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Nature ; 616(7956): 270-274, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37045919


The most recognizable feature of graphene's electronic spectrum is its Dirac point, around which interesting phenomena tend to cluster. At low temperatures, the intrinsic behaviour in this regime is often obscured by charge inhomogeneity1,2 but thermal excitations can overcome the disorder at elevated temperatures and create an electron-hole plasma of Dirac fermions. The Dirac plasma has been found to exhibit unusual properties, including quantum-critical scattering3-5 and hydrodynamic flow6-8. However, little is known about the plasma's behaviour in magnetic fields. Here we report magnetotransport in this quantum-critical regime. In low fields, the plasma exhibits giant parabolic magnetoresistivity reaching more than 100 per cent in a magnetic field of 0.1 tesla at room temperature. This is orders-of-magnitude higher than magnetoresistivity found in any other system at such temperatures. We show that this behaviour is unique to monolayer graphene, being underpinned by its massless spectrum and ultrahigh mobility, despite frequent (Planckian limit) scattering3-5,9-14. With the onset of Landau quantization in a magnetic field of a few tesla, where the electron-hole plasma resides entirely on the zeroth Landau level, giant linear magnetoresistivity emerges. It is nearly independent of temperature and can be suppressed by proximity screening15, indicating a many-body origin. Clear parallels with magnetotransport in strange metals12-14 and so-called quantum linear magnetoresistance predicted for Weyl metals16 offer an interesting opportunity to further explore relevant physics using this well defined quantum-critical two-dimensional system.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(20): 5135-5139, 2018 05 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29712870


Graphene superlattices were shown to exhibit high-temperature quantum oscillations due to periodic emergence of delocalized Bloch states in high magnetic fields such that unit fractions of the flux quantum pierce a superlattice unit cell. Under these conditions, semiclassical electron trajectories become straight again, similar to the case of zero magnetic field. Here, we report magnetotransport measurements that reveal second-, third-, and fourth-order magnetic Bloch states at high electron densities and temperatures above 100 K. The recurrence of these states creates a fractal pattern intimately related to the origin of Hofstadter butterflies. The hierarchy of the fractal states is determined by the width of magnetic minibands, in qualitative agreement with our band-structure calculations.

Nature ; 497(7451): 594-7, 2013 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23676678


Superlattices have attracted great interest because their use may make it possible to modify the spectra of two-dimensional electron systems and, ultimately, create materials with tailored electronic properties. In previous studies (see, for example, refs 1-8), it proved difficult to realize superlattices with short periodicities and weak disorder, and most of their observed features could be explained in terms of cyclotron orbits commensurate with the superlattice. Evidence for the formation of superlattice minibands (forming a fractal spectrum known as Hofstadter's butterfly) has been limited to the observation of new low-field oscillations and an internal structure within Landau levels. Here we report transport properties of graphene placed on a boron nitride substrate and accurately aligned along its crystallographic directions. The substrate's moiré potential acts as a superlattice and leads to profound changes in the graphene's electronic spectrum. Second-generation Dirac points appear as pronounced peaks in resistivity, accompanied by reversal of the Hall effect. The latter indicates that the effective sign of the charge carriers changes within graphene's conduction and valence bands. Strong magnetic fields lead to Zak-type cloning of the third generation of Dirac points, which are observed as numerous neutrality points in fields where a unit fraction of the flux quantum pierces the superlattice unit cell. Graphene superlattices such as this one provide a way of studying the rich physics expected in incommensurable quantum systems and illustrate the possibility of controllably modifying the electronic spectra of two-dimensional atomic crystals by varying their crystallographic alignment within van der Waals heterostuctures.

Nat Mater ; 11(9): 764-7, 2012 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22842512


By stacking various two-dimensional (2D) atomic crystals on top of each other, it is possible to create multilayer heterostructures and devices with designed electronic properties. However, various adsorbates become trapped between layers during their assembly, and this not only affects the resulting quality but also prevents the formation of a true artificial layered crystal upheld by van der Waals interaction, creating instead a laminate glued together by contamination. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has shown that graphene and boron nitride monolayers, the two best characterized 2D crystals, are densely covered with hydrocarbons (even after thermal annealing in high vacuum) and exhibit only small clean patches suitable for atomic resolution imaging. This observation seems detrimental for any realistic prospect of creating van der Waals materials and heterostructures with atomically sharp interfaces. Here we employ cross sectional TEM to take a side view of several graphene-boron nitride heterostructures. We find that the trapped hydrocarbons segregate into isolated pockets, leaving the interfaces atomically clean. Moreover, we observe a clear correlation between interface roughness and the electronic quality of encapsulated graphene. This work proves the concept of heterostructures assembled with atomic layer precision and provides their first TEM images.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(16): 166601, 2013 Oct 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24182287


We report experimental data and theoretical analysis of Coulomb drag between two closely positioned graphene monolayers in a weak magnetic field. Close enough to the neutrality point, the coexistence of electrons and holes in each layer leads to a dramatic increase of the drag resistivity. Away from charge neutrality, we observe nonzero Hall drag. The observed phenomena are explained by decoupling of electric and quasiparticle currents which are orthogonal at charge neutrality. The sign of magnetodrag depends on the energy relaxation rate and geometry of the sample.

Science ; 375(6579): 430-433, 2022 01 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35084955


In thermodynamic equilibrium, current in metallic systems is carried by electronic states near the Fermi energy, whereas the filled bands underneath contribute little to conduction. Here, we describe a very different regime in which carrier distribution in graphene and its superlattices is shifted so far from equilibrium that the filled bands start playing an essential role, leading to a critical-current behavior. The criticalities develop upon the velocity of electron flow reaching the Fermi velocity. Key signatures of the out-of-equilibrium state are current-voltage characteristics that resemble those of superconductors, sharp peaks in differential resistance, sign reversal of the Hall effect, and a marked anomaly caused by the Schwinger-like production of hot electron-hole plasma. The observed behavior is expected to be common to all graphene-based superlattices.

Nano Lett ; 10(10): 3868-72, 2010 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20795655


We show that graphene deposited on a substrate has a non-negligible density of atomic scale defects. This is evidenced by a previously unnoticed D peak in the Raman spectra with intensity of ∼1% with respect to the G peak. We evaluated the effect of such impurities on electron transport by mimicking them with hydrogen adsorbates and measuring the induced changes in both mobility and Raman intensity. If the intervalley scatterers responsible for the D peak are monovalent, their concentration is sufficient to account for the limited mobilities currently achievable in graphene on a substrate.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 6392, 2021 Nov 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34737289


Oscillatory magnetoresistance measurements on graphene have revealed a wealth of novel physics. These phenomena are typically studied at low currents. At high currents, electrons are driven far from equilibrium with the atomic lattice vibrations so that their kinetic energy can exceed the thermal energy of the phonons. Here, we report three non-equilibrium phenomena in monolayer graphene at high currents: (i) a "Doppler-like" shift and splitting of the frequencies of the transverse acoustic (TA) phonons emitted when the electrons undergo inter-Landau level (LL) transitions; (ii) an intra-LL Mach effect with the emission of TA phonons when the electrons approach supersonic speed, and (iii) the onset of elastic inter-LL transitions at a critical carrier drift velocity, analogous to the superfluid Landau velocity. All three quantum phenomena can be unified in a single resonance equation. They offer avenues for research on out-of-equilibrium phenomena in other two-dimensional fermion systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(13): 136801, 2010 Sep 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21230795


We report capacitors in which a finite electronic compressibility of graphene dominates the electrostatics, resulting in pronounced changes in capacitance as a function of magnetic field and carrier concentration. The capacitance measurements have allowed us to accurately map the density of states D, and compare it against theoretical predictions. Landau oscillations in D are robust and zero Landau level (LL) can easily be seen at room temperature in moderate fields. The broadening of LLs is strongly affected by charge inhomogeneity that leads to zero LL being broader than other levels.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 5756, 2020 Nov 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33188210


In quantizing magnetic fields, graphene superlattices exhibit a complex fractal spectrum often referred to as the Hofstadter butterfly. It can be viewed as a collection of Landau levels that arise from quantization of Brown-Zak minibands recurring at rational (p/q) fractions of the magnetic flux quantum per superlattice unit cell. Here we show that, in graphene-on-boron-nitride superlattices, Brown-Zak fermions can exhibit mobilities above 106 cm2 V-1 s-1 and the mean free path exceeding several micrometers. The exceptional quality of our devices allows us to show that Brown-Zak minibands are 4q times degenerate and all the degeneracies (spin, valley and mini-valley) can be lifted by exchange interactions below 1 K. We also found negative bend resistance at 1/q fractions for electrical probes placed as far as several micrometers apart. The latter observation highlights the fact that Brown-Zak fermions are Bloch quasiparticles propagating in high fields along straight trajectories, just like electrons in zero field.

Science ; 357(6347): 181-184, 2017 07 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28706067


Cyclotron motion of charge carriers in metals and semiconductors leads to Landau quantization and magneto-oscillatory behavior in their properties. Cryogenic temperatures are usually required to observe these oscillations. We show that graphene superlattices support a different type of quantum oscillation that does not rely on Landau quantization. The oscillations are extremely robust and persist well above room temperature in magnetic fields of only a few tesla. We attribute this phenomenon to repetitive changes in the electronic structure of superlattices such that charge carriers experience effectively no magnetic field at simple fractions of the flux quantum per superlattice unit cell. Our work hints at unexplored physics in Hofstadter butterfly systems at high temperatures.

Science ; 351(6277): 1055-8, 2016 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26912363


Graphene hosts a unique electron system in which electron-phonon scattering is extremely weak but electron-electron collisions are sufficiently frequent to provide local equilibrium above the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Under these conditions, electrons can behave as a viscous liquid and exhibit hydrodynamic phenomena similar to classical liquids. Here we report strong evidence for this transport regime. We found that doped graphene exhibits an anomalous (negative) voltage drop near current-injection contacts, which is attributed to the formation of submicrometer-size whirlpools in the electron flow. The viscosity of graphene's electron liquid is found to be ~0.1 square meters per second, an order of magnitude higher than that of honey, in agreement with many-body theory. Our work demonstrates the possibility of studying electron hydrodynamics using high-quality graphene.

Nat Commun ; 4: 1794, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23653206


The chemical stability of graphene and other free-standing two-dimensional crystals means that they can be stacked in different combinations to produce a new class of functional materials, designed for specific device applications. Here we report resonant tunnelling of Dirac fermions through a boron nitride barrier, a few atomic layers thick, sandwiched between two graphene electrodes. The resonance occurs when the electronic spectra of the two electrodes are aligned. The resulting negative differential conductance in the device characteristics persists up to room temperature and is gate voltage-tuneable due to graphene's unique Dirac-like spectrum. Although conventional resonant tunnelling devices comprising a quantum well sandwiched between two tunnel barriers are tens of nanometres thick, the tunnelling carriers in our devices cross only a few atomic layers, offering the prospect of ultra-fast transit times. This feature, combined with the multi-valued form of the device characteristics, has potential for applications in high-frequency and logic devices.

Science ; 335(6071): 947-50, 2012 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22300848


An obstacle to the use of graphene as an alternative to silicon electronics has been the absence of an energy gap between its conduction and valence bands, which makes it difficult to achieve low power dissipation in the OFF state. We report a bipolar field-effect transistor that exploits the low density of states in graphene and its one-atomic-layer thickness. Our prototype devices are graphene heterostructures with atomically thin boron nitride or molybdenum disulfide acting as a vertical transport barrier. They exhibit room-temperature switching ratios of ≈50 and ≈10,000, respectively. Such devices have potential for high-frequency operation and large-scale integration.

Science ; 332(6027): 328-30, 2011 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21493852


Transport measurements have been a powerful tool for discovering electronic phenomena in graphene. We report nonlocal measurements performed in the Hall bar geometry with voltage probes far away from the classical path of charge flow. We observed a large nonlocal response near the Dirac point in fields as low as 0.1 tesla, which persisted up to room temperature. The nonlocality is consistent with the long-range flavor currents induced by the lifting of spin/valley degeneracy. The effect is expected to contribute strongly to all magnetotransport phenomena near the neutrality point.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(20): 206603, 2009 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19519058


It is widely assumed that the dominant source of scattering in graphene is charged impurities in a substrate. We have tested this conjecture by studying graphene placed on various substrates and in high-kappa media. Unexpectedly, we have found no significant changes in carrier mobility either for different substrates or by using glycerol, ethanol, and water as a top dielectric layer. This suggests that Coulomb impurities are not the scattering mechanism that limits the mean free path attainable for graphene on a substrate.

Science ; 320(5874): 356-8, 2008 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18420930


The exceptional electronic properties of graphene, with its charge carriers mimicking relativistic quantum particles and its formidable potential in various applications, have ensured a rapid growth of interest in this new material. We report on electron transport in quantum dot devices carved entirely from graphene. At large sizes (>100 nanometers), they behave as conventional single-electron transistors, exhibiting periodic Coulomb blockade peaks. For quantum dots smaller than 100 nanometers, the peaks become strongly nonperiodic, indicating a major contribution of quantum confinement. Random peak spacing and its statistics are well described by the theory of chaotic neutrino billiards. Short constrictions of only a few nanometers in width remain conductive and reveal a confinement gap of up to 0.5 electron volt, demonstrating the possibility of molecular-scale electronics based on graphene.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(20): 206803, 2007 Nov 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18233175


We have measured the quantum-Hall activation gaps in graphene at filling factors nu=2 and nu=6 for magnetic fields up to 32 T and temperatures from 4 to 300 K. The nu=6 gap can be described by thermal excitation to broadened Landau levels with a width of 400 K. In contrast, the gap measured at nu=2 is strongly temperature and field dependent and approaches the expected value for sharp Landau levels for fields B>20 T and temperatures T>100 K. We explain this surprising behavior by a narrowing of the lowest Landau level.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(1): 016801, 2006 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16907394


Low-field magnetoresistance is ubiquitous in low-dimensional metallic systems with high resistivity and well understood as arising due to quantum interference on self-intersecting diffusive trajectories. We have found that in graphene this weak-localization magnetoresistance is strongly suppressed and, in some cases, completely absent. The unexpected observation is attributed to mesoscopic corrugations of graphene sheets which can cause a dephasing effect similar to that of a random magnetic field.