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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(40)2021 Oct 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34588307


Bridgmanite, the most abundant mineral of the Earth's lower mantle, has been reported in only a few shocked chondritic meteorites; however, the compositions of these instances differ from that expected in the terrestrial bridgmanite. Here, we report the first natural occurrence of Fe-bearing aluminous bridgmanite in shock-induced melt veins within the Katol L6 chondrite with a composition that closely matches those synthesized in high-pressure and temperature experiments over the last three decades. The Katol bridgmanite coexists with majorite and metal-sulfide intergrowths. We found that the natural Fe-bearing aluminous bridgmanite in the Katol L6 chondrite has a significantly higher Fe3+/ΣFe ratio (0.69 ± 0.08) than coexisting majorite (0.37 ± 0.10), which agrees with experimental studies. The Katol bridgmanite is arguably the closest natural analog for the bridgmanite composition expected to be present in the Earth's lower mantle. Textural observations and comparison with laboratory experiments suggest that the Katol bridgmanite formed at pressures of ∼23 to 25 gigapascals directly from the chondritic melt generated by the shock event. Thus, the Katol L6 sample may also serve as a unique analog for crystallization of bridgmanite during the final stages of magma ocean crystallization during Earth's formation.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(35): 21088-21094, 2020 09 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32817475


The recent discovery in high-pressure experiments of compounds stable to 24-26 GPa with Fe4O5, Fe5O6, Fe7O9, and Fe9O11 stoichiometry has raised questions about their existence within the Earth's mantle. Incorporating both ferric and ferrous iron in their structures, these oxides if present within the Earth could also provide insight into diamond-forming processes at depth in the planet. Here we report the discovery of metallic particles, dominantly of FeNi (Fe0.71Ni0.24Cu0.05), in close spatial relation with nearly pure magnetite grains from a so-called superdeep diamond from the Earth's mantle. The microstructural relation of magnetite within a ferropericlase (Mg0.60Fe0.40)O matrix suggests exsolution of the former. Taking into account the bulk chemistry reconstructed from the FeNi(Cu) alloy, we propose that it formed by decomposition of a complex metal M oxide (M4O5) with a stoichiometry of (Fe3+2.15Fe2+1.59Ni2+0.17Cu+0.04)Σ=3.95O5 We further suggest a possible link between this phase and variably oxidized ferropericlase that is commonly trapped in superdeep diamond. The observation of FeNi(Cu) metal in relation to magnetite exsolved from ferropericlase is interpreted as arising from a multistage process that starts from diamond encapsulation of ferropericlase followed by decompression and cooling under oxidized conditions, leading to the formation of complex oxides such as Fe4O5 that subsequently decompose at shallower P-T conditions.

Nature ; 493(7430): 84-8, 2013 Jan 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23282365


Determining the oxygen fugacity of Earth's silicate mantle is of prime importance because it affects the speciation and mobility of volatile elements in the interior and has controlled the character of degassing species from the Earth since the planet's formation. Oxygen fugacities recorded by garnet-bearing peridotite xenoliths from Archaean lithosphere are of particular interest, because they provide constraints on the nature of volatile-bearing metasomatic fluids and melts active in the oldest mantle samples, including those in which diamonds are found. Here we report the results of experiments to test garnet oxythermobarometry equilibria under high-pressure conditions relevant to the deepest mantle xenoliths. We present a formulation for the most successful equilibrium and use it to determine an accurate picture of the oxygen fugacity through cratonic lithosphere. The oxygen fugacity of the deepest rocks is found to be at least one order of magnitude more oxidized than previously estimated. At depths where diamonds can form, the oxygen fugacity is not compatible with the stability of either carbonate- or methane-rich liquid but is instead compatible with a metasomatic liquid poor in carbonate and dominated by either water or silicate melt. The equilibrium also indicates that the relative oxygen fugacity of garnet-bearing rocks will increase with decreasing depth during adiabatic decompression. This implies that carbon in the asthenospheric mantle will be hosted as graphite or diamond but will be oxidized to produce carbonate melt through the reduction of Fe(3+) in silicate minerals during upwelling. The depth of carbonate melt formation will depend on the ratio of Fe(3+) to total iron in the bulk rock. This 'redox melting' relationship has important implications for the onset of geophysically detectable incipient melting and for the extraction of carbon dioxide from the mantle through decompressive melting.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6521, 2024 Aug 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39127717


Determining the evolutionary history of mantle oxygen fugacity (fo2) is crucial, as it controls the fo2 of mantle-derived melts and regulates atmospheric composition through volcanic outgassing. However, the evolution of mantle fo2 remains controversial. Here, we present a comprehensive dataset of plume-derived komatiites, picrites, and ambient mantle-derived (meta)basalts, spanning from ~3.8 Ga to the present, to investigate mantle thermal and redox states evolution. Our results indicate that fo2 of both mantle plume-derived and ambient mantle-derived melts was lower during the Archean compared to the post-Archean period. This increase in the fo2 of mantle-derived melts over time correlates with decreases in mantle potential temperature and melting depth. By normalizing fo2 to a constant reference pressure (potential oxygen fugacity), we show that the fo2 of both the mantle plume and ambient upper mantle has remained constant since the Hadean. These findings suggest that secular mantle cooling reduced melting depth, increasing the fo2 of mantle-derived melts and contributing to atmospheric oxygenation.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(8)2024 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38673179


Copper-based alloys designed to combine high electronic and thermal conductivities with high mechanical strength find a wide range of applications in different fields. Among the principal representatives, strongly diluted CuAg alloys are of particular interest as innovative materials for the realization of accelerating structures when the use of high-gradient fields requires increasingly high mechanical and thermal performances to overcome the limitations induced by breakdown phenomena. This work reports the production and optical characterization of CuAg crystals at low Ag concentrations, from 0.028% wt to 0.1% wt, which guarantee solid solution hardening while preserving the exceptional conductivity of Cu. By means of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) micro-spectroscopy experiments, the low-energy electrodynamics of the alloys are compared with that of pure Cu, highlighting the complete indistinguishability in terms of electronic transport for such low concentrations. The optical data are further supported by Raman micro-spectroscopy and SEM microscopy analyses, allowing the demonstration of the full homogeneity and complete solubility of solid Ag in copper at those concentrations. Together with the solid solution hardening deriving from the alloying process, these results support the advantage of strongly diluted CuAg alloys over conventional materials for their application in particle accelerators.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 15855, 2023 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37740075


The chemistry and mineralogy of slabs subducted into lower mantle control slab rheology and impact the deep volatile cycle. It is known that the metamorphism of little-altered oceanic crust results in eclogite rocks with subequal proportions of garnet and clinopyroxene. With increasing pressure, these minerals react to stabilize pyrope-rich tetragonal majoritic garnet. However, some eclogites contain higher proportions of omphacitic clinopyroxene, caused by Na- and Si-rich metasomatism on the ocean floor or during subduction. The mineralogy of such eclogites is expected to evolve differently. Here, we discuss the results of the crystallization products of omphacitic glass at ~ 18 and ~ 25 GPa and 1000 °C to simulate P-T regimes of cold subduction. The full characterization of the recovered samples indicates evidence of crystallization of Na-, Si-rich cubic instead of tetragonal majorite. This cubic majorite can incorporate large amounts of ferric iron, promoting redox reactions with surrounding volatile-bearing fluids and, ultimately, diamond formation. In addition, the occurrence of cubic majorite in the slab would affect the local density, favoring the continued buoyancy of the slab as previously proposed by seismic observations. Attention must be paid to omphacitic inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds as these might have experienced back-transformation from the HP isochemical cubic phase.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 2599, 2022 Feb 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35173251


Volcanic eruptions are shallow phenomena that represent the final stage of density- and viscosity- driven processes of melt migration from source rocks at upper mantle depths. In this experimental study, we investigated the effect of pressure (0.7-7.0 GPa) and temperature (1335-2000 °C) on the viscosity and the atomic melt structure of a synthetic anhydrous primitive alkaline basalt, an analogue of the pre-eruptive magma that likely feeds the Campi Flegrei Volcanic District at present day. Obtained viscosities (0.5-3.0 Pa s), mobility (0.1-0.4 g cm3 Pa-1 s-1) and ascent velocity (1.5-6.0 m yr-1) are presented to support geochemical and geophysical observations of Campi Flegrei as a critical volcanic district currently undergoing gradual magma recharge at depth.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 11829, 2021 Jun 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34088914


The occurrence of phlogopite and amphibole in mantle ultramafic rocks is widely accepted as the modal effect of metasomatism in the upper mantle. However, their simultaneous formation during metasomatic events and the related sub-solidus equilibrium with the peridotite has not been extensively studied. In this work, we discuss the geochemical conditions at which the pargasite-phlogopite assemblage becomes stable, through the investigation of two mantle xenoliths from Mount Leura (Victoria State, Australia) that bear phlogopite and the phlogopite + amphibole (pargasite) pair disseminated in a harzburgite matrix. Combining a mineralogical study and thermodynamic modelling, we predict that the P-T locus of the equilibrium reaction pargasite + forsterite = Na-phlogopite + 2 diopside + spinel, over the range 1.3-3.0 GPa/540-1500 K, yields a negative Clapeyron slope of -0.003 GPa K-1 (on average). The intersection of the P-T locus of supposed equilibrium with the new mantle geotherm calculated in this work allowed us to state that the Mount Leura xenoliths achieved equilibrium at 2.3 GPa /1190 K, that represents a plausible depth of ~ 70 km. Metasomatic K-Na-OH rich fluids stabilize hydrous phases. This has been modelled by the following equilibrium equation: 2 (K,Na)-phlogopite + forsterite = 7/2 enstatite + spinel + fluid (components: Na2O,K2O,H2O). Using quantum-mechanics, semi-empirical potentials, lattice dynamics and observed thermo-elastic data, we concluded that K-Na-OH rich fluids are not effective metasomatic agents to convey alkali species across the upper mantle, as the fluids are highly reactive with the ultramafic system and favour the rapid formation of phlogopite and amphibole. In addition, oxygen fugacity estimates of the Mount Leura mantle xenoliths [Δ(FMQ) = -1.97 ± 0.35; -1.83 ± 0.36] indicate a more reducing mantle environment than what is expected from the occurrence of phlogopite and amphibole in spinel-bearing peridotites. This is accounted for by our model of full molecular dissociation of the fluid and incorporation of the O-H-K-Na species into (OH)-K-Na-bearing mineral phases (phlogopite and amphibole), that leads to a peridotite metasomatized ambient characterized by reduced oxygen fugacity.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 9212, 2019 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31239468


The small upper Pleistocene diatreme of Polino (central Italy) is known in literature as one of the few monticellite alvikites (volcanic Ca-carbonatite) worldwide. This outcrop belongs to the Umbria-Latium Ultra-alkaline District (ULUD), an area characterized by scattered and small-volume strongly SiO2-undersaturated ultrabasic igneous rocks located in the axial sector of the Apennine Mts. in central Italy. Petrographic and mineralogical evidences indicate that Polino olivine and phlogopite are liquidus phases rather than mantle xenocrysts as instead reported in literature. The presence of monticellite as rim of olivine phenocrysts and as groundmass phase indicates its late appearance in magma chambers at shallow depths, as demonstrated by experimental studies too. The absence of plagioclase and clinopyroxene along with the extremely MgO-rich composition of olivine (Fo92-94) and phlogopite (average Mg# ~93) suggest for Polino magmas an origin from a carbonated H2O-bearing mantle source at depths at least of 90-100 km, in the magnesite stability field. In contrast with what reported in literature, the ultimate strongly ultrabasic Ca-rich whole-rock composition (~15-25 wt% SiO2, ~31-40 wt% CaO) and the abundant modal groundmass calcite are not pristine features of Polino magma. We propose that the observed mineral assemblage and whole-rock compositions result mostly from the assimilation of limestones by an ultrabasic melt at a depth of ~5 km. A reaction involving liquidus olivine + limestone producing monticellite + CO2 vapour + calcite is at the base of the origin of the Polino pseudocarbonatitic igneous rocks.

Sci Rep ; 4: 5869, 2014 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25070248


The first natural-occurring quasicrystal, icosahedrite, was recently discovered in the Khatyrka meteorite, a new CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. Its finding raised fundamental questions regarding the effects of pressure and temperature on the kinetic and thermodynamic stability of the quasicrystal structure relative to possible isochemical crystalline or amorphous phases. Although several studies showed the stability at ambient temperature of synthetic icosahedral AlCuFe up to ~35 GPa, the simultaneous effect of temperature and pressure relevant for the formation of icosahedrite has been never investigated so far. Here we present in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments on synthetic icosahedral AlCuFe using multianvil device to explore possible temperature-induced phase transformations at pressures of 5 GPa and temperature up to 1773 K. Results show the structural stability of i-AlCuFe phase with a negligible effect of pressure on the volumetric thermal expansion properties. In addition, the structural analysis of the recovered sample excludes the transformation of AlCuFe quasicrystalline phase to possible approximant phases, which is in contrast with previous predictions at ambient pressure. Results from this study extend our knowledge on the stability of icosahedral AlCuFe at higher temperature and pressure than previously examined, and provide a new constraint on the stability of icosahedrite.