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J Environ Sci (China) ; 86: 175-186, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31787182


A comprehensive understanding of the complex biogeochemical interactions between organic matter and persistent contaminants in the suspended matter is vital for eco-efficient estuary recovery. However, little is known regarding aeration effects in suspended particulate aggregates. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of aeration on the suspended matter from a Tropical and Eutrophic estuarine environment. Anoxic water with 60 g/L of suspended particulate matter (SPM) was collected from Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, transferred to experimental boxes and aerated for 61 days. SPM aggregates monitoring included abiotic variables measurements and, determination of total organic matter (TOM), biopolymers composition, bacterial activity, trace metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations. The aeration enhanced dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and the redox potential (Eh). However, from days 0 to 61 the predominant bacterial activities were denitrification and fermentation. Electron transport system activity increased after day 10, and aerobic activity was detected after day 19. In summary, aeration increased aerobic bacterial activity, lipids (LIP) and trace metal concentrations, although diminished protein/carbohydrate ratio and PAH concentration. Trace metals concentration (Ni, Pb, Cu, Cr, Mn, and Fe) were the highest on day 19 when the pH was 5.9. Copper presented toxic values (Cu > 20.0 µg/g). The pH showed a strong negative correlation with Eh (r = -0.94; p < 0.001). Acidic environment (pH ≤ 5.9) in marine ecosystems with high loads of toxic trace metals is unsafe for biota. Therefore, managers must be aware of the environmental and biological risks of introducing the aeration technique into a eutrophic marine environment.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Brasil , Estuários , Eutrofização , Metais , Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 83(3): 939-52, 2011 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21830004


Historians claim that European colonizers of the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro State found vast herbaceous fields when arrived in this region. Hypotheses about the origin of these fields include forest burning by the Goitacás indians and periodical floods by the Paraíba do Sul River and the lagoon system. The palynologycal analysis of two lake cores obtained in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes revealed opening episodes of hygrophilous forest and the establishment of field vegetation, recorded at ca. 6,500 and ca. 4,000 (14)C yr BP. The partial replacement of forest by field vegetation in the first episode was probably caused by floods of the lower areas during the development of the Holocene lagoon phase. During the second episode, successions of vegetational patterns occurred due to lowering of the sea level. Drying and enlarging of the coastal plain have allowed its colonization by herbs and heliophyte plants. The palynological analysis does not provide any evidence that sustains the theories of use of fire and agricultural activities by indigenous groups during these periods.

Radioisótopos de Carbono/análise , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Paleontologia , Pólen , Árvores , Brasil
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 82(3): 679-90, 2010 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21562697


Palynological analysis of pollen, Pteridophyta spores and algae deposited in the superficial sediments at Lagoa de Cima and Lagoa do Campelo Lakes, located in the north of Rio de Janeiro state, was used to determine the spatial variation of the palynomorphs deposition. A total of 67 pollen types were identified at Lagoa de Cima, with an expressive contribution of regional arboreous taxa, hydrophytes and ruderal plants of the pastureland. The depositional pattern of palynomorphs depends on the fluvial leakage, the proximity of the local sedimentation to the inlet of the Imbé and Urubu Rivers and the bathymetry of lake bottom. The highest concentrations of palynomorphs were observed in the decentralized and less deeper area, without the interference of the northeastern wind. At Lagoa do Campelo, a total of 58 pollen types were identified, among which the majority of the pollen grains came from hydrophytes, with the highest concentrations found along the northeastern shore. The southeastern shore showed high percentages of pollen and spores with degraded exine and mechanical damage, due to the transport through the lake by the currents caused by the wind, confirmed by the depositional trend of damaged palinomorphs along the same direction as the prevailing winds.

Água Doce , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Paleontologia , Pólen/classificação , Brasil , Fósseis
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 81(4): 757-68, 2009 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19893900


Despite the indisputable significance of identification of modern analogs for Paleoecology research, relatively few studies attempted to integrate modern and fossil samples on paleoenvironmental reconstructions. In Palynology, this general pattern is not different from other fields of Paleoecology. This study demonstrates the practical application of modern pollen deposition data on paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on fossil pollen by using multivariate analysis. The main goal of this study was to use Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) to compare pollen samples from two sediment cores collected at Lagoa Salgada, a coastal lagoon located at northeastern Rio de Janeiro State. Furthermore, modern surface samples were also statistically compared with samples from both cores, providing new paleoecological insights. DCA demonstrated that samples from both cores are more similar than previously expected, and that a strong pattern, related to a paleoenvironmental event, is present within the fossil data, clearly identifying in the scatter plot samples that represent pre- and post-environmental change. Additionally, it became apparent that modern vegetation and environmental conditions were established in this region 2500 years before present (BP). Multivariate Analysis allowed a more reliable integration of modern and fossil pollen data, proving to be a powerful tool in Paleoecology studies that should be employed more often on paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.

Ecologia/métodos , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Paleontologia/métodos , Pólen , Brasil , Fósseis , Análise Multivariada
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 83(3): 939-952, Sept. 2011. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-595546


Historians claim that European colonizers of the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro State found vast herbaceous fields when arrived in this region. Hypotheses about the origin of these fields include forest burning by the Goitacás indians and periodical floods by the Paraíba do Sul River and the lagoon system. The palynologycal analysis of two lake cores obtained in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes revealed opening episodes of hygrophilous forest and the establishment of field vegetation, recorded at ca. 6,500 and ca. 4,000 14C yr BP. The partial replacement of forest by field vegetation in the first episode was probably caused by floods of the lower areas during the development of the Holocene lagoon phase. During the second episode, successions of vegetational patterns occurred due to lowering of the sea level. Drying and enlarging of the coastal plain have allowed its colonization by herbs and heliophyte plants. The palynological analysis does not provide any evidence that sustains the theories of use of fire and agricultural activities by indigenous groups during these periods.

Os historiadores citam que os europeus colonizadores da costa norte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro encontraram vastos campos herbáceos quando chegaram a essa região. As hipóteses sobre a origem desses campos incluem aplicação de "queimada"pelos índios Goitacás e periódicas inundações do rio Paraíba do Sul e sistemas lagunares. A análise palinológica de dois testemunhos de sondagem obtidos no município de Campos dos Goytacazes revelou epsódios de abertura da floresta higrófila e o estabelecimento da vegetação campestre, datado sem ca. 6.500 e 4.000 14C anos AP. O primeiro epsódio de substituição parcial da floresta pela vegetação campestre se deu provavelmente pelas inundações das áreas baixas durante o desenvolvimento da fase lagunar holocênica. No segundo epsódio, os padrões de sucessão da vegetação ocorreram como consequência do abaixamento do nível do mar. O ressecamento e a progressão da planície costeira permitiram sua colonização pelas plantas herbáceas heliófitas. A análise palinológica não forneceu qualquer evidência que apoie as teorias do uso do fogo e da prática de atividades agrícolas por grupos indígenas durante esses períodos.

Radioisótopos de Carbono/análise , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Paleontologia , Pólen , Árvores , Brasil
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 82(3): 679-690, Sept. 2010. graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-556804


Palynological analysis of pollen, Pteridophyta spores and algae deposited in the superficial sediments at Lagoa de Cima and Lagoa do Campelo Lakes, located in the north of Rio de Janeiro state, was used to determine the spatial variation of the palynomorphs deposition. A total of 67 pollen types were identified at Lagoa de Cima, with an expressive contribution of regional arboreous taxa, hydrophytes and ruderal plants of the pastureland. The depositional pattern of palynomorphs depends on the fluvial leakage, the proximity of the local sedimentation to the inlet of the Imbé and Urubu Rivers and the bathymetry of lake bottom. The highest concentrations of palynomorphs were observed in the decentralized and less deeper area, without the interference of the northeastern wind. At Lagoa do Campelo, a total of 58 pollen types were identified, among which the majority of the pollen grains came from hydrophytes, with the highest concentrations found along the northeastern shore. The southeastern shore showed high percentages of pollen and spores with degraded exine and mechanical damage, due to the transport through the lakeby the currents caused by the wind, confirmed by the depositional trend of damaged palinomorphs along the same direction as the prevailing winds.

A análise palinológica de grãos de pólen, esporos de Pteridophyta e algas depositados nos sedimentos superficiais da Lagoa de Cima e Lagoa do Campelo, norte do Rio de Janeiro, foi usada para a avaliação da variação espacial de deposição dos palinomorfos. Um total de 67 tipos polínicos foi identificado na Lagoa de Cima, com expressiva contribuição de taxons arbóreos regionais, plantas hidrófitas e ruderais de pastagens. O padrão deposicional dos palinomorfos está sujeito às vazões fluviais, à proximidade do local de sedimentação em relação à desembocadura dos rios Imbé e Urubu e à batimetria do leito da lagoa. As maiores concentrações de palinomorfos foram observadas em áreas descentralizadas e menos profundas, não interferindo a ação dos ventos NE. Já na Lagoa do Campelo foi identificado um total de 58 tipos polínicos, em sua maioria de grãos de pólen de hidrófitas, com área de maior concentração relacionada à borda nordeste. A borda sudoeste apresentou altas percentagens de pólen e esporos com a exina degradada e danos mecânicos, resultado da ação de correntes aquáticas impulsionadas pelo vento, confirmando ser a tendência deposicional dos palinomorfos danificados a mesma da direção dos ventos dominantes.

Água Doce , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Paleontologia , Pólen/classificação , Brasil , Fósseis
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 81(4): 757-768, Dec. 2009. graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-529935


Despite the indisputable significance of identification of modern analogs for Paleoecology research, relatively few studies attempted to integrate modern and fossil samples on paleoenvironmental reconstructions. In Palynology, this general pattern is not different from other fields of Paleoecology. This study demonstrates the practical application of modern pollen deposition data on paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on fossil pollen by using multivariate analysis. The main goal of this study was to use Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) to compare pollen samples from two sediment cores collected at Lagoa Salgada, a coastal lagoon located at northeastern Rio de Janeiro State. Furthermore, modern surface samples were also statistically compared with samples from both cores, providing new paleoecological insights. DCA demonstrated that samples from both cores are more similar than previously expected, and that a strong pattern, related to a paleoenvironmental event, is present within the fossil data, clearly identifying in the scatter plot samples that represent pre- and post-environmental change. Additionally, it became apparent that modern vegetation and environmental conditions were established in this region 2500 years before present (BP). Multivariate Analysis allowed a more reliable integration of modern and fossil pollen data, proving to be a powerful tool in Paleoecology studies that should be employed more often on paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.

Apesar da indiscutível importância da identificação de análogos modernos para estudos de Paleoecologia, relativamente poucos estudos procuraram integrar amostras modernas e fósseis em reconstruções paleoambientais. Na Palinologia este padrão não é diferente de outras áreas da Paleoecologia. Este estudo demonstra a aplicação prática de dados de deposição polínica atual em reconstruções paleoambientais baseadas em pólen fóssil utilizando análises multivariadas. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi o de usar a Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada (DCA) para comparar amostras palinoló-gicas de dois testemunhos coletados na Lagoa Salgada, uma laguna costeira localizada no nordeste do Rio de Janeiro. Além disso, amostras atuais foram comparadas estatisticamente com amostras de ambos os testemunhos, fornecendo novas interpretações paleoecológicas. DCA demonstrou que as amostras dos testemunhos são mais similares do que esperado inicialmente, e que existe um padrão consistente nos dados fósseis (relacionado a um evento paleoambiental), identificando claramente no diagrama de dispersão as amostras pré- e pós-distúrbio. Além do mais, tornou-se aparente que a vegetação atual se estabeleceu na região 2500 anos antes do presente (AP). A análise multivariada permitiu uma integração mais confiável dos dados polínicos fósseis e atuais, confirmando ser uma ferramenta poderosa para estudos em Paleoecologia, e que certamente deveria ser empregada com mais freqüência em reconstruções paleoclimáticas e paleoambientais.

Ecologia/métodos , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Pólen , Paleontologia/métodos , Brasil , Fósseis , Análise Multivariada