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J Chem Phys ; 139(15): 154901, 2013 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24160540


An experimental study of NMR spin decoherence in nematic liquid crystals is presented. Decoherence dynamics can be put in evidence by means of refocusing experiments of the dipolar interactions. The experimental technique used in this work is based on the MREV8 pulse sequence. The aim of the work is to detect the main features of the irreversible quantum decoherence in liquid crystals, on the basis of the theory presented by the authors recently. The focus is laid on experimentally probing the eigen-selection process in the intermediate time scale, between quantum interference of a closed system and thermalization, as a signature of the quantum spin decoherence of the open quantum system, as well as on quantifying the effects of non-idealities as possible sources of signal decays which could mask the intrinsic decoherence. In order to contrast experiment and theory, the theory was adapted to obtain the decoherence function corresponding to the MREV8 reversion experiments. Non-idealities of the experimental setting, like external field inhomogeneity, pulse misadjustments, and the presence of non-reverted spin interaction terms are analysed in detail within this framework, and their effects on the observed signal decay are numerically estimated. It is found that though all these non-idealities could in principle affect the evolution of the spin dynamics, their influence can be mitigated and they do not present the characteristic behaviour of the irreversible spin decoherence. As unique characteristic of decoherence, the experimental results clearly show the occurrence of eigen-selectivity in the intermediate timescale, in complete agreement with the theoretical predictions. We conclude that the eigen-selection effect is the fingerprint of decoherence associated with a quantum open spin system in liquid crystals. Besides, these features of the results account for the quasi-equilibrium states of the spin system, which were observed previously in these mesophases, and lead to conclude that the quasi-equilibrium is a definite stage of the spin dynamics during its evolution towards equilibrium.

J Chem Phys ; 139(14): 144907, 2013 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24116646


The quasi-equilibrium states of an observed quantum system involve as many constants of motion as the dimension of the operator basis which spans the blocks of all the degenerate eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian that drives the system dynamics, however, the possibility of observing such quasi-invariants in solid-like spin systems in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is not a strictly exact prediction. The aim of this work is to provide experimental evidence of several quasi-invariants, in the proton NMR of small spin clusters, like nematic liquid crystal molecules, in which the use of thermodynamic arguments is not justified. We explore the spin states prepared with the Jeener-Broekaert pulse sequence by analyzing the time-domain signals yielded by this sequence as a function of the preparation times, in a variety of dipolar networks, solids, and liquid crystals. We observe that the signals can be explained with two dipolar quasi-invariants only within a range of short preparation times, however at longer times liquid crystal signals show an echo-like behaviour whose description requires assuming more quasi-invariants. We study the multiple quantum coherence content of such signals on a basis orthogonal to the z-basis and see that such states involve a significant number of correlated spins. Therefore, we show that the NMR signals within the whole preparation time-scale can only be reconstructed by assuming the occurrence of multiple quasi-invariants which we experimentally isolate.

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 36(2): 77-85, 2009 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19589661


Two proton quasi-equilibrium states were previously observed in nematic liquid crystals, namely the S and W quasi-invariants. Even though the experimental evidence suggested that they originate in a partition of the spin dipolar energy into a strong and a weak part, respectively, from a theoretical viewpoint, the existence of an appropriate energy scale which allows such energy separation remains to be confirmed and a representation of the quasi-invariants is still to be given. We compare the dipolar NMR signals yielded both by the Jeener-Broekaert (JB) experiment as a function of the preparation time and the free evolution of the double quantum coherence (DQC) spectra excited from the S state, with numerical calculations carried out from first principles under different models for the dipolar quasi-invariants, in a 10-spin cluster which represents the 5CB (4(')-pentyl-4-biphenyl-carbonitrile) molecule. The calculated signals qualitatively agree with the experiments and the DQC spectra as a function of the single-quantum detection time are sensible enough to the different models to allow both to probe the physical nature of the initial dipolar-ordered state and to assign a subset of dipolar interactions to each constant of motion, which are compatible with the experiments. As a criterion for selecting a suitable quasi-equilibrium model of the 5CB molecule, we impose on the time evolution operator consistency with the occurrence of two dipolar quasi-invariants, that is, the calculated spectra must be unaffected by truncation of non-secular terms of the weaker dipolar energy. We find that defining the S quasi-invariant as the subset of the dipolar interactions of each proton with its two nearest neighbours yields a realistic characterization of the dipolar constants of motion in 5CB. We conclude that the proton-spin system of the 5CB molecule admits a partition of the dipolar energy into a bilinear strong and a multiple-spin weak contributions therefore providing two orthogonal constants of motion, which can be prepared and observed by means of the JB experiment. This feature, which implies the existence of two timescales of very different nature in the proton-spin dynamics, is ultimately dictated by the topology of the spin distribution in the dipole network and can be expected in other liquid crystals. Knowledge of the nature of the dipolar quasi-invariants will be useful in studies of dipolar-order relaxation, decoherence and multiple quantum NMR experiments where the initial state is a dipolar-ordered one.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 74(5 Pt 1): 051702, 2006 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17279921


The high-temperature Redfield spin-lattice relaxation theory is used for calculating the relaxation times of the different dipolar quasi-invariants in an eight-spin system which represents methyl deuterated para-azoxyanisole (PAAd6) in the nematic phase. According to previous experiments, this system can be considered as composed of weakly coupled pairs of strongly interacting spins, the ortho protons of the aromatic rings, thus, it possesses four quasi-invariants of the motion: Zeeman, dipolar intrapair and interpair, and singlet orders. We write the set of coupled differential equations which describe the relaxation of the generalized inverse spin temperatures of the four quasi-invariants. The relaxation constants are then calculated in terms of experimental two-spin spectral densities of the lattice motions. The relation between the multispin and the two-spin spectral densities is also deduced. Calculation shows that the Zeeman and singlet quasi-invariants are uncoupled from the dipolar ones, and that the relaxation time of the singlet order is much longer than those of the Zeeman and dipolar orders. The calculated cross relaxation rate between the dipolar orders through the lattice is small enough to be observable in the experiment. We also show that the nonsecular term associated with the collective motions dominates relaxation of the intrapair and interpair energies in PAAd6, while the local motions do not play a significant role, in qualitative agreement with the reported experimental behavior. The dipolar relaxation times predicted by the theory are significantly larger than the experimental ones, the difference being even more pronounced for the interpair quasi-invariant. We show that the discrepancy cannot be overcome neither by resorting to a realistic model for the spin system nor considering the various possible cross-relaxation pathways among the quasi-invariants. This feature points out the high- temperature approximation as a source of the discrepancy. We discuss the effect that slow and ultraslow molecular modes could have on the relaxation of the dipolar order.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 83(1 Pt 1): 011705, 2011 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21405703


Starting from the hypothesis that the decay of coherent signals observed in 1H NMR experiments is driven by quantum interference, irreversible decoherence, and nonidealities in the experiment, we design an experiment to isolate and identify the irreversible attenuation of multiple-quantum coherences toward quasiequilibrium states of dipolar order in nematic liquid crystals (LCs). The experiment combines the well-known "magic sandwich" pulse sequence with preparation of dipolar ordered states and encoding of multiple-quantum coherences. The spin system composed of the dipole-coupled protons of a LC molecule provides an example of a small cluster of strongly interacting spins. We study decoherence rates under a sequence that reverses time evolution with the secular dipolar Hamiltonian to compensate coherent evolution of a closed quantum system. In this way, the time scale is made evident where irreversible decoherence takes place, providing insight into the nature of the processes responsible for the attainment of quasiequilibrium. The behavior of single- and double-quantum-coherence amplitudes with reversal time is interpreted as evidence of the quantum character (as opposed to stochastic character) of the processes that drive irreversible decoherence. The experimental method proposed is useful for probing the action of the environment on materials with quantum information processing potential.