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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(42): e2308605121, 2024 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39374392


The amount of ocean protected from fishing and other human impacts has often been used as a metric of conservation progress. However, protection efforts have highly variable outcomes that depend on local conditions, which makes it difficult to quantify what coral reef protection efforts to date have actually achieved at a global scale. Here, we develop a predictive model of how local conditions influence conservation outcomes on ~2,600 coral reef sites across 44 ecoregions, which we used to quantify how much more fish biomass there is on coral reefs compared to a modeled scenario with no protection. Under the assumptions of our model, our study reveals that without existing protection efforts there would be ~10% less fish biomass on coral reefs. Thus, we estimate that coral reef protection efforts have led to approximately 1 in every 10 kg of existing fish biomass.

Biomassa , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Recifes de Corais , Peixes , Animais , Peixes/fisiologia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14178, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37700665


Commons' problems and solutions have the elements of local, proximate, and large-scale distal processes. Solutions, therefore, require accessing, implementing, and coordinating information and actions at multiple scales. Restoring commons, such as fisheries, will require a better understanding of how stakeholders access and use information at various scales to resolve governance and restrictions problems. In 179 household interviews, perceptions of fisheries conflicts and their causes were identified, and 16 management committee key informants described their methods for mediating hypothetical small-scale fisheries problems in Kenya. The 6 studied sites varied in human development and demographic contexts but had notable similarities that reflected a respondent's focus on localized, direct, and proximate fishing conflicts. The most cited problems included limited space, disagreement about gears, poor resource conditions, and locally inadequate benefits. The most cited sources of information were local households and the community, and there was considerably less acknowledgment of distal problems and solutions. Key informants selected a limited number of local community-focused solutions. For example, informants chose to mediate conflicts between neighbors with local community meetings rather than through formal national institutions. Therefore, distal solutions were likely to be perceived as ineffectual, possibly due to the challenges of polycentric governance coordination. However, widespread overfishing arises from overarching distal processes not fully amenable to local solutions. Therefore, a focus on local action is expected to limit the ability to address distal problems. These include conflicting values, demographic changes, supportive governance frameworks, emerging technologies, resolving conflicting local rules, fair between-group enforcement, responding to temporary shortages of fish, and intercommunity border and rule disputes. Improved coordination and integration of information and institutions to simultaneously address both proximate and distal common's problems are recommended.

Uso y coordinación de los principios de gobernanza para abordar los factores prs y distales de los conflictos en las pesquerías comunales Resumen Los problemas y las soluciones comunales tienen elementos de los procesos distales locales, proximales y a gran escala. Por lo tanto, las soluciones necesitan tener acceso a la información y las acciones a escalas múltiples, así como implementarlas y coordinarlas. Restaurar los bienes comunes, como las pesquerías, requerirá de un mejor entendimiento de cómo los actores acceden y usan la información a varias escalas para resolver los problemas de gobernanza y restricción. En 179 entrevistas a hogares, identificamos la percepción de los conflictos de las pesquerías y sus causas, y 16 informantes clave de los comités gestores describieron sus métodos para mediar problemas hipotéticos de las pequeñas pesquerías en Kenia. Los seis sitios estudiados variaron en cuanto al desarrollo humano y los contextos demográficos, pero tuvieron similitudes notables que reflejaron el enfoque de los respondientes en cuanto a los conflictos localizados, directos y próximos. Los problemas más citados fueron el espacio limitado, los desacuerdos sobre el equipo de pesca, las malas condiciones de los recursos y los beneficios inadecuados para la localidad. Las fuentes de información más citadas fueron los hogares locales y la comunidad, además de que hubo un considerable reconocimiento reducido de los problemas y las soluciones distales. Los informantes clave seleccionaron un número limitado de soluciones locales enfocadas en la comunidad. Por ejemplo, los informantes eligieron mediar los conflictos entre los vecinos con juntas de la comunidad local en lugar de por medio de instituciones nacionales formales. Por lo tanto, hubo mayor probabilidad de que se percibiera a las soluciones distales como ineficientes, posiblemente debido a los retos de la coordinación policéntrica de la gobernanza. Sin embargo, la sobrepesca extendida surge de los procesos distales generales no del todo susceptibles a las soluciones locales. Así, se espera que un enfoque en la acción local limite la habilidad de abordar estos problemas distales. Estos problemas incluyen los valores conflictivos, los cambios demográficos, los marcos de gobernanza de apoyo, las tecnologías emergentes, la resolución de normas locales conflictivas, navegar entre el cumplimiento grupal, responder a la escasez temporal de peces y las disputas entre comunidades por las normas y las fronteras. Recomendamos mejorar la integración y coordinación de la información y las instituciones para abordar simultáneamente los problemas distales y proximales de los bienes comunes.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Pesqueiros , Animais , Humanos , Quênia , Caça
Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14256, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38545935


Scientific advances in environmental data coverage and machine learning algorithms have improved the ability to make large-scale predictions where data are missing. These advances allowed us to develop a spatially resolved proxy for predicting numbers of tropical nearshore marine taxa. A diverse marine environmental spatial database was used to model numbers of taxa from ∼1000 field sites, and the predictions were applied to all 7039 6.25-km2 reef cells in 9 ecoregions and 11 nations of the western Indian Ocean. Our proxy for total numbers of taxa was based on the positive correlation (r2 = 0.24) of numbers of taxa of hard corals and 5 highly diverse reef fish families. Environmental relationships indicated that the number of fish species was largely influenced by biomass, nearness to people, governance, connectivity, and productivity and that coral taxa were influenced mostly by physicochemical environmental variability. At spatial delineations of province, ecoregion, nation, and strength of spatial clustering, we compared areas of conservation priority based on our total species proxy with those identified in 3 previous priority-setting reports and with the protected area database. Our method identified 119 locations that fit 3 numbers of taxa (hard coral, fish, and their combination) and 4 spatial delineations (nation, ecoregion, province, and reef clustering) criteria. Previous publications on priority setting identified 91 priority locations of which 6 were identified by all reports. We identified 12 locations that fit our 12 criteria and corresponded with 3 previously identified locations, 65 that aligned with at least 1 past report, and 28 that were new locations. Only 34% of the 208 marine protected areas in this province overlapped with identified locations with high numbers of predicted taxa. Differences occurred because past priorities were frequently based on unquantified perceptions of remoteness and preselected priority taxa. Our environment-species proxy and modeling approach can be considered among other important criteria for making conservation decisions.

Evaluación de la concordancia entre la riqueza de especies pronosticada, priorizaciones pasadas y la designación de áreas marinas protegidas en el oeste del Océano Índico Resumen Los avances científicos en la cobertura de datos ambientales y los algoritmos de aprendizaje automatizado han mejorado la capacidad de predecir a gran escala cuando hacen falta datos. Estos avances nos permiten desarrollar un representante con resolución espacial para predecir la cantidad de taxones marinos en las costas tropicales. Usamos una base de datos espaciales de diversos ambientes marinos para modelar la cantidad de taxones a partir de ∼1000 sitios de campo y aplicamos las predicciones a las 7039 celdas arrecifales de 6.25­km2 en nueve ecorregiones y once países del oeste del Océano Índico. Nuestro representante para la cantidad total de taxones se basó en la correlación positiva (r2=0.24) de la cantidad de taxones de corales duros y cinco familias de peces arrecifales con diversidad alta. Las relaciones ambientales indicaron que el número de especies de peces estuvo influenciado principalmente por la biomasa, la cercanía a las personas, la gestión, la conectividad y la productividad y que los taxones de coral estuvieron influenciados principalmente por la variabilidad ambiental fisicoquímica. Comparamos la prioridad de las áreas de conservación a nivel de las delimitaciones espaciales de provincia, ecorregión, nación y fuerza del agrupamiento espacial basado en nuestro total de especies representantes con aquellas especies identificadas en tres reportes previos de establecimiento de prioridades y con la base de datos de áreas protegidas. Con nuestro método identificamos 119 localidades aptas para tres cantidades de taxones (corales duros, peces y su combinación) y cuatro criterios de delimitación espacial (nación, ecorregión, provincia y grupo de arrecifes). Las publicaciones previas sobre el establecimiento de prioridades identificaron 91 localidades prioritarias de las cuales seis fueron identificadas por todos los reportes. Identificamos doce localidades que se ajustan a nuestros doce criterios y se correspondieron con tres localidades identificadas previamente, 65 que se alinearon con al menos un reporte anterior y 28 que eran nuevas localidades. Sólo 34% de las 208 áreas marinas protegidas en esta provincia se traslaparon con localidades identificadas con un gran número de taxones pronosticados. Hubo diferencias porque en el pasado se priorizaba frecuentemente con base en las percepciones no cuantificadas de lo remoto y prioritario de los taxones preseleccionados. Nuestra especie representante del ambiente y nuestra estrategia de modelo pueden considerarse entre otros criterios importantes para tomar decisiones de conservación.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Recifes de Corais , Peixes , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Oceano Índico , Animais , Peixes/fisiologia , Antozoários/fisiologia
Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14108, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37144480


Identifying locations of refugia from the thermal stresses of climate change for coral reefs and better managing them is one of the key recommendations for climate change adaptation. We review and summarize approximately 30 years of applied research focused on identifying climate refugia to prioritize the conservation actions for coral reefs under rapid climate change. We found that currently proposed climate refugia and the locations predicted to avoid future coral losses are highly reliant on  excess heat metrics, such as degree heating weeks. However, many existing alternative environmental, ecological, and life-history variables could be used to identify other types of refugia that lead to the desired diversified portfolio for coral reef conservation. To improve conservation priorities for coral reefs, there is a need to evaluate and validate the predictions of climate refugia with long-term field data on coral abundance, diversity, and functioning. There is also the need to identify and safeguard locations displaying resistance toprolonged exposure to heat waves and the ability to recover quickly after thermal exposure. We recommend using more metrics to identify a portfolio of potential refugia sites for coral reefs that can avoid, resist, and recover from exposure to high ocean temperatures and the consequences of climate change, thereby shifting past efforts focused on avoidance to a diversified risk-spreading portfolio that can be used to improve strategic coral reef conservation in a rapidly warming climate.

Diversificación de los tipos de refugio necesarios para asegurar el futuro de los arrecifes de coral sujetos al cambio climático Resumen Una de las principales recomendaciones para la adaptación al cambio climático es identificar los refugios de los arrecifes de coral frente al estrés térmico del cambio climático y mejorar su gestión. Revisamos y resumimos ∼30 años de investigación aplicada centrada en la identificación de refugios climáticos para priorizar las acciones de conservación de los arrecifes de coral bajo un rápido cambio climático. Descubrimos que los refugios climáticos propuestos actualmente y las ubicaciones que pueden evitarlos dependen en gran medida de métricas de exceso de calor, como las semanas de calentamiento en grados (SCG). Sin embargo, existen muchas variables alternativas de historia vital, ambientales y ecológicas que podrían utilizarse para identificar otros tipos de refugios que resulten en el acervo diversificado que se desea para la conservación de los arrecifes de coral. Para mejorar las prioridades de conservación de los arrecifes de coral, es necesario evaluar y validar las predicciones sobre refugios climáticos con datos de campo a largo plazo sobre abundancia, diversidad y funcionamiento de los corales. También es necesario identificar y salvaguardar lugares que muestren resistencia a la exposición climática prolongada a olas de calor y la capacidad de recuperarse rápidamente tras la exposición térmica. Recomendamos utilizar más métricas para identificar un acervo de posibles lugares de refugio para los arrecifes de coral que puedan evitar, resistir y recuperarse de la exposición a las altas temperaturas oceánicas y las consecuencias del cambio climático, para así desplazar los esfuerzos pasados centrados en la evitación hacia un acervo diversificado de riesgos que pueda utilizarse para mejorar la conservación estratégica de los arrecifes de coral en un clima que se calienta rápidamente.

Antozoários , Recifes de Corais , Animais , Ecossistema , Refúgio de Vida Selvagem , Mudança Climática , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Nature ; 535(7612): 416-9, 2016 07 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27309809


Ongoing declines in the structure and function of the world's coral reefs require novel approaches to sustain these ecosystems and the millions of people who depend on them3. A presently unexplored approach that draws on theory and practice in human health and rural development is to systematically identify and learn from the 'outliers'­places where ecosystems are substantially better ('bright spots') or worse ('dark spots') than expected, given the environmental conditions and socioeconomic drivers they are exposed to. Here we compile data from more than 2,500 reefs worldwide and develop a Bayesian hierarchical model to generate expectations of how standing stocks of reef fish biomass are related to 18 socioeconomic drivers and environmental conditions. We identify 15 bright spots and 35 dark spots among our global survey of coral reefs, defined as sites that have biomass levels more than two standard deviations from expectations. Importantly, bright spots are not simply comprised of remote areas with low fishing pressure; they include localities where human populations and use of ecosystem resources is high, potentially providing insights into how communities have successfully confronted strong drivers of change. Conversely, dark spots are not necessarily the sites with the lowest absolute biomass and even include some remote, uninhabited locations often considered near pristine6. We surveyed local experts about social, institutional, and environmental conditions at these sites to reveal that bright spots are characterized by strong sociocultural institutions such as customary taboos and marine tenure, high levels of local engagement in management, high dependence on marine resources, and beneficial environmental conditions such as deep-water refuges. Alternatively, dark spots are characterized by intensive capture and storage technology and a recent history of environmental shocks. Our results suggest that investments in strengthening fisheries governance, particularly aspects such as participation and property rights, could facilitate innovative conservation actions that help communities defy expectations of global reef degradation.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Recifes de Corais , Ecossistema , Geografia , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Biomassa , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Pesqueiros/legislação & jurisprudência , Peixes , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Meio Selvagem
Nature ; 520(7547): 341-4, 2015 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25855298


Continuing degradation of coral reef ecosystems has generated substantial interest in how management can support reef resilience. Fishing is the primary source of diminished reef function globally, leading to widespread calls for additional marine reserves to recover fish biomass and restore key ecosystem functions. Yet there are no established baselines for determining when these conservation objectives have been met or whether alternative management strategies provide similar ecosystem benefits. Here we establish empirical conservation benchmarks and fish biomass recovery timelines against which coral reefs can be assessed and managed by studying the recovery potential of more than 800 coral reefs along an exploitation gradient. We show that resident reef fish biomass in the absence of fishing (B0) averages ∼1,000 kg ha(-1), and that the vast majority (83%) of fished reefs are missing more than half their expected biomass, with severe consequences for key ecosystem functions such as predation. Given protection from fishing, reef fish biomass has the potential to recover within 35 years on average and less than 60 years when heavily depleted. Notably, alternative fisheries restrictions are largely (64%) successful at maintaining biomass above 50% of B0, sustaining key functions such as herbivory. Our results demonstrate that crucial ecosystem functions can be maintained through a range of fisheries restrictions, allowing coral reef managers to develop recovery plans that meet conservation and livelihood objectives in areas where marine reserves are not socially or politically feasible solutions.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/tendências , Recifes de Corais , Ecossistema , Pesqueiros/métodos , Pesqueiros/estatística & dados numéricos , Peixes/fisiologia , Animais , Biodiversidade , Biomassa , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/estatística & dados numéricos , Pesqueiros/normas , Herbivoria , Dinâmica Populacional , Comportamento Predatório , Fatores de Tempo
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(27): E6116-E6125, 2018 07 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29915066


Coral reefs provide ecosystem goods and services for millions of people in the tropics, but reef conditions are declining worldwide. Effective solutions to the crisis facing coral reefs depend in part on understanding the context under which different types of conservation benefits can be maximized. Our global analysis of nearly 1,800 tropical reefs reveals how the intensity of human impacts in the surrounding seascape, measured as a function of human population size and accessibility to reefs ("gravity"), diminishes the effectiveness of marine reserves at sustaining reef fish biomass and the presence of top predators, even where compliance with reserve rules is high. Critically, fish biomass in high-compliance marine reserves located where human impacts were intensive tended to be less than a quarter that of reserves where human impacts were low. Similarly, the probability of encountering top predators on reefs with high human impacts was close to zero, even in high-compliance marine reserves. However, we find that the relative difference between openly fished sites and reserves (what we refer to as conservation gains) are highest for fish biomass (excluding predators) where human impacts are moderate and for top predators where human impacts are low. Our results illustrate critical ecological trade-offs in meeting key conservation objectives: reserves placed where there are moderate-to-high human impacts can provide substantial conservation gains for fish biomass, yet they are unlikely to support key ecosystem functions like higher-order predation, which is more prevalent in reserve locations with low human impacts.

Biomassa , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Recifes de Corais , Peixes/fisiologia , Cadeia Alimentar , Animais , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; 33(4): 917-929, 2019 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30485533


Common-pool governance principles are becoming increasingly important tools for natural resource management with communities and comanagement arrangements. Effectiveness of these principles depends on variability in agreements, trust, and adherence to institutional norms. We evaluated heterogeneity in governance principles by asking 449 people in 30 fishing communities in 4 East African countries to rate their effectiveness. The influences of individuals, their membership and role in stakeholder community groups, leadership, community, and country were tested. The membership and role of people were not the main influence on their perceptions of the effectiveness of governance principles. Therefore, drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of specific principles would be difficult to make independent of the individuals asked. More critical were individuals' nationalities and their associations with the shared perceptions of a response-group's effectiveness of each principle. Perceptions of effectiveness differed strongly by country, and respondents from poor nations (Madagascar and Mozambique) were more cohesiveness but had fewer and weaker between-community conflict-resolution mechanisms. Overall, group identity, group autonomy, decision-making process, and conflict resolution principles were perceived to be most effective and likely to be enforced by repeated low-cost intragroup activities. Graduated sanctions, cost-benefit sharing, and monitoring resource users, fisheries, and ecology were the least scaled principles and less affordable via local control. We suggest these 2 groups of principles form independently and, as economies develop and natural resources become limiting, sustainability increasingly depends on the later principles. Therefore, management effectiveness in resource-limited situations depends on distributing power, skills, and costs beyond fishing communities to insure conservation needs are met.

Necesidades de la Conservación Expuestas por la Variabilidad de los Principios de Gobernanza de Recursos Comunes Resumen Los principios de gobernanza de recursos comunes se utilizan cada vez más como una herramienta importante para el manejo de recursos naturales en las comunidades y los arreglos de co-manejo. La efectividad de estos principios depende de la variabilidad de los arreglos, la confianza y el apego a las normas institucionales. Para evaluar la heterogeneidad en los principios de gobernanza le pedimos a 449 personas en 30 comunidades pesqueras de cuatro países del este de África que calificaran la efectividad de los principios. Se evaluaron la influencia de los individuos, su afiliación y su papel dentro de los grupos de liderazgo, dentro de la comunidad de accionistas, dentro de la comunidad y dentro de los países. La afiliación y el papel de las personas no fueron la influencia principal sobre sus percepciones de la efectividad de los principios de gobernanza. Por lo tanto, llegar a conclusiones sobre la efectividad de los principios específicos sería complicado, independientemente de los individuos a los que se les pide la calificación. Fueron más relevantes la nacionalidad de los individuos y su asociación con las percepciones compartidas sobre la efectividad de un grupo de respuestas de cada principio. Las percepciones de efectividad difirieron fuertemente entre países, y las respuestas de las naciones pobres (Madagascar y Mozambique) fueron más cohesivas, pero tuvieron menos mecanismos de resolución de conflictos entre comunidades, además de ser más débiles. En general, se percibieron como más efectivos y con mayor probabilidad de ser impuestos por las actividades de bajo costo dentro de un grupo. Las sanciones graduadas, la partición de los costos de los beneficios y el monitoreo de los usuarios de los recursos, las pesquerías y la ecología fueron los principios que menos aparecieron en la escala de las calificaciones y también fueron las menos costeables para el control local. Sugerimos que estos dos grupos de principios se formen independientemente y, conforme se desarrollan las economías y los recursos naturales se vuelvan limitados, que la sustentabilidad dependa cada vez más de estos principios. Así, el manejo de la efectividad en situaciones de recursos limitados depende de la distribución del poder, las habilidades y los costos más allá de las comunidades pesqueras para asegurar que se cumpla con todas las necesidades de conservación.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Pesqueiros , África Oriental , Humanos , Madagáscar , Moçambique
J Environ Manage ; 233: 291-301, 2019 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30583103


Resilience underpins the sustainability of both ecological and social systems. Extensive loss of reef corals following recent mass bleaching events have challenged the notion that support of system resilience is a viable reef management strategy. While resilience-based management (RBM) cannot prevent the damaging effects of major disturbances, such as mass bleaching events, it can support natural processes that promote resistance and recovery. Here, we review the potential of RBM to help sustain coral reefs in the 21st century. We explore the scope for supporting resilience through existing management approaches and emerging technologies and discuss their opportunities and limitations in a changing climate. We argue that for RBM to be effective in a changing world, reef management strategies need to involve both existing and new interventions that together reduce stress, support the fitness of populations and species, and help people and economies to adapt to a highly altered ecosystem.

Antozoários , Recifes de Corais , Animais , Clima , Ecossistema
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(22): 6949-54, 2015 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26038547


Managing ecosystems for multiple ecosystem services and balancing the well-being of diverse stakeholders involves different kinds of trade-offs. Often trade-offs involve noneconomic and difficult-to-evaluate values, such as cultural identity, employment, the well-being of poor people, or particular species or ecosystem structures. Although trade-offs need to be considered for successful environmental management, they are often overlooked in favor of win-wins. Management and policy decisions demand approaches that can explicitly acknowledge and evaluate diverse trade-offs. We identified a diversity of apparent trade-offs in a small-scale tropical fishery when ecological simulations were integrated with participatory assessments of social-ecological system structure and stakeholders' well-being. Despite an apparent win-win between conservation and profitability at the aggregate scale, food production, employment, and well-being of marginalized stakeholders were differentially influenced by management decisions leading to trade-offs. Some of these trade-offs were suggested to be "taboo" trade-offs between morally incommensurable values, such as between profits and the well-being of marginalized women. These were not previously recognized as management issues. Stakeholders explored and deliberated over trade-offs supported by an interactive "toy model" representing key system trade-offs, alongside qualitative narrative scenarios of the future. The concept of taboo trade-offs suggests that psychological bias and social sensitivity may exclude key issues from decision making, which can result in policies that are difficult to implement. Our participatory modeling and scenarios approach has the potential to increase awareness of such trade-offs, promote discussion of what is acceptable, and potentially identify and reduce obstacles to management compliance.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Ecossistema , Pesqueiros/economia , Modelos Econômicos , Valores Sociais , Seguridade Social/economia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/estatística & dados numéricos , Recifes de Corais , Pesqueiros/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Quênia , Seguridade Social/ética
Conserv Biol ; 29(5): 1471-80, 2015 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26129942


Understanding why people make the decisions they do remains a fundamental challenge facing conservation science. Ecosystem service (ES) (a benefit people derive from an ecosystem) approaches to conservation reflect efforts to anticipate people's preferences and influence their environmental behavior. Yet, the design of ES approaches seldom includes psychological theories of human behavior. We sought to alleviate this omission by applying a psychological theory of human values to a cross-cultural ES assessment. We used interviews and focus groups with fish workers from 28 coral reef fishing communities in 4 countries to qualitatively identify the motivations (i.e., human values) underlying preferences for ES; quantitatively evaluate resource user ES priorities; and identify common patterns among ES motivations and ES priorities (i.e., trade-offs and synergies). Three key findings are evident that align with human values theory. First, motivations underlying preferences for individual ESs reflected multiple human values within the same value domain (e.g., self-enhancement). Second, when averaged at community or country scales, the order of ES priorities was consistent. However, the order belied significant variation that existed among individuals. Third, in line with human values theory, ESs related to one another in a consistent pattern; certain service pairs reflected trade-off relationships (e.g., supporting and provisioning), whereas other service pairs reflected synergistic relationships (e.g., supporting and regulating). Together, these findings help improve understanding of when and why convergence and trade-offs in people's preferences for ESs occur, and this knowledge can inform the development of suitable conservation actions.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Ecossistema , Motivação , Valores Sociais , África Oriental , Recifes de Corais , Pesqueiros , Ilhas do Oceano Índico , Modelos Lineares
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 109(14): 5219-22, 2012 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22431631


In an effort to deliver better outcomes for people and the ecosystems they depend on, many governments and civil society groups are engaging natural resource users in collaborative management arrangements (frequently called comanagement). However, there are few empirical studies demonstrating the social and institutional conditions conducive to successful comanagement outcomes, especially in small-scale fisheries. Here, we evaluate 42 comanagement arrangements across five countries and show that: (i) comanagement is largely successful at meeting social and ecological goals; (ii) comanagement tends to benefit wealthier resource users; (iii) resource overexploitation is most strongly influenced by market access and users' dependence on resources; and (iv) institutional characteristics strongly influence livelihood and compliance outcomes, yet have little effect on ecological conditions.

Antozoários , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Alocação de Recursos
Ecol Lett ; 17(9): 1101-10, 2014 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24985880


The impact of anthropogenic activity on ecosystems has highlighted the need to move beyond the biogeographical delineation of species richness patterns to understanding the vulnerability of species assemblages, including the functional components that are linked to the processes they support. We developed a decision theory framework to quantitatively assess the global taxonomic and functional vulnerability of fish assemblages on tropical reefs using a combination of sensitivity to species loss, exposure to threats and extent of protection. Fish assemblages with high taxonomic and functional sensitivity are often exposed to threats but are largely missed by the global network of marine protected areas. We found that areas of high species richness spatially mismatch areas of high taxonomic and functional vulnerability. Nevertheless, there is strong spatial match between taxonomic and functional vulnerabilities suggesting a potential win-win conservation-ecosystem service strategy if more protection is set in these locations.

Biodiversidade , Recifes de Corais , Peixes/fisiologia , Modelos Biológicos , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 108(41): 17230-3, 2011 Oct 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21949381


Sustainably managing ecosystems is challenging, especially for complex systems such as coral reefs. This study develops critical reference points for sustainable management by using a large empirical dataset on the coral reefs of the western Indian Ocean to investigate associations between levels of target fish biomass (as an indicator of fishing intensity) and eight metrics of ecosystem state. These eight ecological metrics each exhibited specific thresholds along a continuum of fishable biomass ranging from heavily fished sites to old fisheries closures. Three thresholds lay above and five below a hypothesized window of fishable biomass expected to produce a maximum multispecies sustainable yield (B(MMSY)). Evaluating three management systems in nine countries, we found that unregulated fisheries often operate below the B(MMSY), whereas fisheries closures and, less frequently, gear-restricted fisheries were within or above this window. These findings provide tangible management targets for multispecies coral reef fisheries and highlight key tradeoffs required to achieve different fisheries and conservation goals.

Recifes de Corais , Ecossistema , Pesqueiros/métodos , Animais , Biodiversidade , Biomassa , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Oceano Índico , Modelos Lineares , Modelos Biológicos
Ecol Lett ; 15(2): 151-8, 2012 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22188529


Coral reefs have been affected by natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Coral cover has declined on many reefs, and macroalgae have increased on some. The existence of alternative stable states with high or low coral cover has been widely debated, but not clearly established. We evaluate the evidence for alternative stable states in benthic coral-reef dynamics in the Caribbean, Kenya and Great Barrier Reef (GBR), using stochastic semi-parametric models based on large numbers of time series of cover of hard corals, macroalgae and other components. Only the GBR showed a consistent short-term regional decline in coral cover. There was no evidence for regional increases in macroalgae. The equilibrium distributions of our models were close to recently observed distributions, and differed among regions. In all three regions, the equilibrium distributions were unimodal rather than bimodal, and thus did not suggest the existence of alternative stable states on a regional scale, under current conditions.

Antozoários/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Recifes de Corais , Modelos Biológicos , Animais , Austrália , Biodiversidade , Região do Caribe , Ecossistema , Quênia
Proc Biol Sci ; 279(1737): 2448-56, 2012 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22337694


The risk of global extinction of reef-building coral species is increasing. We evaluated extinction risk using a biological trait-based resiliency index that was compared with Caribbean extinction during the Plio-Pleistocene, and with extinction risk determined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Through the Plio-Pleistocene, the Caribbean supported more diverse coral assemblages than today and shared considerable overlap with contemporary Indo-Pacific reefs. A clear association was found between extant Plio-Pleistocene coral genera and our positive resilience scores. Regional extinction in the past and vulnerability in the present suggests that Pocillopora, Stylophora and foliose Pavona are among the most susceptible taxa to local and regional isolation. These same taxa were among the most abundant corals in the Caribbean Pliocene. Therefore, a widespread distribution did not equate with immunity to regional extinction. The strong relationship between past and present vulnerability suggests that regional extinction events are trait-based and not merely random episodes. We found several inconsistencies between our data and the IUCN scores, which suggest a need to critically re-examine what constitutes coral vulnerability.

Antozoários/fisiologia , Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Recifes de Corais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Extinção Biológica , Fósseis , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Região do Caribe , Simulação por Computador , História Antiga , Funções Verossimilhança , Modelos Logísticos , Modelos Teóricos , Medição de Risco , Especificidade da Espécie , Isótopos de Estrôncio/análise
Ecol Lett ; 14(4): 341-8, 2011 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21320260


With rapidly increasing rates of contemporary extinction, predicting extinction vulnerability and identifying how multiple stressors drive non-random species loss have become key challenges in ecology. These assessments are crucial for avoiding the loss of key functional groups that sustain ecosystem processes and services. We developed a novel predictive framework of species extinction vulnerability and applied it to coral reef fishes. Although relatively few coral reef fishes are at risk of global extinction from climate disturbances, a negative convex relationship between fish species locally vulnerable to climate change vs. fisheries exploitation indicates that the entire community is vulnerable on the many reefs where both stressors co-occur. Fishes involved in maintaining key ecosystem functions are more at risk from fishing than climate disturbances. This finding is encouraging as local and regional commitment to fisheries management action can maintain reef ecosystem functions pending progress towards the more complex global problem of stabilizing the climate.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Extinção Biológica , Peixes/fisiologia , Animais , Mudança Climática , Recifes de Corais , Pesqueiros , Dinâmica Populacional
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 23470, 2021 12 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34873242


Marine reserves are known to impact the biomass, biodiversity, and functions of coral reef fish communities, but the effect of protective management on fish traits is less explored. We used a time-series modelling approach to simultaneously evaluate the abundance, biomass, and traits of eight fish families over a chronosequence spanning 44 years of protection. We constructed a multivariate functional space based on six traits known to respond to management or disturbance and affect ecosystem processes: size, diet, position in the water column, gregariousness, reef association, and length at maturity. We show that biomass increased with a log-linear trend over the time-series, but abundance only increased after 20 years of closure, and with more variation among reserves. This difference is attributed to recovery rates being dependent on body sizes. Abundance-weighted traits and the associated multivariate space of the community change is driven by increased proportions over time of the trait categories: 7-15 cm body size; planktivorous; species low in the water column; medium-large schools; and species with high levels of reef association. These findings suggest that the trait compositions emerging after the cessation of fishing are novel and dynamic.

Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes/fisiologia , Animais , Biodiversidade , Biomassa , Tamanho Corporal/fisiologia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Recifes de Corais , Ecossistema , Caça , Fenótipo
Nature ; 430(7001): 741, 2004 Aug 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15306799


The long-term response of coral reefs to climate change depends on the ability of reef-building coral symbioses to adapt or acclimatize to warmer temperatures, but there has been no direct evidence that such a response can occur. Here we show that corals containing unusual algal symbionts that are thermally tolerant and commonly associated with high-temperature environments are much more abundant on reefs that have been severely affected by recent climate change. This adaptive shift in symbiont communities indicates that these devastated reefs could be more resistant to future thermal stress, resulting in significantly longer extinction times for surviving corals than had been previously assumed.

Aclimatação/fisiologia , Antozoários/fisiologia , Eucariotos/fisiologia , Efeito Estufa , Simbiose , Animais , Biodiversidade , Eucariotos/isolamento & purificação , Oceanos e Mares , Água do Mar , Temperatura