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Nature ; 615(7951): 237-243, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36813969


The Jahn-Teller effect, in which electronic configurations with energetically degenerate orbitals induce lattice distortions to lift this degeneracy, has a key role in many symmetry-lowering crystal deformations1. Lattices of Jahn-Teller ions can induce a cooperative distortion, as exemplified by LaMnO3 (refs. 2,3). Although many examples occur in octahedrally4 or tetrahedrally5 coordinated transition metal oxides due to their high orbital degeneracy, this effect has yet to be manifested for square-planar anion coordination, as found in infinite-layer copper6,7, nickel8,9, iron10,11 and manganese oxides12. Here we synthesize single-crystal CaCoO2 thin films by topotactic reduction of the brownmillerite CaCoO2.5 phase. We observe a markedly distorted infinite-layer structure, with ångström-scale displacements of the cations from their high-symmetry positions. This can be understood to originate from the Jahn-Teller degeneracy of the dxz and dyz orbitals in the d7 electronic configuration along with substantial ligand-transition metal mixing. A complex pattern of distortions arises in a [Formula: see text] tetragonal supercell, reflecting the competition between an ordered Jahn-Teller effect on the CoO2 sublattice and the geometric frustration of the associated displacements of the Ca sublattice, which are strongly coupled in the absence of apical oxygen. As a result of this competition, the CaCoO2 structure forms an extended two-in-two-out type of Co distortion following 'ice rules'13.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(9): 3449-3453, 2019 02 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30808739


Fermi surface (FS) topology is a fundamental property of metals and superconductors. In electron-doped cuprate Nd2-x Ce x CuO4 (NCCO), an unexpected FS reconstruction has been observed in optimal- and overdoped regime (x = 0.15-0.17) by quantum oscillation measurements (QOM). This is all the more puzzling because neutron scattering suggests that the antiferromagnetic (AFM) long-range order, which is believed to reconstruct the FS, vanishes before x = 0.14. To reconcile the conflict, a widely discussed external magnetic-field-induced AFM long-range order in QOM explains the FS reconstruction as an extrinsic property. Here, we report angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) evidence of FS reconstruction in optimal- and overdoped NCCO. The observed FSs are in quantitative agreement with QOM, suggesting an intrinsic FS reconstruction without field. This reconstructed FS, despite its importance as a basis to understand electron-doped cuprates, cannot be explained under the traditional scheme. Furthermore, the energy gap of the reconstruction decreases rapidly near x = 0.17 like an order parameter, echoing the quantum critical doping in transport. The totality of the data points to a mysterious order between x = 0.14 and 0.17, whose appearance favors the FS reconstruction and disappearance defines the quantum critical doping. A recent topological proposal provides an ansatz for its origin.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(19): 197003, 2021 Nov 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34797146


Establishing a minimal microscopic model for cuprates is a key step towards the elucidation of a high-T_{c} mechanism. By a quantitative comparison with a recent in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurement in doped 1D cuprate chains, our simulation identifies a crucial contribution from long-range electron-phonon coupling beyond standard Hubbard models. Using reasonable ranges of coupling strengths and phonon energies, we obtain a strong attractive interaction between neighboring electrons, whose strength is comparable to experimental observations. Nonlocal couplings play a significant role in the mediation of neighboring interactions. Considering the structural and chemical similarity between 1D and 2D cuprate materials, this minimal model with long-range electron-phonon coupling will provide important new insights on cuprate high-T_{c} superconductivity and related quantum phases.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(7): 077601, 2020 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32142325


The bilayer Hubbard model with electron-hole doping is an ideal platform to study excitonic orders due to suppressed recombination via spatial separation of electrons and holes. However, suffering from the sign problem, previous quantum Monte Carlo studies could not arrive at an unequivocal conclusion regarding the presence of phases with clear signatures of excitonic condensation in bilayer Hubbard models. Here, we develop a determinant quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for the bilayer Hubbard model that is sign-problem-free for equal and opposite doping in the two layers and study excitonic order and charge and spin density modulations as a function of chemical potential difference between the two layers, on-site Coulomb repulsion, and interlayer interaction. In the intermediate coupling regime and in proximity to the SU(4)-symmetric point, we find a biexcitonic condensate phase at finite electron-hole doping, as well as a competing (π,π) charge density wave state. We extract the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature from superfluid density and a finite-size scaling analysis of the correlation functions and explain our results in terms of an effective biexcitonic hard-core boson model.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(24): 246401, 2018 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29956982


Understanding spin excitations and their connection to unconventional superconductivity have remained central issues since the discovery of cuprates. Direct measurement of the dynamical spin structure factor in the parent compounds can provide key information on important interactions relevant in the doped regime, and variations in the magnon dispersion have been linked closely to differences in crystal structure between families of cuprate compounds. Here, we elucidate the relationship between spin excitations and various controlling factors thought to be significant in high-T_{c} materials by systematically evaluating the dynamical spin structure factor for the three-orbital Hubbard model, revealing differences in the spin dispersion along the Brillouin zone axis and the diagonal. Generally, we find that the absolute energy scale and momentum dependence of the excitations primarily are sensitive to the effective charge-transfer energy, while changes in the on-site Coulomb interactions have little effect on the details of the dispersion. In particular, our result highlights the splitting between spin excitations along the axial and diagonal directions in the Brillouin zone. This splitting decreases with increasing charge-transfer energy and correlates with changes in the apical oxygen position, and general structural variations, for different cuprate families.

Nat Mater ; 14(1): 37-42, 2015 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25362356


In the high-temperature (T(c)) cuprate superconductors, a growing body of evidence suggests that the pseudogap phase, existing below the pseudogap temperature T*, is characterized by some broken electronic symmetries distinct from those associated with superconductivity. In particular, recent scattering experiments have suggested that charge ordering competes with superconductivity. However, no direct link of an interplay between the two phases has been identified from the important low-energy excitations. Here, we report an antagonistic singularity at T(c) in the spectral weight of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+δ) as compelling evidence for phase competition, which persists up to a high hole concentration p ~ 0.22. Comparison with theoretical calculations confirms that the singularity is a signature of competition between the order parameters for the pseudogap and superconductivity. The observation of the spectroscopic singularity at finite temperatures over a wide doping range provides new insights into the nature of the competitive interplay between the two orders and the complex phase diagram near the pseudogap critical point.

Nat Mater ; 18(6): 537-538, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31114065
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(39): 26369-77, 2015 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26388021


LiFePO4 is a battery cathode material with high safety standards due to its unique electronic structure. We performed systematic experimental and theoretical studies based on soft X-ray emission, absorption, and hard X-ray Raman spectroscopy of LixFePO4 nanoparticles and single crystals. The results clearly show a non-rigid electron-state reconfiguration of both the occupied and unoccupied Fe-3d and O-2p states during the (de)lithiation process. We focus on the energy configurations of the occupied states of LiFePO4 and the unoccupied states of FePO4, which are the critical states where electrons are removed and injected during the charge and discharge process, respectively. In LiFePO4, the soft X-ray emission spectroscopy shows that, due to the Coulomb repulsion effect, the occupied Fe-3d states with the minority spin sit close to the Fermi level. In FePO4, the soft X-ray absorption and hard X-ray Raman spectroscopy show that the unoccupied Fe-3d states again sit close to the Fermi level. These critical 3d electron state configurations are consistent with the calculations based on modified Becke and Johnson potentials GGA+U (MBJGGA+U) framework, which improves the overall lineshape prediction compared with the conventionally used GGA+U method. The combined experimental and theoretical studies show that the non-rigid electron state reshuffling guarantees the stability of oxygen during the redox reaction throughout the charge and discharge process of LiFePO4 electrodes, leading to the intrinsic safe performance of the electrodes.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39277815


In this work, we build a computationally inexpensive, data-driven model that utilizes atomistic structure information to predict the reactivity of interfaces between any candidate solid-state electrolyte material and a Li metal anode. This model is trained on data from ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations of the time evolution of the solid electrolyte-Li metal interfaces for 67 different materials. Predicting the reactivity of solid-state interfaces with ab initio techniques remains an elusive challenge in materials discovery and informatics, and previous work on predicting interfacial compatibility of solid-state Li-ion electrolytes and Li metal anodes has focused mainly on thermodynamic convex hull calculations. Our framework involves training machine learning models on AIMD data, thereby capturing information on both kinetics and thermodynamics, and then leveraging these models to predict the reactivity of thousands of new candidates in the span of seconds, avoiding the need for additional weeks-long AIMD simulations. We identify over 300 new chemically stable and over 780 passivating solid electrolytes that are predicted to be thermodynamically unfavored. Our results indicate many potential solid-state electrolyte candidates have been incorrectly labeled unstable via purely thermodynamic approaches using density functional theory (DFT) energetics, and that the pool of promising, Li-stable solid-state electrolyte materials may be much larger than previously thought from screening efforts. To showcase the value of our approach, we highlight two borate materials that were identified by our model and confirmed by further AIMD calculations to likely be highly conductive and chemically stable with Li: LiB13C2 and LiB12PC.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 1895, 2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38429269


The formation of charge density waves is a long-standing open problem, particularly in dimensions higher than one. Various observations in the vanadium antimonides discovered recently further underpin this notion. Here, we study the Kagome metal CsV3Sb5 using polarized inelastic light scattering and density functional theory calculations. We observe a significant gap anisotropy with 2 Δ max / k B T CDW ≈ 20 , far beyond the prediction of mean-field theory. The analysis of the A1g and E2g phonons, including those emerging below TCDW, indicates strong phonon-phonon coupling, presumably mediated by a strong electron-phonon interaction. Similarly, the asymmetric Fano-type lineshape of the A1g amplitude mode suggests strong electron-phonon coupling below TCDW. The large electronic gap, the enhanced anharmonic phonon-phonon coupling, and the Fano shape of the amplitude mode combined are more supportive of a strong-coupling phonon-driven charge density wave transition than of a Fermi surface instability or an exotic mechanism in CsV3Sb5.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 3129, 2023 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37253739


The appearance of certain spectral features in one-dimensional (1D) cuprate materials has been attributed to a strong, extended attractive coupling between electrons. Here, using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group methods on a Hubbard-extended Holstein model, we show that extended electron-phonon (e-ph) coupling presents an obvious choice to produce such an attractive interaction that reproduces the observed spectral features and doping dependence seen in angle-resolved photoemission experiments: diminished 3kF spectral weight, prominent spectral intensity of a holon-folding branch, and the correct holon band width. While extended e-ph coupling does not qualitatively alter the ground state of the 1D system compared to the Hubbard model, it quantitatively enhances the long-range superconducting correlations and suppresses spin correlations. Such an extended e-ph interaction may be an important missing ingredient in describing the physics of the structurally similar two-dimensional high-temperature superconducting layered cuprates, which may tip the balance between intertwined orders in favor of uniform d-wave superconductivity.

Science ; 382(6674): 1070-1073, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38033050


Many metallic quantum materials display anomalous transport phenomena that defy a Fermi liquid description. Here, we use numerical methods to calculate thermal and charge transport in the doped Hubbard model and observe a crossover separating high- and low-temperature behaviors. Distinct from the behavior at high temperatures, the Lorenz number [Formula: see text] becomes weakly doping dependent and less sensitive to parameters at low temperatures. At the lowest numerically accessible temperatures, [Formula: see text] roughly approaches the Wiedemann-Franz constant [Formula: see text], even in a doped Mott insulator that lacks well-defined quasiparticles. Decomposing the energy current operator indicates a compensation between kinetic and potential contributions, which may help to clarify the interpretation of transport experiments beyond Boltzmann theory in strongly correlated metals.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 7064, 2023 Nov 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37923746


As primarily an electronic observable, the room-temperature thermopower S in cuprates provides possibilities for a quantitative assessment of the Hubbard model. Using determinant quantum Monte Carlo, we demonstrate agreement between Hubbard model calculations and experimentally measured room-temperature S across multiple cuprate families, both qualitatively in terms of the doping dependence and quantitatively in terms of magnitude. We observe an upturn in S with decreasing temperatures, which possesses a slope comparable to that observed experimentally in cuprates. From our calculations, the doping at which S changes sign occurs in close proximity to a vanishing temperature dependence of the chemical potential at fixed density. Our results emphasize the importance of interaction effects in the systematic assessment of the thermopower S in cuprates.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 5340, 2023 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37660171


The field of two-dimensional (2D) ferromagnetism has been proliferating over the past few years, with ongoing interests in basic science and potential applications in spintronic technology. However, a high-resolution spectroscopic study of the 2D ferromagnet is still lacking due to the small size and air sensitivity of the exfoliated nanoflakes. Here, we report a thickness-dependent ferromagnetism in epitaxially grown Cr2Te3 thin films and investigate the evolution of the underlying electronic structure by synergistic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and first-principle calculations. A conspicuous ferromagnetic transition from Stoner to Heisenberg-type is directly observed in the atomically thin limit, indicating that dimensionality is a powerful tuning knob to manipulate the novel properties of 2D magnetism. Monolayer Cr2Te3 retains robust ferromagnetism, but with a suppressed Curie temperature, due to the drastic drop in the density of states near the Fermi level. Our results establish atomically thin Cr2Te3 as an excellent platform to explore the dual nature of localized and itinerant ferromagnetism in 2D magnets.

Science ; 373(6560): 1235-1239, 2021 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34516788


In the cuprates, one-dimensional (1D) chain compounds provide a distinctive opportunity to understand the microscopic physics, owing to the availability of reliable theories. However, progress has been limited by the challenge of controllably doping these materials. We report the synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of the 1D cuprate Ba2-xSrxCuO3+δ over a wide range of hole doping. Our angle-resolved photoemission experiments reveal the doping evolution of the holon and spinon branches. We identify a prominent folding branch whose intensity fails to match predictions of the simple Hubbard model. An additional strong near-neighbor attraction, which may arise from coupling to phonons, quantitatively explains experiments for all accessible doping levels. Considering structural and quantum chemistry similarities among cuprates, this attraction may play a similarly important role in high-temperature cuprate superconductors.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37719447


Stabilizing high-valent redox couples and exotic electronic states necessitate an understanding of the stabilization mechanism. In oxides, whether they are being considered for energy storage or computing, highly oxidized oxide-anion species rehybridize to form short covalent bonds and are related to significant local structural distortions. In intercalation oxide electrodes for batteries, while such reorganization partially stabilizes oxygen redox, it also gives rise to substantial hysteresis. In this work, we investigate oxygen redox in layered Na2-XMn3O7, a positive electrode material with ordered Mn vacancies. We prove that coulombic interactions between oxidized oxideanions and the interlayer Na vacancies can disfavor rehybridization and stabilize hole polarons on oxygen (O-) at 4.2 V vs. Na/Na+. These coulombic interactions provide thermodynamic energy saving as large as O-O covalent bonding and enable ~ 40 mV voltage hysteresis over multiple electrochemical cycles with negligible voltage fade. Our results establish a complete picture of redox energetics by highlighting the role of coulombic interactions across several atomic distances and suggest avenues to stabilize highly oxidized oxygen for applications in energy storage and beyond.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(3): 037201, 2010 Jan 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20366676


The magnetic properties of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga1-xMnxAs are studied within the dynamical cluster approximation. We use the k x p Hamiltonian to describe the electronic structure of GaAs with spin-orbit coupling and strain effects. We show that nonlocal effects are essential for explaining the experimentally observed transition temperature and saturation magnetization. We also demonstrate that the cluster anisotropy is very strong and induces rotational frustration and a cube-edge direction magnetic anisotropy at low temperature. With this, we explain the temperature-driven spin reorientation in this system.

Science ; 366(6468): 987-990, 2019 11 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31753997


Strange or bad metallic transport, defined by incompatibility with the conventional quasiparticle picture, is a theme common to many strongly correlated materials, including high-temperature superconductors. The Hubbard model represents a minimal starting point for modeling strongly correlated systems. Here we demonstrate strange metallic transport in the doped two-dimensional Hubbard model using determinantal quantum Monte Carlo calculations. Over a wide range of doping, we observe resistivities exceeding the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit with linear temperature dependence. The temperatures of our calculations extend to as low as 1/40 of the noninteracting bandwidth, placing our findings in the degenerate regime relevant to experimental observations of strange metallicity. Our results provide a foundation for connecting theories of strange metals to models of strongly correlated materials.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 9(21): 6378-6384, 2018 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30354171


Recent debates on the oxygen redox behaviors in battery electrodes have triggered a pressing demand for the reliable detection and understanding of nondivalent oxygen states beyond conventional absorption spectroscopy. Here, enabled by high-efficiency mapping of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (mRIXS) coupled with first-principles calculations, we report distinct mRIXS features of the oxygen states in Li2O, Li2CO3, and especially, Li2O2, which are successfully reproduced and interpreted theoretically. mRIXS signals are dominated by valence-band decays in Li2O and Li2CO3. However, the oxidized oxygen in Li2O2 leads to partially unoccupied O-2p states that yield a specific intraband excitonic feature in mRIXS. Such a feature displays a specific emission energy in mRIXS, which disentangles the oxidized oxygen states from the dominating transition-metal/oxygen hybridization features in absorption spectroscopy, thus providing critical hints for both detecting and understanding the oxygen redox reactions in transition-metal oxide based battery materials.