar hard walls (slit-pore geometry), with particle long axes perpendicular to the walls (perfect homeotropic anchoring). In bulk, a continuous nematic-to-smectic transition takes place, while shape anisotropy in the (rectangular) particle cross-section induces biaxial ordering. As a consequence, four bulk phases, uniaxial and biaxial nematic and smectic phases, can be stabilised as the cross-sectional aspect ratio is varied. On confining the fluid, the nematic-to-smectic transition is suppressed, and either uniaxial or biaxial phases, separated by a continuous transition, can be present. Smectic ordering develops continuously from the walls for increasing particle concentration (in agreement with the supression of nematic-smectic second-order transition at confinement), but first-order layering transitions, involving structures with n and n + 1 layers, arise in the confined fluid at high concentration. Competition between layering and uniaxial-biaxial ordering leads to three different types of layering transitions, at which the two coexisting structures can be both uniaxial, one uniaxial and another biaxial, or both biaxial. Also, the interplay between molecular biaxiality and wall interactions is very subtle: while the hard wall disfavours the formation of the biaxial phase, biaxiality is against the layering transitions, as we have shown by comparing the confined phase behaviour of cylinders and cuboids. The predictive power of Onsager theory is checked and confirmed by performing some calculations based on fundamental-measure theory.

J Chem Phys ; 129(5): 054907, 2008 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18698925


In this article we consider systems of parallel hard superellipsoids, which can be viewed as a possible interpolation between ellipsoids of revolution and cylinders. Superellipsoids are characterized by an aspect ratio and an exponent alpha (shape parameter) which takes care of the geometry, with alpha=1 corresponding to ellipsoids of revolution, while alpha=infinity is the limit of cylinders. It is well known that, while hard parallel cylinders exhibit nematic, smectic, and solid phases, hard parallel ellipsoids do not stabilize the smectic phase, the nematic phase transforming directly into a solid as density is increased. We use computer simulation to find evidence that for alpha>or=alpha(c), where alpha(c) is a critical value which the simulations estimate to be approximately 1.2-1.3, the smectic phase is stabilized. This is surprisingly close to the ellipsoidal case. In addition, we use a density-functional approach, based on the Parsons-Lee approximation, to describe smectic and columnar orderings. In combination with a free-volume theory for the crystalline phase, a theoretical phase diagram is predicted. While some qualitative features, such as the enhancement of smectic stability for increasing alpha and the probable absence of a stable columnar phase, are correct, the precise location of coexistence densities is quantitatively incorrect.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 83(4 Pt 1): 041701, 2011 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21599180


We discuss the Lebwohl-Lasher model of nematic liquid crystals in a confined geometry, using Monte Carlo simulation and mean-field theory. A film of material is sandwiched between two planar, parallel plates that couple to the adjacent spins via a surface strength ε(s). We consider the cases where the favored alignments at the two walls are the same (symmetric cell) or different (asymmetric cell). In the latter case, we demonstrate the existence of a single phase transition in the slab for all values of the cell thickness. This transition has been observed before in the regime of narrow cells, where the two structures involved correspond to different arrangements of the nematic director. By studying wider cells, we show that the transition is in fact the usual isotropic-to-nematic (capillary) transition under confinement in the case of antagonistic surface forces. We show results for a wide range of values of film thickness and discuss the phenomenology using a mean-field model.

Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 21(2): 175-88, 2006 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17171313


It is known that when hard spheres are added to a pure system of hard rods the stability of the smectic phase may be greatly enhanced, and that this effect can be rationalised in terms of depletion forces. In the present paper we first study the effect of orientational order on depletion forces in this particular binary system, comparing our results with those obtained adopting the usual approximation of considering the rods parallel and their orientations frozen. We consider mixtures with rods of different aspect ratios and spheres of different diameters, and we treat them within Onsager theory. Our results indicate that depletion effects, and consequently smectic stability, decrease significantly as a result of orientational disorder in the smectic phase when compared with corresponding data based on the frozen-orientation approximation. These results are discussed in terms of the tau parameter, which has been proposed as a convenient measure of depletion strength. We present closed expressions for tau, and show that it is intimately connected with the depletion potential. We then analyse the effect of particle geometry by comparing results pertaining to systems of parallel rods of different shapes (spherocylinders, cylinders and parallelepipeds). We finally provide results based on the Zwanzig approximation of a fundamental-measure density-functional theory applied to mixtures of parallelepipeds and cubes of different sizes. In this case, we show that the tau parameter exhibits a linear asymptotic behaviour in the limit of large values of the hard-rod aspect ratio, in conformity with Onsager theory, as well as in the limit of large values of the ratio of rod breadth to cube side length, d, in contrast to Onsager approximation, which predicts tau approximately d (3). Based on both this result and the Percus-Yevick approximation for the direct correlation function for a hard-sphere binary mixture in the same limit of infinite asymmetry, we speculate that, for spherocylinders and spheres, the tau parameter should be of order unity as d tends to infinity.

Algoritmos , Misturas Complexas/química , Cristais Líquidos/química , Dureza , Tamanho da Partícula , Estresse Mecânico , Resistência à Tração