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Opt Express ; 31(14): 23362-23371, 2023 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37475421


We designed and fabricated grism structures on the end-face of an optical fiber and experimentally characterized them. A UV-curable ionic-liquid polymer resin, well-suited for nanoimprinting, was used to fabricate the grism structures with grating pitches of 1.8-3 µm and prism apex angle reaching 30-40°. The structures can propagate 1st order of diffraction peaks along the fiber axis at 520, 660, and 830 nm wavelengths. The experimental and numerically simulated results of far-field intensity distribution revealed high agreement. Hence, based on the numerical simulation, we proposed grism structure designs for in-line propagation of first-order diffraction at wavelengths of λ = 1300 - 2000 nm utilizing chalcogenide glass fibers.

Int J Mol Sci ; 24(2)2023 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36674882


We present a method of microstructure fabrication on the tip of the optical fiber using a UV soft-imprint process of polymerizable ionic liquid-based optical resist. Ionic liquid with two UV-sensitive vinylbenzyl groups in the structure was diluted in non-hazardous propylene glycol (PG) to obtain liquid material for imprinting. No additional organic solvent was required. The impact of propylene glycol amount and exposure dose on optical and mechanical properties was investigated. The final procedure of the UV imprint on the optical fiber tip was developed, including the mold preparation, setup building, UV exposure and post-laser cure. As the IL-containing vinylbenzyl groups can also be polymerized by the radical rearrangement of double bonds through thermal heating, the influence of the addition of 1-2% BHT polymerization inhibitor was verified. As a result, we present the fabricated diffraction gratings and the optical fiber spectrometer component-grism (grating-prism), which allows obtaining a dispersion spectrum at the output of an optical in line with the optical fiber long axis, as the main component in an optical fiber spectrometer. The process is very simple due to the fact that its optimization already starts in the process of molecule design, which is part of the trend of sustainable technologies. The final material can be designed by the tailoring of the anion and/or cation molecule, which in turn can lead to a more efficient fabrication procedure and additional functionalities of the final structure.

Appl Opt ; 61(21): 6128-6133, 2022 Jul 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36256224


We report on the fabrication, experimental measurement, and numerical simulation of sol-gel diffraction grating structures deposited on the end-face of a single mode optical fiber. Using the imprint method, we manufactured surface relief grating structures in four configurations with different grating-relative-to-fiber arrangements. We demonstrate the high quality of the fabricated structures based on atomic force microscopy imaging and their operational characteristics, presenting measured and simulated far-field intensity distributions. Using a numerical model, we simulated the diffraction patterns in the far-field. We obtained strong agreement between the results of the simulations and the experiments in terms of the angular positions of the diffraction peaks. We also investigated the tolerance of fabricated structures to high-power lasers. Among the proposed structures, the most intriguing is the grism fabricated on a fiber end-face using sol-gel imprint technology for the first time, to the best of our knowledge.

Opt Lett ; 46(15): 3677-3680, 2021 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34329254


Dual-comb (DC) ranging is an established method for high-precision and high-accuracy distance measurements. It is, however, restricted by an inherent length ambiguity and the requirement for complex control loops for comb stabilization. Here, we present a simple approach for expanding the ambiguity-free measurement length of DC ranging by exploiting the intrinsic intensity modulation of a single-cavity dual-color DC for simultaneous time-of-flight and DC distance measurements. This measurement approach enables the measurement of distances up to several hundred kilometers with the precision and accuracy of a DC interferometric setup while providing a high data acquisition rate (≈2kHz) and requiring only the repetition rate of one of the combs to be stabilized.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(6): 063001, 2021 Feb 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33635699


We report the first measurement of sub-Doppler molecular response using a frequency comb by employing the comb as a probe in optical-optical double-resonance spectroscopy. We use a 3.3 µm continuous wave pump and a 1.67 µm comb probe to detect sub-Doppler transitions to the 2ν_{3} and 3ν_{3} bands of methane with ∼1.7 MHz center frequency accuracy. These measurements provide the first verification of the accuracy of theoretical predictions from highly vibrationally excited states, needed to model the high-temperature spectra of exoplanets. Transition frequencies to the 3ν_{3} band show good agreement with the TheoReTS line list.

Opt Express ; 28(11): 16579-16593, 2020 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32549477


We experimentally investigate the spectro-temporal characteristics of coherent supercontinuum (SC) pulses generated in several implementations of silica and soft-glass all-normal dispersion (ANDi) photonic crystal fibers optimized for pumping with Erbium (Er):fiber femtosecond laser technology. We characterize the resulting SC using time-domain ptychography, which is especially suitable for the measurement of complex, spectrally broadband ultrashort pulses. The measurements of the ANDi SC pulses reveal intricate pulse shapes, considerable temporal fine structure, and oscillations on time scales of < 25 femtoseconds, which differ from the smoothness and simplicity of temporal profiles obtained in numerical simulations and observed in previous experiments. We link the measured complex features to temporal sub-structures of the pump pulse, such as pre- and post-pulses and low-level pedestals, which are common in high pulse energy ultrafast Er:fiber systems. We also observe spectro-temporal structures consistent with incoherent noise amplification in weakly birefringent fiber samples. Our results highlight the importance of the pump source and polarization-maintaining (PM) fibers for high-quality SC generation and have practical relevance for many ultrafast photonics applications employing ANDi fiber-based SC sources.

Opt Express ; 27(26): 37435-37445, 2019 Dec 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31878523


A compact and robust all-fiber difference frequency generation-based source of broadband mid-infrared radiation is presented. The source emits tunable radiation in the range between 6.5 µm and 9 µm with an average output power up to 5 mW at 125 MHz repetition frequency. The all-in-fiber construction of the source along with active stabilization techniques results in long-term repetition rate stability of 3 Hz per 10 h and a standard deviation of the output power better than 0.8% per 1 h. The applicability of the presented source to laser spectroscopy is demonstrated by measuring the absorption spectrum of nitrous oxide (N2O) around 7.8 µm. The robustness and good long- and short-term stability of the source opens up for applications outside the laboratory.

Opt Express ; 26(9): 11756-11763, 2018 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29716094


We report the first fully fiberized difference frequency generation (DFG) source, delivering a broadly tunable idler in the 6 to 9 µm spectral range, using an orientation-patterned gallium phosphide (OP-GaP) crystals with different quasi-phase matching periods (QPM). The mid-infrared radiation (MIR) is obtained via mixing of the output of a graphene-based Er-doped fiber laser at 1.55 µm with coherent frequency-shifted solitons at 1.9 µm generated in a highly nonlinear fiber using the same seed. The presented setup is the first truly all-fiber, all-polarization maintaining, alignment-free DFG source reported so far. Its application to laser spectroscopy was demonstrated by the absorption spectrum measurement of ν4 band of methane in 7.5 - 8.3 µm spectral range. The system simplicity and compactness paves the way for applications in field-deployable optical frequency comb spectroscopy systems for gas sensing.

Opt Lett ; 43(12): 2791-2794, 2018 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29905690


Observation of the efficient second-harmonic generation (SHG) in silica fibers drew a lot of interest, as second-order processes in centrosymmetric materials should not occur. In this Letter, we extended a theoretical model of self-organized SHG to include an attenuation and investigated the influence of fiber loss on the self-organized SHG process. We performed calculations of energy conversion efficiency for SHG in microstructured optical fibers. Finally, we referred the simulation results to the measured SHG efficiency in a microstructured side-hole germanium-doped silica fiber. The extended model should be applied for the fibers with loss beyond 0.01 dB/m. Even in such fibers, efficient SHG without an external second-harmonic beam is possible.

Opt Lett ; 43(1): 38-41, 2018 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29328191


In this Letter, we demonstrate an all-fiber holmium-doped laser operating in the stretched-pulse regime. As a result of dispersion management, the laser is capable of generating 190 fs pulses with a bandwidth of 53.6 nm. The pulses centered at 2060 nm reach 2.55 nJ of energy. Mode-locking is achieved with a multilayer graphene saturable absorber (SA). The Letter also presents the measurement of group velocity dispersion of active (Nufern SM-HDF-10/130), passive (SMF28), and dispersion-compensating (Nufern UHNA4) fibers in a 1.8-2.1 µm range. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on an all-fiber, stretched-pulse laser operating beyond 2 µm with nanomaterial-based SA.

Nanotechnology ; 29(47): 475202, 2018 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30198858


Electron beam patterning is an important technology in the fabrication of miniaturized photonic devices. The fabrication process conventionally involves the use of radiation sensitive polymer-based solutions (called resists). We propose to replace typical polymer resists with eco-friendly solvent-free room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs), which are polymerized in situ and solidified by an electron beam. It is demonstrated that the shapes of polymerized structures are different for high-viscous Cl-based RTILs and low-viscous NTf2-based RTILs. Due to the the satisfactory quality of the polymerized spatial microstructures and their light transmission properties, the RTIL-derived microstructures are potentially attractive as photonic elements for near-infrared.

Opt Express ; 25(22): 27452-27463, 2017 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29092218


We demonstrate a polarized all-normal dispersion supercontinuum generated in a birefringent silica microstructured fiber spanning beyond 2.5 µm. To our knowledge, this is the spectra reaching the furthest in mid-infrared ever generated in normal dispersion silica fibers. The generation process was studied experimentally and numerically with 70 fs pump pulses operating at different wavelengths on short propagation distances of 48 mm and 122 mm. The all-normal operation was limited by the zero-dispersion wavelength at 2.56 µm and spectral broadening was stopped by OH absorption peak at 2.72 µm. We identified the asymmetry between propagation in both polarization axes and showed that pumping along a slow fiber axis is beneficial for a higher degree of polarization. Numerical simulations of the generation process conducted by solving the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) and coupled NLSEs system showed good agreement with experimental spectra.

Opt Lett ; 42(9): 1748-1751, 2017 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28454151


We demonstrate a broadband mid-infrared (MIR) frequency comb source based on difference frequency generation (DFG) in periodically poled lithium niobate crystal. MIR radiation is obtained via mixing of the output of a 125 MHz repetition rate Yb-doped fiber laser with Raman-shifted solitons generated from the same source in a highly nonlinear fiber. The resulting idler is tunable in the range of 2.7-4.2 µm, with average output power reaching 237 mW and pulses as short as 115 fs. The coherence of the MIR comb is confirmed by spectral interferometry and heterodyne beat measurements. Applicability of the developed DFG source for laser spectroscopy is demonstrated by measuring absorption spectrum of acetylene at 3.0-3.1 µm.

Opt Lett ; 42(8): 1592-1595, 2017 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28409806


In this Letter, we demonstrate an all-polarization-maintaining, stretched-pulse Tm-doped fiber laser generating ∼200 fs pulses centered at 1945 nm. As a saturable absorber, a graphene/poly(methyl methacrylate) composite was used. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of stretched-pulse operation of a graphene-based fiber laser at 2 µm.

Opt Express ; 24(6): 6156-61, 2016 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27136809


We report generation of ultra-broadband dissipative solitons and noise-like pulses from a simple, fully fiberized mode-locked Tm-doped fiber laser. The oscillator operates in the normal net dispersion regime and is mode-locked via nonlinear polarization evolution. Depending on the cavity dispersion, the laser was capable of generating 60 nm or 100 nm broad dissipative solitons. These are the broadest spectra generated from a normal dispersion mode-locked Tm-doped fiber laser so far. The same oscillator might also operate in the noise-like pulse regime with extremely broad emission spectra (over 300 nm), which also significantly outperforms the previous reports.

Opt Express ; 24(26): 30523-30536, 2016 Dec 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28059400


For the first time to our knowledge, we demonstrate a coherent supercontinuum in silica fibers reaching 2.2 µm in a long wavelength range. The process of supercontinuum generation was studied experimentally and numerically in two microstructured fibers with a germanium doped core, having flat all-normal chromatic dispersion optimized for pumping at 1.55 µm. The fibers were pumped with two pulse lasers operating at 1.56 µm with different pulse duration times equal respectively to 23 fs and 460 fs. The experimental results are in a good agreement with the simulations conducted by solving the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation with the split-step Fourier method. The simulations also confirmed high coherence of the generated spectra and revealed that their long wavelength edge (2.2 µm) is related to OH contamination. Therefore, improving the fibers purity will result in further up-shift of the long wavelength spectra limit.

Opt Lett ; 40(13): 3033-6, 2015 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26125360


We report on the fabrication of a birefringent side-hole polymer optical fiber with an elliptical core made of polymethyl metacrylate-polystyrene (PMMA/PS) copolymer and pure PMMA cladding. The fiber core is located in a narrow PMMA bridge separating the holes. Two fibers with different bridge thickness were fabricated and characterized. We demonstrate, experimentally and numerically, that, by narrowing the bridge between the holes, one can increase simultaneously the fiber birefringence and the polarimetric sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure. In the fiber with the bridge as narrow as 5 µm, we achieved a record-high polarimetric sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure ranging between 175 and 140 rad/MPa/m in the spectral range of 600-830 nm. The phase modal birefringence in this fiber is also high and exceeds 3×10(-5) at 600 nm, which results in small polarization cross talk.

Opt Lett ; 39(10): 3018-21, 2014 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24978262


We report on the fabrication of a birefringent microstructured PMMA fiber with polystyrene stress-applying elements located in the solid part of the cladding. A microstructured part of the cladding composed of three rings of holes was made of a technical-grade PMMA by a drilling method. The fiber shows a relatively high birefringence of the order of 4×10(-5), which weakly depends upon wavelength in the investigated spectral range from 0.6 to 1 µm. The cross talk between polarization modes is lower than -20 dB for a 1 m long fiber, while the fiber loss is about 8 dB/m at 0.83 µm. We also studied the fiber response to temperature in the range from 20°C to 60°C. The temperature induced birefringence change is negative and shows a significant hysteresis in the first cycle, which gradually disappears in successive cycles.

Opt Lett ; 39(8): 2342-5, 2014 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24978988


We present a new approach for the development of all-solid microstructured fiber with flat all-normal dispersion in the broadband range of 1550-2500 nm. The use of two soft glasses gives additional degrees of freedom in the design of microstructured fibers. As a result, we have designed and developed a fiber optimized for supercontinuum generation with 1550 nm pulsed lasers in the all-normal dispersion regime within an infrared range, beyond the fused silica glass limit. The measurement of the chromatic dispersion of the manufactured fibers was performed with a white light interferometric method in the spectral range 900-1650 nm. We demonstrate very good agreement between the full vector finite element simulations and the measurement results.

Appl Opt ; 53(35): 8167-74, 2014 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25608056


We experimentally studied the influence of different constructional parameters on the performance of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors based on a commercially available polymer step-index multimode fiber. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we experimentally investigated the influence of polishing depth on the characteristics of SPR sensors based on a straight multimode fiber. We also examined the impact of sensing length on the spectral position and strength of the SPR in side-polished straight fibers. To clarify literature contradictions concerning the effect of fiber bending on SPR, we experimentally investigated the performance of U-bent SPR sensing probes based on multimode fibers. We have shown that the SPR can be significantly amplified by bending the polymer fiber with stripped cladding. We also demonstrated that the side-polishing of U-bent sensing probes has little impact on their performance.

Técnicas Biossensoriais/instrumentação , Tecnologia de Fibra Óptica/instrumentação , Ressonância de Plasmônio de Superfície/instrumentação , Transdutores , Desenho Assistido por Computador , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Falha de Equipamento , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Sensibilidade e Especificidade