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J Chem Phys ; 160(11)2024 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38501477


The rate constant of the associative ionization reaction N(2P) + O(3P) → NO+ + e- was measured using a flow tube apparatus. A flowing afterglow source was used to produce an ion/electron plasma containing a mixture of ions, including N2+, N3+, and N4+. Dissociative recombination of these species produced a population of nitrogen atoms, including N(2P). Charged species were rejected from the flow tube using an electrostatic grid, subsequent to which oxygen atoms were introduced, produced either using a discharge of helium and oxygen or via the titration of nitrogen atoms with NO. Only the title reaction can produce the NO+ observed after the introduction of O atoms. The resulting rate constant (8 ± 5 ×10-11 cm3 s-1) is larger than previously reported N(2P) + O disappearance rate constants (∼2 × 10-11 cm3 s-1). The possible errors in this or previous experiments are discussed. It is concluded that the N(2P) + O(3P) reaction proceeds almost entirely by associative ionization, with quenching to the 2D or 4S states as only minor processes.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(46): 31917-31927, 2023 Nov 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37974511


The rate constants of O- + N2 → N2O + e- from 800 K to 1200 K and the reverse process e- + N2O → O- + N2 from 700 K to 1300 K are measured using a flowing afterglow - Langmuir probe apparatus. The rate constants for O- + N2 are well described by 3 × 10-12 e-0.28 eV kT-1 cm3 s-1. The rate constants for e- + N2O are somewhat larger than previously reported and are well described by 7 × 10-7 e-0.48 eV kT-1 cm3 s-1. The resulting equilibrium constants differ from those calculated using the fundamental thermodynamics by factors of 2-3, likely due to significantly non-thermal product distributions in one or both reactions. The potential surfaces of N2O and N2O- are calculated at the CCSD(T) level. The minimum energy crossing point is identified 0.53 eV above the N2O minimum, similar to the activation energy for the electron attachment to N2O. A barrier between N2O- and O- + N2 is also identified with a transition state at a similar energy of 0.52 eV. The activation energy of O- + N2 is similar to one vibrational quantum of N2. The calculated potential surface supports the notion that vibrational excitation will enhance reaction above the same energy in translation, and vibrational-state specific rate constants are derived from the data. The O- + N2 rate constants are much smaller than literature values measured in a drift tube apparatus, supporting the contention that those values were overestimated due to the presence of vibrationally excited N2. The result impacts the modeling of transient luminous events in the mesosphere.

J Chem Phys ; 159(4)2023 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37486057


The rate constant for electron attachment to Mo(CO)6 was determined to be ka = 2.4 ± 0.6 × 10-7 cm3 s-1 at 297 K in a flowing-afterglow Langmuir-probe experiment. The sole anion product is Mo(CO)5-. A small decline in ka was observed up to 450 K, and decomposition was apparent at higher temperatures. The charge transfer reaction of Ar+ with Mo(CO)6 is exothermic by 7.59 ± 0.03 eV, which appears to be sufficient to remove the first 5 ligands from Mo(CO)6+.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(33): 5545-5551, 2022 Aug 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35951543


The kinetics of electron attachment to pyruvic acid (CH3COCOOH) and thermal detachment from the resulting parent anion were measured from 300-515 K using a flowing afterglow─Langmuir probe apparatus. An adiabatic electron affinity (EA) for pyruvic acid was derived, 0.84 ± 0.02 eV. Electron attachment rate constants to pyruvic acid of 2.1 × 10-8 and 1.2 × 10-8 were measured at 300 and 400 K, respectively. Rate constants at higher temperatures are less well-defined due to possible contributions from attachment to zymonic open ketone, an endemic impurity in pyruvic acid. Similarly, unimolecular detachment rates are complicated by secondary proton transfer reaction of the pyruvic acid anion with pyruvic acid to yield an 87 Da anion. The possible contributions from these chemistries are considered, and in all cases the equilibrium constant between attachment and detachment remains well-defined, allowing for determination of the EA.

Elétrons , Ácido Pirúvico , Ânions , Cinética , Prótons
J Phys Chem A ; 126(48): 9076-9086, 2022 Dec 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36414319


The reactivities of three perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) (perfluoropropanoic acid (C2F5COOH, PFPA), perfluorobutanoic acid (C3F7COOH, PFBA), and perfluorooctanoic acid (C7F15COOH, PFOA)) in a thermal, weakly ionized, argon/electron plasma were investigated from 300 to 600 K using a Langmuir probe-flowing afterglow apparatus. The results are supported by density functional theory calculations of the energetics of PFCA, CnF2n+1COOH, from n = 1 to 7. PFPA and PFBA attach electrons at a substantial fraction of the calculated capture rate; PFOA likely attaches electrons with similarly high efficiency, but the low vapor pressure of PFOA resulted in only qualitative results. All three compounds attach electrons dissociatively via HF elimination. The "acidity channel" (i.e., formation of H + CnF2n+1COO-), calculated to be slightly endothermic, is never observed even at higher temperatures where this channel would be energetically allowed. Attachment to perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (n-C8F17SO3H) is rapid, yielding the conjugate base n-C8F17SO3- as proton transfer to the electron is exothermic. At temperatures near 450 K (PFOA), 550 K (PFBA), or 600 K (PFPA), the parent neutrals thermally decompose as evidenced by abrupt changes in rate constants and branching ratios. PFPA and PFBA react with Ar+ close to the calculated capture rate, and PFOA likely does as well. The reaction mechanism starts via charge transfer, which can then lead to a range of product ions. Reactions with Ar+ yield fluorocarbon radicals, clarifying and supporting a previously proposed mechanism of PFCA degradation in an argon plasma.

J Chem Phys ; 152(12): 124302, 2020 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32241136


New flowing afterglow/Langmuir probe investigations of electronic attachment to SF6 are described. Thermal attachment rate constants are found to increase from 1.5 × 10-7 cm3 s-1 at 200 K to 2.3 × 10-7 cm3 s-1 at 300 K. Attachment rate constants over the range of 200-700 K (from the present work and the literature), together with earlier measurements of attachment cross sections, are analyzed with respect to electronic and nuclear contributions. The latter suggest that only a small nuclear barrier (of the order of 20 meV) on the way from SF6 to SF6 - has to be overcome. The analysis shows that not only s-waves but also higher partial waves have to be taken into account. Likewise, finite-size effects of the neutral target contribute in a non-negligible manner.

J Chem Phys ; 153(7): 074306, 2020 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32828078


Rate constants for dissociative electron attachment to N2O yielding O- have been measured as a function of temperature from 400 K to 1000 K. Detailed modeling of kinetics was needed to derive the rate constants at temperatures of 700 K and higher. In the 400 K-600 K range, upper limits are given. The data from 700 K to 1000 K follow the Arrhenius equation behavior described by 2.4 × 10-8 e-0.288 eV/kT cm3 s-1. The activation energy derived from the Arrhenius plot is equal to the endothermicity of the reaction. However, calculations at the CCSD(T)/complete basis set level suggest that the lowest energy crossing between the neutral and anion surfaces lies 0.6 eV above the N2O equilibrium geometry and 0.3 eV above the endothermicity of the dissociative attachment. Kinetic modeling under this assumption is in modest agreement with the experimental data. The data are best explained by attachment occurring below the lowest energy crossing of the neutral and valence anion surfaces via vibrational Feshbach resonances.

J Chem Phys ; 151(24): 244301, 2019 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31893916


Rate constants for the reactions of C+ + Cl-, Br-, and I- were measured at 300 K using the variable electron and neutral density electron attachment mass spectrometry technique in a flowing afterglow Langmuir probe apparatus. Upper bounds of <10-8 cm3 s-1 were found for the reaction of C+ with Br- and I-, and a rate constant of 4.2 ± 1.1 × 10-9 cm3 s-1 was measured for the reaction with Cl-. The C+ + Cl- mutual neutralization reaction was studied theoretically from first principles, and a rate constant of 3.9 × 10-10 cm3 s-1, an order of magnitude smaller than experiment, was obtained with spin-orbit interactions included using a semiempirical model. The discrepancy between the measured and calculated rate constants could be explained by the fact that in the experiment, the total loss of C+ ions was measured, while the theoretical treatment did not include the associative ionization channel. The charge transfer was found to take place at small internuclear distances, and the spin-orbit interaction was found to have a minor effect on the rate constant.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2115)2018 Mar 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29431688


We report a joint experimental-theoretical study of the F- + HCl → HF + Cl- reaction kinetics. The experimental measurement of the rate coefficient at several temperatures was made using the selected ion flow tube method. Theoretical rate coefficients are calculated using the quasi-classical trajectory method on a newly developed global potential energy surface, obtained by fitting a large number of high-level ab initio points with augmentation of long-range electrostatic terms. In addition to good agreement between experiment and theory, analyses suggest that the ion-molecule reaction rate is significantly affected by shorter-range interactions, in addition to the traditionally recognized ion-dipole and ion-induced dipole terms. Furthermore, the statistical nature of the reaction is assessed by comparing the measured and calculated HF product vibrational state distributions to that predicted by the phase space theory.This article is part of the theme issue 'Modern theoretical chemistry'.

J Chem Phys ; 148(18): 184303, 2018 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29764146


The kinetics of thermal electron attachment to methyl thiocyanate (CH3SCN), methyl isothiocyanate (CH3NCS), and ethyl thiocyanate (C2H5SCN) were measured using flowing afterglow-Langmuir probe apparatuses at temperatures between 300 and 1000 K. CH3SCN and C2H5SCN undergo inefficient dissociative attachment to yield primarily SCN- at 300 K (k = 2 × 10-10 cm3 s-1), with increasing efficiency as temperature increases. The increase is well described by activation energies of 0.17 eV (CH3SCN) and 0.14 eV (C2H5SCN). CN- product is formed at <1% branching at 300 K, increasing to ∼30% branching at 1000 K. Attachment to CH3NCS yields exclusively SCN- ionic product but at a rate at 300 K that is below our detection threshold (k < 10-12 cm3 s-1). The rate coefficient increases rapidly with increasing temperature (k = 6 × 10-11 cm3 s-1 at 600 K), in a manner well described by an activation energy of 0.51 eV. Calculations at the B3LYP/def2-TZVPPD level suggest that attachment to CH3SCN proceeds through a dissociative state of CH3SCN-, while attachment to CH3NCS initially forms a weakly bound transient anion CH3NCS-* that isomerizes over an energetic barrier to yield SCN-. Kinetic modeling of the two systems is performed in an attempt to identify a kinetic signature differentiating the two mechanisms. The kinetic modeling reproduces the CH3NCS data only if dissociation through the transient anion is considered.

J Chem Phys ; 149(4): 044303, 2018 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30068160


Mutual neutralization (MN) rate constants kMN for the reactions of H+ and D+ with the atomic halide anions Cl-, Br-, and I- were measured using the variable electron and neutral density attachment mass spectrometry technique in a flowing afterglow Langmuir probe apparatus. At 300 K, the rate constants for each reaction studied are on the order of 10-8 cm3 s-1. A trend for the rate constants of the systems in this work, kMNCl-

J Chem Phys ; 144(20): 204309, 2016 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27250308


Mutual neutralization (MN) rate coefficients kMN for He(+) with the anions Cl(-), Br(-), I(-), and SF6 (-) are reported from 300 to 500 K. The measured rate coefficients may contain a contribution from transfer ionization, i.e., double ionization of the anion. The large rate coefficient for He(+) + SF6 (-) (2.4 × 10(-7) cm(3) s(-1) at 300 K) is consistent with earlier polyatomic MN results found to have a reduced mass dependence of µ(-1/2). Neutralization of He(+) by the atomic halides follows the trend observed earlier for Ne(+), Ar(+), Kr(+), and Xe(+) neutralized by atomic halides, kMN (Cl(-)) < kMN (Br(-)) < kMN (I(-)). Only an upper limit could be measured for the neutralization of He(+) by Cl(-). Predictions of the rate coefficients from a previously proposed simple model of atomic-atomic MN results are consistent with the present He(+)-halide rate coefficients. The temperature dependences are modestly negative for Br(-) and I(-), while that for SF6 (-) is small or negligible.

J Chem Phys ; 145(24): 244312, 2016 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28049331


Dissociative recombination of electrons with HCl+, H2Cl+, DCl+, and D2Cl+ has been measured under thermal conditions at 300, 400, and 500 K using a flowing afterglow-Langmuir probe apparatus. Measurements for HCl+ and DCl+ employed the variable electron and neutral density attachment mass spectrometry (VENDAMS) method, while those for H2Cl+ and D2Cl+ employed both VENDAMS and the more traditional technique of monitoring electron density as a function of reaction time. At 300 K, HCl+ and H2Cl+ recombine with kDR = 7.7±2.14.5 × 10-8 cm3 s-1 and 2.6 ± 0.8 × 10-7 cm3 s-1, respectively, whereas D2Cl+ is roughly half as fast as H2Cl+ with kDR = 1.1 ± 0.3 × 10-7 cm3 s-1 (2σ confidence intervals). DCl+ recombines with a rate coefficient below the approximate detection limit of the method (≲5 × 10-8 cm3 s-1) at all temperatures. Relatively slow dissociative recombination rates have been speculated to be responsible for the large HCl+ and H2Cl+ abundances in interstellar clouds compared to current astrochemical models, but our results imply that the discrepancy must originate elsewhere.

J Chem Phys ; 143(7): 074309, 2015 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26298136


Rate coefficients and product branching fractions for electron attachment and for reaction with Ar(+) are measured over the temperature range 300-585 K for three monohydrogenated fluorocarbon (HFC) radicals (CF3CHF, CHF2CF2, and CF3CHFCF2), as well as their five closed-shell precursors (1-HC2F4I, 2-HC2F4I, 2-HC2F4Br, 1-HC3F6I, 2-HC3F6Br). Attachment to the HFC radicals is always fairly inefficient (between 0.1% and 10% of the Vogt-Wannier capture rate), but generally faster than attachment to analogous perfluorinated carbon radicals. The primary products in all cases are HF-loss to yield C(n)F(m-1)(-) anions, with only a minor branching to F(-) product. In all cases the temperature dependences are weak. Attachment to the precursor halocarbons is near the capture rate with a slight negative temperature dependence in all cases except for 2-HC2F4Br, which is ∼10% efficient at 300 K and becomes more efficient, approaching the capture rate at higher temperatures. All attachment kinetics are successfully reproduced using a kinetic modeling approach. Reaction of the HFC radicals with Ar(+) proceeds at or near the calculated collisional rate coefficient in all cases, yielding a wide variety of product ions.

J Chem Phys ; 140(4): 044304, 2014 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25669520


We report thermal rate coefficients for 12 reactions of rare gas cations (Ne(+), Ar(+), Kr(+), Xe(+)) with halide anions (Cl(-), Br(-), I(-)), comprising both mutual neutralization (MN) and transfer ionization. No rate coefficients have been previously reported for these reactions; however, the development of the Variable Electron and Neutral Density Attachment Mass Spectrometry technique makes it possible to measure the difference of the rate coefficients for pairs of parallel reactions in a Flowing Afterglow-Langmuir Probe apparatus. Measurements of 18 such combinations of competing reaction pairs yield an over-determined data set from which a consistent set of rate coefficients of the 12 MN reactions can be deduced. Unlike rate coefficients of MN reactions involving at least one polyatomic ion, which vary by at most a factor of ∼3, those of the atom-atom reactions vary by at least a factor 60 depending on the species. It is found that the rate coefficients involving light rare-gas ions are larger than those for the heavier rare-gas ions, but the opposite trend is observed in the progression from Cl(-) to I(-). The largest rate coefficient is 6.5 × 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1) for Ne(+) with I(-). Rate coefficients for Ar(+), Kr(+), and Xe(+) reacting with Br2 (-) are also reported.

J Chem Phys ; 140(22): 224309, 2014 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24929390


The binary mutual neutralization (MN) of a series of 17 cations (O2⁺, NO(+), NO2⁺, CO(+), CO2⁺, Cl(+), Cl2⁺, SO2⁺, CF3⁺, C2F5⁺, NH3⁺, H3⁺, D3⁺, H2O(+), H3O(+), ArH(+), ArD(+)) with 3 halide anions (Cl(-), Br(-), I(-)) has been investigated in a flowing afterglow-Langmuir probe apparatus using the variable electron and neutral density attachment mass spectrometry technique. The MN rate constants of atom-atom reactions are dominated by the chemical nature of the system (i.e., the specific locations of curve crossings). As the number of atoms in the system increases, the MN rate constants become dominated instead by the physical nature of the system (e.g., the relative velocity of the reactants). For systems involving 4 or more atoms, the 300 K MN rate constants are well described by 2.7 × 10(-7) µ(-0.5), where the reduced mass is in Da and the resulting rate constants in cm(3) s(-1). An upper limit to the MN rate constants appears well described by the complex potential model described by Hickman assuming a cross-section to neutralization of 11,000 Å(2) at 300 K, equivalent to 3.5 × 10(-7) µ(-0.5).

J Phys Chem A ; 117(6): 1102-9, 2013 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22974241


The rate constants of thermal electron attachment at 300 and 400 K to Fe(CO)(n) (n = 0-5) have been measured using a flowing afterglow Langmuir probe apparatus. The stable species Fe(CO)(5) was studied using the traditional method of monitoring electron depletion as a function of reaction time, and the remaining short-lived species were studied using the variable electron and neutral density attachment mass spectrometry (VENDAMS) technique. Attachment to Fe(CO)(5) is purely dissociative and about 20% efficient with a rate constant of (7.9 ± 1.4) × 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1) at 300 K and (8.8 ± 2) × 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1) at 400 K. The attachment rate constants decrease significantly as each CO ligand is removed, with Fe(CO)(n) (n = 4 to 1) attaching with efficiencies on the order of 10%, 1%, 0.1%, and 0.01% respectively. Under the conditions here, attachment to Fe(CO)(4) and Fe(CO)(3) are likely entirely dissociative, whereas attachment to Fe(CO)(2) and Fe(CO) are almost entirely associative. A statistical kinetic modeling approach is used to explain the strong dependence of the attachment rate constant on the number of ligands present in the neutral species through a combination of increasing autodetachment rates and decreasing exothermicities to dissociative attachment. The VENDAMS data also define the 300 K mutual neutralization rate constant of Fe(CO)(4)(-) + Ar(+) to be (5.0 ± 0.8) × 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1) with an upper limit to branching fraction of 0.5 to yield Fe(CO)(4), indicating that significant fragmentation to smaller Fe(CO)(n) occurs.

J Chem Phys ; 139(18): 184306, 2013 Nov 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24320273


Thermal electron attachment to the radical species C2F3 and C2F5 has been studied over the temperature range 300-890 K using the Variable Electron and Neutral Density Attachment Mass Spectrometry technique. Both radicals exclusively undergo dissociative attachment to yield F(-). The rate constant for C2F5 shows little dependence over the temperature range, remaining ~4 × 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1). The rate constant for C2F3 attachment rises steeply with temperature from 3 × 10(-11) cm(3) s(-1) at 300 K to 1 × 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1) at 890 K. The behaviors of both species at high temperature are in agreement with extrapolations previously made from data below 600 K using a recently developed kinetic modeling approach. Measurements were also made on C2F3Br and C2F5Br (used in this work as precursors to the radicals) over the same temperature range, and, for C2F5Br as a function of electron temperature. The attachment rate constants to both species rise with temperature following Arrhenius behavior. The attachment rate constant to C2F5Br falls with increasing electron temperature, in agreement with the kinetic modeling. The current data fall in line with past predictions of the kinetic modeling approach, again showing the utility of this simplified approach.

J Chem Phys ; 138(20): 204316, 2013 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23742484


Thermal rate constants and product branching fractions for electron attachment to CF3Br and the CF3 radical have been measured over the temperature range 300-890 K, the upper limit being restricted by thermal decomposition of CF3Br. Both measurements were made in Flowing Afterglow Langmuir Probe apparatuses; the CF3Br measurement was made using standard techniques, and the CF3 measurement using the Variable Electron and Neutral Density Attachment Mass Spectrometry technique. Attachment to CF3Br proceeds exclusively by the dissociative channel yielding Br(-), with a rate constant increasing from 1.1 × 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1) at 300 K to 5.3 × 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1) at 890 K, somewhat lower than previous data at temperatures up to 777 K. CF3 attachment proceeds through competition between associative attachment yielding CF3 (-) and dissociative attachment yielding F(-). Prior data up to 600 K showed the rate constant monotonically increasing, with the partial rate constant of the dissociative channel following Arrhenius behavior; however, extrapolation of the data using a recently proposed kinetic modeling approach predicted the rate constant to turn over at higher temperatures, despite being only ~5% of the collision rate. The current data agree well with the previous kinetic modeling extrapolation, providing a demonstration of the predictive capabilities of the approach.

Bromoclorofluorcarbonos/química , Elétrons , Fluorocarbonos/química , Modelos Químicos , Temperatura , Cinética
J Chem Phys ; 139(17): 171102, 2013 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24206279


We present experimental evidence that reactions of argon cations Ar(+) with the halogen anions Br(-) and I(-) do not occur exclusively by mutual neutralization, but also produce the cations Br(+) or I(+) ions by transfer ionization (TI). The experiments were carried out in flowing-afterglow plasmas at gas temperatures between and 300 and 500 K, and employed a variant of the Variable Electron and Neutral Density Attachment Mass Spectrometry method. The measured TI rate coefficients are 1.9 ± 0.6 × 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1) and 1.1 ± (0.3)(0.8) × 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1) for the Br(-) and I(-) reactions, respectively. We find that the TI rate coefficients decline with temperature as T(-0.5) to T(-1). No indication of TI was found in the reaction with Cl(-), where it is endoergic.