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Phys Rev Lett ; 125(24): 247203, 2020 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33412048


The plateau at 1/3 of the saturation magnetization M_{s} in the metamagnet CeSb is accompanied by a state of ferromagnetic layers of spins in an up-up-down sequence. We measured M and the specific heat C in the plateau, spin wave analyses of which reveal two distinct branches of excitations. Those with ΔS_{z}=1 as measured by M, coexist with a much larger population of ΔS_{z}=0 excitations measured by C but invisible to M. The large density of ΔS_{z}=0 excitations, their energy gap, and their seeming lack of interaction with ΔS_{z}=1 excitations suggest an analogy with astrophysical dark matter. Additionally, in the middle of the plateau three sharp jumps in M(H) are seen, the size of which, 0.15%M_{s}, is consistent with fractional quantization of magnetization per site in the down-spin layers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(15): 157201, 2016 04 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27127982


We present the structural and magnetic properties of a new compound family, Mg_{2}RE_{3}Sb_{3}O_{14} (RE=Gd,Dy,Er), with a hitherto unstudied frustrating lattice, the "tripod kagome" structure. Susceptibility (ac, dc) and specific heat exhibit features that are understood within a simple Luttinger-Tisza-type theory. For RE=Gd, we found long-ranged order (LRO) at 1.65 K, which is consistent with a 120° structure, demonstrating the importance of diople interactions for this 2D Heisenberg system. For RE=Dy, LRO at 0.37 K is related to the "kagome spin ice" physics for a 2D system. This result shows that the tripod kagome structure accelerates the transition to LRO predicted for the related pyrochlore systems. For RE=Er, two transitions, at 80 mK and 2.1 K are observed, suggesting the importance of quantum fluctuations for this putative XY system.

Nature ; 454(7207): 976-80, 2008 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18719585


Landau-Fermi liquid theory, with its pivotal assertion that electrons in metals can be simply understood as independent particles with effective masses replacing the free electron mass, has been astonishingly successful. This is true despite the Coulomb interactions an electron experiences from the host crystal lattice, lattice defects and the other approximately 10(22) cm(-3) electrons. An important extension to the theory accounts for the behaviour of doped semiconductors. Because little in the vast literature on materials contradicts Fermi liquid theory and its extensions, exceptions have attracted great attention, and they include the high-temperature superconductors, silicon-based field-effect transistors that host two-dimensional metals, and certain rare-earth compounds at the threshold of magnetism. The origin of the non-Fermi liquid behaviour in all of these systems remains controversial. Here we report that an entirely different and exceedingly simple class of materials-doped small-bandgap semiconductors near a metal-insulator transition-can also display a non-Fermi liquid state. Remarkably, a modest magnetic field functions as a switch which restores the ordinary disordered Fermi liquid. Our data suggest that we have found a physical realization of the only mathematically rigorous route to a non-Fermi liquid, namely the 'undercompensated Kondo effect', where there are too few mobile electrons to compensate for the spins of unpaired electrons localized on impurity atoms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(1): 017203, 2013 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23383834


The spin glass state in the spinel ZnCr(2(1-x))Ga(2x)O(4) is studied with magnetization and specific heat for x < 0.05. The freezing temperature is independent of disorder, despite a two-level-like density of states that varies linearly with x. This relationship implies the energy scale for freezing is independent of disorder, in contrast to mean field theories of spin glass. We suggest that the degrees of freedom are shielded spin vacancies, quasispins, which interact via an emergent long-range force mediated by the frustrated spin background.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 35(47)2023 Aug 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37557895


The unusual anisotropy of the spin glass (SG) transition in the pseudobrookite system Fe2TiO5has been interpreted as arising from an induced, van der Waals-like, interaction among magnetic clusters. Here we present susceptibility (χ) and specific heat data (C) for Fe2TiO5diluted with non-magnetic Ga, (Fe1-pGap)2TiO5, for disorder parameterp= 0, 0.11, and 0.42, and elastic neutron scattering data forp= 0.20. A uniform suppression ofTgis observed upon increasingp, along with a value ofχTgthat increases asTgdecreases, i.e.dχ(Tg)/dTg<0We also observeCT∝T2in the low temperature limit. The observed behavior places (Fe1-pGap)2TiO5in the category of a strongly geometrically frustrated SG.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 195: 110742, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36857814


Two samples, one of natural iridium and the other of enriched 193Ir, were irradiated with a monoenergetic neutron beam of energy 6.0 MeV at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. The product of the 193Ir [Formula: see text] Ir reaction was determined by means of measuring X-rays following electron conversion of the isomeric state at 80.2 keV in 193Ir. The cross section for inelastic neutron scattering is reported disagreeing with the literature data.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 2993, 2022 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35637214


A geometrically frustrated (GF) magnet consists of localised magnetic moments, spins, whose orientation cannot be arranged to simultaneously minimise their interaction energies. Such materials may host novel fascinating phases of matter, such as fluid-like states called quantum spin-liquids. GF magnets have, like all solid-state systems, randomly located impurities whose magnetic moments may "freeze" at low temperatures, making the system enter a spin-glass state. We analyse the available data for spin-glass transitions in GF materials and find a surprising trend: the glass-transition temperature grows with decreasing impurity concentration and reaches a finite value in the impurity-free limit at a previously unidentified, "hidden", energy scale. We propose a scenario in which the interplay of interactions and entropy leads to a crossover in the permeability of the medium that assists glass freezing at low temperatures. This low-temperature, "eminuscent", phase may obscure or even destroy the widely-sought spin-liquid states in rather clean systems.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(36)2022 Jul 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35767985


Surprisingly, magnetoquantum oscillations (MQOs) characteristic of a metal with a Fermi surface have been observed in measurements of the topological Kondo insulator SmB6. As these MQO have only been observed in measurements of magnetic torque (dHvA) and not in measurements of magnetoresistance (SdH), a debate has arisen as to whether the MQO are an extrinsic effect arising from rare-earth impurities, defects, and/or aluminum inclusions or an intrinsic effect revealing the existence of charge-neutral excitations. We report here the first observation of MQO in the low-temperature specific heat of SmB6. The observed frequencies and their angular dependence for these flux-grown samples are consistent with previous results based on magnetic torque for SmB6but the inferred effective masses are significantly larger than previously reported. Such oscillations can only be observed if the MQO are of bulk thermodynamic origin; the measured magnetic-field dependent oscillation amplitude and effective mass allow us to rule out suggestions of an extrinsic, aluminum inclusion-based origin for the MQO.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 32(2): 02LT01, 2020 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31581141


Weyl fermions scattering from a random Coulomb potential are predicted to exhibit resistivity versus temperature [Formula: see text] in a single particle model. Here we show that, in closed-environment-grown polycrystalline samples of Y2Ir2O7, [Formula: see text] over four orders of magnitude in [Formula: see text]. While the measured prefactor, [Formula: see text], is obtained from the model using reasonable materials parameters, the [Formula: see text] behavior extends far beyond the model's range of applicability. In particular, the behavior extends into the low-temperature, high-resistivity region where the Ioffe-Regel parameter, [Formula: see text]. Strong on-site Coulomb correlations, instrumental for predicting a Weyl semimetal state in Y2Ir2O7, are the possible origin of such 'bad' Weyl semimetal behavior.

Nat Mater ; 7(4): 291-4, 2008 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18297078


Materials that combine coupled electric and magnetic dipole order are termed 'magnetoelectric multiferroics'. In the past few years, a new class of such materials, 'induced-multiferroics', has been discovered, wherein non-collinear spiral magnetic order breaks inversion symmetry, thus inducing ferroelectricity. Spiral magnetic order often arises from the existence of competing magnetic interactions that reduce the ordering temperature of a more conventional collinear phase. Hence, spiral-phase-induced ferroelectricity tends to exist only at temperatures lower than approximately 40 K. Here, we propose that copper(II) oxides (containing Cu2+ ions) having large magnetic superexchange interactions can be good candidates for induced-multiferroics with high Curie temperature (T(C)). In fact, we demonstrate ferroelectricity with T(C)=230 K in cupric oxide, CuO (tenorite), which is known as a starting material for the synthesis of high-T(c) (critical temperature) superconductors. Our result provides an important contribution to the search for high-temperature magnetoelectric multiferroics.

Science ; 293(5530): 673-6, 2001 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11474105


Optical conductivity measurements on the perovskite-related oxide CaCu3Ti4O12 provide a hint of the physics underlying the observed giant dielectric effect in this material. A low-frequency vibration displays anomalous behavior, implying that there is a redistribution of charge within the unit cell at low temperature. At infrared frequencies (terahertz), the value for the dielectric constant is approximately 80 at room temperature, which is far smaller than the value of approximately 10(5) obtained at lower radio frequencies (kilohertz). This discrepancy implies the presence of a strong absorption at very low frequencies due to dipole relaxation. At room temperature, the characteristic relaxation times are fast (less than or approximately 500 nanoseconds) but increase dramatically at low temperature, suggesting that the large change in dielectric constant may be due to a relaxor-like dynamical slowing down of dipolar fluctuations in nanosize domains.

Science ; 265(5168): 84-6, 1994 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17774693


Elemental carbon can be synthesized in a variety of geometrical forms, from three-dimensional extended structures (diamond) to finite molecules (C(60) fullerite). Results are presented here on the magnetic susceptibility of the least well-understood members of this family, nanotubes and C(60) fullerite. (i) Nanotubes represent the cylindrical form of carbon, intermediate between graphite and fullerite. They are found to have significantly larger orientation-averaged susceptibility, on a per carbon basis, than any other form of elemental carbon. This susceptibility implies an average band structure among nanotubes similar to that of graphite. (ii) High-resolution magnetic susceptibility data on C(60) fullerite near the molecular orientational-ordering transition at 259 K show a sharp jump corresponding to 2.5 centimeter-gram-second parts per million per mole of C(60). This jump directly demonstrates the effect of an intermolecular cooperative transition on an intramolecular electronic property, where the susceptibility jump may be ascribed to a change in the shape of the molecule due to lattice forces.

Science ; 263(5154): 1744-7, 1994 Mar 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17795381


Previous high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) observations of the carbon nanotubes have led to a "Russian doll" structural model that is based on hollow concentric cylinders capped at both ends. The structures of the carbon nanotubes and particles were characterized here by bulk physical and chemical property measurements. The individual nanostructure is as compressible as graphite in the c axis, and such nanostructures can be intercalated with potassium and rubidium, leading to a saturation composition of "MC(8)." These results are counter to expectations that are based on a Russian doll structure. HREM after intercalation with potassium and deintercalation indicates that individual nanoparticles are a "paper-mache" of smaller graphite layers. Direct current magnetization and electron spin resonance measurements indicate that the electronic properties of the nanostructures are distinctly different from those of graphite. Although the nanostructures have distinct morphologies and electronic properties, they are highly defective and have a local structure similar to turbostratic graphite.

Science ; 253(5022): 884-6, 1991 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17751823


The results of (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on alkali fullerides KxC(60) are reported. The NMR spectra demonstrate that material with 0 < x < 3 is in fact a two-phase system at equilibrium, with x = 0 and x = 3. NMR lineshapes indicate that C(3-)(60) ions rotate rapidly in the K(3)C(60) phase at 300 K, while C(6)-(60) ions in the insulating K(6)C(60) phase are static on the time scale of the lineshape measurement. The temperature dependence of the (13)C spin-lattice relaxation rate in the normal state of K(3)C(60) is found to be characteristic of a metal, indicating the important role of the C(3-)(60) ions in the conductivity. From the relaxation measurements, an estimate of the density of electronic states at the Fermi level is derived.

Inorg Chem ; 48(1): 204-8, 2009 Jan 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19049419


New compounds of the type R(2/3-x)Rh(2)O(4) with the CaFe(2)O(4) structure have been prepared, where R is a rare earth. For crystals grown in a Bi/V/O flux, the rare earth was partially replaced by Bi. No evidence of ordering of the A cation vacancies is found, but the A cations are displaced from the ideal A cation site by about 0.24 A. Electrical conductivity measurements on crystals suggest that the materials are degenerate semiconductors with Seebeck measurements showing p-type behavior. This is consistent with our observation that x in R(2/3-x)Rh(2)O(4) ranges up to about 0.09. The compounds were also characterized by magnetic susceptibility and diffuse reflectance measurements.

Bismuto/química , Metais Terras Raras/química , Compostos Organometálicos/química , Óxidos/química , Ródio/química , Cristalografia por Raios X , Condutividade Elétrica , Magnetismo , Modelos Moleculares , Conformação Molecular
Sci Rep ; 8(1): 6605, 2018 Apr 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29700362


Compounds with honeycomb structures occupied by strong spin orbit coupled (SOC) moments are considered to be candidate Kitaev quantum spin liquids. Here we present the first example of Os on a honeycomb structure, Li2.15(3)Os0.85(3)O3 (C2/c, a = 5.09 Å, b = 8.81 Å, c = 9.83 Å, ß = 99.3°). Neutron diffraction shows large site disorder in the honeycomb layer and X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicates a valence state of Os (4.7 ± 0.2), consistent with the nominal concentration. We observe a transport band gap of Δ = 243 ± 23 meV, a large van Vleck susceptibility, and an effective moment of 0.85 µB, much lower than expected from 70% Os(+5). No evidence of long range order is found above 0.10 K but a spin glass-like peak in ac-susceptibility is observed at 0.5 K. The specific heat displays an impurity spin contribution in addition to a power law ∝T(0.63±0.06). Applied density functional theory (DFT) leads to a reduced moment, suggesting incipient itineracy of the valence electrons, and finding evidence that Li over stoichiometry leads to Os(4+)-Os(5+) mixed valence. This local picture is discussed in light of the site disorder and a possible underlying quantum spin liquid state.

Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 67(3): 262-275, sep.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251921


RESUMEN Los Sistemas de Agro Acuicultura Integrada (SAAI) han sido estudiados como opción para la producción de pescado en comunidades con recursos limitados. Así mismo, el uso de perifiton se ha convertido recientemente en una alternativa viable por el aporte de alimento natural de bajo costo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del perifiton sobre el desempeño productivo del policultivo Piaractus sp. (cachama híbrida) y Prochilodus magdalenae (bocachico) en SAAI en la comunidad Indígena de Jimaín, Colombia. Se sembraron 1,5 alevinos de cachama híbrida y 1,5 bocachicos/m2, con peso promedio de 0,49 ± 0,14 g y 1,83 ±1,61 g respectivamente, en seis estaques en tierra de 90 m2 tres de los cuales contaron con varas de madera (3 varas/m2) para la fijación de perifiton. La duración del cultivo fue de 135 días. Los tratamientos (CS: con sustrato y SS: sin sustratos) recibieron una dieta suplementaria dos veces al día, calculada como porcentaje de la biomasa con ajuste quincenal. Se realizaron biometrías quincenales. Los datos productivos por especie y para el policultivo se evaluaron mediante ANOVA con un modelo lineal general (p < 0,05). Los datos de peso (g) y longitud estándar (cm) por especie se evaluaron mediante un modelo mixto de medidas repetidas. No se encontraron efectos del sustrato sobre los parámetros productivos analizados tanto para cada especie, como para el policultivo. Se presentó interacción significativa para el peso del bocachico el día 90 (CS: 74,7 y SS: 47,1). Según los resultados obtenidos, la utilización de perifiton y el manejo en policultivo de especies nativas requiere más estudios.

ABSTRACT Integrated agri-aquaculture systems (IAAS) have been studied as an option for fish production in communities with limited resources. Likewise, the use of periphyton has recently become a viable alternative for its contribution of low-cost natural food. The effect of periphyton use on the productive yield of a hybrid cachama and bocachico polyculture in IAAS, was studied in the Jimaín Indigenous community, Colombia. For this experiment, 1.5 hybrid cachama and 1.5 bocachico fingerlings/m2 were stocked with average weights of 0.49 ± 0.14 g and 1.83 ± 1.61 g, respectively, in six 90 m2 land ponds; three of these ponds had wooden dowels (three dowels/m2) for periphyton fixation. The growth evaluation lasted 135 days. The treatments (WS: with substrate and WOS: without substrates) received a supplementary diet, adjusted as a percentage of the biomass with biweekly adjustment, twice a day. Biometrics were performed every two weeks. The productive data by species and for the polyculture were evaluated using an ANOVA with a general linear model (p <0.05). Weight (g) and standard length (cm) data by species were evaluated using a mixed model of repeated measures. No substrate effects were found on the productive parameters analyzed for each species as well as for the polyculture. A significant interaction was observed for bocachico weight on day 90 (WS: 74.7 and WOS: 47.1). According to the obtained results, optimizing the use of periphyton and the management of native species polyculture requires further studies.

Animais , Perifíton , Aquicultura , Recursos Alimentares , Proteínas de Peixes , Pesqueiros , Peixes , Biometria , Tecnologia de Baixo Custo , Dieta , Acesso a Alimentos Saudáveis
Med. infant ; 23(2): 79-85, junio 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-882100


Introducción: Si bien la sobrevida de paciente e injerto en niños con trasplante renal (TxR) ha mejorado, algunos sugieren que la edad al TxR es predictora de malos resultados, y los mayores tendrían peor evolución. Objetivo: Definir sobrevida de paciente e injerto según edad al TxR, y factores pronósticos de fracaso en aquellos con peor evolución. Material y métodos: Cohorte retrospectivo de todos los pacientes con TxR en el Hospital Garrahan desde el 01-01-2002 hasta el 01-03-2016. Resultados: de 431 pacientes, 44, (10%) tenían < 6a, 179 (42%)> 6 y <12 y 208 (48%) ≥12 años. La sobrevida del paciente a 8 años fue 97%, 99% y 95% (p=0,2), y la del injerto de: 86%, 69% y 30% respectivamente (p=<0,001). En los ≥ de 12 años, con peor evolución, se incluyeron al análisis univariado como factores de riesgo de pérdida de injerto: GSFS como causa de IRC : HR: 9,4; (p<0,001), Rechazo Agudo (RA) temprano: HR: 8,1; (p<0,001), RA tardío: HR: 4,3; (p<0.001), DGF: HR: 4,1; (p<0,001), No adherencia: HR: 2,3; (p=0,02), Edad de DC > 35a: HR: 1,95 (p=0,1), Tiempo en diálisis: HR: 1,1 (p=0,1), Número de incompatibilidades HLAB y HLADR: HR: 0,8 (p=0,3), Tiempo de Isquemia : 0,9 (p=0,5), Sexo del receptor: HR:0,8 (p=0,6), Donante Cadavérico: HR: 1,2; (p=0,6), 2do TxR : HR: 1,2; (p=0,7). En análisis multivariado: RA tardío: HR: 12,9 (p<0,001), GSFS como causa de IRC: HR: 12,5 (p<0,001), RA temprano: HR: 9 (p<0,001), y DGF: HR: 4,9 (p<0,001). Conclusión: la sobrevida del injerto en adolescentes es inferior. Merecen atención, la prevención de la no adherencia asociada a rechazo, el paciente con GSFS y el retardo de la función pos TxR (AU)

Introduction: Although patient and graft survival of children with a kidney transplantation (KTx) has improved, it has been suggested that older age at KTx is a predictive factor of poor outcome. Aim: To evaluate patient and graft survival according to age at KTx and define predictive factors in those with a poor outcome. Material and methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in all patients who underwent KTx at Garrahan Hopital between 01-01-2002 and 01-03-2016. Results: Of 431 patients, 44 (10%) were <6yr, 179 (42%) >6yr, and <12yr, and 208 (48%) ≥12yr. Eight-year patient survival was 97%, 99%, and 95% (p=0.2) and graft survival was 86%, 69%, and 30% (p=<0.001), respectively. In children ≥12 yr, with a worse outcome, the following risk factors of graft loss were included in univariate analysis: FSGS-related CFR: HR: 9.4; (p<0.001), early acute rejection (AR): HR: 8.1; (p<0.001), late AR: HR: 4.3; (p<0.001), DGF: HR: 4.1; (p<0.001), non-adherence: HR: 2.3; (p=0.02), age of deceased donor >35yr: HR: 1.95 (p=0.1), time on dialysis: HR: 1.1 (p=0.1), number of HLA-B and HLA-DR mismatches: HR: 0.8 (p=0.3), cold ischemia time: 0.9 (p=0.5), recipient sex: HR:0.8 (p=0.6), deceased donor: HR: 1.2; (p=0.6), second KTx: HR: 1.2; (p=0.7; and in multivariate analysis: late AR: HR: 12.9 (p<0.001), FSGS-related CFR: HR: 12.5 (p<0.001), early AR: HR: 9 (p<0.001), and DGF: HR: 4.9 (p<0.001). Conclusion: Graft survival is lower in adolescents. Prevention of rejection associated with non-adherence, FSGS, and post-KTx DGF should be taken into account (AU)

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Fatores Etários , Glomerulosclerose Segmentar e Focal , Rejeição de Enxerto , Transplante de Rim/mortalidade , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Resultado do Tratamento , Adolescente , Estudos de Coortes , Estudos Retrospectivos
Phys Rev Lett ; 102(1): 017401, 2009 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19257238


We present a comparative study of ultrafast photoconversion dynamics in tetracene (Tc) and pentacene (Pc) single crystals and Pc films using optical pump-probe spectroscopy. Photoinduced absorption in Tc and Pc crystals is activated and temperature-independent, respectively, demonstrating dominant singlet-triplet exciton fission. In Pc films (as well as C60-doped films) this decay channel is suppressed by electron trapping. These results demonstrate the central role of crystallinity and purity in photogeneration processes and will constrain the design of future photovoltaic devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(1): 015501, 2008 Jul 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18764122


Minimal models are developed to examine the origin of large negative thermal expansion in underconstrained systems. The dynamics of these models reveals how underconstraint can organize a thermodynamically extensive manifold of low-energy modes which not only drives negative thermal expansion but extends across the Brillioun zone. Mixing of twist and translation in the eigenvectors of these modes, for which in ZrW2O8 there is evidence from infrared and neutron scattering measurements, emerges naturally in our model as a signature of the dynamics of underconstraint.