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Rev Bras Med Trab ; 22(1): e2022968, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39165518


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic brought about an important discussion about the health of primary health care workers who are subject to physical and psychological distress, which may initially be expressed by fatigue and change in quality of life. Objectives: To verify the correlation between fatigue and quality of life of primary health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil inland. Methods: Cross-sectional, quantitative study, with the application of three questionnaires: social and demographic; Fatigue Perception Questionnaire; World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument-Abbreviated version. Statistical analysis comparing two or more groups and correlation adopting a significance level of p < 0.05. Results: It included 50 professionals with a mean age of 40.7 ± 9.6 years. High fatigue was evidenced (68.2 ± 17.2 points), and married individuals had a higher level of fatigue than single individuals (p = 0.003). There was also a high general average score in quality of life (85.27 ± 9.6 points), especially in workers with higher education (p = 0.03), as well as in non-smoking professionals (p = 0.02), with higher household income (p = 0.04) and in singles (p = 0.01). Therefore, the correlation was inverse and moderate between fatigue and quality of life (R = -0.44). Conclusions: We found a high level of fatigue and quality of life and an inverse correlation. The results show convergences and divergences with the scientific literature, indicating the need for more studies with primary health care workers.

Introdução: A pandemia de covid-19 trouxe uma importante discussão sobre a saúde dos profissionais de saúde da Atenção Básica sujeitos ao sofrimento físico-psíquico, podendo ser inicialmente expresso por fadiga e alteração da qualidade de vida. Objetivos: Verificar a correlação entre fadiga e qualidade de vida de profissionais de saúde da Atenção Básica durante a pandemia de covid-19 no interior do Brasil. Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo transversal e quantitativo, com aplicação de três questionários: sociodemográfico; o Questionário de Percepção de Fadiga; e o World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument-Abbreviated version. A análise estatística foi feita com comparação de dois ou mais grupos e correlação adotando nível de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: Participaram 50 profissionais com idade média de 40,7±9,6 anos. Evidenciou-se fadiga elevada (68,2±17,2 pontos), sendo que indivíduos casados tiveram maior nível de fadiga que solteiros (p = 0,003). Evidenciou-se também alta pontuação média geral em qualidade de vida (85,27±9,6 pontos), principalmente em trabalhadores com ensino superior (p = 0,03), assim como em profissionais não fumantes (p = 0,02), com maior renda familiar (p = 0,04) e em solteiros (p = 0,01). Portanto, a correlação foi inversa e moderada entre fadiga e qualidade de vida (R = -0,44). Conclusões: Encontrou-se elevado índice de fadiga e qualidade de vida e correlação inversa. Os resultados mostram convergências e divergências com a literatura científica, indicando a necessidade de mais estudos com os profissionais de saúde da Atenção Básica.

Rev Bras Med Trab ; 19(3): 274-282, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35774773


Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has posed challenges to healthcare professionals, who needed to quickly adjust impacts on their work processes. Primary health care has become key to fighting the pandemic, as most mild cases seek primary care services as their point of first contact. Objectives: To ascertain the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health professionals working in primary health care in Brazil early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a convenience sample. An online questionnaire was made available from May 1 through May 31, 2020. The sole criterion for inclusion was a response rate greater than 30 respondents per Brazilian state. Data were treated descriptively and statistically. Results: Overall, 293 responses were obtained, and the states of Paraná (n = 86), Mato do Grosso do Sul (n = 50) and São Paulo (n = 48) were included in the study. There was a predominance of female respondents (89.1%). Physical therapy (31.6%) and nursing (12.4%) were the most represented occupations. Respondents generally reported moderate knowledge (54.3%) and preparedness (57.6%), with daily information seeking (63.5%) in handbooks and technical guidance publications (89.6%). There was no statistically significant difference between states for the variables knowledge (p = 0.28) and preparedness (p = 0.19). Conclusions: The participating states showed similar, positive results regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Previous experiences seem to generate cumulative knowledge; however, greater readiness in training professionals is needed in emergency situations.

BrJP ; 5(4): 375-381, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420356


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the teacher's professional practice, there is a high level of stress, anxiety and incidence of pain. With the advent of COVID-19 and the emergence of remote teaching, it is possible that this scenario has been aggravated. The objective of this study was to evaluate chronic pain, central sensitization and pain catastrophizing among primary education teachers during remote teaching offered due to the pandemic. METHODS: A cross-sectional analytical observational study. Participants were 200 teachers from different regions of Brazil who responded through an online form a sociodemographic questionnaire and a questionnaire about their working conditions. In addition, pain intensity was assessed using the Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS), central sensitization state was assessed using the Central Sensitization Questionnaire (CSI), and pain catastrophizing was assessed using the Catastrophic Thinking Scale about Pain (PCS). RESULTS: Most of the teachers were female, white, from the southeast region, with lato sensu specialization, had an income of 2 to 2.5 minimum wages, working 21 to 40 hours a week. Most of the teachers reported pain intensity equal to eight and the body region most affected was the lumbar spine. It was observed that teachers with low salary, uncomfortable environment and longer days dedicated to remote teaching showed a greater tendency to central sensitization and pain catastrophizing. Most teachers reported pain intensity equal to eight and the most affected body region was the lumbar spine. Teachers with uncomfortable furniture reported increased pain, especially in the lumbar spine and neck. They also showed higher levels of central sensitization to pain, inversely proportional to their salary income and, in sum, teachers with a greater feeling of discomfort catastrophized more which reflects the physical and emotional damage that pain can cause. CONCLUSION: Remote teaching during the pandemic of COVID-19 impacted physical and emotional changes in teachers of primary education. The professionals perceived that their furniture was not the most adequate for the high amount of time they had to work on academic activities using computers (in general, over 40 hours a week), they reported increased pain, especially in the lumbar spine and neck, they presented higher levels of central pain sensitization, which was influenced by low salary income, and, in sum, teachers with higher feelings of discomfort catastrophized more, which reflects the physical and emotional damage that pain may cause. All these affections tend to reduce the teachers' quality of life and, consequently, affect the teaching and learning processes.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Na atuação profissional do professor, há elevado nível de estresse, ansiedade e incidência de dor. Com o advento do COVID-19 e a emergência do ensino remoto, é possível que este cenário tenha sido agravado. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar quadros de dor crônica, sensibilização central e catastrofização da dor em professores da rede básica durante o ensino remoto ofertado devido à pandemia. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo observacional analítico do tipo transversal. Participaram 200 professores de diferentes regiões do Brasil que responderam, através de um formulário online, perguntas sobre aspectos sociodemográficos e suas condições de trabalho, além de serem avaliadas a intensidade de dor por meio da escala analógica visual de dor, o estado de sensibilização central por meio do Questionário de Sensibilização Central (CSI) e a catastrofização da dor por meio da Escala de Pensamento Catastrófico sobre a Dor. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos professores eram do sexo feminino, brancos, da região sudeste, com especialização lato sensu, apresentavam renda de 2 a 2,5 salários-mínimos e jornada de trabalho de 21 a 40 horas semanais. A maioria dos professores relatou intensidade de dor igual a oito e a região do corpo mais afetada foi a coluna lombar. Observou-se que professores com baixo salário, ambiente desconfortável e maior jornada dedicada ao ensino remoto apresentaram maior tendência à sensibilização central e à catastrofização da dor. Professores com mobiliário desconfortável relataram aumento da dor, em especial, na coluna lombar e no pescoço. Apresentaram também maiores níveis de sensibilização central à dor, inversamente proporcional à sua renda salarial e, de maneira somatória, professores com maior sensação de desconforto catastrofizaram mais o que reflete os prejuízos físicos e emocionais que a dor pode causar. CONCLUSÃO: O ensino remoto durante a pandemia do COVID-19 impactou alterações físicas e emocionais nos professores da rede básica de ensino. Os profissionais perceberam que seu mobiliário não era o mais adequado para a alta permanência de tempo que tiveram de trabalhar em atividades acadêmicas pelo computador (em geral, acima de 40 horas semanais), relataram aumento da dor, em especial na coluna lombar e no pescoço, apresentaram maiores níveis de sensibilização central à dor, que foi influenciado por baixa renda salarial e, de maneira somatória, professores com maior sensação de desconforto catastrofizaram mais, o que reflete os prejuízos físicos e emocionais que a dor pode causar. Todos estes acometimentos tendem a reduzir a qualidade de vida do professor e, consequentemente, afetar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem.