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J Chem Phys ; 146(12): 124307, 2017 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388143


The proton mean kinetic energy, Ke(H), of water confined in nanocavities of beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18) at 5 K was obtained by simulating the partial vibrational density of states from density functional theory based first-principles calculations. The result, Ke(H) = 104.4 meV, is in remarkable agreement with the 5 K deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS) measured value of 105 meV. This is in fact the first successful calculation that reproduces an anomalous DINS value regarding Ke(H) in nano-confined water. The calculation indicates that the vibrational states of the proton of the nano-confined water molecule distribute much differently than in ordinary H2O phases, most probably due to coupling with lattice modes of the hosting beryl nano-cage. These findings may be viewed as a promising step towards the resolution of the DINS controversial measurements on other H2O nano-confining systems, e.g., H2O confined in single and double walled carbon nanotubes.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(25): 16870-81, 2016 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27282515


Using first-principles calculations accompanied by the transition state theory and an 8-frequency model, we present a comprehensive investigation of the diffusion coefficients of substitutional alloying elements X in dilute α-Ti alloys, where X denotes Al, V, Nb, Ta, Mo, Zr, and Sn. The alloying elements Mo and Al exhibit a maximum and a minimum diffusion rate in dilute α-Ti alloys, respectively. It is found that the nearest-neighbor solute-vacancy binding energies and activation energies are roughly inversely proportional to the volume changes induced by solute atoms. There are two exceptions to this trend: Al and Mo. Besides the physical effect (i.e., solute size), two other key factors governing solute diffusion in dilute α-Ti are clarified: the chemical bonding characteristics and vibrational features of X-Ti pairs. It verifies that the ultrafast diffusivity of Mo arises from the interactions with Ti atoms by metallic bonds and its low-frequency contributions to lattice vibration, while the more covalent bonding nature and the high-frequency contributions to the lattice vibration of Al lead to its ultraslow diffusivity. In addition, the correlation effects of diffusion coefficients are non-negligible for the large solutes Ta, Nb, and Zr, in which the direct solute-vacancy migration barriers are much smaller than the solvent-vacancy migration barriers.

J Chem Phys ; 144(5): 054302, 2016 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26851916


The mean atomic kinetic energies of the proton, Ke(H), and of the deuteron, Ke(D), were calculated in moderate and strongly hydrogen bonded (HB) systems, such as the ferro-electric crystals of the KDP type (XH2PO4, X = K, Cs, Rb, Tl), the DKDP (XD2PO4, X = K, Cs, Rb) type, and the X3H(SO4)2 superprotonic conductors (X = K, Rb). All calculations utilized the simulated partial phonon density of states, deduced from density functional theory based first-principle calculations and from empirical lattice dynamics simulations in which the Coulomb, short range, covalent, and van der Waals interactions were accounted for. The presently calculated Ke(H) values for the two systems were found to be in excellent agreement with published values obtained by deep inelastic neutron scattering measurements carried out using the VESUVIO instrument of the Rutherford Laboratory, UK. The Ke(H) values of the M3H(SO4)2 compounds, in which the hydrogen bonds are centro-symmetric, are much lower than those of the KDP type crystals, in direct consistency with the oxygen-oxygen distance ROO, being a measure of the HB strength.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 41, 2018 01 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29298986


Cracks in solid-state materials are typically irreversible. Here we report electrically reversible opening and closing of nanoscale cracks in an intermetallic thin film grown on a ferroelectric substrate driven by a small electric field (~0.83 kV/cm). Accordingly, a nonvolatile colossal electroresistance on-off ratio of more than 108 is measured across the cracks in the intermetallic film at room temperature. Cracks are easily formed with low-frequency voltage cycling and remain stable when the device is operated at high frequency, which offers intriguing potential for next-generation high-frequency memory applications. Moreover, endurance testing demonstrates that the opening and closing of such cracks can reach over 107 cycles under 10-µs pulses, without catastrophic failure of the film.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 24(22): 225001, 2012 Jun 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22517237


The interfacial energies of three twin boundaries with low-index boundary planes: prismatic (101⁻0), basal O-terminated (0001), and basal Cr-terminated (0001), and the segregation energies of five doping elements (Ce, Hf, La, Y and Zr) have been calculated as a function of temperature. The static energies at 0 K were obtained through first-principles calculations and the energies at finite temperatures were derived based on the Debye model. The calculation results show that both the interfacial and segregation energies decrease as temperature increases and the segregation energies are found to be proportional to the ionic size mismatch and the interfacial energy. Our combined approaches suggest an efficient and less computationally intensive way to derive grain boundary energetics at finite temperatures.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 24(30): 305402, 2012 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22771719


We propose a first-principles approach for treating the unstable vibrational mode of transition states in solid-state diffusion. It allows one to determine a number of fundamental quantities associated with the transition state, in particular the enthalpy and entropy of migration and the characteristic vibrational frequency, along with their temperature dependences. Application to pure face centered cubic Al shows good agreement with available experimental measurements and previous theoretical calculations. The procedure is further applied in calculations of the migration properties of Mg, Si and Cu impurities in Al, and the differences among Mg, Si and Cu are discussed.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 24(50): 505403, 2012 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23172684


A systematic study of stacking fault energy (γ(SF)) resulting from induced alias shear deformation has been performed by means of first-principles calculations for dilute Ni-base superalloys (Ni(23)X and Ni(71)X) for various alloying elements (X) as a function of temperature. Twenty-six alloying elements are considered, i.e., Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hf, Ir, Mn, Mo, Nb, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, Sc, Si, Ta, Tc, Ti, V, W, Y, Zn, and Zr. The temperature dependence of γ(SF) is computed using the proposed quasistatic approach based on a predicted γ(SF)-volume-temperature relationship. Besides γ(SF), equilibrium volume and the normalized stacking fault energy (Γ(SF) = γ(SF)/Gb, with G the shear modulus and b the Burgers vector) are also studied as a function of temperature for the 26 alloying elements. The following conclusions are obtained: all alloying elements X studied herein decrease the γ(SF) of fcc Ni, approximately the further the alloying element X is from Ni on the periodic table, the larger the decrease of γ(SF) for the dilute Ni-X alloy, and roughly the γ(SF) of Ni-X decreases with increasing equilibrium volume. In addition, the values of γ(SF) for all Ni-X systems decrease with increasing temperature (except for Ni-Cr at higher Cr content), and the largest decrease is observed for pure Ni. Similar to the case of the shear modulus, the variation of γ(SF) for Ni-X systems due to various alloying elements is traceable from the distribution of (magnetization) charge density: the spherical distribution of charge density around a Ni atom, especially a smaller sphere, results in a lower value of γ(SF) due to the facility of redistribution of charges. Computed stacking fault energies and the related properties are in favorable accord with available experimental and theoretical data.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 24(15): 155402, 2012 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22436671


Variations of energy, stress, and magnetic moment of fcc Ni as a response to shear deformation and the associated ideal shear strength (τ(IS)), intrinsic (γ(SF)) and unstable (γ(US)) stacking fault energies have been studied in terms of first-principles calculations under both the alias and affine shear regimes within the {111} slip plane along the <112> and <110> directions. It is found that (i) the intrinsic stacking fault energy γ(SF) is nearly independent of the shear deformation regimes used, albeit a slightly smaller value is predicted by pure shear (with relaxation) compared to the one from simple shear (without relaxation); (ii) the minimum ideal shear strength τ(IS) is obtained by pure alias shear of {111}<112>; and (iii) the dissociation of the 1/2[110] dislocation into two partial Shockley dislocations (1/6[211] + 1/6[121]) is observed under pure alias shear of {111}<110>. Based on the quasiharmonic approach from first-principles phonon calculations, the predicted γ(SF) has been extended to finite temperatures. In particular, using a proposed quasistatic approach on the basis of the predicted volume versus temperature relation, the temperature dependence of τ(IS) is also obtained. Both the γ(SF) and the τ(IS) of fcc Ni decrease with increasing temperature. The computed ideal shear strengths as well as the intrinsic and unstable stacking fault energies are in favorable accord with experiments and other predictions in the literature.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 22(20): 202201, 2010 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21393699


We propose a mixed-space approach using the accurate force constants calculated by the direct approach in real space and the dipole-dipole interactions calculated by linear response theory in reciprocal space, making the accurate prediction of phonon frequencies for polar materials possible using the direct approach as well as linear response theory. As examples, by using the present approach, we predict the first-principles phonon properties of the polar materials α-Al(2)O(3), MgO, c-SiC, and h-BN, which are in excellent agreement with available experimental data.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 22(22): 225404, 2010 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21393743


A first-principles approach to calculating the elastic stiffness coefficients at finite temperatures was proposed. It is based on the assumption that the temperature dependence of elastic stiffness coefficients mainly results from volume change as a function of temperature; it combines the first-principles calculations of elastic constants at 0 K and the first-principles phonon theory of thermal expansion. Its applications to elastic constants of Al, Cu, Ni, Mo, Ta, NiAl, and Ni3Al from 0 K up to their respective melting points show excellent agreement between the predicted values and existing experimental measurements.