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Phys Rev Lett ; 112(13): 131302, 2014 Apr 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24745402


We reconstruct the gravitational lensing convergence signal from cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization data taken by the Polarbear experiment and cross-correlate it with cosmic infrared background maps from the Herschel satellite. From the cross spectra, we obtain evidence for gravitational lensing of the CMB polarization at a statistical significance of 4.0σ and indication of the presence of a lensing B-mode signal at a significance of 2.3σ. We demonstrate that our results are not biased by instrumental and astrophysical systematic errors by performing null tests, checks with simulated and real data, and analytical calculations. This measurement of polarization lensing, made via the robust cross-correlation channel, not only reinforces POLARBEAR auto-correlation measurements, but also represents one of the early steps towards establishing CMB polarization lensing as a powerful new probe of cosmology and astrophysics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(2): 021301, 2014 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25062161


Gravitational lensing due to the large-scale distribution of matter in the cosmos distorts the primordial cosmic microwave background (CMB) and thereby induces new, small-scale B-mode polarization. This signal carries detailed information about the distribution of all the gravitating matter between the observer and CMB last scattering surface. We report the first direct evidence for polarization lensing based on purely CMB information, from using the four-point correlations of even- and odd-parity E- and B-mode polarization mapped over ∼30 square degrees of the sky measured by the POLARBEAR experiment. These data were analyzed using a blind analysis framework and checked for spurious systematic contamination using null tests and simulations. Evidence for the signal of polarization lensing and lensing B modes is found at 4.2σ (stat+sys) significance. The amplitude of matter fluctuations is measured with a precision of 27%, and is found to be consistent with the Lambda cold dark matter cosmological model. This measurement demonstrates a new technique, capable of mapping all gravitating matter in the Universe, sensitive to the sum of neutrino masses, and essential for cleaning the lensing B-mode signal in searches for primordial gravitational waves.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(25): 255901, 2012 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23368481


FeRh undergoes an unusual antiferromagnetic-to-ferromagnetic (AFM-FM) transition just above room temperature (T(AFM>FM)) that can be tuned or even completely suppressed with small changes in composition. The underlying temperature-dependent entropy difference between the competing AFM and FM states that drives this transition is measured by specific heat as a function of temperature from 2 to 380 K on two nearly equiatomic epitaxial Fe-Rh films, one with a ferromagnetic ground state (Fe-rich) and the other with an antiferromagnetic ground state (Rh-rich). The FM state shows an excess heat capacity near 100 K associated with magnetic excitations that are not present in the AFM state. The integrated entropy and enthalpy differences between the two alloys up to T(AFM>FM) agree with the previously measured entropy of the transition (ΔS = 17 ± 3 J/kg/K) and yield a T=0 energy difference of 3.4 J/g, consistent with literature calculations and experimental data; this agreement supports the use of the Fe-rich FM sample as a proxy for the (unstable) FM state of the AFM Rh-rich sample. From the low-temperature specific heat, along with sound velocity and photoemission measurements, the lattice contribution to the difference (ΔS(latt) = -33 ± 9 J/kg/K) and electronic contribution (ΔS(el) = 8 ± 1 J/kg/K) to the difference in entropy are calculated, from which the excess heat capacity in the FM phase and the resulting entropy difference are shown to be dominated by magnetic fluctuations (ΔS(mag) = 43 ± 9 J/kg/K). The excess magnetic heat capacity is dominated by the magnetic heat capacity of the FM phase, which can be fit to a Schottky-like anomaly with an energy splitting of 16 ± 1 meV and a multiplicity of 1 per unit cell.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(11): 117201, 2012 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23005667


A spin reorientation accompanying the temperature-induced antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) phase transition is reported in strained epitaxial FeRh thin films. (57)Fe conversion electron Mössbauer spectrometry showed that the Fe moments have different orientations in FeRh grown on thick single-crystalline MgO and in FeRh grown on ion-beam-assist-deposited (IBAD) MgO. It was also observed, in both samples, that the Fe moments switch orientations at the AFM to FM phase transition. Perpendicular anisotropy was evidenced in the AFM phase of the film grown on IBAD MgO and in the FM phase of that grown on regular MgO. Density-functional theory calculations enabled this spin-reorientation transition to be accurately reproduced for both FeRh films across the AFM-FM phase transition and show that these results are due to differences in strain.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(25): 257208, 2012 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23004654


Stoichiometric FeRh undergoes a temperature-induced antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) transition at ~350 K. In this Letter, changes in the electronic structure accompanying this transition are investigated in epitaxial FeRh thin films via bulk-sensitive valence-band and core-level hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with a photon energy of 5.95 keV. Clear differences between the AFM and FM states are observed across the entire valence-band spectrum and these are well reproduced using density-functional theory. Changes in the 2p core levels of Fe are also observed and interpreted using Anderson impurity model calculations. These results indicate that significant electronic structure changes over the entire valence-band region are involved in this AFM-FM transition.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(8): 087201, 2012 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22463562


We use time-resolved x-ray diffraction and magneto-optical Kerr effect to study the laser-induced antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition in FeRh. The structural response is given by the nucleation of independent ferromagnetic domains (τ(1)~30 ps). This is significantly faster than the magnetic response (τ(2)~60 ps) given by the subsequent domain realignment. X-ray diffraction shows that the two phases coexist on short time scales and that the phase transition is limited by the speed of sound. A nucleation model describing both the structural and magnetic dynamics is presented.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 82(2): 023908, 2011 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21361612


Thin film growth allows for the manipulation of material on the nanoscale, making possible the creation of metastable phases not seen in the bulk. Heat capacity provides a direct way of measuring thermodynamic properties of these new materials, but traditional bulk calorimetric techniques are inappropriate for such a small amount of material. Microcalorimetry and nanocalorimetry techniques exist for the measurements of thin films but rely on an amorphous membrane platform, limiting the types of films which can be measured. In the current work, ion-beam-assisted deposition is used to provide a biaxially oriented MgO template on a suspended membrane microcalorimeter in order to measure the specific heat of epitaxial thin films. Synchrotron x-ray diffraction showed the biaxial order of the MgO template. X-ray diffraction was also used to prove the high quality of epitaxy of a film grown onto this MgO template. The contribution of the MgO layer to the total heat capacity was measured to be just 6.5% of the total addenda contribution. The heat capacity of a Fe(.49)Rh(.51) film grown epitaxially onto the device was measured, comparing favorably to literature data on bulk crystals. This shows the viability of the MgO∕SiN(x)-membrane-based microcalorimeter as a way of measuring the thermodynamic properties of epitaxial thin films.