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J Chem Phys ; 152(10): 104111, 2020 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32171204


We present an approach to master the well-known challenge of calculating the contribution of d-bands to plasmon-induced hot carrier rates in metallic nanoparticles. We generalize the widely used spherical well model for the nanoparticle wavefunctions to flat d-bands using the envelope function technique. Using Fermi's golden rule, we calculate the generation rates of hot carriers after the decay of the plasmon due to transitions either from a d-band state to an sp-band state or from an sp-band state to another sp-band state. We apply this formalism to spherical silver nanoparticles with radii up to 20 nm and also study the dependence of hot carrier rates on the energy of the d-bands. We find that for nanoparticles with a radius less than 2.5 nm, sp-band state to sp-band state transitions dominate hot carrier production, while d-band state to sp-band state transitions give the largest contribution for larger nanoparticles.

Science ; 377(6606): eabq4282, 2022 08 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35926047


Gerasimov et al. claim that the ability of DM21 to respect fractional charge (FC) and fractional spin (FS) conditions outside of the training set has not been demonstrated in our paper. This is based on (i) asserting that the training set has a ~50% overlap with our bond-breaking benchmark (BBB) and (ii) questioning the validity and accuracy of our other generalization examples. We disagree with their analysis and believe that the points raised are either incorrect or not relevant to the main conclusions of the paper and to the assessment of general quality of DM21.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 125(5): 3081-3087, 2021 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33613808


Understanding and controlling properties of plasmon-induced hot carriers is a key step toward next-generation photovoltaic and photocatalytic devices. Here, we uncover a route to engineering hot-carrier generation rates of silver nanoparticles by designed embedding in dielectric host materials. Extending our recently established quantum-mechanical approach to describe the decay of quantized plasmons into hot carriers we capture both external screening by the nanoparticle environment and internal screening by silver d-electrons through an effective electron-electron interaction. We find that hot-carrier generation can be maximized by engineering the dielectric host material such that the energy of the localized surface plasmon coincides with the highest value of the nanoparticle joint density of states. This allows us to uncover a path to control the energy of the carriers and the amount produced, for example, a large number of relatively low-energy carriers are obtained by embedding in strongly screening environments.