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BMJ Open ; 11(8): e040775, 2021 08 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34404693


IMPORTANCE: Identifying undetected clinical signs is imperative in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2. OBJECTIVE: To establish the prevalence of clinical gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Clinical outcomes and recovery rates associated with gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions were also assessed. DESIGN: A prospective study was performed in 80 patients admitted to Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (Spain) for COVID-19 pneumonia. Patients were re-evaluated in the ward daily until discharge. Gustatory and olfactory dysfunction symptoms were retrospectively collected from emergency room (ER) charts after first assessments. Follow-up was performed in telemedicine consultation. SETTING: The single-centre study was performed in a hospitalisation ward at a university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Consecutive patients meeting hospitalisation criteria for COVID-19 pneumonia were eligible. Study exclusion criteria were patients who could not speak, had previous gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions or whose PCR tests for SARS-CoV-19 were negative. INTERVENTIONS: Systematic assessment of gustatory and olfactory symptoms with standardised questions. OUTCOMES: Prevalence of gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. RESULTS: Of the 80 study subjects, 62.5% were male and the median age was 57 years. Half of the cohort (n=40) presented with comorbidities. The prevalence of chemosensitive disorder was 73.8% (n=59) (95% CI: 63.8 to 83.8), although self-reported symptoms were recorded in only 26.3% (n=21) of patients in the ER. Gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions were observed in 58.8% (n=47) and 55% (n=44) of cases, respectively. They were also the first symptoms in 25% (n=20) of patients. Anosmia was associated with ageusia, OR: 7, 95% CI: 2.3 to 21.8, p=0.001). No differences in clinical outcomes were observed when patients with and without gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions were compared. Recovery rates were 20% (n=10) and 85% (n=42) at days 7 and 45, respectively. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions in COVID-19 pneumonia was much higher than in self-report. Presence of gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions was not a predictor of clinical outcomes.

COVID-19 , Transtornos do Olfato , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Transtornos do Olfato/epidemiologia , Transtornos do Olfato/etiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Retrospectivos , SARS-CoV-2 , Distúrbios do Paladar
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 49(4): e20180311, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045330


ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to study the effect of the auxin naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and the brassinosteroid 28-homocastasterone (28-HCS) applied every 15 days (harvest 2015/16) or every 21 days (harvest 2016/17) after full bloom, on the physical, chemical and biochemical attributes of the 'Galaxy' apples. The study was performed at a commercial orchard at Vacaria county, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The following treatments were applied: water (control), NAA (0.1%), 28-HCS (10‒6 M) and NAA (0.1%) + 28-HCS (10‒6 M). For this purpose, 300 μL of the plant growth regulator solutions were applied to the fruit peduncles. Fruits treated with NAA every 21 days presented higher starch-iodine index and lower total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), lightness index (L) and hue angle (h°) than 28-HCS-treated fruits. Fruits treated every 15 days with NAA presented reduced skin rupture force (SRF), total antioxidant activities (TAA) of the skin and flesh, and hydrogen peroxide content compared to the control fruits. In addition, NAA application every 15 and 21 days resulted in increased anthocyanin content in the skin. Application of NAA + 28-HCS reduced superoxide dismutase activity. 28-HCS applications increased TSS, color attributes (C and h°) of the skin, total antioxidant activity of the skin and flesh and peroxidase activity compared to control fruits. These results are expected to help to understand how plant growth regulators affect apple quality. In addition, results described here are also expected to help on the development of strategies to reduce post harvest losses and to increase fruit shelf life.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ação do ácido naftaleno acético (ANA) e do brassinosteroide (catasterona), aplicados a cada 15 (safra 2015/16) ou 21 (safra 2016/17) dias a partir dos 40 dias após a plena floração, nos atributos físico-químicos e bioquímicos de maçãs 'Galaxy'. O estudo foi realizado em um pomar comercial de macieiras 'Galaxy' no município de Vacaria, RS. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: água (controle), ANA (0,1%), catasterona (10‒6 M) e ANA (0,1%) + catasterona (10‒6 M). As aplicações foram realizadas no pedúnculo dos frutos, utilizando 300 µL de solução por pedúnculo. Frutos tratados com ANA a cada 21 dias tiveram maior índice de iodo-amido e menores valores de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável e dos atributos de cor L e ângulo hue (h°) do que os frutos tratados com catasterona. Aplicações de ANA a cada 15 dias reduziu a força de ruptura da casca (FRC), atividade antioxidante (AAT) da casca, da polpa e conteúdo de peróxido de hidrogênio. Além disso, ANA aplicada a cada 15 ou 21 dias aumentaram o teor de antocianinas na casca. ANA + catasterona reduziu a atividade da enzima superóxido dismutase. Entretanto, aplicações de catasterona a cada 15 dias aumentou o teor de SS, atributos de cor (C e h°) na casca, atividade antioxidante da casca e da polpa, compostos fenólicos totais (CFT) e atividade da enzima peroxidase dos frutos de maçãs. Portanto, estudos adicionais devem ser realizados para confirmar a ação desses fitorreguladores na manutenção da qualidade e redução das perdas pós-colheitas de maçãs 'Galaxy'.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 5(22): 11906-12, 2013 Nov 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24191693


Effective blockage of recombination electron transfer of a fast electron transfer redox couple (ferrocenium/ferrocene or Fc(+)/Fc) at TiO2 nanowire array electrodes is achieved by silanization of the dye loaded TiO2 nanowire array. FT-IR clearly shows the formation of polysiloxane network at fluorine doped tin electrodes covered with TiO2 nanowire arrays and the dye molecules. Compared to the commonly used TiO2 nanoparticle film electrodes, the TiO2 nanowire array has a more spatially accessible structure, facilitating the formation of uniform polysiloxane films. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) also reveals the presence of Si over multiple spots at the cross sections of the silanized TiO2 nanowire array electrodes. As a result, a rather high open-cell voltage Voc (0.69 V) and an enhanced efficiency (0.749 %) for DSSC with the Fc(+)/Fc couple were obtained. Contrary to the passivated TiO2 nanoparticle film electrodes at which a complex, biphasic dependence of electron lifetime on Voc was observed, we recorded a logarithm linear dependence of the lifetime on Voc after the silanization treatment. The nanowire arrays with optimal salinization treatments afford a useful surface for the study of electron recombination and photovoltaic generation in DSSCs.

Rev. enferm. herediana ; 8(2): 89-96, jul.-dic.2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-786433


Determinar la prevalencia del consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes. Material y métodos: el diseño del estudio es de tipo cuantitativo û descriptivo de corte transversal, la muestra estuvo constituida por 4095 alumnos del 1° al 5° año de secundaria del distrito de Ventanilla, aplicándose el instrumento (cuestionario), con la finalidad de evaluar el consumo de alcohol. Con la información obtenida se realizó un control de calidad, que luego se ingresó a una base de datos en el programa de Microsoft Office Excel 2010, los resultados fueron analizados con el programa SPSS, con el cual se obtuvo frecuencia y porcentajes. Resultados: se encontró que los adolescentes que han consumido bebidas alcohólicas alguna vez en su vida, fueron 42,4%, los que han consumido en los últimos 12 meses fueron 30%, los que consumieron en los últimos 30 días fueron 24%, los adolescentes de sexo masculino que han consumido alguna vez en su vida fueron 45,2%, mientras que en el caso de las mujeres fueron 39,9%. Conclusiones: el consumo de alcohol es alto en este grupo de edad, además que los determinantes asociados son susceptibles de intervenciones educativas que deben considerarse prioritarias, en particular las que tienen que ver con el ambiente familiar y el grupo de pares...

Objective: Determine the permanence of alcohol consumption in teenagers. Material and methods: The design of the study is the quantitative-descriptive with transversal cutting, with a sample population represented by 4095 students from first to fifth grade of High School of Ventanilla district, applying the instrument (questionarie) with the purpose of evaluating the alcohol consumption. With the information gotten a qualified control was carried out which afeter entering a data based in the Microsoft Office Excel 2010 program, the results were analized with the program SPSS with that we got frecuencies and porcentages. Results: We found teenagers who had consumed alcoholic drinks sometimes in their lifes, were 42.4%, who had consummed in the last 12 months were 30%, who consummed in the last 30 days were 24%, the male teenagers who had consummed sometimes in their lifes were 45.2%, while the female teenagers were 39.99%. Conclusions: The alcohol consumption is high in this age group, also the associated determinants are sensitive to educational interventions which they must be mainly consider, in particular which are relationed with the family environment and the group of pairs...

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Feminino , Consumo de Álcool por Menores , Prevalência , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Peru
Psicopedagogia ; 31(96): 263-274, 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-735535


A Neurociência é essencial para o entendimento da aprendizagem e memória, entretanto pouco se sabe sobre sua aplicação na Educação. Os métodos do Brain-Based Learning apresentam técnicas baseadas no funcionamento do cérebro que melhoram o aprendizado, mas essa abordagem não tem sido divulgada apropriadamente na Pedagogia e Psicopedagogia. Neste trabalho, são revisados os princípios do Brain-Based Learning e correlacionamos com dados recentes da literatura em Neurociência. O principal objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os novos achados da Neurociência e relacionar com a práxis pedagógica. Neste trabalho, demonstra-se que a plasticidade neural é fundamental para a aprendizagem e que ocorre em todas as etapas da vida humana. Este trabalho relaciona estudos científicos sobre a motivação com a aprendizagem, inclusive com apresentação de estudos moleculares recentes sobre o efeito da recompensa e reforço. Este artigo também apresenta estudos nos quais o estresse moderado contribui positivamente para a aprendizagem, em oposição ao pensamento corrente. Uma técnica amplamente utilizada para estudo individual e em escolas é apresentar o conteúdo escolar por diferentes acessamentos sensoriais, por figuras, textos, sons. A eficiência desse uso tem sido confirmada por estudos recentes que demonstram que estímulos multissensoriais congruentes melhoram a aprendizagem. Dados mais recentes da Neurociência fundamentam os princípios básicos da educação baseada na Neurociência (Brain-Based Learning), como demonstrado neste estudo de revisão. Espera-se, com este trabalho, contribuir para um modus operandi da Pedagogia mais voltado para o educando e para seu funcionamento cerebral, tornando o aprendizado mais prazeroso e eficiente...

Neuroscience is essential for understanding learning and memory, but little is known about its application in education. The Brain-Based Learning methods present brain based technics used in order to improve learning, but this approach has not been appropriately divulgated in the Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy areas. Here, we revise the principles of Brain-Based Learning and correlate to recent data of Neuroscience. The principal aim of this review article is present the Neuroscience new insights and correlate to the pedagogic praxis. In this work, we show that the neural plasticity is crucial for the learning and it occurs in all ages of humans. Here, the motivation, including molecular studies of the effect of reward and reinforcement, is related to the learning. This article shows studies about stress, where moderate stress improves learning, in opposition to the current opinion. In school lessons, the use of technics with various sensory accesses, for example, audio, visual and textual presentations, is very common. This approach has been confirmed by scientific studies, which show that multisensory congruent stimulus improve the learning. The basic principles of the Brain-Based Learning are related to the most recent data in neuroscience, as shown here. The expected outcome of this work is to contribute for the modus operandi of the Pedagogy in such way that the students and their cerebral functioning are the principal point in order to learning become more pleasant and efficient...

Humanos , Ciência Cognitiva/métodos , Aprendizagem , Neuropsicologia , Neurociências
Biophys J ; 89(3): 1990-2003, 2005 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15994894


We have studied the catalytic efficiency of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in various solutions with ion-disturbed water structure to explore the role that the water structure plays in the substrate-enzyme encounter. The extent of water structuring in the different aqueous solutions was determined by near-infrared spectroscopy. The influence of water structure on the degree of solvation and on the intramolecular mobility of AChE was investigated for different aqueous ionic solutions by small-angle x-ray scattering technique and depolarization fluorescence spectroscopy. It was found that the encounter process between AChE and acetylthiocholine was promoted in solutions with less structured water. In these solutions it was also found that AChE is less solvated coinciding with higher intramolecular mobility. The found experimental results suggest that the water structure may influence the substrate-enzyme encounter process by diminishing the AChE solvation shell and may help diffusion of the substrate through the gorge by enhancing the intramolecular mobility of AChE.

Acetilcolinesterase/química , Biofísica/métodos , Água/química , Animais , Anisotropia , Sítios de Ligação , Dicroísmo Circular , Relação Dose-Resposta a Droga , Electrophorus/metabolismo , Etanol/farmacologia , Ligação de Hidrogênio , Íons , Cinética , Modelos Moleculares , Modelos Estatísticos , Conformação Molecular , Nitrogênio/química , Conformação Proteica , Espalhamento de Radiação , Espectrometria de Fluorescência , Espectrofotometria Infravermelho , Especificidade por Substrato , Triptofano/química , Raios Ultravioleta , Raios X
Full dent. sci ; 4(13): 5-15, out.-dez. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-681668


A harmonia dento gengival é fundamental na estética do sorriso. Reabilitações protéticas dos dentes anteriores precisam de uma avaliação cuidadosa do arco côncavo gengival, presença de papilas interdentárias, espessura das áreas de pônticos, assim como do zênite gengival. Este trabalho apresenta a descrição de um caso clínico com abordagem estética multidisciplinar onde foi recuperada a espessura da área de pôntico a partir de cirurgia de enxerto gengival livre. Posteriormente realizado condicionamento dessa área, usou-se como guia as restaurações provisórias para obtenção do arco côncavo gengival em harmonia com os dentes. Associado a isto, foram confeccionadas restaurações cerâmicas com infraestruturas em zircônia, tendo como guia as restaurações provisórias e aplicação dos princípios estéticos

The harmony is fundamental in dento gingival smile esthetics. Prosthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth requires careful evaluation of gingival concave arc, the presence of interdental papillae, thick areas of pontics and the gingival zenith. This paper presents the description of a clinical case with aesthetic multidisciplinary approach where the thickness was recovered from the area of the pontic from free gingival graft surgery. Later gingival conditional, used as a guide the provisional restorations for obtaining gingival concave arc in harmony with his teeth. Additionally, were fabricated ceramic restorations with zirconia infrastructures, guided the temporary restorations and application of aesthetic principles

Humanos , Estética Dentária , Materiais Dentários/química , Satisfação do Paciente , Prótese Parcial Fixa , Zircônio/química