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Science ; 180(4089): 954-5, 1973 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17735924


A high-radiance, pulsed laser system with a transportable transmitting unit was used at Agassiz Station, Harvard College Observatory, Harvard, Massachusetts, to measure the transit times of 25-nanosecond, 10-joule, 530-nanometer pulses from the earth to the Apollo 15 retroreflector on the moon and back.

Science ; 193(4257): 997-9, 1976 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17735699


The estimated median accuracy of 194 single-day determinations of the earth's angular position in space is 0.7 millisecond (0.01 arc second). Comparison with classical astronomical results gives agreement to about the expected 2-millisecond uncertainty of the 5-day averages obtained by the Bureau International de l'Heure. Little evidence for very rapid variations in the earth's rotation is present in the data.

Science ; 265(5171): 482-90, 1994 Jul 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17781305


On 21 July 1969, during the first manned lunar mission, Apollo 11, the first retroreflector array was placed on the moon, enabling highly accurate measurements of the Earthmoon separation by means of laser ranging. Lunar laser ranging (LLR) turns the Earthmoon system into a laboratory for a broad range of investigations, including astronomy, lunar science, gravitational physics, geodesy, and geodynamics. Contributions from LLR include the three-orders-of-magnitude improvement in accuracy in the lunar ephemeris, a several-orders-of-magnitude improvement in the measurement of the variations in the moon's rotation, and the verification of the principle of equivalence for massive bodies with unprecedented accuracy. Lunar laser ranging analysis has provided measurements of the Earth's precession, the moon's tidal acceleration, and lunar rotational dissipation. These scientific results, current technological developments, and prospects for the future are discussed here.
