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Front Cell Dev Biol ; 11: 1193468, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37342231


Alpaca is a South American camelid, particularly present in Peruvian highlands, where oxygen concentration and atmospheric pressure are very low. Due to this fact, gestational physiology has adapted to preserve the conceptus' and mother's health. In this context, several cellular and molecular features play an essential role during and at the end of gestation. Structural carbohydrates act on maternal-fetal communication, recognize exogenous molecules, and contribute to placental barrier selectivity. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the structural carbohydrate profiles that are present in the term alpaca placenta, kept in their natural habitat of around 4,000 m height. For this propose, 12 term alpaca placentas were collected, and the material was obtained at the time of birth from camelids raised naturally in the Peruvian highlands, in the Cusco region. All placenta samples were processed for histological analysis. A lectin histochemical investigation was performed using 13 biotinylated lectins, allowing us to determine the location of carbohydrates and their intensity on a semi-quantitative scale. Our results demonstrated that during term gestation, the epitheliochorial alpaca placenta shows a high presence of carbohydrates, particularly glucose, α-linked mannose, N-acetylglucosamine ß (GlcNAc), galactose (αGal), and N-acetylgalactosamine α (GalNAc), present in the trophoblast, amnion epithelium, and mesenchyme, as well as the presence of sialic acid residues and low affinity for fucose. In fetal blood capillaries, the presence of bi- and tri-antennary complex structures and α-linked mannose was predominated. In conclusion, we characterized the glycosylation profile in the term alpaca placenta. Based on our data, compared to those reported in the bibliography, we suggest that these carbohydrates could participate in the labor of these animals that survive in Peruvian extreme environments.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-916706


La urolitiasis es una enfermedad común en animales de compañía, pero su etiopatogénesis y frecuencia es poco conocida en conejos. El tratamiento convencional sugerido puede ser quirúrgico o médico; sin embargo, el tratamiento alternativo basado en el uso de la planta «chancapiedra¼ (Phyllantus niruri) es comúnmente empleado en casos de urolitiasis humana en la medicina tradicional peruana, aunque se desconocen sus mecanismos farmacológicos. Se reporta el caso de un conejo macho que presentaba disuria y dolor a la palpación abdominal. El examen radiográfico reveló la presencia de un cuerpo radiopaco en la uretra. Se diagnosticó urolitiasis y se programó el tratamiento quirúrgico para el día siguiente, sugiriéndose como terapia complementaria la infusión de «chancapiedra¼ como agua de bebida. Al día siguiente el propietario halló el urolito cerca al dormidero de su mascota y el examen ultrasonográfico reveló la ausencia del cálculo en el tracto urinario del animal. El examen de laboratorio indicó que el urolito estaba compuesto de fosfato amónico-magnésico.

Animais , Coelhos , Plantas Medicinais , Urolitíase , Peru , Coelhos , Estruvita , Fitoterapia
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 20(3 supl.4): 50-54, out.-dez. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-907140


Introdução: o Brasil é atualmente a principal rota de tráfico de drogas da América Latina. Em aeroportos internacionais, passageiros com perfil considerado como suspeito pela Polícia Federal são conduzidos até serviços de pronto-atendimento para serem avaliados, ainda que assintomáticos e sem alterações visíveis. Objetivos: discutir, a partir de um relato de caso, os métodos de imagem diagnósticos para body packers mais utilizados na prática. Métodos: relato de caso de paciente atendido pelo Centro de Informações e Atendimento Toxicológico (CIAT) do Hospital Pronto-Socorro João XXIII em Belo Horizonte (MG). Resultados: um paciente trazido pela Polícia Federal, que negava ter ingerido pacotes de cocaína e estava assintomático com exame físico normal, foi submetido à propedêutica por imagem. Foi realizado uma tomografia computadorizada (TC) de abdome que evidenciou inúmeros corpos estranhos pelo trato gastrointestinal do paciente. Foi realizado também uma radiografia simples de abdome não foi útil em mostrar com precisão a localização e quantificação dos papelotes. Conclusões: tendo em vista o fato de que a ruptura de um único invólucro pode provocar intoxicação grave e muitas vezes fatal, a ausência de mensuração quantitativa e os falso-negativos da radiografia simples de abdome tornam esse método limitado. Sugerimos que a TC seja o método de imagem inicial, o que garante maior rapidez e precisão no manejo do caso, economia no tempo de estadia do paciente e maior segurança para o mesmo.(AU)

Introduction: Brazil is currently the main drug traffic route of Latin America. At international airports, passengers considered as suspect by the Federal Police are driven to emergency care services to be evaluated, even if asymptomatic and no visible abnormalities. Objectives: discuss, from a case report, the most used in practice diagnostic imaging methods. Methods: case report of patient assisted by the Center for Information and Toxicological Assistance (CIAT), Hospital Pronto-Socorro João XXIII in Belo Horizonte (MG). Results: a patient brought by the Federal Police, denied having ingested packets of cocaine and was asymptomatic with a normal physical examination, underwent imaging workup. A computed tomography (CT) was performed and revealed that many foreign bodies into the gastrointestinal tract of the patient. A plain abdominal x-ray was also made and wasn't helpful in showing the exact location and quantification of packets. Conclusions: considering the fact that the rupture of a single packet can cause severe intoxication, often fatal, the absence of quantitative measurement and the false-negative of plain abdominal x-ray make this method limited. We suggest that CT should be the initial imaging method, which provides greater speed and accuracy in handling the case, reducing the patient's length of stay and providing greater security.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Tráfico de Drogas/prevenção & controle , Transporte Intracorporal de Contrabando , Radiografia Abdominal , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Ultrassonografia , Cocaína/intoxicação
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 24(1): 46-50, ene.-mar. 2007. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1111684


La rabia es una enfermedad endémica del Perú, que se presenta en dos ciclos, uno urbano relacionado a la transmisión por canes, y otro silvestre causado principalmente por la mordedura de murciélagos hematófagos. La mayoría de casos humanos de las últimas décadas han sido por rabia urbana, sin embargo, las medidas de control empleadas (campañas de vacunación canina, producción de vacunas, identificación del can mordedor, atención oportuna de la víctima y sistemas de vigilancia y notificación) han logrado reducir la incidencia de rabia canina y por ende de los casos en humanos. Actualmente, el mayor número de casos humanos que se notifican en el Perú son causados por Desmodus rotundus.

Rabies is an endemic disease of Peru, that appears in two cycles, one urban related with transmission by dog, and another wild caused mainly by vampires bats bite. Most of human cases of the last decades they have been by urban rabies, nevertheless the used measures of control (canine vaccine campaigns, vaccine production, identification of biting dog, opportune attention ofthe victim and surveillance and notification system) they have managed to reduce the incidence of canine rabies and therefore of the human cases. Currently the greater number of human cases notified are caused by Desmodus rotundus in Peru.

Humanos , Animais , Raiva , Raiva/prevenção & controle , Peru