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Front Zool ; 21(1): 22, 2024 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39256767


Drumming is a non-vocal auditory display producing airborne as well as seismic vibrations by tapping body extremities on a surface. It is mostly described as an alarm signal but is also discussed to signal dominance or mating quality. To clarify the function of drumming in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), we compared the occurrence of drumming during predator, opposite-sex and same-sex encounters. We tested 48 captive Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) in three experiments. In predator experiments, subjects were exposed alone or with their cagemate to aerial and terrestrial predator dummies. In social encounter experiments, familiar and unfamiliar male-female dyads and same-sex dyads were confronted. For the same-sex encounters, a dominance index was calculated for each subject based on the number of won and lost conflicts. Drumming and drumming-call combinations were counted, and a multi-parametric sound analysis was performed. In all experiments drumming and drumming-call combinations occurred. In predator experiments, more subjects drummed when confronted with the predator stimulus than in the habituation phase. In social encounter experiments, more subjects drummed when facing an unfamiliar than a familiar conspecific. In addition, the accompanying call type and body posture of the sender differed between experiments. Thus, we suggest that whereas drumming signals an increased arousal state of the sender, the accompanying call type and the body posture signal context specific information.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(16)2023 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37627344


In mammals, common rules for the encoding of arousal and physical characteristics of the sender are suggested based on a similar vocal production apparatus. In this study, we want to investigate to what extent vocalizations of developing Mongolian gerbil pups fulfill these rules. We recorded vocalizations of 28 Mongolian gerbil pups in four developmental stages using a separation paradigm, suggested to induce different arousal levels. For low arousal, a pup was placed in an arena isolated from its siblings and parents; for high arousal, the pup was additionally stressed through the simulation of a predator. An unsupervised cluster analysis revealed three call types: ultrasonic (USV), audible vocalizations (ADV), and transitions between both (USV-ADV). The USV and USV-ADV rate showed an age-dependent decrease, contrasting an age-dependent increase for ADVs. Vocal correlates for the encoding of arousal were found for USVs and of physical characteristics for USVs and ADVs. However, the pattern of encoding these cues differed between call types and only partly confirmed the common rules suggested for mammals. Our results show that divergent encoding patterns do not only differ between species but also between call types within a species, indicating that coding rules can be shaped by socio-ecological factors or call type specific production mechanisms.